International Social Work

Discuss about the International Social Work.
The case study analyses the perspective a woman named Mrs. Maggie Nolan who had been suffering from “middle life crisis”. Social work theories applied in this study will evaluate the basis of “social construct” on theoretical perspective that will be gathered through the explanation of human behaviour and serve as source for practice models and treatments (Shilling, 2012). On the contrary, there are many social work theories that can be considered but according to the study, three case studies will be evaluated – Systems Theory, Erikson’s Theory of Generativity versus Stagnation (PsychosocialDevelopment Theory) and Social Learning Theory (Newman & Newman, 2014).

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As far as systems theory is concerned, it deals with the complex system in human behaviours. This theory highlights the interrelationships of influences of multiple interrelated system(Staff, 2014). However, in the case study, Maggie is the one who has been facing pressure from work as well as home such that she is not been able to sustain a pleasant multi-related environment. Moreover, Alfie’s suffering, Molly’s aggressive behaviour due to racism as well as Maggie’s work pressure due to pressing work deadlines has been emphasizing issues in the interrelationships of different constructs. The condition at home and at work is causing problems in contextual understanding of the normal environment(Nguyen, 2015). However, the method that can help in solving the situation is the “problem solving method” in which the family as well as relationships are directly involved in resolving the problem through picking up of different solutions and evaluating the working of the solution (Bott, & Spillius, 2014).

The other method that can be applied in the theory is psychosocial development theory given by the Erikson’s theory of Generativity as well as Stagnation. The theory highlights the midlife crisis of Maggie Nolan where she herself is in a self-doubt and is facing turmoil due to drastic changes in her life. Moreover, she has been bestowed with parenting responsibilities, as she is a single mother. However, Erikson’s theory when analysed on case studyemphasizes on the inconsistency in the virtue of taking care of others (Payne, 2014). The current social practice models that can be beneficial in analysing the midlife crisis of Maggie is “task-centered” as well “cognitive behavioural therapy” social work practice models (Healy, 2014). Conversely, the social workers will either advise Maggie to solve the issues step-by-step using deadlines and rehearsals to feel motivated or the social worker may advise Maggie to manage problems by changing the outlook of the problem before these issues take a toll on Maggie.

On the other hand, the last method that applies to this theory is social learning theory in which the learning is done through observation as well as imitation (Staff, 2014). However, after investigating the study Maggie needs to hear a different concept that will help her to learn efficiency of modelled behaviour. Nevertheless, this can be achieved by “cognitive therapy” as well as “problem solving method” where the brainstorming of possible solutions will evaluate the working through a new solution (Nezu, Nezu, & D’Zurilla, 2012).

The selected case study highlights the significant issue of midlife crisis faced by Maggie Nolan. The practice undertaken in the case study evaluates through a set of rules and regulations, which needs to be followed in a proper manner. The most fundamental reference in code of ethics will highlight the fundamental points of ethical practice guided and judged in a proper manner through which a profession aspires (Gantt, Lindstrom & Williams, 2016).Under the constitution, AASW has to maintain the ‘Code of Ethics’ for both practitioners as well as students. The code of ethics will judge the practices followed by the social worker, whichwill help in concluding the best solutions and findings. The case study analysed reflects the ethics code that needs to be performed using Critical Reflective Practice keeping in mind the different value and ethics that supports the ethical social work practice. Moreover, the practices undertaken should provide proper guidance, standard and focus for professional social work(Australian Association of Social Workers, 2016). On the contrary, in the case study, decision-making has been provided by the school’s social worker Cheryl highlighting Molly’s aggressive behaviour keeping in view Maggie’s concern. However, just like the case study it is important that the social worker provide considerable amount of refection in different kinds of practice in order to solve the current issues in the current study. The ethical guidelines of the social work identifies eight value led good practices but out of the eight, the two practices that seem to comply with ethics in the case study is ‘respectful’, ‘honest, and truthful’(McDougall, 2015). Therefore,practice perspective and practice theory are the two kinds of theories that takes social as well as functional areas in different situations into consideration (Murray & Schaller, 2016).

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However, the code of ethic can be explained through application of the practice theory in the social work case study of Mrs. Maggie Nolan to analyse the certain situations in which guidance is needed and can be provided. Nonetheless, one major issue that can be highlighted in the case study is the midlife crisis as Mrs. Maggie Nolan is the only one responsible for her kids as well as performance at home and workplace. Most of the practices followed in the case study are rooted in seeking values and following ethical practices on one or more oriented theories of social work (Kadushin, & Harkness, 2014).

However, the social worker needs to commit to practice those not only safeguards Mrs. Nolan’s rights but also gives privacy as well as self-determination to be treated with respect and dignity. These principles need to comply in all case studies so that client behaviours are deemed worthy of ethical consideration. Nevertheless, all the three values whether personal, ethical or professional needs to be enable sincerity and credibility while interaction.

Midlife Crisis faced by Mrs. Maggie Nolan is one of the issues faced in the psychosocial development theory that considers to study the adulthood difference between generativity and stagnation. Although, Mrs. Nolan has been facing issues in a collaborative perspective such that the reflective practice followed will ensure solution to the situation. However, there are still some issues that can be raised by the case study that are ethical, personal as well as professional value analysis. These values issues face confrontation with ethical dilemma when there is dissonance between personal as well as professional values. However, the dilemmas can be well evaluated based on the complex nature of the issue. However, while listening and working on a case there are certain things that creates a conflict without the stem of realisation (González-(Prendes, 2011).

Personal value issues holds conflict against strong beliefs that leads to biases, attitudes and prejudice that cause the dilemma (Elster, 2015). Moreover, social worker need not to bring their own path of discovery while interacting with the clients because if the social worker brings one’s own dilemma then Mrs. Nolan might have been influenced. As a result, these issues can only be guided through decision as well as practice models that does not let the social worker guide and sustain one’s own thinking on the client (Dolgoff, Harrington & Loewenberg, 2012).

On the other hand, professional values issues can be of greater threat when guidelines, legal judgments, rules, and regulations turn out to beirrelevant when taking decisions to treat the patients (Pope & Vasquez, 2016). This can be explained based on the condition of Mrs. Nolan, which can pose a serious conflict if the social worker is not able to link course content to field application. However, indulgence in unjustified practices can lead to bias decisions and violation of the ethical principle.

Ethical value issues that can be raised in the particular study depending on the following factors. Firstly, autonomy that whether the client Mrs. Nolan should receive the services or not. The ethical principle is violated when financial resources, and patient and family preference is given more importance. Secondly, fidelity can be one reason where commitment to different government backs out from the treatment of the client (Beckett & Horner, 2015). Thirdly, the ethical principle can be a threat if the introspection made to the client through the social worker is contemplating different actions (Reamer, 2015). Lastly, when the social worker in case of Mrs. Nolan had to face two equalunwelcomed alternatives, which may involve a conflict of moral principles and the clarity of choice, is not available.


Australian Association of Social Workers. (2016). Australian Association of Social Workers. Retrieved 18 August 2016, from

Beckett, C., & Horner, N. (2015). Essential theory for social work practice. Sage.

Bott, E., & Spillius, E. B. (2014). Family and social network: Roles, norms and external relationships in ordinary urban families. Routledge.

Dolgoff, R., Harrington, D., & Loewenberg, F. M. (2012). Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice. Cengage Learning.

Elster, J. (2015). Explaining social behavior: More nuts and bolts for the social sciences. Cambridge University Press.

Gantt, E. E., Lindstrom, J. P., & Williams, R. N. (2016). The Generality of Theory and the Specificity of Social Behavior: Contrasting Experimental and Hermeneutic Social Science. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour.

González-Prendes, A. A. (2011). Dissonance between personal and professional values: Resolution of an ethical dilemma. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 8(2), 1-5.

Healy, K. (2014). Social work theories in context: Creating frameworks for practice. Palgrave Macmillan.

Kadushin, A., & Harkness, D. (2014). Supervision in social work. Columbia University Press.

McDougall, W. (2015). An introduction to social psychology. Psychology Press.

Murray, D. R., & Schaller, M. (2016). Chapter Two-The Behavioral Immune System: Implications for Social Cognition, Social Interaction, and Social Influence. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 53, 75-129.

Newman, B. M., & Newman, P. R. (2014). Development through life: A psychosocial approach. Cengage Learning.

Nezu, A. M., Nezu, C. M., & D’Zurilla, T. (2012). Problem-solving therapy: A treatment manual. Springer Publishing Company.

Nguyen, A. (2015). Theoretical Approaches: Social Work Systems Theory – Blog | Social Work License Map. Retrieved 18 August 2016, from

Payne, M. (2014). Modern social work theory. Palgrave Macmillan.

Pope, K. S., & Vasquez, M. J. (2016). Ethics in psychotherapy and counseling: A practical guide. John Wiley & Sons.

Reamer, F. G. (2013). Social work values and ethics. Columbia University Press.

Shilling, C. (2012). The body and social theory. Sage.

Staff, S. (2014). Theories Used in Social Work Practice & Practice Models – Retrieved 18 August 2016, from

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