International Recruitment And Selection: Strategies For Going Global

Recruitment and Selection for International Business

Discuss about the Human Resource Management for Selection and Assessment.

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Globalization has impacted each and every firm in this world. Each business in the universe aims to go global with its operations. For going global every business requires some or the other resources from which human resource is the main and most significant. There are various ways by which candidates for international business of a firm are selected and these ways are listed in this report with a view of various authors. People who have been significantly writing about this part their studies have been added in this section of the study. There are many ways of recruitment and selection which have been listed in this justification. As a matter of fact, literature review is a study of a viewpoint of many authors who have been writing about the topic which is there in the report. So, a similar kind of verification has been done in this report. Companies which are going global have to choose certain special ways in order to have the best people for the job in a company. Hence, a complete study on the international recruitment and selection is being given in this section of assignment.

Recruitment is pooling in the candidate for a particular kind of job and selection is selecting best out of them. Derous and Fruyt, (2016) say that recruitment is a positive process wherein no one is rejected and selection is a negative process wherein people are being rejected. The first job of a company is to make proper job description for the kind of job it is having in the company for the certain type of people. Hence, the people who want to apply for the job would be attracted with the same way. So, a job description plays a very important role in pooling in the applications in whichever country the company is operating its business. International demand for a candidate varies from a company to company and nation to nation.  Hence, a job description is a must for each and every job.

The author says that language plays a most important role in selecting a candidate for international jobs. As the person who has to be chosen must know the local language of the place for which it is to be selected. So, this has to take care while recruiting and selecting a candidate. Language is the most important strength and barrier at the same time. A person who knows the local language of a country where the company is aiming to operate or operating than it would be a very positive point for the success and positioning of the organization in the new market. Also, there are many skills and knowledge which are required for settling a business in a new market according to which a company’s recruitment and selection has to be done so as to make sure it is proper and inclined with the position which is to be filled in the organization.

Importance of Job Descriptions and Language Skills

Importance of the expatriates has been justified by who mentions that they are to be selected and assigned various roles by the company so as to have the better distribution of further responsibilities (Cascio, 2018). A person who is being selected by the company to take care of the operations in a new market and who already have some knowledge of the firm’s operations is the best for conducting its operation in the new market. Expatriates are the best in terms of operations for the firm in a market which is new but they have knowledge of that market. So, they are an asset for the company to be associated with whenever such kind of problems arises in relation to the international market,

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The international business itself includes international in it which clearly states the importance of people who know how to operate out of a domestic nation. Hence, it has been stated that there are many other variants which has to be taken into account while appointing a person so as to make sure that it is compatible of various other fields where a company is operating (Goldstein and Passmore, 2017). A company did not expand its business over a night it takes a lot of time in the meanwhile of which strategies for the selection of the people has also to be made so as to overcome the challenges of demand for the various position in the new venture of the firm.

The author also justifies that regional recruitment and selection is the best process for the company. In other words, the company can have people from the market itself at where it is operating. This can be really beneficial and cost saving for the travel of people from domestic country to international nation. Hence, this can be used as a solution for getting cheap labor for the organization in no time. This will also help a company to have talent from a various diversified nation as well as the creativity of the company will also be enhanced with people from different mindset and campaigns. 

The author contradicts by saying that it requires a huge preparation and analysis for going into a new market. Selecting people from that new nation will be threat full as you cannot rely on them completely (Shen et al., 2017). Trust issues and the behavior of the people vary from nation to nation. So, to solve this company must have some policies and rules which each and every candidate has to rely on failing to which may cause the problem for them. Formation of the HR policies also plays an important role which is being included in the process of recruitment and selection. This will help to take various challenges in terms of trust and loyalty which a company expects from a being working with it in terms of confidentiality and secrecy. Hence, this is also a matter of fact which has to be taken into consideration for having a candidate on board from another market for the position of a company which is most suitable for it (Dickmann, Brewster and Sparrow, 2016). So, the process of recruitment and selection has to be framed in accordance to this as well so as to have best person on board for the company.

The Role of Expatriates in Staffing for Global Business

The human resource practices have been adopted by almost every organization to accomplish their goals and objectives (Rudolph, Toomey and Baltes, 2017). Employees of an organization are considered to be the critical asset who contributes to managing the business operations like managing clientele effectively. The main challenges that were identified by the human resource managers include unemployment, a high cost of hiring personnel, brain-drain and many more. The human resource managers struggled to judge candidates on the basis of their resumes and use specific strategies. These strategies involved testing of technical and non-technical skills of candidates by the practice of reasoning, aptitude and the face-to-face interviews. The recruitment process is the systematic arrangement of desired candidates in an organization for a specific job role. This literature review is based on describing the process of staffing, selection, and recruitment of employees for the different organizations globally. The reflection about the challenges faced by the human resource managers to hire skilled and talented candidates for their enterprise is also represented Zinyemba, (2013).

International staffing means to gather efficient candidates for a particular job role from outside the host country. The candidate can belong to any country or region and can be hired on the basis of their skills. The journal by Nasurdin, Ahmad, & Tan, (2016), describes the importance of international staffing and orientation for the organizations. The reflection has been given as to why human resources are the key to organizational success. The author says that to manage the customer relationships, communication with stakeholders and to manage other operations, human resources are required. It is not only about the requirement of human resources but to know the stability of an organization within the marketplace skilled labors is compulsory. It is because skilled candidates do not require training within the departments which costs a lot of expenses of the organization (McCarthy et al., 2017). However, human resource managers used the process of examining employees based on their skills to make the recruitment process quite easy. The recruitment process should include series of tests to analyze the suitable candidates for a particular job role.

According to the author, the customer relationships are built in an organization only by an effective team of employees. To understand customer requirements, the employee with good communication skills is necessary. To handle the issues of customers is the most critical task. The hiring of the suitable workforce from different countries counts the skills required, a culture of the organization and the ethics followed by that organization. It is believed by most of the organizations that to recruit talented employees contributes to the success of career development globally. This creates competition for other organizations who are hiring candidates worldwide. In today’s era, technological advancements are taking place frequently. So, selecting employees who have knowledge about trending technologies is getting more and more difficult. For hiring international employees, multinational enterprises (MNEs) are concerned with selecting resumes of candidates. International staffing includes parent country nationals, third-country nationals and the host country nationals. Types of international employees are

Regional Recruitment and Cost Savings

An Expatriate- these are the employees who belong to the country where the organization’s headquarters are located and who do not have any relation with the branch of that organization. A host-country national- Such employees belong to the country where the plant of a particular organization is situated which is managed by the headquarter officials situated in some another country.A third-country national- these are the employees that work for a different country but belongs to some another country. The countries in which these employees work in are managed by the third host country from where their headquarters are located.

The journal by Guo, Rammal, & Dowling, (2016), describes the international staff selection in China where the knowledge transfer model is used. This SECI (Socialization, Externalization, Combination, and Internalization) model provides each and every detail about the organization. There are various issues regarding the recruitment of employees at a global level as mentioned in this journal. The journal focuses on hiring of expatriate employees for the organizations considering technical aspects. There are different patterns of hiring candidates also discussed by the author such as traditional assignments for hiring international staff. It has been found from this journal selection of expatriate employees is useful for their career development as they get opportunities to explore different countries around the world.

The journal by Kang & Shen, (2013), describes the evolution of MNEs for the process of international staff selection. The management of human resources is described in this journal about the South Korean countries. The researchers say that MNEs of South Korea pays attention to expatriates first and then the personal issues of the human resources during the international staffing selection process. The selection of expatriate employees is made on priority because these employees belong to the same country where the organization’s headquarters are located. This makes the communication process easier. The transfer of essential documents can be done easily.

The journal by Kim & Ployhart, (2014), describes the importance of recruitment for a firm. The author gives information as to how the organizations gain competitive advantage from the international staffing. It can be reviewed from this journal that environmental changes can affect the process of international staffing which in turn results in the hiring of less skilled employees. Employees are the assets of an organization; therefore, selection for international staffing requires a conceptual framework as described in the journal.

This journal by Ekwoaba, Ikeije, & Ufoma, (2015), reflects the impact of international recruitment process on the productivity of an organization. The journal describes that how recruitment process is useful for improving the performance of an organization. Efficient employees tend to create fruitful strategies for the organization to build better customer relationships.

Challenges in Building International Teams

This journal by Li (2015) represents the employee research that is made by Nestle at an international level. The company considered human resources as the most important key to their success. Therefore, the company managers selected candidates according to their skills and capabilities. The selection of employees affected this enterprise in a positive way. The author also describes the condition of strategy failures of the organizations if the recruitment is done of unskilled labors. Therefore, human resource managers have to be very careful in making decisions for the recruitment of candidates. The growth of an organization is based on a systematic approach.

Issues related

Managing global workforce requires attention, dedication and hard work of the human resource managers from the different organizations. These contribute to building social relations of employees that will help in the growth of their career. The employees can also be selected for the most renowned organizations on the basis of their talents. These are some of the issues that are highlighted in the journal by Hjartardóttir & Lundeborg, (2017)-

  • Cost- The most important issue of international recruitment is the cost. The cost of hiring labor is high as the human resource managers have to travel long distances and to different countries to search talents. The expenses are higher for conducting interviews and managing the scheduled interview.
  • Complexity- as far as international staffing is concerned it is quite a complex process when compared with the hiring of candidates at a national level. The details of employees have to be managed properly which includes the names of employees, professional and personal details. Even the telephonic interviews cost much as the billing of international calls are higher than calling made at the national level.
  • Globalization- the changing global environment affects the procedures of hiring candidates internationally. Since the organizations have expanded themselves to overseas; this is the main challenge for human resource managers to conduct interviews in such locations.


It can be concluded from this report that international recruitment process for human resources needs to be done in an appropriate way. Most of the organizations use different strategies to reduce complexities of hiring candidates. The human resource managers have brought an idea to open local branches of their organization only for the recruitment purpose. This will decrease the cost of traveling. This is to conclude from this literature review that international recruitment, selection, and staffing is the systematic approach to developing a career of employees. This also affects the organizational performance at a global level. Organizations assure that the selected candidates should be expertise in technical fields to overcome challenges in the market.

It can be recommended for the multinational companies to develop effective strategies for hiring skilled labors. The cost of interviews can be managed by using online interviews using Skype or conducting telephonic interviews. The human resource managers have to change their current business strategy to recruit new candidates for the job roles. This will help the organizations to selected efficient employees from the process of international staffing. Also, organizations can plan for new goals and objectives and can implement the latest technologies to manage their business operations.


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