International Energy Policy And The Application Of Renewable Energy In The United Kingdom
Global warming and Green House Effect
Describe about the International Energy Policy?
This particular assignment mainly deals with the concept of application of renewable energy. The majority of the countries across different parts of the worlds are introducing the concept of renewable energy (Baker, 2012). There are two types of natural energy. The two kinds of natural energy are renewable energy and non-renewable energy. The majority of the characteristics differ from each other. The major disadvantage of the application of non-renewable energy as it gets gets exhausted. Once it is used, it cannot be renewed. On the other hand, the entire renewable energy can be renewed. Examples of renewable energy are Wind energy, Solar Energy, Tidal Energy, etc. On the other hand, examples of non-renewable energy are coal energy, fossil fuel, etc (Barford, 2013). Due to some environmental degradation, factor the majority of the country adopts the concept of renewable form of energy. There are many disadvantages of non-renewable energy as compared with renewable energy. The major cause of Global warming is the application of non-renewable energy mainly fossil fuel. This particular assignment mainly deals with different kind’s initiative adopted by the government of the United Kingdom in order to apply the concept of Renewable energy in different parts of the country.
Global warming is one of the major environmental problems across the world. This is generally a man made problem across the world (Barford, 2013). The use of non-renewable form of energy mainly fossil fuel is the main reason for globalization. Global warming and the green house effect are considered as one of the major problem across the world (Zhang and Agarwal, 2012). The major gas such as Carbon dioxide, which is mainly responsible for the global warming and depletion of ozone layer act a blanket in the atmosphere which results in trapping heat and results in warming the entire planet (Baker, 2012). The main reason behind for the cause of this particular effect is the burning of fossil fuels mainly all forms of non-renewable energy such as coal, natural gas oil. On the other cutting down of forests and cutting down of tress are also responsible for the cause of both global warming and deforestation (Elagib and Alvi, 2013). There are certain types of waste material and agricultural procedure which results in the releasing other kinds of major gasses which are responsible in cause of global warming. The other two major gasses, which are very much responsible for the cause of green house effects and globalization, are methane and nitrous oxide that forms a blanket in the atmosphere results in trapping heat causes globalization.
Energy Policy of the United Kingdom
With the rise in the concept of Globalization, the Government of the United Kingdom took much initiative for the introduction renewable energy (Global Warming Punched Up Some 2011 Extremes, 2012). The increase in the temperature level resulting in the globalization and the other hand, increase in green house effect. As compared with the latest statistical report, the last year considered as one of the most successful year in British Parliament. Last year the United Kingdom government passed different kinds of rules and regulation and different kinds of Acts in order to install various forms of renewable energies in the entire United Kingdom.
The government of the United Kingdom strongly supports all sources of renewable energy. The government of United Kingdom concludes about all forms of renewable energy (Heffernan, 2013). The implementation on natural source energy (Renewable form) applied in entire United Kingdom.
Figure 1: Sources of Renewable Energy
(Source: Reed, 2015, pp-96)
Previously the government of Ireland used the implementation on natural source energy (Renewable form) such as solar energy, wind energy, thermal energy, etc in different parts of Northern Ireland. As per the latest statistical report the applications of renewable energies across the country was nearly about 12 percent by 2012. As per the statistical, report of the year 2015 the applications of the entire renewable form of energy in the entire Northern Ireland increased by 3 percent, which rose the percentage to 15 percent (Baker, 2012). It contributes the amount of 3 percent of the entire United Kingdom renewable form of energy.
Scotland is one of the most important nations in the entire United Kingdom. It is well renowned for the application of the renewable form of energy (Zhang and Agarwal, 2012). As per the statistical report of the year 2012, Scotland ended in the highest value of the generating renewable form of energy. The renewable form of energy has reached to 33 percent as per the statistical report of the year 2012 (HERMAN, 2014). It has increase with a percentage of 6 and reached to 39 percent of the electricity demand of the entire country.
The implementation on natural source energy (Renewable form) is not that much developed as compared with other United Kingdom Nations (Hoag, 2013). As per the latest statistical report of the year 2012, Wales only contributed about 1 percent of the entire renewable form of energy in its entire country. The contribution is very much low as compared with other United Kingdom countries.
Implementation on natural source energy (Renewable form) in Northern Ireland
The application of the renewable form of energy in England is well ahead of Northern Ireland and Wales but not ahead of Scotland. The entire contribution of renewable form of energy in the entire England is 13 percent as per the latest statistical report of the year 2012. The percentage has increased to 9 percent and reached to 22 percent of the total contribution of renewable form of energy as per the statistical report of 2015.
Countries in United Kingdom |
Percentage of Consumption |
Scotland |
39 % |
Northern Ireland |
15 % |
Wales |
1 % |
England |
22 % |
Table 1: Percentage of usage Renewable Energy in United Kingdom
(Source: Developed by the Author)
Figure 1: Countries in the United Kingdom
(Source: Developed by the author)
Renewable form of energy in United Kingdom
Sources of renewable Energy in UK |
Applications of Renewable energy in UK |
Bio Energy |
77.1% |
Wind Power |
15.4% |
Hydro Electric |
4.9% |
Other Sources |
2.6% |
Table 2: Renewable form of energy in United Kingdom
(Source: Developed by the author)
Figure 2: Renewable form of energy in United Kingdom
(Source: Developed by the author)
SWOT Analysis determines the applications of the Strength, Weakness, opportunities and treats.
Analysis |
Strength |
Weakness |
Opportunity |
Treats |
There are many strengths of implementation on natural source energy (Renewable form) in the United Kingdom. The implementation on natural source energy (Renewable form) is not restricted only in the major countries off United Kingdom. Its application is accepted globally (Jana and Saha, 2011). This particular assignment mainly deals with the applications of renewable form of energy in all the major countries of the United Kingdom (Jana and Saha, 2011). Due to rise in increase in Globalization and increase in the level of Green House Effect of both the globalization as well as the green House Effect has increased the temperature level of the planet. The emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere puts a blanket of this gas in the atmospheres that result in trapping the temperature if the planet earth and causes depletion of ozone layer (Kerr, 2013). With the help of the SWOT Analysis Analytical Tool the strength and allocations of the usage of renewable forms of energy in United Kingdom diversified in this particular assignment. Renewable forms of energy are a form of energy that has different advantages. It has the ability to generate all kinds of power.
The Government of United Kingdom has developed different kinds of power station with the help of renewable energy (Ollier, 2013). Tidal energy, Biogas Energy and Wind Energy are the major three divisions, which the government of United Kingdom has developed. On the other hand, it results in the high efficiency output along with energy saving technologies. The application of the different kinds of renewable forms of energy is remarkable in all the major rural as well as urban areas in United Kingdom.
Implementation on natural source energy (Renewable form) in Scotland
There are different kinds of opportunities, which make all the Government across the world to develop various forms of renewable energy (PAUDEL and HATCH, 2012). With the application of SWOT Analysis Analytical Tool, the opportunities of renewable forms of energy in the entire United Kingdom diversified (Zhang and Agarwal, 2012). The Government of the United Kingdom has done a remarkable job in order to implement all source of renewable energy keeping in mind the various kinds of opportunities. The main opportunity in the applications of the renewable form of energy it acts as a thermal as well as nuclear form of energy. The government of the United Kingdom is successful in develop a environment awareness among the majority of the people in UK with the help of SWOT Analysis Analytical Tool in the form of renewable energy. The concept of the renewable form of energy helped the government of the UK to meet the extra demand for energy consumption with the help of renewable form of energy (Reed, 2015). The government of the United Kingdom is very much successful with the implementation of Wind Energy, Solar Energy and Power Energy.
There are several weaknesses, which are found in the application of renewable forms of energy. With the help, SWOT Analysis Analytical Tool the weakness in the application of renewable forms of energy diversified (Stokes, 2012). The first major problem is it requires a huge amount of investment to make a proper infrastructure for the usage of the renewable form of energy. On the other hand, it requires a huge amount of maintenance to meet the required energy sources. It is not possible for a developing country to implement all the resources in order to make a proper structure of the applications of renewable resources. The major problem, which the Government of United Kingdom faced while implementing all forms of renewable energies is lack of experience of Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC).
With the SWOT Analysis Analytical Tool the treats of renewable forms of energy is diversified (Triacca, Attanasio and Pasini, 2013). There is lack of treats in the applications of the Renewable forms of energy. The major treats, which the Government of United Kingdom found is its proper implementation.
This particular assignment mainly deals with the implementation of Renewable form of energy. The government of the United Kingdom has done a remarkable job in the entire implementation of Renewal Energy. With the help of SWOT Analysis Analytical, Tool the Strength, Opportunities, Weakness and Treats of the renewable form of energy is diversified. The concept of globalization as well as the concept of green house effect is also diversified in this particular assignment.
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