International Business For Decision Making Possibilities
Problems in International Business
Discuss about the International Business for Decision Making Possibilities.
Exercising an Independent judgment and Initiative in adapting and applying knowledge and skills for effective planning, problem solving and decision making in diverse in diverse context
It is usually tasking to come up with a judgment that is considered independent, this is because the subject entails making comparison as well as evaluating the possibilities of possible course of conduct and finally concluding with decision making once possibilities have been exploited. When it comes to matters pertaining judgment making, one is required to apply not only knowledge and skills but also other procedures or specific standards of well established for effective planning problem solving and making concrete decision in business field or any other field (Autio, 2005).
Therefore, this particular task critically analyses and evaluates various opinions in relation to international business as captured in both the lecturer’s notes and the global business environment. The task goes further to offer key support in relation to the question in context
The first concern that answers the question is on the problems that usually occur in global business domain (international business). For example, in the case of France and Germany there were discussions that the two states depended on government support on financial grounds (Coviello & Jones, 2004). This was realized when key scholars from accounting field argued out that their financial dependence was gradually shifting to non-governmental organizations.
The second concern is the problem of accounting diversity where culture is taken as a major factor that affects accounting systems via influencing values and rapid institutional consequences. Major countries that are affected by cultural values as indicated in the lecture notes are Australia and Canada which are normally considered being relatively low in accounting values (Dimitratos & Jones, 2005).
The above problems can be solved by the following processes with respect to International Business
- Evaluating the problem
The problems can be evaluated by conducting the following activities;
Clarifyingthe nature of a problem by developing the current rules and activities in well developed countries like china, Britain (Ferreira et al 2013).
Formulatingquestions on the problems concerning international business
c) Gatheringinformation systematically on how to counteract the problems identified above by possibly conducting surveys and interviewing business specialists.
d) Collatingand organizing data gathered in the above process by examining the diverse documents obtained and assembling them together (Jones & Coviello, 2005).
e) Condensingand summarizing information already analyzed to be concise and brief to help make precise decision to counter the problems stated above
Evaluating International Business Problems
f) Definingthe desired objective by explaining the specific accounting values
After evaluating the problems, the following activities can help in managing the problem as listed below:
- Using the information gatheredeffectively by exercising them in accounting field to help in decision making (Liesch 2011).
- Breaking down problemsinto smaller and more manageable parts to improve international business understanding
- Developing an analysis to these optionsin inner perspective through resolving the complex elements into their simplest form
(3) Adoption of procedures that deals with matters of decision making
- a) Making decision to be used among the many possibilitiesfor what action to take
- b) Exploring decisions on the extra information that needs to be gathered before an action is taken
4) Coming up with resolutions for the problems that occurred in international business domain
- Making implementation on actions
- Provision of processed data to other key stakeholders; delegating tasks
- Making necessary review on progress in place
5) Examination on the results of the subject
- Following the outcomes and employing actions
- Making a review on the problem and the process of problem-solving in order to eliminate instances of similar situations in future.
Social, Ethical and Global Understanding (SE)
Demonstrating and applying knowledge of ethical and legal principles and practices in analyzing and responding to business issues
Social ethics involves acknowledgement and owning of outcomes that is encountered in every action and decision one undertakes. This particular part therefore gives clear and detailed demonstration and application of relevant ethical and legal principles required in the analysis and making response to business related issues (Rialp, Rialp & Knight, 2005).
First demonstration of the question is on the personal control and competency; it also takes into consideration the essence of recognizing an individual’s cultural diversity. Finally the subject also gives knowledge basic human rights of an individual as well others.
Other than the first concept as provided in the previous paragraph, there is also the point on principles of ethics that provides for the background to a number of concepts that are considered for business or organizations which enlightens an individual and cooperate priorities past by gone objectives of business with respect to profit and shareholder enrichment
Nevertheless, an investment of an ethical nature is also a vital or mandatory aspect in considering business ethics; this is pegged to the reason that large scale investment is compared to market forces, which in most cases is a true reflection of what goes on in the public domain. A basic reason to validate this is on ethical investment criteria and examples that tends to be a good guide towards ethical attitudes of large sections of people and society, rather than the ‘expert’ views of leaders and gurus
Finally on same point of perception with regards to the question, factors of ethics are also a vital tool of influence on both public sectors and institutions for whom the priorities of tradition and cost management are increasingly taking account of same considerations of ethics that affects the both the corporate and commercial world.
However, concept of organizational ethics covers a number of related issues including: corporate social responsibility (CSR) – or simply social responsibility. This is encompassed under ethical management and leadership; there is also the point on fair-trade, which involves social movements to achieve better trading conditions and to promote the sustainability via better prices, decent working conditions and fair dealings for businessmen in the poorly developed countries. For example, the United States of America’s audits and certified transaction between their major business enterprises and international suppliers. On a similar view, there are other issues that are associated with the subjects; these factors are explained as independent sentences below.
Managing International Business Problems
The first one is on globalization with regards to addressing its negative effects. Changing the economy of the country to be dominated by capitalist model.
The other factors are on social enterprise, basically deals with willingness to undertake new or risky initiative ideas and skills for purpose of enhancing and developing businesses.
There is also that on mutual, cooperatives, employee ownership to enable teamwork and sharing of resources and market information (McDougall & Oviatt, 2000).
Demonstrating and applying knowledge of socially responsible behavior in analyzing and addressing business issues in national and international business contexts
The first conduct in line with the concept is on set back that may originate from key decisions. It is said that before bridging certain decisions, it is important to look at them objectively and then, bridge them through. It is usually easy to do or to get swept by happiness and urgency or by making demands on grounds of expectations, whether self-imposed or otherwise (Wuehrer & Smejkal, 2013).
Understanding the contract that is psychological and how it relates to one’s situation. For example, vital concepts such as that of empathy are useful in receiving appreciation of the situations of other people and their feelings, which is equally key to managing the Psychological Contract.
On offering support to the subject, there is also the part of making reviews on how past happenings were tackled mainly for reducing the risks of making mistakes that can be avoided or those that were considered as daft.
Wide reference or consultation, this should be done with people who are closer and whose effort can be of positive input (Zahra, 2005).
The other aspect is on coming up with big decisions; it is usually recommended that one should put into consideration that the decision made will have huge impact on a number of people and their aspects of life, now and especially into the future.
Lastly, the area of conclusion in view of the question is on both arrogance and resistance that the authorities do foster in most circumstances. This is vital in preventing cases of intimidation, for example if one lives and work in a protected, insulated or isolated situation, as many large scale leaders and decision-makers tend to do. This is explained with the fact that, the aspect of one being a leader for a longer period of time, or for any duration but in a culture of arrogance, advantage and privileges, offers great nourishment for an individual’s delusion (Zahra & George, 2002).
Autio, E. (2005). Creative tension: the significance of Ben Oviatt’s and Patricia McDougall’s article ‘toward a theory of international new ventures’. Journal of International Business Studies, 36(1), 9-19.
Coviello, N. E., & Jones, M. V. (2004). Methodological issues in international entrepreneurship research. Journal of Business Venturing, 19(4), 485-508.
Dimitratos, P., & Jones, M. V. (2005). Future directions for international entrepreneurship research. International Business Review, 14(2), 119-128.
Ferreira, M., Reis, N., Almeida, M., & Serra, F. (2013). International business research: Understanding past paths to design future research directions. Philosophy of science and meta-knowledge in International Business and Management, Advances in International Management, 26, 299-330.
Jones, M. V., & Coviello, N. E. (2005). Internationalisation: conceptualising an entrepreneurial process of behaviour in time. Journal of International Business Studies, 36(3), 284-303.
Liesch, P. W., Håkanson, L., McGaughey, S. L., Middleton, S., & Cretchley, J. (2011). The evolution of the international business field: a scientometric investigation of articles published in its premier journal. Scientometrics, 88(1), 17-42.
McDougall, P. P., & Oviatt, B. M. (2000). International entrepreneurship: the intersection of two research paths. Academy of management Journal, 43(5), 902-906.
Oviatt, B. M., & McDougall, P. P. (2005). The internationalization of entrepreneurship. Journal of International Business Studies, 36(1), 2-8.
Rialp, A., Rialp, J., & Knight, G. A. (2005). The phenomenon of early internationalizing firms: what do we know after a decade (1993–2003) of scientific inquiry?. International business review, 14(2), 147-166.
Wuehrer, G. A., & Smejkal, A. E. (2013). The knowledge domain of the academy of international business studies (AIB) conferences: a longitudinal scientometric perspective for the years 2006–2011. Scientometrics, 95(2), 541-561.
Zahra, S. A. (2005). A theory of international new ventures: a decade of research. Journal of International Business Studies, 36(1), 20-28.
Zahra, S. A., & George, G. (2002). International entrepreneurship: The current status of the field and future research agenda.