International Applied Information Systems

Problem Description

Discuss About The International Applied Information Systems.

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Problem Description: The first problem can be that the user may not withdraw funds even if the balance amount is more than selected fund. The transaction history may not be printed out.  The transaction may end before disposing the cash resulting in incorrectly removing fund from user account. A receipt for the transaction may not be printed. Because of the broke link between the ATM and Bank server, a transaction from one bank account to another will be rejected. Another major problem of the product can be that the ATM may not recognize various cards from other banks. The system may suffer from various technical difficulties like card reader malfunctioning, damage in the cash dispenser and many more.

  1. The system will be able to complete a transaction without any interference
  2. The will read the cards that the users will insert into the card readers
  1. The user can change the pin of the ATM card after successful verification of the card
  2. The user will be able to enter the pin for three times. If the pin is not right in these three attempts then the card will be blocked by the ATM
  3. The system will allow the user to choose account such as Savings, Credit and Super Saver

Possible Business Benefits: The main business profit can be achieved by advertising other organizations’ services. The ATM can advertise various services at the home page before the user enters card into the card reader. The advertisements can also be done after the cash is dispensed. The ATM can ask the user if he/she need other assistance of continue transaction. In this page the advertisements can be shown. Another way of making profit is promoting business. The ATM machines can have a promotional section at the bottom or top of the interface. In this section, the user will be seeing the other services that the organization provides. The ATM machine can ask the user to seek service from the organization and have few interaction buttons that will force the user to see the promotional message.

Stakeholder and User Descriptions: The stakeholders of the organization are ATM user, the banks, government, raw materials provider, technicians and the development team.

ATM User: These kind of stakeholders are external users. They insert card into the system and carry out desired operations in the ATM. The user also uses the ATM machines for transferring the cash from their accounts to another recipient. 

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Banks: The banks are generally provide the ATM services to the customers. The user must have a card that is related to a bank account for accessing the ATM functions.

Government: The government defines the rules and regulations on the ATM services. Various countries and states have different rules on fund transfer, security pin of ATM card and many more. The ATM must be designed by following these legislations.

Product Overview: The system that will be generated within the project will be able to carry out the processes of the users. The users can only choose among the options that are available to them. The final product will be connected to the Bank Server to fetch the account related data of the user. The product will accept 4 or 6 pin ATM cards and provide various accesses to the account. The user can execute various transactions through the system.

Possible Business Benefits

The ATM system will be providing various functionality to the users. The list of functionalities provided by the ATM system are as following.

  1. The system will be serving a single user at a time
  2. The system will read the card of the user
  • The system will read card. In case any error occurs in reading the card, a message will be shown on the screen. The user then can re-enter the card into the system.
  1. The user will enter the pin to verify the account
  2. If the pin is not correct then the user will be provided another two chances. In case the pin is not right for three times then the card will be blocked by the system
  3. The system permit the user to select account type
  • The system will be generating receipt and reports

The system provides all the generic functions that an ATM system provides. Allowing a single user to access the ATM function at one time allows the system to prevent functional errors. The system also generate reports for business purposes which support of the profit of the ATM system owner. The system functionality provide all functions that is required to be within it.

The resources that are required for the ATM system are as following.

  1. Interface: It is the most vital part of the system. The user cannot interact with the system if the interface is not available. The interface of the system will be very easy to understand as well as navigate.
  2. Data Base: The system will have a small database within it which will temporarily hold various data. These database will be connected to the system core serving as a data storage.
  • Card Reader: The card reader is an essential part of the system. The card reader will read the user’s ATM card.
  1. Keyboards: The system will be using a special keyboard created for this system only.
  2. Printer: This printer will print the transaction details onto a paper.
  3. A Server to Connect: The system will be connected to the server. These servers are bank server from where the ATM fetches the account details of the user.
  • Cash Dispenser: The cash dispenser will be dispensing cash from the ATM machine to the users.
  • A Chute: The chute will be used for depositing cash or check.

The risks of the system can be fraudster attempt to tamper the ATM card reader, using duplicate ATMs and data theft.

Tampering Card Reader: The fraudster may insert a plastic film within the ATM card reader so that the plastic film can hold of the card. In this situation, the machine cannot expel the card. The victim may not understand that the card reader has been tampered with. A fraudster will appear as a genuine card holder and suggest the victim to input the pin. In this case, the user will leave the ATM and the fraudster will retrieve the card use the pin code to get money. This risk is more severe as the victim remains completely in the dark about the fraud. The fraudsters uses the device called skimmers which is consisting of tiny cameras and devices to capture the bank account information.

Using Duplicate ATM: The use of the duplicate ATMs. A software is used in this case. This software records the password that the user type into the system. The fraudsters create duplicate cards and use the recorded pin to withdraw fund from that account. This frauds are generally done by one or more insider in collaboration with the organization which is issuing the card.

Data Theft: The data theft is a crucial risk of the ATM system. The cyber criminal can access the link between the ATM system and the bank server to read the data flowing from both ends. This way the cybercriminal can access the bank account details, card details and password of the ATM. The criminal can also access all the transactions done from that machine.

Risk Prevention: The user can enable the phone number or email notification. This way the user will be able to monitor every transaction made from the account. The ATM system will be always under surveillance and equipped with various sensors to inform bank if any fraudster will access the system for some fraud.

Stakeholder and User Descriptions

The outcome of the project will be a fully secure and functional ATM system. This system will be equipped with all the resources that an ATM system must have. The system can be accessed by touching in the screen. The reports will be generated for the owner of the system. An operating system will be installed within the ATM machine. This operating system will be controlling all the processes of the system and store the temporary data into the database. The operating system will collect the input from the user as the card will be inserted, keyboard and touch screen. The system will process those inputs and respond to user request. The system will be in need of assistance from time to time. For this purpose, a technician will be appointed to maintain the system. The data which will be incorporated into the system is small. The storage system for sorting operating system and the database will be different.


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