Integrated Project Management For Internal And External Factors
Internal and External Factors and Their Impact on Project Management Process
Discuss about the Integrated Project Management for Internal and External Factors.
In essence, the process of project management often starts with a SWOT analysis where the first two alphabets represent the internal factors while the last two letters represent the external factors. Apparently, this is mainly because virtually all projects need to be analyzed based on their weaknesses as well as strengths to develop a viable plan. In this sense, project management has to be viewed considering both internal and external factors that tend to affect its implementation process (Boyle, 2017). Essentially, the method applied in managing a particular project hugely depends on the type of project at hand. Additionally, the process of a project management varies depending on the type of product and services at hand. The following are some factors that influence projects project management process and their impacts.
Deadline: It is no doubt that that deadline is among the factors that shape how a particular project is managed in an institution. In case a deadline is missed then there is always the creation of a bad impression among the team members (Carnall, 2018). Nonetheless, beating the deadline has nothing to do with compromising the quality of services or goods. To enable a proper and a smooth project management process, then one has to be keen on quality and observe time. In case a project team is dealing with a strict client, then the project manager has to take precautions in ensuring that both quality and time is considered to deliver both aspects on time. The manager would, therefore, have a chance to examine the strength and weaknesses of the team members to ensure that those that are selected have the necessary skills to perform. Apparently, SWOT analysis will be helpful in making sure that the client’s requirements on quality are not compromised in any way (Layton & Ostermiller, 2017). This way, the project manager is required to instill a positive attitude among the team members while the team members are required to flag any issues regarding the project for a smoother process. Failure to do so then it is no doubt that quality, as well as the deadline, is going to be compromised leading to loss of client’s confidence in future projects as well as compensation on the project at hand (Cleden, 2017).
Budget: This is certainly another aspect that hugely determines the progress as well as the management of a particular project. A high budgeted project means that a project requires a number of days as well as resources in completing a set of work involved in the project. In such a situation one is required not to rush but rather concentrating on delivering goods and services that are of high quality while utilizing maximum resources available. Nonetheless, if the budget is tight then the project management team has to consider adjusting to accommodate the limited resources available (Layton & Ostermiller, 2017). However, the quality of goods and services cannot be compromised at any cost. In this light, the team members have to be encouraged to deliver quality despite limited resources available.
Internal Factors- SWOT Analysis
Political: This facet mainly focuses on how government affects the economy. Apparently, government policies can affect a set of project management processes based on its leniency or stringency. For instance, strict government regulations such as high taxation may lead to change of plans in case the available resources do not match such conditions.
Economic: Inflation can hugely affect a particular project management process particularly the supply chain of a certain project therefore demanding more money to keep a toe the scope of the project.
Stakeholders: Strategies used to manage a particular project hugely depend on the type of stakeholder for a project. Multiple stakeholders coming from the different background on a single project often results in a disagreement between them (Turner, 2017). In such situations, the project management process is always a difficult experience as a company does not want to see some of its stakeholders unhappy. To handle this kind of situation, there is a need for a rather high convincing power as well as negotiation skills to reach an agreement with the clients (Turner, 2017). Since this process might be time-consuming, the overall time dedicated to the resources will definitely tend to reduce. It is therefore important for the project manager to adopt more tactical approaches and make sure that the work is done and quality delivered.
Demand: This is another important factor that often influences the management of a particular project. In this regard, demand is hugely shaped by the type as well as the usability of a particular product (Turner, 2017). In case a product is perishable such as vegetables, then its demand would vary from those of goods that are not perishable such as garments. On the other hand, the demand for particular services will always depend on the number of users in the market. A project ma ager, therefore, needs to apply appropriate management strategies depending on the nature of goods and services as well as the kind of demand. This ensures that there is timely delivery of goods and services to the clients. Apparently, it is therefore clear that the type of demand hugely influences the overall process of project management and the kind of decisions that are going to be taken in the long run (Turner, 2017).
Technology: technological advancement can influence a particular project either negatively or positively. For instance there are tools that could help a project to be completed faster therefore saving time.
External Factors based on SWOT and PESTLE Analysis
The aspect of strategy implementation, as well as project management, has developed indifferently for quite sometimes now. However, there is the utilization of both viewpoints in both a theoretical and practical perspective in the contemporary society. There are therefore a number of tools regarding strategic management, and value management that can be used to create an easy project management process that would otherwise help in enriching traditional techniques in a rather huge way (Portny, 2017). While every project has different and unique challenges, such challenges are required to be overcome to set a rather appropriate implementation strategy in place. In essence, there are key principles that a project manager ought to consider before setting an implementation strategy. Some of the principles to be considered include,
- The manager should be clear especially on the agreed outcomes of the project.
- The project should be built on the experience taken from other previous projects but team members should avoid replication of projects.
- Different approaches that are required in case there is a need for change should be as well be recognized.
- There should be the aspect of complementation rather than mere replication of local resources.
- Encourage enthusiasts and skeptics to come up with a rather balanced approach.
- Choose implementation strategies that are sustainable in regards to the project risks.
Profile the project: Although various companies prefer to adapt to different plans as the implementation process continue, starting a particular project without setting a clear vision can sometimes lead to rather unexpected challenges. The project manager, as well as the team members, has to take their time in gathering necessary information while assigning a specific task to specialized personnel and having a rather good outline of the available resources (Project Management Institute, 2018). The resultant benefit of such articulated plan is a clear implementation step, a defined target, and a clear scope.
Put everything on the timeline: it is important for a project manager to place all tasks on a defined timeline that allows each person involved in the project on board with the set plans. A visual timeline always creates a clear picture of the entire project as well as the available resources. Additionally, this allows the team members to oversee some of the overly optimistic placement dates. This, therefore, keeps the team members as well as the project manager to be grounded on making sure that results are arrived at using realistic schedules.
Prepare to keep planning: While changes are always anticipated to happen any time particularly when handling a project, it is often important to have a basic plan for managing such changes. To do this, a project manager has to set expectations on the way certain team members on a project are supposed to deal with various unexpected issues, risks, and communication (Lock, 2017).
Implement while checking the metrics: Once a particular project has been planned, it is important to set the project running. Since there is an agreement on the scope of the project, then there should be a basic backup in case the plan does not work. In this light, there should be an implementation of the set plan as well as the process efficiently.
Strategies to Implement an Appropriate Action
Insist on quality: making sure that a project is done within the stipulated time framework and under budget is just the beginning (Kerzner, 2017). The project manager should always ensure that quality products are produced at all cost. Delivering quality is always achieved by making sure one sticks by the initial plan on a particular project and making sure that what is produced or services offered are as per the customer’s expectations (Portny, 2017).
For a company to attain the required client’s expectations it is important to set out a rather good communication plan to understand what the customer wants. In this regards, there are many components of a good communication plan that has to be considered when designing a communication path. The following is a communication plan that intends to diverse a set of stakeholders (Portny, 2017).
Scope: The scope of the communications plan has to cove the overall communication approaches to reach out to the stakeholders. Some of the approaches involved include project awareness, initiative training, as well as details regarding implementation.
Objectives: In this section, the objectives of a communication plan have to be discussed in detail. Some of the objectives of the communication plan include, the PMO and processes are well articulated and utilized, improving communications between the project managers, executives as well as the departmental heads, and facilitate application of a rather standard project management techniques, tools, and methodologies (Harrison & Lock, 2017).
At this step, the project manager explains how a communication in a project is to be achieved. At this stage, a communication plan diagram can be designed therefore providing an overview of the communication that is likely to be facilitated by the PMO (Portny, 2017).
All the topics that are intended to create a rather awareness are set for a better understanding of the project management tools and methodologies among the stakeholders (Nicholas & Steyn, 2017).
At this point, various distribution tools, as well as techniques that are used in the project, is within an organization is elaborated. Some of the tools used for an effective communication include presentations, training sessions, discussions, E-mails, PMO Newsletters, internet websites, and tutorials (Nicholas & Steyn, 2017).
Communication calendar simply bares all the aspect that is supposed to be discussed to the stakeholders regarding the set project management plan.
As a student, there are certainly various skills that one is expected to acquire at the end of each learning session. Apparently, learning project management has taught me various skills some which include communication, leadership skills, team management, negotiation skills, personal organization, and risk management (Portny, 2017). Through the subject of project management, I have learned how to improve my presentation skills which in many instances translate from a rather kickoff meeting to the involved clients as well as stakeholders. Noteworthy, project management allows someone to acquire the spirit of delivering through leadership. The subject has therefore prepared me well to see what project managers should do to engage stakeholders efficiently and therefore creating the aspect of leadership in me. Additionally, the subject has taught me that for a particular project to be completed efficiently as per the clients’ expectation then people have to combine efforts thus creating the aspect of teamwork in me (Fuller et al., 2017).
The fact that project managers and team members are required to deliver quality through a well-articulated plan has allowed me to gain personal organization in daily activities. Moreover, for one to accomplish a particular task regarding project management then one has to be creative and solve problems while anticipating for future uncertainties (Hopkinson, 2017). Through such practice, I have learned how to become a self-sufficient person and someone who can approach problems from a different angle, therefore, being able to manage risks in my daily activities.
There are of course different virtues that I have learned through studying this subject. One thing that is likely to benefit me in my future study and my career as the whole is the aspect of teamwork. Baring in mind essential for any employee to work as a group to achieve a particular task would be beneficial in my future employment position (Layton & Ostermiller, 2017). Additionally, the aspect of leadership is likely to help me to be responsible for every task I will be assigned to in my duties especially during my future employment position. Noteworthy, communication skills will as well keep me in toe when raising issues as an employee in my future appointments (Heldman, 2018). Notably, this would be essential given the fact that most employees do not know how to raise issues when they are faced with challenges.
I managed to apply the SWOT analysis when designing a project management plan as well as using the PESTLE analysis. Apparently, I was enlightened on how to allocate the weakness and strengths of a certain task and therefore I am confident in case I will be asked to handle a project manager in the near future.
Most of the idea I learned were mainly based on principles as well as ways of working or rather behavior. I had expected 100 percent ideas based on activities and physical practices. However, I never mind the thing I have a grasp and hope to put them to practice in future.
Boyle, G. (2017). Design project management. Routledge.
Carnall, C. (2018). Managing change. Routledge.
Cleden, D. (2017). Managing project uncertainty. Routledge.
Fuller, M. A., Valacich, J. S., George, J. F., & Schneider, C. (2017). Information Systems Project Management: A Process and Team Approach, Edition 1.1. Prospect Press.
Harrison, F., & Lock, D. (2017). Advanced project management: a structured approach. Routledge.
Heldman, K. (2018). PMP: project management professional exam study guide. John Wiley & Sons.
Hopkinson, M. (2017). The project risk maturity model: Measuring and improving risk management capability. Routledge.
Kerzner, H. (2017). Project management metrics, KPIs, and dashboards: a guide to measuring and monitoring project performance. John Wiley & Sons.
Kerzner, H. (2018). Project management best practices: Achieving global excellence. John Wiley & Sons.
Kerzner, H., & Kerzner, H. R. (2017). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.
Layton, M. C., & Ostermiller, S. J. (2017). Agile project management for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
Lock, D. (2017). The essentials of project management. Routledge.
Nicholas, J. M., & Steyn, H. (2017). Project management for engineering, business and technology. Routledge.
Portny, S. E. (2017). Project management for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
Project Management Institute. (2018). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)-(SIMPLIFIED CHINESE). Project Management Institute.
Turner, J. R. (2017). Contracting for project management. Routledge.