Integrated Project Information Management

Discuss about the Integrated Project Information Management.

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Business information modeling is a 3D model intelligent based process that includes construction, engineering and architecture with tools and techniques to increase the efficiency of plans, construction, designs and managing infrastructure and building. The tools of virtual design such as simulation and 3D modeling are increasingly becoming integrated and sophisticated. The process that helps to interact between the designers and each of the elements of the design is referred to as business information modeling (Gunasekaran and Sandhu, 2010). It is the way to design cities, systems and building which is increasingly becoming more popular. It helps the organization to operate more efficiently, attract talent workforce, and develop in the market and increasing the quality of work. With the increase in the number of commercial and government organizations the demand of IBM is also increasing. It allows the aspect of the performance of the design to be assessed and simulated before it is built which helps to understand designs more appropriately. It is considered as the global digital technology for construction and its demand is increasing with the development of technology (Kim, 2012). The strategy of BIM is most advanced and ambitious driven program in the world. The BIM software helps to reduce the risk of project and cost, operations and increases the quality of the work. The implementation of the system will increase the efficiency of the operations.              

Main Context
Changing Roles of Contractors, Architects and Clients Through BIM

The article “Changing roles of the clients, architects and contractors through BIM” by Rizal Sebastian helps in providing the practical implementations and the implication of the management of the building information modeling. It also provides the overview of the role of the re-business and the application of BIM in the field of the functional and the technical requirements. It also shows the involvement of the large number of the stakeholders with the creation of the long term business development and thereby the roles are seemed to be playing the major role in the process of the management in the long run of the business. With the creation of the ongoing research projects and the findings, the depicting of the general enhancement is shown in the case with thereby helps in the creation of changing roles of the clients, architects and the models of the stakeholders. The research framework depicts the internal collaboration with the existence of the real case and thereby the origination of the uses of the BIM are analyzed with mentioning the functionalities. The main finding depicts the identification of the main factors for the enhancement of the successful collaboration by the usage of the process of the BIM (Sebastian, 2011). The environmental work process helps in the recognition of the collaboration of the factors that depicts the embedded strategies in the part of the health care institutions. It also helps in the recognition of the POWER with thereby analyzing the work process coordination, environmental legal framework and the structures depicting the organizational role synergies. The integrated collaboration also helps in the creation of the enhancement with providing the process of implementation in the case of the commercial and the legal barriers and thereby it also helps in the creation of integrated collaboration for embedding the real estate strategies. The changing roles and the process also is mentioned which helps in providing the development and the operation of the strategies regarding the integration of the ICT frameworks. The tools and the frameworks act as guidance for the creation of the BIM application implementation in the case of hospitality and thereby the enhancement is made so far. Henceforth the real cases of the BIM is considered in this case with thereby helps in the providing the operations and the system of the development with the incurred process. The changing roles with the implementation of the integrated collaboration and designing of the lifecycle also helps in the creation of the design approaches with acknowledging the knowledge of various reviews with the integration of focus on hospital building projects. The product information sharing, organizational roles synergies, work process coordination and the environmental team work with the reference data consideration are used for the purpose of the creation of data in the form of the management of the collaborative process. The realization of the factors with the implementation of the BIM application helps in the construction of the mental barriers with defining the collaborative process involved. It thereby helps in the appropriate management of the integrated collaborative process with the continuation of BIM practices. 

BIM Adoption and its Implementation for the Architectural Practices

The article “BIM adoption and implementation for architectural practices” by Y. Arayici, P. Coates, L. Koskela and M. Kagioglou helps in the presenting the systematic approach for modeling the BIM systematic approach and thereby it also helps in the implementation of the architectural approach with the consideration of SME’s in the organizational level. The research helps in acknowledging the knowledge transfer and thereby it also helps in the creation of the knowledge transfer for the project with the consideration of and SME project. The implementation of the approach made for the BIM helps in the creation of the overall modeling with the creation of architecture for SME and thereby the socio-economic view with the implementation of project takes place with the help of the gaining efficiency and the competitive advantages. The creation of this industry helps in providing the infrastructural efficiency with thereby focusing on the communication of the stakeholders and it also focuses on the effective collaboration with the reduction of the life cycle costs (Arayici et al., 2011). Building information with the construction of the architectural profession also helps in the adoption of the architectural process and henceforth the adoption of the BIM is seemed to be creating a professional advancement in the field of the operation of the buildings in the streamlined positions. The BIM implementation also helps in the enhancement of the suggestion and thereby the consideration of the KTP becomes the aim in this adoption of the BIM technology. It thereby helps in the enhancement of the structures which helps in the creation of communication with creating a socio-economic environment. The strategic approaches are also shown in this article with viewing the adoption of the incorporated people, process and technology equally. It also led to the creation of the improvements in the process of the enhancement of the actions that are seemed to be oriented in the form of the research. Thereby the quantitative advantage is also seemed to be created with the consideration of the technological improvements and skills are seemed to be very much essential for the gaining the competitive advantages (Arayici et al., 2011). The improvements in the process also help in focusing on the approaches for IBM adoption that seemed to be enhanced with reducing the life cycle. The building of this technology is seemed to be implemented in the form of the philosophical demonstrations and thereby it helps in focusing on the BIM adoption of the operational levels. Henceforth this article provides the overview of the knowledge management, action research, modelling and building services with the adoption of BIM technology. The discussion provides the roadmap with the enhancement of the research of the philosophy and also helps in demonstrating the operation levels of SME’s.

BIM Collaboration in Architectural Technologist Learning 

This particular article deals with the qualitative case study that aimed at investigating the influence that the BIM (Business Information Modelling) collaboration will have on the students learning the architectural technology. There is an increase need of collaboration in the environment that is already built. In case of the practices of teaching and learning about the disciplines of design and construction this collaboration needs to be strengthened in order to make the process a much more integrated one. Understanding about the various aspects and different factors related to the knowledge of design and construction is bound to make the students efficient in the work that they would be pursuing in the near future (Abramowicz and Mayr, 2007). This will also play an important part in the development of the efficiency of a student when he or she will be entering the design and construction industry to make it as a professional. The various institutions will then be bound to encourage students to gain collaborative skills as that will undoubtedly help then in the future to make their careers on one hand and also come up with new construction designs that would be better for everyone. In order to bring about this change, the platform provided by Building Information Modelling Technologies and other collaborative design practices would go a long way to help it (, 2016). The BIM technologies have the potential of bringing about a radical change in the design and construction industry as they can pave the way for a wide range of expertise in design and construction to come together with their knowledge and information in order to create a construction with a huge amount of efficiency and ease. But the way in which the students who are already learning the disciplines of design and technology can be benefitted needs to be looked upon as their acceptance of the incorporation of IBM in the learning processes will play a great role in it getting implemented in the real life. Architectural Technology or AT is an emerging profession in the already built environment of the design and construction industry. It needs to be understood that with the development of science and technology each and every field of learning is going through a lot of changes in order to incorporate the new discoveries and inventions that can make the process of learning and implementation of that much more efficient than before. The process of constructing a building has become much more specialized and for this reason the role of the architectural technology has also become important. The core education received by the students is that of technical design and this helps them to develop a skill set that would enable them to communicate in an effective manner with the other disciplines of design and construction in order to create for a central point of communication and coordination where all the data and information about the building being constructed would be gathered.

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Building Information Modeling for Existing Buildings

The scarcities of resources, the challenges of making the building sustainable, efficiency of the resources are a few factors that direct the communities of Architecture and Construction to take very good care of the resources that are being used by them. In case of the countries that are already industrialized and so not have much scope for constructing new buildings, and as a result the constructing industry of the country ends up concentrating and taking care of the modifications of the buildings, demolition of the decaying buildings and retrofits. Through the implementation of the Business Information Modelling, a lot of resource gets saved and efficiently used in the different processes of design, planning and overall construction of a new building. This is the reason why Business Information Modelling has been getting a lot of importance nowadays. It was in the 1970s that the 3D modeling of buildings had started with the help computers that were available in those times. Though a lot of sectors had taken up and incorporated the use of 3D designing, the construct ion sector for quite a while held on to the traditional 2D design. It was in the early 2000s that the Business Information Modelling was introduced in the construction sector as a pilot project in order to judge its merits and demerits. This helped a lot in supporting the work of the building designers, engineers and architects as they could easily understand as well as visualize how their designs would look like in real life. As a result of this, the pre planning of a building could be done efficiently as the engineers and designers involved in the work had the chance of clash detection, quantification, data management and costing even before the project was started. Through the eventual development of Business Information Modelling itself, there was the addition of extra and special features along with the basic functionalities that it met with like that of scheduling, energy analysis, progress tracking and structural analysis (Volk, Stengel and Schultmann, 2014). The main aim of BIM is to enable the people associated with a work of construction to preplan, get every detail about the infrastructure and integrate the project delivery of buildings. The difference in the design and construction of buildings is directly dependent on the type of building it is and the purpose that it has to serve in the society. This is why the designs of residential buildings differ from that of commercial buildings; and municipal buildings differ from infrastructural buildings. The difference in the framework has a great influence and impact on the application of Business Information Technology because it can enhance the knowledge of the workers about the different frameworks by providing them with the detailed description of each of them along with the supporting functionalities that are required by the workers. 

Theoretical Framework of BIM       

The Architecture, engineering and construction industries build most complex projects which includes multi disciplinary collaboration and exchange of data set of large buildings. Traditionally, the efforts of collaboration all across the disciplines based on the exchange of documents and 2D drawings. However, widespread adoption of the object oriented named computer aided design tools has more interest in the building information modeling. The business information building has large number of applications such as the analysis tools, facility management application and model checkers that are being developed. The theoretical framework of the technical requirements paper mainly focus on the use of the server BIM as the multi disciplinary platform for collaboration (Singh, Gu and Wang, 2011). The framework was developed using methodologies which includes focus group interviews with from the diverse discipline of AEC. The architectural project a case study using the state of art server of BIM and analysis and critical review of the collaboration platforms are available to AEC industries. The application of 3D models, visualization and application for the development and collaboration of the designs. The widespread use of computer aided design packages has increased the automation level and constructability in the process of construction which provide encouragement for the exchange of the 3D data and information in the collaboration process. Therefore, Building Information Modeling plays a significant role in transformation. It is advanced approach to the object oriented CAD that extends the capability of traditional approach of CAD by applying and defining the intelligent relationship between the elements in building model. The model includes both non geometric and geometric data such as specifications and object attributes. The built in intelligence helps to allow the automated extraction of documentation, 2D drawing and directly building information from BIM model. The built in intelligence provides constraints reduces the modeling errors and preventing technical error in the design. The CAD package such as Revit and ArchiCAD includes the approach of object oriented with certain capabilities of BIM. There are large number of supporting applications that have emerged to exploit the information in the IBM model for design analysis, model integration, facility management, error checks and so on. The multiple applications have emerged with the ability to use directly and exchange information between them which provides opportunities to enhance the distribution and collaboration of project. It is considered as one of the most popular information technology that allows virtual prototyping, described access, design integrity, simulations, maintenance and retrieval of data.

The report present a framework, which classifies as well as specifies characteristics along with technical needs for a BIM sever to server collaborated platform. The paper does not have any intention to give a comparison of diverse applications. Rather the goal of the paper is to detect the technical characteristics and features regarding to a multi-disciplinary collaborated platform as refracted across the diverse application (Halpin, 2011). In addition to that, the research detect that the growth and development of BIM server and related technologies ought to be with unlimited functional as well as operational needs as AEC projects are mainly multi organizational as well as multi disciplinary. This means among other aspects deficiency of previous history and experience, contradictory goals along with different roles and responsibilities inhibit implementation of the groupware technologies.


With the increasing demand of the construction business the necessity of integrated project information management system within an organization in the field of construction has been increased. In the current scenario the importance of the integrated project information management is highly enhanced as it plays vital role in successful accomplishment of the goals and objectives of the business organizations, especially the organizations involved in a construction business. An efficient integrated information management system has several important benefits that keep ahead the construction organizations. It helps in synchronizing the construction activities in more efficient ways so that more improved outcome can be obtained. It keeps tracks of the progress of all the business activities of a project, which use to be taken by the construction company. It improves the relation between the different divisions of the construction project by enhancing the communications among them. Therefore, the present business context the integrated project information management system plays vital role in construction project and provides significant contribution to the growth and development of the construction company.


Gunasekaran, A. and Sandhu, M. (2010). Handbook on business information systems. Singapore: World Scientific.

Halpin, T. (2011). Enterprise, business-process and information systems modeling. Berlin: Springer.

Kim, J. (2012). Advanced methods, techniques, and applications in modeling and simulation. Tokyo: Springer.

Singh, V., Gu, N. and Wang, X. (2011). A theoretical framework of a BIM-based multi-disciplinary collaboration platform.Automation in Construction, 20(2), pp.134-144.

Arayici, Y., Coates, P., Koskela, L., Kagioglou, M., Usher, C. and O’Reilly, K. (2011). BIM adoption and implementation for architectural practices.Structural Survey, 29(1), pp.7-25.

Arayici, Y., Coates, P., Koskela, L., Kagioglou, M., Usher, C. and O’Reilly, K. (2011). Technology adoption in the BIM implementation for lean architectural practice. Automation in Construction, 20(2), pp.189-195.

Sebastian, R. (2011). Changing roles of the clients, architects and contractors through BIM. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 18(2), pp.176-18

Abramowicz, W. and Mayr, H. (2007). Technologies for business information systems. Dordrecht: Springer. (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Aug. 2016].

Volk, R., Stengel, J. and Schultmann, F. (2014). Building Information Modeling (BIM) for existing buildings — Literature review and future needs. Automation in Construction, 38, pp.109-127.

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