Integrated Marketing Communication Plan For Blackmore Limited
Company’s background
Describe about the Marketing Communication for Communication Objectives and Awareness.
This report is basically about the integrated marketing communication plan of a company. The report will mainly be focused on the products of the company, target market, communication objective i.e. brand awareness, integrated marketing communication etc, creative strategy for communication plan, designing massage and media strategy, budgeting of the plan and evaluation of overall strategy. For the valuation and communication plan, the company Blackmore Limited has been taken. The company Blackmore limited is the famous company of Australia which manufactures diet and vitamin supplements. The company is basically situated in the Australia but now it is working many countries across the world (Blackmore, 2013). The report is focused on developing the integrated marketing communication plan for the company Blackmore limited. In present time, the market of the Blackmore Limited is decreasing so; this marketing communication plan will help the company to increase its marketing strategy. For developing the communication plan, the current situation of the company has been analyzed. The current situation the market of the company will be helpful to create an effective communication plan (Ibis world, 2016).
Blackmore is the famous company of Australia which manufactures the vitamin supplements and Dietary supplements. In current time, the company is working in many countries across the world. The main product of the company is vitamin supplements but it also manufactures Dietary supplements. The products of the company are famous among the people of Australia. The company is working from last 80 years and it is the oldest company of vitamin and dietary supplements. The products of the company are very popular and the company is most trusted company among the people of the Australia. The prices of the products are not too high and it is affordable for every person. Customer directly deals with the warehouses of the company (Sullivan, 2012).
There is a high competition in the market for vitamin supplements. There are many companies in Australian market such as Nature’s way, Swisse, Cenovis Berocca etc who are also providing vitamin and dietary supplements in the market. These are also very famous companies of vitamin supplements in the Australian market. According to a report, it was published that Blackmore limited had covered around 20% of Australian market and it had got first position in this industry but after some time, the company fell down at second position and had targeted 17% of total Australian market (Retail World, 2011). There are many competitors who are trying to come on the first position. According to the one survey in 2014, the Blackmore Limited is the most trusted company among the people of the Australia. The company has targeted 76.5% customers in the Australia and along with Australia, the company has covered more countries i.e. Thailand, Malaysia, New Zealand and other countries in Asia region ((Retail World, 2014).
Target audiences
The main target market of the company Blackmore Limited is the youth who are between the ages of 26 to 34. The reason of targeting youth is that the youths are the main pillar of the society. They need energy because they have a full time job and they face pressure in their work. So, they want to stay healthy and fit. They are very concerned for their health so it is easy to convince them for purchasing vitamin and dietary supplements. Along with this, company targets on the female consumers because the ration of female consumers is higher than the male consumers in purchasing vitamin supplements. Company focuses on behavioral segmentation because once the consumers recognize the quality of products then they always give preference those products because of the quality and the brand. Consumers always have a psychological mindset to search for such products which can give them stability. So, Blackmore always tries to provide good quality in its products.
Based on the current situation and target market it has been observed that the position of the company is good in market but it has decreased from the previous years. The company has covered most of the market in Australia and it is mainly operating in the Australian market so, company needs o develop an effective strategy to stay competitive in the market. The Blackmore is most trusted brand among the Australian customers but it has been observed that the market position of the company is decreasing continuously. The reason of this decrement is that the company has not prepared its marketing strategy properly. From the survey reports, it can be seen that there is much competition in the Australian market for vitamin supplements and competitors are making effective market strategy to stay competitive in the market. So, the Blackmore should also focus on its marketing strategy and the effective communication plan to stay competitive in the market (Epstein & Yuthas, 2007).
Based on the situation of the Blackmore Company, the communication objectives of the company can be as follows:
At the end of the year, most of the Australian market should be covered by the company with its products i.e. vitamin and dietary supplements. The targeted customer should consider the products of the company for some benefit. This objective can be achieved by the gathering information of products and services.
Most of the market should prefer the products of the company. The success of this goal can be achieved by increasing effectiveness of the products.
Communication objectives
Company should attract new customers who never used the products of the Blackmore Limited. The objective can be achieved by the increasing brand awareness among the customers. The advertisement should be done and different offers should be provided by the company to attract the new customers (Duncan & Moriarty, 1997).
Last objective should be the starting of new pet care products in the market. For targeting the customers for new products, advertisement with repetitive message should be performed by the company (Stolk, n.d.).
The above discussed communication objectives should be placed by the company for the next year to get its first position in the Australian market.
Creative strategy refers to the strategy which identifies that what information should be provided to the customers by the advertising of the messages. For the advertisement of the products, there should be an effective tagline which could focus the attention of the customers. The tagline of the products of company Blackmore should be ‘stay healthy, stay strong’ for the campaign because this tagline suits the communication objectives. This tagline will be helpful to attract new customers and retaining the existing customers. The aim of the campaign is to increase the brand awareness of the products of the Blackmore limited. This campaign will be helpful to increase the brand image of the company. The company will be able to cover more market by this campaign. The target market of this campaign will be the people more than the age of 20 who mostly use the vitamin and dietary supplements (Kotler & Keller (2005).
Designing the message, the information about the company will be included in the campaign. Along with this, details of the products and specialty of the products will also be included in the campaign. For the new pet care products, a special message will be provided to increase awareness of the product among the customers. There are the marketing tools i.e. advertisement, direct marketing and public relations which will be used in this campaign. Advertising of products will be helpful in creating awareness of products among the customers. Public relations will be used to get the feedback about products from the customers so the product can be improved time to time by the company. It will also increase the trust of customers towards the products of Blackmore Limited. Direct marketing will also be helpful in getting the response of customers and in increasing the trust of people for the products (Vakratsas, Demetrios & Ma, 2005).
Creative strategy
Online media
The promotional tool for the campaigning of products should be online marketing. Reason of choosing online marketing is that in current time, online marketing is the most effective tool of marketing. Social media is very popular among the people and it covers almost half part of online marketing. So, the social media marketing will be used in this campaign. Social media includes Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter which will be used for online marketing. These social media channels provide most of the marketing facilities. These all are both paid and unpaid channels. It is assumed that 55% of market will be covered by Facebook, 25% by Google plus, 22% by youtube and 22% by Twitter (Kosner, 2014). Email marketing can also be used by the company. For the market increment, 1% market will be covered by the company. Proper use of these channels will be helpful to target new customers and retained existing customers. This is two way communication methods (Luttrell, 2016).
These methods are very effective way of marketing but these are very expensive also. These methods refer to broadcasting the advertisements of the products on those channels which are famous in the market. This method is also very helpful to reach of the people. Along with this, putting hoardings on the busiest roads will be helpful. This is one sided communication method (Lake, 2016).
There will be different events take place where customer executive will directly talk with the people. These events will be organized in the malls and crowded places by the company. These events will be helpful in identifying the needs and requirements of the customers and their attitudes towards the products. This is a both side of communication way which attract the customers most effectively (Daoud, 2016).
The budget for the campaign is described below:
Campaign: Facebook $ 6,000
Google Plus $2,000
YouTube $2,000
Twitter $2,500
Total social media campaign $12,500
- Email marketing $1,000
- Google Ad $850
- SEO marketing $2,500
- Other online campaign $2,000
Total required budget for online marketing $18,850
- Hoardings $70,000
- TV channels $100,000
Total budget $170,000
- Budget for events $100,000
- Other events $30,000
Total budget $130,000
Total budget for full campaign is required $318,500
Evaluation of the campaign can be done in parts, before the campaign, at the time of campaign process and after the campaign. The first evaluation includes testing of concepts. This gives the rough idea of campaign and will ensure that the idea of campaign is right or not. In the concept testing, IMC campaign will be run in some markets by the company and the responses of the customers will be observed. This evaluation will be take place before the campaign. During the campaign, the concurrent testing will be take place. In this testing, the performance of the campaign and message given in the campaign will be observed. After the campaign, evaluate testing will be take place. In this testing, the result of campaigned will be observed. By this testing, it will be observed that the campaign is successful to achieve the objective or not. The success or failure of IMC program is evaluated by this method (Kerr & Patti, 2002).
Design message
To sum up, from the above discussion, it has been observed that the company Blackmore Limited is the leading company of Australia which manufactures the vitamin and dietary supplements. These products can be taken as the medicines to fulfill the requirements of the vitamin in the body. It has been observed that the popularity of the company is decreasing because of improper marketing and communication strategy. So, it is very necessary to develop an integrated marketing communication plan which will be helpful for the company to retain the market position. The IMC plan includes the online marketing, channel broadcasting, events and hoardings. These processes will help the company to increase awareness of products and services among the customers. Thus, this campaign will helpful for Blackmore to gain its objectives.
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