Integrated Marketing Communication For Peace And Harmony – Skippy Peanut Butter Yippee Campaign
Discuss about the Integrated Marketing Communication for Peace and Harmony.
According to Yeshin (2012), the term IMC, the integrated marketing Communication means the combining of all of the tools of promotion together so that they could work together in peace and harmony. In the words of Morrison (2016), this communication system is mainly used as a tool for promotion and is an expanded version of the traditional strategies for marketing. In this particular report study, the chosen company and the chosen product have been given and a small description about the company and the product is mentioned (Shimp and Andrews 2012). The description about the integrated marketing communication campaign that has been also been given and the rationale of the campaign and main issues during the conduction of the campaign would also be discussed in this study. The market segmentation for the company’s targeted audience and the objectives of the campaign have also been given. At the end of the study a recommendation on the study has been given. This recommendation holds an overview of the overall topic and the different criteria of the topic that have been discussed in the study.
The company Skippy is a brand of USA which manufactures peanut butter. In the year 1932, the company sold its first peanut butter and was also appreciated by its customers. However, in the year 1933, Joseph Rosefield, the then owner of the Skippy brand had an idea to change the formula for the manufacturing of the peanut butter. With this idea he of change, he created this Skippy peanut butter which was m ore creamy and less sticky. This formula of peanut butter was much more liked by the customers and the company gained fame. Currently the Skippy peanut butter is manufactured and owned by Hormel Foods. This Hormel Foods Company bought the Skippy brand from the Unilever in the year 2013. The Skippy peanut butter brand is the best selling peanut butter brand in China and the second best peanut butter seller in the worldwide (Skippy Peanut Butter 2016).
The Skippy peanut is one of the most selling and most loved peanut butter worldwide. This is a peanut that is made with a unique formula that makes the butter more creamier, less sticky and more long lasting. This quality of this butter made the peanut butter lovers fall for this brand peanut butter. The company also introduced many different ranges of peanut butter such as the natural peanut butter which was the first no stir natural peanut butter spread. There are also other ranges like the chunky peanut butter, super chunky peanut butter, creamy peanut butter with honey and many others (Krampner 2014).
IMC Campaign Description
For the purpose of advertisement the company has used many of the cartoons and the celebrity spokesperson. This includes the celebrities such as Dennis Menace and Annette Funicello. In Canada, on the packaging a cartoon squirrel is used as homage.
After the Skippy peanut butter company had undergone its research for understanding its global positioning, it found out that for the Skippy customers worldwide, the Skippy peanut butter meant only one simple thing and that was – Simple tasty fun. These happy responses of the customers worldwide lead the company to use the term “Yippee” with the its peanut butter so that it could spread happiness in the form of YIPPEE everywhere. This is the new marketing campaign of the Skippy brand peanut butter. The company took over this campaign in Singapore and the main reason behind this campaign was to make people aware that the people worldwide signifies the Skippy peanut butter as a tasty fun and it is a source of happiness.
The manufacturers of the Skippy brand of peanut butter, the Hormel Foods have launched a multi faceted, integrated communication ads campaign in Singapore. This campaign is the first campaign of the Hormel Foods in last five of more years. This Yippee campaign of the Skippy brand includes a 30 seconds “fun factory” named ad on television and featured different interactive social component on the website of such as an online “fun button” ( 2015). All of these were done with an intention of highlighting the ways of how easily peanut butter could induce fun in almost every food. The fan s, during the total duration of the campaign could use hash tags #SkippyYippee while sharing their own moment of joy and fun with Skippy peanut butter and their expression on the social media. These happy moments shared by the customers on the social media could be tracked by the hash tags and clicks that have been used by the people. This would help to quantify the amount of happiness and fun that the Skippy peanut butter brought to its customers during the campaign period and also usually. The brand ahs taken special care for the purpose of the growth and the expanding of the Skippy brand after it acquired the portfolio for the Skippy products that were being sold. The main motto of the company is to give people happy and have and fun enjoying experience while they have the Skippy peanut butter and to associate the term fun with the Skippy peanut butter. This is a most fantastic way the Skippy company could show cast its new motivation and revitalization that it has been undergoing under the Hormel Foods. These are the milestone and the changes that the company is experiencing under the banner of Hormel Foods ( 2016).
Rationale for the Campaign
The different approaches have been taken by the company on the media to promote the product. The, the “fun button” and the “fun factory that have been in traduced by the Skippy Company have also been made available on the mobile sites so that more and more people could participate in this campaign and more responses regarding the product could be realized. This is the first step of the company for the promotion of its products. There would be even more components that would be added to this phrase of promotional activities within the coming periods of time. As pre- decided, these adding components would include some fun zones for the kids such as interactive games on social media and user generated art for peanut butter.
The different approaches have been taken by the company on the media to promote the product. The, the “fun button” and the “fun factory that have been in traduced by the Skippy Company have also been made available on the mobile sites so that more and more people could participate in this campaign and more responses regarding the product could be realized. This is the first step of the company for the promotion of its products. There would be even more components that would be added to this phrase of promotional activities within the coming periods of time. As pre- decided, these adding components would include some fun zones for the kids such as interactive games on social media and user generated art for peanut butter.
The target audience for the peanut butter of the Skippy brand are mainly the children as he children love to have the peanut butter on their sandwiches and other food items. However, this target is for the general marketing of the product and the company also focuses on promoting this as well. In this Skippy Yippee campaign, the main targeted audience of the company were the general public of the region. The main and the targeted audience of the campaign could not be recognised as such because the campaign has been held through different media items (Reinold and Tropp 2012). On the basis of the media used for the advertising purpose the target audience of the company could be classified as below:
The youngsters: According to Gambetti and Schultz (2015), the most important part of the campaign would be carried on through the social media as “fun button”. As the company has chosen the social media to be a part of the campaign and mostly the youngsters use the social media therefore, it could be said that the company’s main intention behind this was to target the young audience there. The different review system on the and the hash tag pictures and other experience sharing has been done with keeping the young generation in mind (Naeem et al. 2013).
Target Audience Description
The families: The other way of the promotion that is chosen in this campaign is the media of television ad. This specifies that the company targeted the families for the promotion of the peanut butter. In a family there are the kids, mothers and the older person who watch the television (Dibb and Simkin 2016). Therefore, they are the targeted audience of the Skippy Company for the promotion of the butter.
The general objectives of the campaign Skippy Yippee for this campaign could be defined as the follows:
- To increase the awareness and preference of this brand peanut butter among the public.
- To develop an innovative and sustainable strategy for the promotion and the marketing of the peanut butter.
- To reposition the Skippy peanut butter as fun snack food for the children.
However, in the words of Hollensen (2015), these are the secondary and the general objectives of the Skippy brand, the main objectives of the Skippy Brand peanut butter campaign that the company has held for the promotion for the peanut butter could be summoned up on as SMART objectives are:
Specific: To associate the people with the idea of fun with Skippy peanut butter so that happiness could be spread in the form of Skippy yippee and make more people aware of the Skippy campaign so that more responses could be tracked (Simkin and Dibb 2013).
Measurable: The number of people who are getting awareness about the product is however, not measurable exactly but it could be measured by the number of responses that the campaign receives. The responses that the campaign receives online with the hash tags applied could be measured by the tracker. This would help to measure the approximate number of people to whom the idea of fun with Skippy peanut butter have been delivered to (Bakhtavoryan et al. 2012).
Achievable: The objective that is set by the Skippy Brand for the promotion of its peanut butter is very much achievable. The company could apply various approaches, featured online components and different publicity ads, all these would help the company in achieving the goals set (Hwang and Thomadsen 2015).
Relevant: The goals that are set to be achieved at the campaign that is being held by the Skippy peanut butter brand are very much relevant and achievable. These targeted goals are relevant and easy to achieve (Krampner 2014).
Time- bound: The goals that are set above by the Skipper Company for the promotional campaign of its peanut butter are relevant and easy to achieve if there is appliance of correct marketing strategies and approaches that would lead to the achievement of these strategic objectives. The time that would be required for achieving this goal would may take some time. The time period that may be taken to reach this goal may be 3-4 months as the company is still implementing new concepts and components for the advertising purpose of the peanut butter (Hwang and Thomadsen 2012).
Communication Objectives
The desired response of the company from this campaign is gain more and more response from the general public on the social media through the online features that have been put up by the company as a part of the campaign. The other desired response of the company from this is that more and more people would be aware of this product and could be associated with it. This campaign would help the company to spread the idea of fun with the Skippy peanut butter.
The above is a report study on the integrated marketing communication campaign that has been organised by the Skippy brand for the promotion of its peanut butter. The Skippy is the second world best peanut butter selling company and the peanut butter of this brand is one of the most loved products of the people worldwide. The company planned a campaign for the promotion of the peanut butter. The company featured some online interactive social components and some ads on the television. There are also some new components that are planned to be added in the next few months. The objectives and the desired result from the campaign have been discussed. The whole description and the issues that were faced during the conducting of the campaign also have been mentioned. This campaign of the Skippy peanut butter has been the first campaign of the company in the last five to six years. This shows the level at which the Hormel Foods is taking the Skippy peanut butter.
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