Insights Into Research Strategies And Daily Activities Of A Recruitment Agency In Hospitality Industry
Research Strategies
Describe about the Hospitality Industry?
Primary and secondary research will be undertaken as a part of the research so that more information can be collected about the recruitment business in hospitality industry. A detailed insight into the research strategies that were used are discussed below.
Secondary research was conducted by way of going through plenty of journals, newspapers and books. This helped one to collect lot of information about the business that can be set in the near future. This helped the researcher to get plenty of ideas rather than that of being dependent on experience. The researcher can also learn from the mistakes that were done by the other entrepreneurs and hence, they can avoid further losses.
Apart from the secondary sources of research, primary sources were also used extensively. The researchers met few of the entrepreneurs from the recruitment industry. There were plenty of things which weren’t possible to understand with the help of secondary research and hence, the researcher clarified their doubts by meeting up with the entrepreneurs. Few of the practical questions helped the researcher to get an idea about setting a business. The researcher tried collect maximum information about funds so that the research can make arrangements for the funds before they start with business.
The researcher wanted the research to be perfect and hence, they tried their level best. To collect maximum information, the researcher conducted primary as well as secondary research. Even after so much of efforts, it was seen that there were certain other limitations which the researcher could not avoid. Few of the limitations associated with the research are as follows: –
1. The time period available to complete the research was limited and hence, the researcher wasn’t able to continue all that they had planned.
2. Most of the entrepreneurs weren’t willing to meet up with the researcher and hence, the researcher was left with no option but to consider only the points of the entrepreneur who was ready to meet them.
3. The entrepreneurs weren’t willing to provide complete information about their achievement and struggles and hence, the researcher was not having complete information about the business that was set.
4. The research was qualitative in nature and hence, the researcher could not completely collect data that can help the researcher with facts.
5. The perception of the researcher creates a direct impact on the result of the research. In fact, perceptions also differ of the entrepreneur and the researcher may not be in sync with that of each other (Stone 2001).
Activities at the recruitment agency
Plenty of activities will be undertaken at the recruitment agency on day-to-day basis. It is very important for the researcher to understand to look for people who can undertake the various activities. Few of the regular activities that will be undertaken by the recruitment agency in hospitality industry are discussed below.
First and foremost, the recruitment agency needs to understand that one client is different than that of the other. The recruitment agency can share their recruitment process with the client. Once the client gives a go ahead then they can start with the recruitment. Client communication will be one of the major tasks that will be seen in the recruitment consulting company.
Limitations of the Research
One of the coordinators from the recruitment agency will talk to the client and get the requirement. Few of the clients may share a job description while others may not. It is the responsibility of the coordinator to prepare a job description before the requirement reaches the recruiter. If the job description is prepared by the recruitment agency then it will have to be sent to the client for approval. Once approved, the job description can be passed on to the recruitment team.
Once the requirement reaches the recruiter, the recruiter will start looking for resumes from their internal database and job portals. The resumes will be downloaded and the recruiter will have a word with the candidate to ensure that the requirements of the client and the requirements of the candidate are in line with that of each other. All the candidates whose qualifications are in sync with the client’s requirement will be lined for an interview. The initial screen will be taken care by the recruitment team. This will help the recruiter to understand the seriousness of the candidate towards the position.
After the recruiter is sure that the client is genuine and his requirements are in sync with the requirements of the client, the candidate will be lined up for a second round of interview with the client. For one position, at least five people will be lined up. If the client doesn’t like all five then the recruiter will have to line up more candidates. If the client likes the candidate then they will talk to the candidate for a final HR round of interview wherein salary negotiation will place. If the candidate is fine with the salary that the client is offering then the candidate will be offered.
Once the candidate is offered, it is the responsibility of the recruiter to ensure that the candidate joins the client. The recruiter will continuously be touch with the recruiter. This will help the recruiter to ensure that the candidate will take up the opportunity. If the recruiter thinks at any point of point that the candidate may not join then the candidate should be asked to revoke the offer and the recruiter will start looking for some other candidate for the same position (Hursh 2010).
It is the responsibility of the recruitment agency to talk to the client and ensure that they need a recruitment agency that can take care of their recruitment requirements. Few of the reasons due to which the companies in the hospitality industry should outsource their recruitment work to the agency are discussed below.
Recruitment is one of the most common activities that will be undertaken by every company so one thing is for sure that the companies in hospitality industry will also be doing recruitments, frequently, every now and then. If the recruitment task is outsourced to the recruitment agency then the company need not have an internal team to take care of recruitment. The recruitment agency can work as per the client’s requirement and hence, even during peak seasons, all the positions will be efficiently closed. On the other end, when there will no requirement, the recruitment team at the client’s place will not be idle and hence, this can be a huge cost saving.
Regular Activities at a Recruitment Agency
Recruitment experts are very hard to fight and hence, it is better that the recruitment task is outsourced rather than that of doing it internally. The recruitment agency will ensure that all the recruiters in the organization are trained so that they can be good and speedy recruiters. Recruitment experts are something that every organization will require. If the company is small then it is better that they outsource the recruitment requirement to a client rather than that of having an internal recruitment team separately.
Bulk recruitment is one of the most difficult things to do and hence, that will be easily taken care by the recruitment agency. For junior positions, the organization may require fifty to hundred employees at the same time so that will be easily taken care by the recruitment agency. The recruitment agency will have to be paid only for positions that they have closed. This will help the recruiters from the external agency to be more active than that of the recruiters who are a part of the organization. If there are no recruitment requirements then the recruitment agency need not be paid (Starr 2007).
It is very important for the recruitment agency to market the company to the prospective clients. In case of absence of marketing, the prospective clients will not be aware of the recruitment agency and hence, even if the client has a requirement then they will go ahead with some other recruitment agency. Few of the sales strategy that can be used by recruitment agency to attract more clients are discussed below.
It is always better for the organization to have a sales team in place. The only responsibility of the sales team would be to get in clients. The sales team should consist of people who are very passionate about sales rather than people who got into sales as they couldn’t get into something else.
The sales professionals in the recruitment agency should send out mailers to the client regarding the services that the recruitment agency can provide. These mailers should be sending out at regular intervals so that the client can remember this recruitment agency. Even if there is no requirement at this point of time, the HR professional should consider the recruitment agency when the requirement prevails in the organization.
The recruitment agency is new in the market and the agency should always remember that there are already plenty of recruitment agencies in the country. To start with, the recruitment services should be provided to the clients at an affordable price so that many companies are motivated to outsource their recruitment process.
It is very important for the recruitment agency to work as per the timelines that has been provided by the client. All the clients will be happy if the open position is closed at the earliest. The recruitment agency can ensure that the clients are satisfied by way of providing speedy service. The sales team can look for creative ideas like the position will be closed in 48 hours. This will motivate the client to be part of the recruitment consultancy (Mallabar 2009).
There are many recruitment agencies and hence, the recruitment agency will have to look for ways by which they can be better than that of the other recruitment companies in the industry. Few of the recommendations that would help the recruitment agency to be better than that of the other companies in the industry are as follows: –
1. The recruitment agency should maintain an internal database. The recruiter should understand that every company has access to job portals so they should do something different to have resumes that are not accessible to other companies.
2. The recruiter should only line up serious candidates who will take up the offer when they are offered. If there is lack of seriousness among the candidate and if the candidate doesn’t take up the offer when they are offered or absconds after taking the offer then this will spoil the reputation of the recruitment consultancy.
3. The recruitment agency can slowly and steadily grow in other areas like payroll and employee engagement.
4. Apart from functions, the recruitment agency can explore other industries as well other than the hospitality industry (California Bookwatch 2008).
Recruitment agency is a very competitive business and hence, they will have to be very active from day one so that they can stay ahead in the competition. Customer satisfaction is one of the best ways by which the recruitment consultancy can survive in the market.
California Bookwatch, 2008, The Business Plan Workbook, pp. 12-17
Mallabar, M, 2009, Commentary: Business plan fundamentals, Daily Record, pp. 17-29
Starr, L, 2007, Small business plans: captain, your deck chairs have arrived!, Journal of pension benefits, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 75
Hursh, N, 2010, A custom business plan, Saskbusiness, Vol. 31, No. 8, pp. 32
Stone, A, 2001, Business Plan, Journal of housing & community development, Vol. 58, No. 6, pp. 22-25