Innovation Space Analysis And Innovation Project Proposal For Biomaterials 2018

Background Information on Innovation Space Analysis and Innovation Project Proposal for Biomaterials 2018

FTO and Innovation Space analysis 

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The IP report helps to determine the Literature Review’s results that represents the IP landscape and evaluation of innovation networks, by means of analysis. Here, the initial part of the report identifies the tasks and characterizes the innovation space based on the (FTO) Freedom to Operates perspective. It is believed that the analysis of FTO and the report’s conclusions must reflect the opportunities of securing the intellectual property of the selected topic. The IP analysis report is a mixture of biomaterial, or processing conditions, or device, or “method of manufacturing” (“Biomaterials & Medical Products Commercialization | Society for Biomaterials (SFB)”, 2018).

Actually, innovation doesn’t directly continue based on the fundamental logical research, for improvising the product. Instead, innovation refers to a form of iterative process to both coordinate the needs of the business sector with the mechanical abilities and for enforcing tests to fill in the information holes, while the origination of the product, configuration of the product, assembling of the product, showcasing of the product, or various development stages, of the process. The achievements of the business are based on the firm’s capacity for building and ensuring the restrictive favourable position in the commercial centre, similar to how it uses its capacity for producing new logical as well as the specialized enhancements. The procedure of Innovation fluctuates significantly crosswise over enterprises and product offerings. In some of the businesses like the pharmaceuticals, their development is based on their logical accomplishments; whereas in the other firms like the hardware, it receives enough from the product and its process plan (Bogers and West, 2010).

What’s more, Innovation varies based on several attributes all through the product and the life cycles of the industry. Incipient businesses displays the abnormal amount of product development, as the organization endeavors to settle down based on the important attributes and models from the new contributions. The next stages of the development includes to represent the innovation process, because the organization endeavours on enhancing its methods to assemble the present offerings of the product. The strategies of the government are used for encouraging the innovation along with the commercialization, as it could be highly captivating when they actually notice the conditions which are changing and which prompts to accomplishment in several businesses. Thus, it addresses organization’s various hindrances in almost all the stages of the product development.

Analysis of FTO

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From the FTO analysis, it is observed that Bio materials innovation has a large scope in future. It will mainly help the biological systems on the cellular, molecular and genetic levels, for helping people to recover from various biological or cellular complications. The analysis also reports that, in the field of science, the bio materials innovation is advancing drastically.  It is concluded that, definitely there must be IP development in the Bio materials innovation, because there is lot of scope and benefits for the humanity.

Understanding Freedom to Operate Analysis from the perspective of Biomaterial Innovation

Patents seemingly offer the most grounded type of insurance, yet are exceptionally compelling for just a set number of item composes, in a predetermined number of ventures. Patents permit trend-setters the rights to their creations for a long time after the patent application is documented, permitting them a time of selectiveness amid which they can endeavour to procure monopolistic profits for their development. Licensing expects trend-setters to freely reveal the points of interest of their development; in a few fields, contenders would then be able to design around the patent by contriving a to some degree distinctive approach to give a similar usefulness. Reviews have discovered that Patents for the most part raise impersonation costs 30 to 40 percent for medications and 20 to 25 percent for synthetics, yet just 7 to 15 percent in hardware. In synthetic compounds, for example, contenders can’t without much of a stretch locate an elective compound with attributes comparative or indistinguishable to the protected substance, making impersonation troublesome. However, in gadgets and different zones, it is simpler to create around Patents. The components of an item’s plan and fabricate can be gathered through cautious investigation, and comparative items can be produced that perform indistinguishably (“Commercialization of Innovation or Research”, 2018).

This ability makes it more troublesome for trend-setters to catch or suitable the profits from another Innovation since they can’t keep up their restraining infrastructure positions for long. In cases in which patent assurance isn’t powerful, trailblazers may rather pick to keep the workings of their creations mystery, to the degree conceivable. The law gives just halfway assurance to exchange insider facts. Firms can endeavour to control previous representatives from contending with them by utilizing information picked up amid their business. Essentially, they can sue firms that illicitly access exchange insider facts. Thus, prized formula insurance is most helpful for developments whose workings can be avoided the eyes of gifted examiners. Process developments can frequently be kept mystery since they can be holed up behind manufacturing plant.

Many organizations must, along these lines, depend on different obstructions to passage to secure their Innovations. In enterprises described by noteworthy economies of scale or soak expectations to learn and adapt, trend-setters can regularly pick up insurance by being first to advertise and quickly extending generation. Despite the fact that this technique may frequently require vast in advance interests in plant and hardware, it can empower organizations to quickly decrease their generation costs by spreading the capital venture over a bigger number of items and by enabling them to quickly pick up involvement with the assembling procedure. Such experience often converts into lower fabricating costs after some time, as specialists and managers comprehend the inconspicuous collaborations between parts of a framework or the impacts of changes in assembling conditions on item execution. Experiential information of this sort, frequently alluded to as inferred learning, isn’t effortlessly classified and passed on. In this manner, it can’t without much of a stretch be gained by a contender who does not make a comparable interest underway (“Commercializing Technology: What the Best Companies Do”, 2018).

Innovation and its Relation to Business Success

Summary of the Proposed Innovation 

The purpose here is to prepare a proposal for Bio materials innovation. Today, the Bio materials innovation is advancing drastically in the field of science. This will actually benefit to understand the biological systems on the cellular, molecular and genetic levels. In future, the engineering sciences, design sciences, biomaterials industry’s innovations all expect increased attention for the future development (Styhre, 2016). The Innovation can help in the treatment and to replace the tissue organ or body’s function. The main idea of advancing is to develop in-depth knowledge in the field and help the people who need it.

Innovators have a few components for shielding their developments from rivals. They can utilize Patents and programming copyrights to legitimately ban different firms from duplicating their development without an express permit; they can keep their Innovation mystery from potential imitators; or they can exploit different boundaries to advertise passage. The decision of technique is, from various perspectives, controlled by the idea of the innovation itself (Datta, Mukherjee & Jessup, 2014).

Research Plan and Work Packages

The following task table denotes the research plan and the key enablers.

Project Tasks

Name of the Tasks

Biomaterials Innovation


      Degradable and Restorable Biomaterials

      Polymers as Biomaterials

      Bio mimetic Biomaterials

      Adsorbed Protein on Biomaterials

   Tissue Engineering

      Tissue Growth and Development

      Tissue Remodelling

      Tissue Bioreactors

   Biomaterials for Stem Cell Therapy

      Synthetic Polymers

      Embryonic stem cells

      Source of Stem cells Treatment of Diseases

   Biomaterial for Implants

      Metallic Implants

      Ceramic Implants

      Polymeric Implant

      Dental Implants

      Breast Implants

   Biomaterials for Drug Delivery system

      Nanoparticle and Liposome’s


      Biocompatible material

   Recent trends in Tissue Engineering

      Bone Regeneration


   Tissue engineering in Artificial Organs

      Types of Artificial Organs

      Regeneration of Tissues or Cells

      Replacement of Cells


   Regenerative Medicine

      Synthetic Polymers

      Gene Editing

      Pre-Clinical Bone repair

      Cell and Gene-Based Therapies

   Anti-Aging Medicine

      Nutraceuticals and Nano developments

      Clinical Anti-Aging Therapies

      Prevention of age-related disease


      Hyper spectral Imaging

      Thermal imaging

      X-Ray Imaging

      Magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI)

   Advanced Materials

      Scaffold Materials




      Super Conductors

   Biomaterials & Nanotechnology

      Nano Fiber Scaffolds for Stem Cell Expansion

      Magnetic Nanomaterial

      Carbon Nanotubes and Nanostructure

      Metal Nanoparticle


The below table represents the plan and the corresponding resource allocations.

Resource Allocations

Tissue Engineering Professionals

Medical Professionals

Healthcare Professionals

Biomedicine Professionals

Stem Cell Professionals

Tissue Engineering

Biomaterials Societies & Association Members


This section represents the commercialisation plan and denotes who will own the technology along with the long term prospects of this development (Jamieson & Richmond, 2013). The field of science is vast and today technology has even expanded the scope of science and technology together, for establishing it as a business. Additionally, to benefit the health of the mankind (Jayasinghe, 2013).

The advancement of biomimetic and bio responsive biomaterials is generally perceived as this methodology offers answers for both enhanced life span of medicinal gadgets and the bio specificity of medication bearers and differentiation specialists. This should be real centre innovative work endeavours for the future with advancement being the way to progress. Without a doubt, the body condition can be mimicked by engineered materials to help tissue repair forms and to encourage cell-particular acknowledgment forms required to a bio-focused on medication conveyance or imaging. Similarly, biomimetic, bio responsive biomaterials are generally perceived as a pre-imperative for the future usage of cell-based treatments. At present, there is no substrate biomaterial ready to control their phenotype particularly if the cells to be refined are embryonic and grown-up mesenchymal immature microorganisms.

Biomaterials and Medical Products Commercialization individuals trade thoughts and encounters about the commercialization of therapeutic items subordinate upon biomaterials for utility and viability (“Five steps to successful commercialization of an innovation”, 2018). Society for Biomaterials individuals, extending from understudies to veterans in the field, will locate an open discussion to investigate issues confronting business biomaterials, for example, controls, Patents, case, repayment for the resultant medicinal gadget, assembling and appropriation; and also view of wellbeing and patient advantages (Ratcliffe, 2011). Interpretation from improvement to showcasing of sheltered and creative restorative items is tested by the conflicting accessibility of biomaterials in the shadow of these worries, and a politically enthusiastic social insurance field. Join the Biomaterials and Medical Products Commercialization SIG to upgrade your insight and adapting aptitudes in the dynamic human services network (Srivastava & Chandra, 2012).

Bio materials Innovation and its Scope

The capacity to popularize innovation, to move an item from idea to showcase rapidly and proficiently, is essential in light of changes in the business condition (“Nanotechnology Commercialization: Manufacturing Processes and Products”, 2017). First among these now-natural patterns is the expanding expansion of new Innovations and the speed with which they render past advances out of date. Exact proof of this pattern is bounteous and incorporates the contracting life cycles of numerous items (“Innovation How to convert research into commercial success story, 2018).

Generally, commercialization is an endeavour to provide the benefit frm the development of the innovation by joining the new aspects such as administrations, procedures and items. It offering the benefits in the commercial centre. The commercialization suggests the scaling up from model to volume submitting and producing more noteworthy assets to deal and advising exercises.

Generally, organizations is must attempt to survey the profits of another endeavours and it considering the organization capacity to secure the protected innovation (Program, 2012). The innovation is must view the level of the existing size and conceivable markets productivity to showcasing the innovation exercises. The organization should survey their capacity to outfit the vital integral resources like various advances expected to create their development more abilities and helpful in assembling, circulation and promoting required for business innovation achievement within the general organization strategies for the innovation success (“MARKETING STRATEGY OF COMMERCIALIZATION OF INNOVATION”, 2013). The gainfulness of development relies upon the commercialization expanses. Basically few ventures are requires the speculation size and it is the biggest single obstacle to commercialization and it is valid in fragments of the gadgets business. The capital expenses does not present as the extraordinary a commercialization of obstruction in the innovation.


Biomaterials & Medical Products Commercialization | Society for Biomaterials (SFB). (2018). Retrieved from

Bogers, M., & West, J. (2010). Contrasting Innovation Creation and Commercialization within Open, User and Cumulative Innovation. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.1751025

Commercialization of Innovation or Research. (2018). Retrieved from

Commercializing Technology: What the Best Companies Do. (2018). Retrieved from

Datta, A., Mukherjee, D., & Jessup, L. (2014). Understanding commercialization of technological innovation: taking stock and moving forward. R&D Management, 45(3), 215-249. doi: 10.1111/radm.12068

Five steps to successful commercialization of an innovation. (2018). Retrieved from

Innovation How to convert research into commercial success story ?. (2018). Retrieved from

Jamieson, M., & Richmond, F. (2013). The Role of Universities in the Commercialization of Medical Products. Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science, 48(3), 347-356. doi: 10.1177/2168479013513456

Jayasinghe, S. (2013). Biomaterials and Bioengineering Tomorrow’s Healthcare. Biomatter, 3(3), e25887. doi: 10.4161/biom.25887

MARKETING STRATEGY OF COMMERCIALIZATION OF INNOVATION. (2013). Sovremennye Issledovaniya Sotsialnykh Problem, (4). doi: 10.12731/2218-7405-2013-4-4

Nanotechnology Commercialization: Manufacturing Processes and Products. (2017). Focus On Catalysts, 2017(7), 7. doi: 10.1016/j.focat.2017.06.041

Program, T. (2012). TIM Lecture Series: Leadership Position in Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization. Technology Innovation Management Review, 2(6), 49-53. doi: 10.22215/timreview569

Ratcliffe, A. (2011). Difficulties in the translation of functionalized biomaterials into regenerative medicine clinical products. Biomaterials, 32(18), 4215-4217. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2011.02.028

Srivastava, P., & Chandra, S. (2012). Technology Commercialization: Indian University Perspective. Journal Of Technology Management & Innovation, 7(4), 121-131. doi: 10.4067/s0718-27242012000400010

Styhre, A. (2016). Biomaterials innovation.

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