Innovation In Tourism Industry Of New Zealand
Background of Tourism Industry of New Zealand
What innovative practices/product/service did they implement? What was the aim of the initiative? How did it come about and what research was taken to support it? How did the initiative impact on the organisation? What success did the initiative have on the market?
Every business enterprise needs to innovates their process sustain in the competitive market condition. In this research paper, the main object discussed is about the innovation required by the organizations to survive in the market. The small business of New Zealand is mainly dependent on the tourism sectors of the country (Alsos, et al, n.d.). To attract more tourists the country should innovates new strategies. Tourism of any country helps its economy to grow. New Zealand is famous tourist destination as for its natural beauty and adventure. The tourism industry of New Zealand should make innovation in the new strategies to attract more tourists to the country (Carlsen, et al, 2014). The tourism industry of New Zealand contributed to the GDP of the country. The Bungee jump and Jet Boat rides of Queen Stone of New Zealand are very popular to the tourists. The tourism agency also aims to develop the activities of Bungee jump and Jet Boat rides of Queen Stone. The tourism agency of New Zealand takes necessary initiatives to develop the tourism business of the country.
New Zealand is famous for its tourism destinations. It is popular among the tourists all over the world is because of its beautiful sightseeing. It is also popular for the adventure tourism. For the development of tourism industry, New Zealand formed various hiking and walking lanes. Milford tracks of New Zealand are also very popular to the travelers (Hjalager, 2003). New Zealand is also a very famous tourist’s destination internationally. As per the magazine, Conde Nast Traveler, the country get no. one position in the year 2008 for getting highest no. of tourists from all over the world. The country also achieves the no. one position as per the overseas tourists in the year 2007. The govt. starts the initiatives named as Tourism New Zealand in the year 2000 to attract more tourists to the country. As per these initiatives the tourism business of New Zealand is promoted all over the world to attract more tourists.
Innovation is much needed for any organization. For the development of tourism of New Zealand innovative steps should be taken. Tourism sector of New Zealand should need new investments from new entrepreneurs. The employees associated with the tourism industry should be properly trained. The architecture of any can attracts tourists to the country. So, architecture development should be needed to attract more tourists (Innovation and growth in tourism, 2007). The govt. also should follow the friendly laws for the new business entrepreneurs such that they can be more interested in the tourism business. Innovation should be focused to better the experiences of the tourists. The New Zealand govt. should be more concerned with for the facilities of the tourists (“Innovation and Tourism announcement”, 2006). Proper communication and sufficient hotels are the main needs of the tourism business. The communication system and no. of hotels in New Zealand should be sufficient enough to serve the tourists. The Bungee jump and Jet Boat rides of Queen Stone are very popular to the tourists of New Zealand. The tramping activities should be more developed and more hiking paths should be created. Ecotourism should be adapted by New Zealand to attract tourists towards the remote parts of the country. For the development of tourism sectors, the communication through train should be developed. The remote places of the country should be connected through train routes. The tourism agency of New Zealand should take more initiatives to attract more tourists to the country.
The main aim of innovation of an organization is to develop the business of the organization. To improve the tourism business of New Zealand, innovative steps should be taken to increase the no. of tourists to the country. The aim of tourism innovative is to enhance adventure tourism business of the country. The tourism industry of New Zealand also helps it to increase its GDP and a high portion of the country’s income is earned from the tourism sectors of the country (Laws, 2010). The activities of Bungee jump and Jet Boat rides of Queen Stone are very much popular among the tourists and it also attracts more tourists to the country. The country is also aiming for eco tourism for the country such that the tourism business of the country can be able to develop the tourism business of the remote places of the country. New investors should be attracted to invest in the tourism business of the country such that the tourism business of the country can be developed (Lessem & Schieffer, 2011). The innovation is also aiming to train the employees of the tourism sectors of the country such that they can be able to serve the tourists better. The tramping activities should be promoted to attract more tourists. The govt. created hiking paths to promote the tourism business.
Although New Zealand is always a popular destination to the tourists but to survive in the competitive industry of tourism sectors, the tourism agency of New Zealand takes the necessary innovative as per the recent market demands and tourist’s choice. The main aim of taking innovation is to increase the tourists’ experiences and through attracting more tourists to the country (Peters & Pikkemaat, 2006). For the promoting the tourism of remote places of the country, the tourism agency aims to development of the eco tourism business. The Bungee jump and Jet Boat rides of Queen Stone are very popular to the tourists of New Zealand. As the tramping activities are very popular among the tourist, the tourism department aims for the innovation of this sport. To develop the adventure tourism among the tourists’, the aim of innovating the hiking paths are taken. To increase the tourists’ experiences, the aims for trained the employees of the tourism sectors have been taken.
For the development of any business, innovative ideas should be taken. For the development of the tourism industry, the tourism department of New Zealand takes many new innovative steps. As a result of the development of the tramping activities, more tourists are attracted to the country (Poon, 1989). The development of the hiking paths leads to increase the adventure tourism of the country. The innovative ways of the tourism department of the New Zealand leads to increase the total no. of tourists to the country. For the taken innovations for the development of the tourism business of the country, leads the country to attract the tourists to the eco tourism sectors. To develop the tourism business, the employees of the tourism are trained to serve their customers better. Thus by taking the steps of trained the employees’ leads to increase the tourists’ experiences. The development of the hiking and walking lanes of the country helps to increase the tourists’ experiences. The Bungee jump and Jet Boat rides of Queen Stone are very popular to the tourists of New Zealand (Price, 2006). As a result of the taking innovations for the development of these spots, leads the country to attract more tourists. As a result of the development of the tramping and hiking paths around the tourists’ spots leads to attract more tourists and this leads to enhance the tourists’ experiences. So, for the innovative ideas the country gets more tourists from all over the world and this also increase the earning from the tourism sectors. Thus the tourism sector of the country contributed to the GDP of the country.
For the development of the business of any enterprises, new innovative should be taken by the organizations. Tourism industry is a very profitable industry in the modern age (Roffe, 2005). The tourism sector helps a country to grow economically and it also has a great impact on the GDP of any country. So, like other business, tourism business also should take innovative for the development of their business. New Zealand is famous for its popular tourists’ destination spots (Weiss, n.d.). It is well known for adventure trips and for its natural beauty. It achieves the no. one spot to attract highest no. of tourists in the year 2008. The sports Bungee jump and Jet Boat rides of Queen Stone, New Zealand are very popular among the tourists of New Zealand. To attract more tourists to their country, the tourism agency and tourism department of the country take new innovations for the development of this sports. The sports tramping is also very popular among the tourists. For the development of this sport, more hiking paths are created as per their innovative ideas. For further development of the tourism business of New Zealand, more new innovation should be taken by New Zealand tourism agency.
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