Innovation In Accounting: A Comparative Study Of Four Articles
Theory and progression in the field
Khan, Al Aboud, and Faisal proposed research in 2018 in which they highlight the technological innovations and their role in the development of the accounting and make easier the work of accountant in an efficient manner. These authors have developed another vital relationship between available software in technology and accountants. The research has focused on showing the importance of innovation in accounting and their impact on the business in the form of pace, swiftness, and accuracy.
It has been recognized by Khan, Al Aboud, and Faisal that there are a number of variables within the innovation in accounting in which authors embedded importance of innovation in the accounting system, advantages and disadvantages of innovation in accounting. The role of the technology in an accounting firm is huge as it helps in increasing the productivity of the business as well as employees to attain the objectives of the company in the global market. The author has categorized the importance of innovation in the form of development of technology in accounting.
In the time since Khan, Al Aboud, and Faisal’s research the matter of innovation in accounting and their advantages on accounting firms in the context of growing economy of the specific country. The primary research has been chosen by the researcher in order to bring attention towards the topic so that the further research can be done in a more efficient manner. Along with that, there are more three articles that focused on the same topic in different ways. All articles have different perspectives regarding the innovation in accounting.
It is apparent that the factors which have been highlighted by Khan, Al Aboud, and Faisal are important and it is necessary for the company to focus the accounting system with the latest technology so that the company can think forward in order to attain the objectives of the company in an efficient manner. Across all theories, it is cleared that the main focus of all authors on the development of the accounting firm by focusing on the innovation.
As elaborated under the research of Khan, Al Aboud, and Faisal’ that highlighted the importance of the innovation in the accounting system for the purpose of increasing the productivity of the business in an efficient manner. Similar, the work of Muhammad Zawawi and Hoque, Ionica, and Alina, Parker elaborate that innovation has a significant role in the accounting.
It has been mentioned by Muhammad Zawawi in his article that the management accounting innovation system is referred to as the key growth where the decisions of the company rely on the gain or loss. It has been identified by the author in this article that innovations of management accounting and the system of control indicate a number of issues regarding the implementation, internalization and initiation of contemporary management accounting and control system like TQM and JIT. It encompasses various studies such as investigate management innovations in studies on specific management practices of accounting. The work of Ionica and Alina, is different from other articles as they have focused on the strategies that can implement innovation with group thinking for which the researcher has taken six articles for critically review the topic. The alternative approach has been considered under this article to emphasise the innovation in the accounting system in order to increase the efficiency of the business. This research has taken the both qualitative and quantitative method to describe the importance of innovation in accounting system in which the researcher has made the self-administered structured The research of Dagiliene and Dagiliene suggests that the role of the innovation has the feature of the intangible assets of the company that can improve the value of the business for the long term. Along with that, an author has elaborated that it is not possible to make an effective strategy in order to recognize the values of the organization.
Common Themes/Findings Across the Four Articles
It is hard to recognize the different strategies or theories across articles by taking one subject which was focused on different authors in order to elaborate the importance of the innovation in accounting.
To start with the task of Khan, Al Aboud, and Faisal, primary research is focused under this research in which the entire description regarding population and sample has been given so that the better understanding about the primary data can be made. Generally, researchers focus on various aspects while making primary research such as gender focus and many more but the main aim of this research to gather the information regarding the topic. Various examples have been given in this article due to amendments in the technology and same should be applied in the accounting firm, that kind of suggestion has been given by the author to bring innovation in the accounting firm.
Haiza Muhammad Zawawi and Hoque tend to focus on innovation in accounting by taking consideration of the qualitative research. Researchers are eagerly included in this research to execute the idea with their role of the change agent in order to innovate something different. it has been investigated by the researcher that the role of the development process in the organization is huge. Various samples and case studies have been taken into consideration under this research in order to bring better understanding of the topic.
The research conducted by Ionica, and Alina highlights the innovation in the accounting system of the millennials generation. It has been found through this article that people are continuously connected with the technology and born into the latest technology that emerging world. Millennials have a preference to interact in the quicker manner by using social network or e-mail as opposed to a traditional medium of communication. It is different from other journal articles as the author has
There was a huge focus on organization and strategy within the research of Dagiliene and Dagiliene, as it has been described under this research that innovation has several factors by which the valuation of the innovation in management, financial and accounting has been demonstrated.
It has been found that the managerial implications are different for all four articles. Dagiliene & Dagiliene, proposed that new innovative process of accounting to assess innovation so that the development in the company could be made. Khan, Al Aboud, and Faisal, demonstrated the concepts of the innovation in accounting and their pros and cons so that the management of the Company can take step in an effective manner.
The managerial implication in the article of Haiza Muhammad Zawawi & Hoque, 2010 is that the role of the top management is needed for the execution of the accounting system in the business. In the context of the managerial implication, it has been found that the Ionica, and Alina elaborated the success of the business which can be helpful for the business to earn more revenues by getting knowledge of different strategies.
Study limitations and how these differ across the various study designs
Discussion of Different Themes
The limitation can prevent the utility of the article in a more efficient manner and it is required for the authors to know about the limitations so that it could be focused by them in further researches. The researcher has developed the artificial intelligence job snatcher in which they are showing the technological innovation with such a velocity that would be helpful in gulping the job of masses. The research can focus on other primary tools to conduct this research. It is noted that the real-life settings in which the research conducted were limited. This, united with the considerable number of changeable within the Contingency Model itself which refers the article was limited in a specific zone of the research.
It has been evaluated in the context of the limitations that both, Ionica, and Alina, and Khan, Al Aboud, and Faisal’s researches were having a small sample size which should be considered on a large basis. The research of them is descriptive in nature but involve analytical study where the inferential design was proposed.
It can be implied within the business as it helped in earning huge values form relatively smaller employees. The managerial implication of the third article is different from others as it is suggested that the role of the top management is required for the implementation of the accounting system in the organization (Haiza Muhammad Zawawi & Hoque, 2010).
As the research developed by Dagiliene and Dagiliene, it has been noted by the author that collected data can be benefitted with the help of the quantitative research. However, an author has described the value of the innovation in the form of intangible assets but it could be more focused by the author by taking consideration of the accounting firm with respect to innovation.
It has been analyzed by reviewing each article that the concept of each article is same as all are focused towards innovation in accounting. It has been found that all of them are indicated the importance of the innovation in the accounting system as it is able to amplify the productivity of the business as well as employees.
It has been noted by Khan, Al Aboud that innovation is must in increasing the sales of the company as a number of examples have been given by the author to describe the importance of the innovation in the success of the organization. Previously, it has been noted that the research is referred to the advantages and disadvantages of the innovation in the technology in the accounting system. The qualitative and quantitative study has been focused by Haiza Muhammad Zawawi and Hoque, Ionica, and Alina in which they have taken a sample to analyze the data in the context of the innovation in accounting. It has been recommended by them to use the opposite method of research in further studies so that the evaluation of the topic can be done in a more efficient manner.
Of further note, all studies recommended that the findings of the research should be utilized to improve the structure of the innovation in accounting in order to develop more efficiency in employees as well as businesses.
Dagiliene, R., & Dagiliene, L. 2014. Accounting-based valuation of innovation: challenges and perspectives. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 156, 589-593.
Haiza Muhammad Zawawi, N., & Hoque, Z. 2010. Research in management accounting innovations: An overview of its recent development. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, 7(4), 505-568.
Ionica, O., & Alina, S. 2017. The Impact of Management Accounting Innovations on Millennials Business. Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series, 17(1), 568-572.
Khan, A.K., Al Aboud, O.A. and Faisal, S.M., 2018. An Empirical Study of Technological Innovations in the Field of Accounting-Boon or Bane. Business and Management Studies, 4(1), pp.51-58