Innovation And Creativity At Diwan Of Royal Court – Analysis And Recommendations


The report is based on analysing the creativity and innovation at Diwan of Royal Court. This report aims to discuss creativity and innovation, which is an act of building new ideas and imaginations along with the introduction of effective ideas in the market. Innovation and creativity are needed in the human resource management to ensure optimum job satisfaction for the employees. Innovation helps in more productive ideas coming up from the employees at different levels, which in turn can help the management, come up with more efficient business strategies. The social barriers include the loss of jobs for many people in case of implementation of automatic information systems. This, in turn, will adversely affect the economy of the society. Many employees may not accept the new technologies readily because of their lack of competency and knowledge in the information systems. The objectives of this paper are:

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  • To analyse creativity and innovation importance in the organisation
  • To determine the issues related to social and organisation which are barriers to creativity and innovation

The paper discusses about innovation in Diwan of Royal Court as they are designed and delivered of the innovative program.

The organisations that have been market leaders in the past tend to stay away from the market competition by being innovative in their own way, which helps them to achieve long-term success in the markets (Rozdolskaya et al. 2014). Recently IMD and the Royal Court jointly signed an innovative program known as the National CEO Program (NCP) to nurture Oman’s resources and talent. This was aimed at training the desired candidates who have a keen interest and the likelihood of becoming CEO in any private sector organisations or even an official in any high rank within the public sector (Sahin, Ulubeyli and Kazaza 2015). The talent was defined as having a strong likelihood of becoming a CEO in the private sector or a high-ranking official in the public sector (Rass et al. 2013). The main aim of this innovative program was to form cadre of efficient leaders in the private as well as public sector who could work in joint collaboration with mutual trust and respect and work towards achieving the common goal of the sustainable development of Oman and improving the country’s economic conditions (Mainemelis, Kark and Epitropaki 2015).

Another creative and extremely innovative project undertaken by the Diwan court in recent times was the data palm innovation project aimed to reduce waster production. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) had been signed between “TANMIA, which is the Oman National Investments Development Company and the Industrial Innovation Centre “IIC”. Its main objective is to explore the plan of feasibility associated with the products made from the wastes generated by the dates and palm trees (Natalicchio, Petruzzelli and Garavelli 2014). The systematic process of implementation of the innovative strategies is done in the following steps as discussed below:

  • Generation if idea and Mobilization. New business models, as well as ideas, should be generated by the different teammates regarding data storage to eliminate the present pen and paper mode of storing data.
  • Advocacy and Screening: Screening the ideas since not all ideas can be implemented based on their feasibility.
  • Experimentation:Applying the innovative ideas on a test scenario within the Diwan of Royal court to test its outcome.
  • Commercialisation:Expanding the innovative strategy across the other offices and government bodies, which are directly/indirectly related to the Diwan of the Royal court.
  • Diffusion and Implementation: Once the required innovations n information systems, as well as other business processes, are identified, they have to be communicated efficiently to the staff. It should also be ensured that they are properly implemented and sustained in future work operations.

In this report, it is believed that the HR practices provide a way to help the employees in improving their skills as well as knowledge, competencies, in addition to job values, which are required to creative in the jobs. The HR practices should foster and promote a climate for creativity and innovation among the workplace workers (An, Song and Carr 2016). The organisational climate is considered as a key significant mediator between HRM system and creative business performance.

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Climate for creativity and innovation

Creative leadership exists in the Diwan of the Royal court, and the different personnel are creative in their own ways and work cooperatively to develop ideas of innovation (Massis et al. 2015). The creative leadership ideas will inculcate positivity as well as optimism in the work culture, and the employees will be more motivated to research more o the existing problems within the Diwan Court to come up with innovative ideas to overcome them.

  • Process innovation: the HR department of Diwan of the Royal court performed different processes such as recruiting, succession planning, staffing, performance management as well as compensation (Webster and Collier 2016).The DIVISION technique is most creative here that has a tendency of breaking the “structural fixedness,” thereby allowing the provision of implementing innovative ideas in the business operations.
  • Organisation Design: The HR department of the Diwan has always involved the processes related to jobs and vacancies as well as retention of the existing employees. They can use the MULTIPLICATION technique. A list of the different job functions should be made (Carbonell, Hebert and Gijselaers, 2013). Then one should be selected, and its copy should be made, but the copied function should be incorporated in another process such as alignments, deliverables etc., within the Royal court.

The Diwan of Royal court can use the creativity models effectively. There are different factors such as external, personal as well as organisational factors, which help in determining the overall organisational climate within the Diwan of the Royal court. Work pressure from managers as well as other peer pressures adversely affects the productivity of the employees that in turn affect the work culture/climate and the creative abilities of the employees. Effective leadership can help in motivating the teammates and urge them to think more creatively. The different parameters are linked as shown in the picture below:

Figure 1: Climate model in Diwan of Royal court (Carbonell, Hebert and Gijselaers 2013)

The two models of creativity as explained below:

  • Stage One, Preparation or the conscious state: In this stage, the Diwan court management will identify the present issues in the systems and need to bring about a transformation.
  • Stage Two, Incubation or the subconscious state: In this stage, the planning will be done considering ideal situations in the real time scenarios (Jones 2013).
  • Stage Three, Illumination: In this stage, the innovative and creative changes to be incorporated in the system will be proposed to the management of the Diwan Court.
  • Stage Four, Verification: In this step, the proposed plans will be verified by applying real world scenarios for the Diwan of Royal court (Alvesson and Sandberg 2013).
  • Identification of the present issues in the Diwan court.
  • Analysis of the particular need
  • A survey comprising of all the relevant information
  • An understanding of all the objective solutions
  • Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed solutions.
  • The invention of an innovative idea within the work operations.
  • Experimentation of the newer innovative strategic within the organisation to check the validity as well as the credibility of the ideas and if they can be applied in real time scenarios within the organisation. This will also help the management of the Diwan court to come up with more innovative ideas and procedures for overcoming the challenges in the work culture.


It can be concluded from the above report that creativity and innovation if properly implemented in the organisations can help in bringing about drastic changes and help the management to perform even better in their business operations — an improved human resource management solution with innovative strategies aimed at better employee management and employee job satisfaction in the organisations. They are always in a constant endeavour to come up with newer and more trendy and innovative products and services for their customers to ensure optimum customer satisfaction and employee job satisfaction. From the entire report analysis, it is analyzed that in the course of this innovative program, the NCP participants realized the valuable skills as well as earlier relevant projects aimed at the National economic agenda to exploit the non-energy as well as gas resources such as fisheries, logistics, mining, food as well as tourism in the future.

It is concluded that the organisational structure including the management strategies, style of leadership, workplace conditions, and resources available for the employees such as important data as well as the socio-psychological atmosphere helped in keeping the employees motivated. They are adequately rewarded for their performance within the organisations. Strong climate can affect how the individuals share the interpretation of the human behaviours and situation, which is being created for high organisational effectiveness. This report aims towards engaging scientists as well as specialised agencies of innovation to explore the areas of opportunities for innovative investment related to by-products from dates and palm trees in Oman.

Following are the recommendations, which are suggested to the business organisation:

Effective use of management tools: In the process of implementing creativity and innovations in the working operations of the Diwan court the top-level management should ensure that the budget for any change in the work operations is properly decided using strategic and efficient budget management tools.

Self-development and training program: The staff working there should always keep themselves engaged in self-development and training programs, remain updated with the politics around the world, and try to familiarise themselves with the innovative strategies used by other governmental organisations in other countries.

Analyse the issues: They should critically analyse the issues that the organisations are facing with special attention to lack of creative ideas or flexibility within the work operations. The risk management tool is required to be implemented so that all the project risks are mitigated for encouraging of creativity and innovation.

Building climate: The business organisation should build of climate where the creativity is a consideration for the key factor towards innovation. The organisation should implement of open along with non-judgmental climate where there is proper sharing of ideas and opinions. It is taken as an important phase for encouragement along with the promotion of creativity at Diwan Royal Court.  

Communication: Better communication is required among the workers for successful innovation in the end. Therefore, the organization should implement of better communication, which provides importance to creativity and innovation. It should be prioritized as long-term goal of Diwan Royal Court.


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