Innovating With DRX Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray System: An Evaluation Of Intrapreneurship And Government Initiatives
Innovation in Healthcare
Today’s market is moving towards an innovation of light weight and mobile device (Thakur et al., 2012). DRX-Revolution Nano X-ray uses Carbon Nano Tube Technology. The Carbon Nano Tube (CNT) differs from traditional thermionic tubes. Thus the weight and size will be reduced (Massat and Jalkiewicz, 2017). NHS has shared the vision towards health services of present and future. NHS has emphasis on the using digital tools that can be used for sustainable healthcare development and cost-effective new technologies (, 2018).
In a broad sense, innovation is new and effective ways of solving problems. The word innovation has been associated with Health Care from ancient time. In modern healthcare system innovation is related to technology, business and marketing. The innovation in healthcare not only limited to solve at business level rather aims to serve society and maintain ethical point of view. In many cases innovative technology and systems has to face social ethical issues that often create hurdles to generate new technologies and ideas. The innovation in health care needs to be sustainable, affordable and beneficial for large population. According to the world health organisation the innovation in health care should improve the quality, sustainability, health policies, practices, systems, technologies, products delivery methods towards improving overall healthcare system.
DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray System has changed the way of industry’s thinking about mobile imaging (Omachonu and Einspruch, 2010). This includes the fully integrated, digital, budget-friendly mobile system. DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray System is designed to deliver exceptional performance. This utilise Carbon Nano Tube Technology (Massat and Jalkiewicz, 2017). This system significantly reduced size and weight.
Product- The introduction of a product which is new to the specific segment of customer is called product innovation. The key objective for product innovation is to attract a wide range of customers and to maximise the revenue of the company. Product innovation is done for the commercial purpose. In DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray System patient will get a quicker and more comfortable imaging process. In this system, it not needed to send the patient to X-ray rooms. This DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray System will produce high-quality images to support accurate and timely diagnoses(Massat and Jalkiewicz, 2017). These features of the system will attract more customers.
Process- Process is the combination of skills, facilities, and technologies which can be used to produce and deliver a product. There are various ways to improve the process. Process innovation can include the changes in the equipment or technology and improvement of the tools and techniques.
Position- Position innovation refers to the change in how a product is perceived and how they are used. Position innovation includes the new position of work ability and use style of DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray System.
Paradigm: Paradigm innovation means the key and focused innovation in St Mary’s Hospital ( 2018). This innovation is based on a specific department or sector. The main outcome of the innovation is the focused matter.
Incremental – Incremental innovations refers to an innovation where the performances of an existing product significantly change. St Mary’s Hospital previously used traditional X-Ray machines (nhs, 2018). Those machines have traditional thermionic tubes. The revolutionary change has come by using DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray Systems.
DRX Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray System
Radical- Radical innovation has a notable impact on market and the economic activity of Sent Mary Hospital. This innovation can change the structure of the market or create new market. This new DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray Systems will help the patients. Therefore, it will create a new market with lots of opportunity.
Market pull- Market pull refers to the requirement for a new product which comes from the demand of market place. The need or the demand of the market is identified by market research and survey on potential customers. A specific product is developed to satisfy the customers need.
Technology push- research and development promotes and drives the development of new product. This push from the technological research is called technology push.
Design driven- People buy a product to satisfy their needs. Design driven innovation is an approach to innovation based on the observation of customers buying style. Design driven approach is views everything as a design. The overall design of the innovation and the impact of innovation is has to be clear. Here the design and impact of new innovation of DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray system has to be clear to the St Mary’s Hospital authority.
Innovation can be defined as a new and creative idea which will impact the profitability of the organisation and can make a change in customer’s life (Quintane et al., 2011). In Sent Mary Hospital a new innovation of DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray system will bring a change in patient’s life. Therefore, it will attract more customers and thus increase the profit of the organisation. During the inspection in Sent Mary Hospital, the member of CQC has identified that there has been improvement in outpatients and diagnostic imaging services. The department of surgery required improvement towards safe and responsive practices. The inspection team has reported that there has been improvement in overall services except urgent and emergency care unit (, 2018).
The DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray systems are advantageous for everyone in St Mary’s Hospital. Here the imaging process will be more comfortable and quicker. Most importantly, in this system no need to send the patients o X-ray room (Massat and Jalkiewicz, 2017). Sent Mary Hospital has benefited from the getting high quality image to support accurate and timely diagnoses and treatment.
Radio administrator will get the system with lower capital investment. The system has future-proof deign to prevent technology obstacle. Implementation of this new system will maximise the return on investment.
For radiographer this machine is very lightweight and easy to change the location (Akenroye, 2012.). The line of sight is very clear here. In this system, there is a convenient bin design to put all the supplies within reach.
Radiologist will get a high quality diagnostic image. He will also get advanced software options for specialized visualizations.
In healthcare the innovation is not concluded as complicated issue rather it considers as complex issue. Health care itself is a complex system. A highly complex adaptive system is a accumulation of individual experts who are entitled and freedom to act in particular way in care of unpredictable situation. On other hand the regulations also put liability on healthcare practitioner to follow rules and regulations. Compatibility of DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray system- This new system utilise Carbon Nano Tube (CNT) field-emitter tube. This CNT is very complex to use (Massat and Jalkiewicz, 2017).
Types of Innovation
There are several issues that disrupt the Trialabilty in health care system that includes presidential healthcare policy, retailer as first care physician and non traditional approach of treatment. There is always a dilemma during trial of a case. Sent Mary Hospital often face the dilemma while treating a patient having no decision making condition where as the health care regulation emphasis about the consent of the patients (, 2018).Q2
Entrepreneurship refers to the process of creating or discovering new ideas or opportunities for the purpose of creating value, where this activity involves creating a new organisation within or under the auspices of an existing company.
An entrepreneur is a person or a group of person who puts together a business and accepts the associated risk to make to make a specific goal. Entrepreneurship is usually done for making profit. People with different idea and passion for that different idea do entrepreneurship. There are many theories associated with entrepreneurship such as economic theories, resource-based theories, psychological theories, opportunity based theories and so on. This will add value to the organisational systems and profitability.
To provide a significant change in diagnostic process and X-ray system of Sent Marry Hospital is the main objective of this innovation. The new innovation of DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray system makes a notable change over traditional X-ray system. This system will be profitable for radiologist, radio administrator, patients and the authority of St Marry’s Hospital (nhs, 2018). The goal is to make the process easier. This new DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray System has changed the way of industry’s thinking about mobile imaging.
Entrepreneurial work involve arranging the resources, make them workable and taking the risk. The innovative idea should be there. Based on that idea the whole entrepreneurial works proceed. Besides the profit gain by the entrepreneur, the freedom of invention and the freedom of thinking are there.
There is an opportunity to expand the business according to the entrepreneur’s own idea. He is the person who is responsible for everything in en enterprise. The expected expansion can be done without the interference of anybody else.
Getting right equipment for the proposed change is a vital issue. Huge cost is associated with quality equipment. Equipment cost involved in making the machinery and other equipment ready for the setup of the organisation. In Sent Merry Hospital the implementation of DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray Systems required extensive equipment cost. Setup cost involves the cost of material and labour and the required machinery.
Finding human resource and provide them training is very important. It is said the human capital is the best capital. Getting a right person is a challenge for the entrepreneur. After getting the resource, putting the right person in the right position is also a challenge. Finding the resource is the big problem for new entrepreneur. Resources with specific skill sets in not easily available. There is always a demand for resource with high skill sets.
A suitable space is required to setup a company. To run an organisation smoothly, the place of work is very important. The place should be easy to access and well equipped. Proper decoration of that space is also required.
After getting suitable space and resources, it is really important to deploy or use those resources. An idle resource has no use. Proper utilisation of every resource is a key to success for the entrepreneur.
The new innovation of DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray System in St Marry’s Hospital benefits all the stakeholders. The key advantages of this innovation is the cost effectiveness and easy to operate. In this new system it is not needed to send the patient in the X-ray room. This X-ray system is quicker. Also more comfortable imaging process is there. The new DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray System produces high-quality images which can support accurate and timely diagnoses (Massat and Jalkiewicz, 2017). Patients can get quick and accurate treatment.
The policy made by the government for the greater good of the people is called government policy. Government make policies for the betterment of the people and for a greater cause.
The United Kingdom has government sponsored healthcare system. This system is called National Health Service (NHS). Citizens are entitled to take healthcare service from this system (Atun, 2012). The NHS plan provides more power and relevant information about the hospitals, beds, doctors and nurses and the cost of service.
The administration of Sent Marry Hospital supports the new innovation of implementing DRX-Revolution Nano Mobile X-ray Systems. Department of Public Health of Government of UK has support new innovation in healthcare industry (Atun, 2012).
The main problem to implement a new innovative idea in healthcare industry is the age-old practice of old machinery. Patients become habituated to this old system.
The officials and leaders of healthcare industry have not clear idea about the outcome of the change.
Lab technicians do not have required training to operate new systems. Proper training and more theoretical knowledge is required.
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