Information Systems Management And Strategy For Boots Plc.
Overview of the Company
Discuss about the Information Systems Management and Strategy.
Database management system is always an important part for any business whether is big or small it does not matter. In this document the database management system is been discussed based on the selected case study that is on boots plc. The online shopping site where the database management system is plays a critical role as it handles most of the data management tasks with relevant to the shopping site such as customers data, vendors data, product information and many more. In this document we have discussed about how the database management system is helping the online shopping company Boots Plc by enhancing their business intelligence and knowledge management so that the company can make right decisions for their business.
Overview of the Company
The author has chosen the name of the company as Boots Plc. which is situated in UK, Nottingham. It is one the most leading retailers in UK and along with that it is been the key marketer and manufacture of cosmetics, nonprescription drugs and toiletries. Boots Company is one of the largest owners of shopping centers in United Kingdom. The company is expanding their business globally by acquisition, more than 90 to 95 percent of entire sales are still been generated from home. Their objective is to maximize the company value for the shareholders benefits. They have outlets in most high streets, airport terminals and shopping centers. The company has been merged with the Alliance UniChem and it has become Alliance Boots. Boots Plc operates many numbers of stores across UK and Ireland. The main product of Boots Plc is products related with beauty and health. Moreover it also provides hearing care and eye care services within their stores. The company also runs a retailing websites and operates a loyalty card even branded as the Advantage card. The company also has charitable trust known as Boots Charitable Trust.
DBMS have many capabilities regarding management of an information system. In the Boot Plc. Company the database management system is introduced to manage a large amount of customer data. The database management system is capable to manage the customer database; data regarding a customer can be fetched from the database by posting a query in the database system. The customer data is backed up and replicated in multiple servers to get them in case of any disaster. Rules can be enforced in the database such that any unnecessary records cannot be inputted in the database. The database management system is much secure, the database is managed by a specific group of individual who have the permission to access the database. Sorting, calculating the sum, calculating average can be done with the implementation of the DBMS in the company. Records of who have accessed the database can be kept to track the changes made in the database. Some of the database software’s can automatically optimize the data inputted in the system, a monitoring tool can also be provided to analyze the record and provide a graph to show the user about the current scenario. Thus implementation of DBMS increases the capability of the Boot Plc. Company.
Features and capabilities of DBMS
Cost – To implement a DBMS in Boot Plc. an IT budget should be done and the hardware and the software cost must be analyzed. People cost is also analyzed because skilled employees are required for the administration of the database.
DBA Talent – The database administrator must be quick and efficient for the management of the database. The downtime cost of a database is very high and an experienced DBA can find the fault in the database quickly.
Keeping up-to-date – the database must be kept up to date and latest technology should be used to manage the database. The software application for the database management is becoming complex with time and it is difficult to understand the programming. The DBA needs training to learn the database and act accordingly.
Proactive vs Reactive – The DBA might have to handle different database or need to spend time in managing the hardware of the database. The DBA might not have time to monitor the activity instead they might act directly to the problem. This might have an negative impact on the business process.
Cover – The data residing in the database should be available to the user all the time.
Database Versions – Some of the customer uses old and backdated database software’s. This can risk to the business as the vendor might stop the support for the older version of the software.
The database management system reduces data replication. The customer data kept in the database of Boot Plc. is not replicated. It also enhances the integrity of data to the database and thus improving the flexibility and availability of the data. When a customer record is updated the reflection is seen throughout the database. The data are stored in a centralized pattern such that the user with administrative rights can access the data from any remote location. The data is accessible by the administrators and any other unauthorized access is restricted for illegal use.
Necessary as the company operates the concept of business to consumer and consumer to business fundaments. The knowledge management based system involves the type of program that is generally used to solve many complex issues. The prevailing issues in Boots Plc. are lack of specialized programs in the field of programming applications. There is need of urgency to develop the sequence of well and qualified employees in order to make continuous improvement in knowledge base management system.
The challenges to implement database management system
The concept base of knowledge management schemes are defined different in different company management. On the other hand, knowledge management is a basic term that virtually promotes the research and development cell of the company management. It implies gathering of economical knowledge management preferences in terms of resources and documents.
Concept of Intelligent Data Support System
In Boots Plc, the Intelligent Data Support System implies the concept of artificial intelligence techniques used in the system of e business fundamentals. The company implements the concept of intelligent data support system with the motive of maintaining the segments of customer management service, manipulation of personnel database and making certain compulsion in campaigning and transactions management.
The author has analyzed that the use of database management system in Boot Plc. as a source of business intelligence is exclusively important in terms of maintaining the database of customer segmentation, measuring the fluctuation of customer orders in terms of analyzing the basic segments and making constant analysis in making customer responses and reviews.
Elements of Business Intelligence in the Company
The components of business intelligence in Boots Plc is central repository, data integration services, master data services, reporting customer services, analytic client services and predictive company analytics services. The company has manipulated certain changes in strategic and operational business intelligence department so as to maintain a constant monopoly system in entire market segmentation.
In a company like Boots Plc. there are various types of issues that affect an entire organizational management which generally includes technical issues, ethical issues and legal usual. The author has mentioned some major issues below:
Technical issues: The Boot Plc. Company is facing some technical issues like lack of visitors in the company websites, low rates of conversation, high cost overhead in adopting advanced technologies, maintain ace of faith in customer attributes.
Ethical issues: The ethical issue is the major issue that all company management is facing; since there are no possible outcomes. The Boot Plc. Company is facing some major ethical issues which generally includes web spoofing, cyber-squatting, invasion of privacy, online piracy, spamming of company websites email and fake accounts authentication.
Legal issues: The author has estimated and manifested various intellectual legal issues that the company is facing. Some of these include trademark and copyright, online terms and conditions, dilemma of legislations and electronic business legal issues.
Depend upon the selected case study of Boot Plc. the author has manipulated that there is a requirement of urgency in impoverishing the identification of decision making and the base of knowledge management scheme in electronic commerce company management system. Additionally, the author has reflected and highlighted some major implications of knowledge management system and in decision making system in the company Boot Plc.
Benefits of the database management system
Structured environment: It is very essential to maintain and reinvent the virtualized environment in corporate industry; so that several complex decisions that affect organization superiors and subordinates may weight up various intellectual options. The conduction of shareholders analysis and followed up decision making model may assist the base of decision making of an organizational management.
Thorough up investigation: The author has stated that it is very crucial to make a clear understandings relating to organizational situation. The shifts in single department in Boot Plc make the entire counterproductive in nature.
Flexibility alternatives: In a company like Boot Plc the flexibility alternatives implies generating several options with the extension of company alternatives that helps them to find out from various angles, maintaining customer segmentation, manipulating large amount of data and segregating company optimum resources are the main work of making certain alternatives.
The concept non-relational database management system is not mandatory in the field of electronic based company like Boots Plc.
The entire website design paradigm is totally relying upon the SQL based programming language application. It is very similar to the concept of relational database management system that basically promotes SQL programming languages.
This type of data management system does not need advanced system applications; it main wok is to manipulate customer records and data.
Opportunities of Cloud Database Management System in the company
In a sector of electronic commerce company like Boot Plc. there are huge opportunities in adopting the concept of cloud based management system.
The author has reflected and highlighted some minor implications that generally include: lower cost overhead implications, minimization of IT maintain ace and manipulation, fostering of government laws and policies and protection of customer data and information.
Challenges of the company in context with Database Management System
There are different challenges for Boot Plc. Company in relation with the concept of database management system. After viewing various strategies in the above case study of the company some major challenges include:
Increase in population growth percentage: The main issue that is prevailing all around an organizational management is increase the rate of population growth.
In a company like Boot Plc; increase in customer and client segmentation details may increase the task of database administrators; that may also lead to increase in labor salary overhead.
Transfer of volume based compensation: The constant move from volume based and value based compensation is totally inevitable in nature. There is a huge risk of company increase in revenue and operating cost with that of customer behaviors and practices.
Critique and Discussion of the Improvement in Knowledge Base System in the Company
In Boots Plc the company maintains three types of database system namely: compulsive database management system, relational database management system and traditional database system. The concept of traditional database management system implies the use of SQL query language in building up the company databases. There are some challenges in traditional database management system in context with company requirements which include consistency and data corruption.
The report concludes about the capabilities of database management system in the selected case study that is Boots Plc. A detailed explanation is been provided in this document for the database management system and relevant case study. The study explains the role of database administrator and its capabilities. Moreover various aspects such as findings, technical and ethical issues and other factors have been discussed in this report. The overall idea for presenting the report is to have a clear idea about how database management system is utilizing in the selected study and its impact on the business and various challenges and advantages.
Based on the relevant case study, the researcher has highlighted some recommendations which are presented below:
As seen above that the company maintains the pirated database management system; which varies according to customer’s orders and perceptions. It is strictly advisable to adopt and implement the advance concept of relational database management system to avoid the frequency of population growth.
The company must configure the base concept of cloud database management system. As mentioned above that the prevailing technical issues like lack of visitors in the company websites, low rates of conversation, high cost overhead in adopting advanced technologies, maintain ace of faith in customer attributes and etc may severe affect the entire company management.
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