Information Systems: Definition, Advantages And Challenges

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With the evolution of technology, the human life has become much easier than ever. One of the greatest gifts of technology to the humans has been the information systems. Information systems are the combination of hardware and software that support data-intensive applications. It aids business organizations in collecting, filtering, processing, creating and distribution of data. Information systems are the talk of the day and are greatly helping the organisations in managing the information that they collect related to their business. Information systems not just help in managing data but also help the management in making better and planned decisions (, 2016).

As business units are running giant databases, it is important to have them managed in the best possible manner so that the data that is there can be used in a proper format as and when required. With development of time, there have been different variants of tools and applications available which is giving companies an edge to manage their database in the best possible manner. Database management system is now being used largely in all the organizations, as it is better than manual storing and noting of data. With implementation of database management system, companies can now easily compile all the essential information in form of data at one single place, which can be utilized whenever required. With database management system, it has now become easy to access the files with just a few clicks. (Balasubramanian and Bhattacharyya, 1986)

Database management system is helping big organizations on a positive note as maintaining of all the records related to the business and its transactions can now be done with ease. With introduction of DBMS, paper free environment is the biggest advantage that has been attained. As working style and pattern of organizations are changing, DBMS is also introducing new formats and application, which is helping in a smoother working process. Some predefined software programs are there that needs to be installed into your server systems when you decide to function on DBMS. Once this process is completed, you can add links to the database server and share the details to the employees. When it comes to DBMS, it is helping companies who are into ecommerce to cataloguing of books. (Balasubramanian and Bhattacharyya, 1986)

As database management system is a collection of programs, its implications makes a better control over the data that you are storing. One can even term it as an electronic file cabinet with unlimited storage and powerful working system making the process of an organization perform in a smoother way. Over the years, there have been different advantages that have been attained with DBMS. As the organization of my choice is Barclays Bank, below listed are some of the advantages and sources of business intelligence along with analytical tool that have been attained by the bank with use of DBMS. (Cohen, 1982)

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The Advantages of Database Management System

Control over Data Redundancy à With employing of DBMS, Barclays removed any chance of double entry into their database. As there was always a chance of data duplication, implication of DBMS eliminated this issue. In addition to this, management of storage space is also possible. As there were issues in manual entry system, using DBMS helped in generating of errors which can be rectified with ease.

Data Sharing à With use of DBMS, the process of data sharing has now become easy and simple. As Barclays is having several branches, DBMS helps in having a connection with all the branches in one single go. This makes end users work in an efficient manner (, 2015).

Security of Data à With use of DBMS, Barclays has developed a security framework that assures better security to the data and policies of security.

Data Integration à The management of the working in Barclays has become easy with use of DBMS. With DBMS into the role, it is easy to see the plan of action and its effects on the other segments (, 2016).

Better Services à With use of DBMS, a wide array of services is offered to the users. As banking functions requires a lot of time, use of DBMS has reduced the time gap making it better in providing customer services.

Enhanced Data Access à Solutions to ad hoc queries is possible with use of DBMS. As there are no chanced of data manipulation, accurate data is provided to the users. In addition to this, sales data can easily be accessed and queries related to the up and down of the dollar rate along with figures of sales can be known with ease.

Enhancement in decision-making à When Barclays is having better access to the data and it is managed in the best possible manner, it helps in generating better information on which the decisions are based. With use of database management system, a framework for better data quality is being initiated.

Better standards of data à As all the working process will be through database management system, Barclays can fix a standard format for saving all the data. As standardization would be possible, the productivity of the business would be more (, 2011).

Recognition of requirements à As banking is a complex process and holds several departments, database management system helps in identifying of urgent requirements of the departments so that better working is assured.

Challenges Faced by Database Management System

Report Writers à As banking requires numerous forms of reports to be written, it is possible with database management system. Barclays can now easily generate reports based on the transactions performed in a monthly, quarterly, and half-yearly and annual basis.

Better options of recovery à For a smoother function of the bank, Barclays has introduced database management system into their working process. With DBMS, the recovery options are higher in case there is a system failure. As all the information is stored at a centralized space, data recovery is easy and simple (User, 2011).

As it has been rightly stated that every coin has two sides, there are some challenges standing in the way of database management system. Below listed are some of the challenges that are being faced of database management system. (Felician, 1987)

Costing à With economic slowdown being the current situation, the budget for IT is reducing or has become static. This has resulted in working to the maximum at minimum capabilities. Even though the costing of the software and other hardware required for database management system is low, the cost involved with the people in making them function is getting higher and higher. Moreover, if you employee an experienced database administrator, you ought to pay them good (User, 2011).

Finding the right talent à As database management system involves various functionalities along with storing data; it has become a hard task to find the right talent for the job. It is hard to find a DBA expert with required knowledge and experience.

Updating the system à With increase in complexities of database software, it is becoming hard for the companies to update their system every time there is a new update available. As mastering over database management system takes years, new software updates means overall training which will require cost and time from the database managers out of the office time (, 2011).

Reactive Vs Proactive à As there are different processes of working for database administrators, they are unable to keep a check on the main work of management of the database, they are unable to proactively keep a check on the database management system and have a look into them only if there is a reactive situation.

Cover for DBAs à Having a fully functional database management system means that there would be a requirement of at least three DBAs who will manage the working process of the DBMS functioning 24*7. However, holidays along with sickness and other forms of leaves stand as a challenge for better functionality of the database management system.

Version of the database à Even though there are new software updates and versions available for database management system, companies are unable to have them installed into their systems because of complexities and risks involved of data erase.

Issues of structured and unstructured data à With years of usage increasing, the issues of structured and unstructured data are increasing day by day. People involved in the analysis of the data that is stored find it difficult in assorting the data as the bases and platforms of database management system is increasing day by day. It is becoming hard for the DBAs to monitor and manage the data in the best possible manner (, 2015).

Integration of data from unrelated sources à As more of Smartphone users are increasing day by day, business units are integrating their process of data collection accordingly. Along with getting genuine data, some useless data is also integrated into the system that is of no use.

Database and cloud computing à With cloud computing getting popular, companies are now willing to have their database systems into the same. However, getting a space into the cloud is a big issue as maximum companies are now opting for the same. It would only be possible if you were ready to shell out hefty amounts for attaining a space in the cloud system (, 2016).

Securing public and private data à As the age of digital era is increasing, the threats to database system are growing rapidly. It is the duty of the IT administrators to keep a vigil over the systems so that they do not stay vulnerable to hackers and other forms of security breech.

Data Recovery à Even though data recovery is not a major challenge, it still stands as a threat to the DBMS. It is easier to recover the data when only a single part of the same has crashed. However, if there is a failure experienced with the entire system, then getting the data back on track and that also in its original state is a hard task.

Auditability à Associations are under expanded weight to review each activity that a client performs inside a database. This is because of expanded spotlight on security, danger, responsibility, and evasion of misrepresentation and defilement. While security aversion measures (logins, firewalls, tokens and so forth) are essential to counteract unapproved access to the information in any case, as this review appears, most ruptures happen by clients who are approved however are either careless or pernicious. 

With development of technology, DBMS has grown. However, the database administrators are facing several issues and hassles in the way, which is making them helpless in the working environment. Listed below are some of the issues that DBAs have to face:

Lack of information is one of the main concerns that DBAs have to face while working on the DBMS. As new and updated technologies in DBMS are being introduced, the companies want them to work over these new updates without proper knowledge and information.

In addition to this, excessive load of data given by the companies over the DBAs is also an issue that they have to face. The administrators are finding it difficult in managing the complete set of data as it is increasing day by day (, 2016).

Legal issues are also a concern for the DBAs while working with DBMS. If there is any form of security breech, then the DBA is the first person who will be grilled related to the hacking (, 2016).

Proper sources of backup are not provided to the DBAs because of which they have to work overtime at limited pay scale. (ADMINISTRATORS, 2008) 

 ghly skilled professionals. It is obvious that the management receives some benefits out of it because of which it invests such heavy resources in it. The benefit of database to companies is in business intelligence. Business intelligence, in simple words, can be defined as the process of converting raw data and information into useful information that can help a management in making important decisions related to the business (SearchDataManagement, n.d.).

ABC Retailers Pvt. Ltd. is one of the top retailing stores in the country. It has around 189 retail shops throughout the country and deals in all kinds of grocery and household products. The company has a workforce of around 10,000 employees and has been giving a stiff competition to some of the bigger brands in the country. One of the main reasons behind the success of the company is its ability to use its database as a source of business intelligence. The company has a separate department for management of information systems where professional and highly skilled employees work hard every day to convert raw data and information into useful business information, which is used by the managers to make important decision related to the business.

The company uses ERP business suite along with cloud storage to manage all its business operations. The combination of ERP and cloud storage allows the company to keep a track of the inventory in all the stores. The central headquarters keeps a check on the items that are running out and dispatches fresh stock for the stores before they run out of stock. In this way, the company is able to reduce a lot of its operational costs by managing the inventory using database systems. The company has been using non-relational databases, which helps it in storing all kinds of data, such as pictures, videos, animations, clips, etc. because such information can help in obtaining more useful information as compared to relational databases (MongoDB, n.d.). Further, the information system branch also collects information about the products that the customers buy. The information collected is combination of products purchased, time of purchases, seasonal demands, frequency of purchases, quantity of purchases, etc. The department then uses this raw data and information for the purpose of business intelligence. It checks the combination of products that people buy the most so that it can introduce an offer on the combination in the next month to maximize the sales. Further, the sales data of the products helps in forecasting the demand in the future and the inventory can be subsequently maintained. In this way, ABC Retailers Pvt. Ltd. has been using its database for the purpose of business intelligence and has been shaping its success as a result of the information obtained.

Database management system has become a crucial aspect of working for organizations. However, one has to keep a check on the challenges and give out proper solutions so that working of the organization can be carried out in a proper manner. In addition to this, the issues in different forms that is being faced by database administrators should also be considered so that they can have a proper working condition within an organization. (2015). Advantages of DBMS over file system. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Jul. 2016]. (2016). Database Management System – Advantages of DBMS – Disadvantages of DBMS. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Jul. 2016]. (2011). Database Management System: Advantages of DBMS. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Jul. 2016]. (2016). Information Systems – Journal – Elsevier. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Jul. 2016]. (2016). Introduction to Database Security Issues Types of Security Database. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Jul. 2016].

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User, S. (2011). Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Jul. 2016].

SearchDataManagement. (n.d.). What is business intelligence (BI)? – Definition from [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Jul. 2016]. 

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