Information System Implementation And Use In Telstra Corporation Limited
Ethical and legal issues of information system implementation and use
This report is focus on the implantations and uses of Information System (IS) in Telstra Corporation Limited. This is a telecommunication organization, which provides internet access, mobile network, and television services in the Australia. It will explain about the ethical and legal issues of information system on the organization in different aspects. This will discuss about the ethical frameworks for working in an organization. Information system strategies are proposed in this paper for an organization to maintain different operation.
This report includes information security policies and controls, which are based on the potential threats and vulnerabilities of an organization. It is about technological changes in an organization for business continuity. This report is analyzing information system compliance with ethical and legal frameworks. In the end of this report, recommendations are provided for organization on the use of different applications for business.
Main purpose of this report is development of innovative approaches to increase business of an organization. It is also explaining about creative thinking approaches for development of innovative ideas for betterment of products and service of an organization (Andrijcic & Horowitz, 2016).
This report is analyzing strategic issues in the Telstra Corporation Limited. This report is provides strategic solutions with awareness of ethical and social considerations. Telstra is having stakeholders in all over the world. Ethical and social consideration is helpful for enhancing their business at global perspective. It will discuss about the strength, and limitations of Telstra Corporation Limited in later section in this report.
This report will describe about the uses of the policies in the organization in employees and organization favor. Few strategies should followed by the organization for solving issues with ethical and social frameworks. It is also include information about information uses in an organization with advantages and disadvantages of it in the later section in this report.
Telstra Corporation Limited is having stakeholders in whole world, changing in operational processes are a big challenge for this organization. Although, information system is increasing the productivity, functions, and reliability of Telstra Corporation Limited. Decision-making is a process in which different aspects are must considered for growth of an organization. Information system is helping in the decision making of every organization. Currently, Telstra Corporation Limited is using information system for decision-making, as well as future working processes. Telstra Corporation Limited is taking advantages of information system in different things, such as operations, decision making, and security controls. This information system is also including stakeholders for decision-making (Bhagat, 2012). Every organization have different departments for handling many functions of an organization, information system is helping them for combining the entire department in an organized manner.
Information security policies and controls
It is so necessary for designing new policies that, individual and team commitment will be required for the implementations of new policies. Polices are developed and implemented in two phases. First, it will apply for small business and then it used for complete infrastructure according to their advantages (Bradlow & Jayachandra, 2015).
Feedback is an effective thing for the information system for desired changes in the functionality of it. Stakeholders are also eligible for the feedbacks of information system. It will helpful for employee’s perspectives as well as for organization point of view. It is creating a learning environment in the organization (Bradlow & Jayachandra, 2015).
Telstra Corporation Limited is using information system for management of different activities of the operations. Information system is explains about all the process of Telstra Corporation Limited. It provides services to three types of users, such as personal, small business, and business & enterprise. It has sensitive data and managing networking system. Information system is managing different department’s information flow of Telstra Corporation Limited (Bélanger & Crossler, 2011).
From last two decades, information technology is rapidly changes business processes. It is an extensive development in the field of business functions of an organization. IT infrastructure of an organization is manages by the IT organization. Information systems are helpful for the management of different operations of an organization, and many approaches are beneficial for achieving targets using information system. A process of SWOT analysis is good for understanding the information system management (Busetto, 2018).
Telstra Corporation Limited is involving confidentiality, integrity, and availability as security goal. Telstra Corporation Limited is available for 27*7 for solving security issues. It is using complex and complicated algorithms for security of data and different operations, which is not easy for non-technical person (Campbell, 2017).
Telstra Corporation Limited is investing a huge amount for implementation of information system. So if any change in the structure of information system is may be lead to a malfunctioning in the current system. It uses sensitive data and services for users. All are affected form that changes, and it is causes financial and image loss for organization. Information system is also managing sales and marketing processes of Telstra Corporation Limited (Chen, Chiang, & Storey, 2012).
Telstra Corporation Limited is having international standard certificate for cyber security. Telstra Corporation Limited is awarded the ISO/IEC 27001 standard. It is a certificate for online and offline security of the customers personal data. ISO/IEC 27001 standard is a high quality certification for the Information Security Management System (ISMS) (McDougal, 2017).
Technological changes for business continuity
Information systems are required changes time to time as per requirement of the organization and information technology. There are lot of changes occurred in the system working and organization architecture. Upgradation is necessary for prevention of risks and vulnerabilities associated with the organization as well as information system (Chesbrough, 2010).
There are rules governing the legal rights of governments, corporations and residents for each project to extract natural resources from the ground. Together, these rules are called a legal framework for an organization and employees. The legal framework governing the extractive industries lies within a wider set of rules governing state organization and economic activity. The framework is in line with ISO 31000:2009, the International Risk Management Standard, and comprises a set of components for the design, implementation, monitoring, review and continuous improvement of Telstra’s risk management (North, 2016).
Many organisations can gain access the Integrated Public Number Database (IPND), which contains data from every service provider in Australia on every telephone number, including the customer service and directory addresses provided by the consumer. Telstra manages this database as part of our carrier license issued by the Australian Administration. Telstra is following Australian Telecommunications Act 1997 (Peltier, 2016).
Telstra Corporation Limited is having international stakeholders, and they are from different cultures. So it will helpful for organization in term of suggestions of the stakeholders. It will reduce the threats coming from the various risks and vulnerabilities. The policies are proposed will be useful for organization as they are based on the ethical and social principles along with the diversity (Costa & Santos, 2017).
The economic decline of the resource business sector will have the biggest impact on permanent societies that have historically relied on resources to drive their economies. Permanent societies tend to be in regional instead of faraway areas and therefore, they have a digital infrastructure. Telstra has so many stores in regional areas Australia, such as it has 181 stores with 3348 employees in them. It provides 3655 mobile facilities in the outer regional areas and remote areas of Australia. They are having ADSL broadband services and fixed telephony for regional areas.
Telstra Corporation Limited is starting new projects for connecting two countries using cable. It connects Hong Kong and United States. It is a subsea cable system for connecting different countries of the world.
These policies should be followed by the all the employees of the Telstra Corporation Limited. This policy is beneficial, for organization as it is based on the ethical, social and moral principles. Policies are useful for the employees, as well as organization (Mingers & Walsham, 2010). Employees can get justice on the behalf of policies as an organization is used those policies for miss utilization of the organization assets by the employees. Technological changes are must require for maintain security from the cyber-attacks, as they have sensitive data of millions of users. Ethical issues are not a barrier for the business continuity. Security is an issue for an information system and, cultural difference of stakeholders are not impact on this issue (Da Veiga, 2015).
Compliance with ethical and legal frameworks
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new technology that is generally recognized as a revolution in ICT. It is expected to have a wide range of applications in various industries, including telecommunication. The data collected by the devices are stored on our software and analyzed to provide valuable insights into people’s behavior–movement during rush hours, daytime, departments and outdoor locations; which would help organization to reshape the workflow ( Kim, 2016).
Telecommunication industries are having different types of markets. All the companies are following different policies for the management of system and business. Currently, telecommunication industries are based on the data analytics. Advance technologies are helpful for users for acquiring products and services with in a second (Downes, 2015).
New technologies such as cloud computing promise that IT, which has always been seen as a cost center, will save money and drive flexibility and business agility (Wu, Casey, Hazen, & Hall, 2013). Artificial intelligence and machine learning are the emerging technologies in the world and they are used by the most of the companies including Telstra Corporation Limited. In this filed, Cloud computing and IoT highly used for the user satisfaction. Automation is highly used for effective communication in the organization.
Telstra Corporation Limited is also access all these technologies for enhancing business of organization. Telstra Corporation Limited is also used virtual reality, augmented reality, and block chain technology for growth of business in different areas. Competition level is so high in present time, so accepting new technologies for enhancing business. Global competition can be handled with the use of latest technologies in the field of telecommunication industry (Drucker, 2014).
Information technologies are must use by the all users and employees of the organization. It will be a great impact on the business of the organization. These technologies changes are given a new face to the business of an organization. Risk is always there but for growth and competition, this will be a first step for growing and established in the market (Marchewka, 2014). It is helpful in the global perspective for maintaining economic growth of organization as well as local economy of country. These technologies are advancement in the organization, and it can lead organization and give them competitive advantages in the market (England, 2017). Cultural difference is a challenge for the organization in the global perspective, but it is also helpful for the growth of Telstra Corporation Limited.
Telstra Corporation Limited is connects with different stakeholders, which are belongs from different cultures. It is an advantage for the Telstra Corporation Limited, in term of suggestions from their sides. The growth of an organization is based on three things: batch records, higher management and quality decision-making for technological change. The organization’s most important strategic issues are obligation, employee rights, system quality and accountability.
Recommendations for using different applications for business
The overall growth of an organization is based on the three things, which are batch records, higher management, and quality decision for technological changes. The most important strategic issues in the organization are obligation, rights of employees, quality of system, and accountability (Lundvall, 2010). The social issues are related to employees and it will occur due to automation. There are other reasons also for social issues, such as advancement in networking. Databases are also having information of different peoples, so they must be secure from organization side (Fitzgerald & Dwyer, 2017).
In case of ethical issues, few things are consider for organizational growth, such as liability, accountability, responsibility, and reliability. In this business, identification of the professional stakeholders is most important ethical consideration of this type of business organization (Lowry, Posey, Bennett, & Roberts, 2015). All the data of stakeholders and users are safe as per ethical principles. Codes of conducts are must followed by the every employee of organization. Therefore, those ethical dilemmas can be reduced significantly (Peltier, 2016).
This part of report will be focusing on the abstraction of the ethical reasoning. Logical reasoning is based on the justification of particular situation in the organization. Second phase is ethical justification; it is mostly used in the organizations. Third level of abstraction is about the stakeholders and users for guiding them for overall growth of business of organization based on morals. Abstraction last level is morals. Research and development teams are part of an organization nowadays.
Each organization now establishes its own IT infrastructure for innovation and the management of its own information system. It is cost – effective, but it has long – term advantages (INC, 2018).The information systems are changing rapidly with the passage of time and extensive development in the field of information technology. The management of the information systems is one of the main aspects of every IT organization (Wu, Straub, & Liang, 2015).
PEST analysis and SWOT analysis are providing a brief introduction about the organization. It is used for identify the strength and limitations of this organization. They
The part is about SWOT analysis of Telstra. It is about the strength and weakness of the organization. It is also explain about opportunities and threats in the present market for the organization.
· Telstra Corporation Limited is leading company in the field of telecommunication industry. · It has wide range of products and services · It has customer management system · More than 30 thousands employees · Stakeholders from 2300 different countries |
· Telstra Corporation Limited has limited liquidity position · It has limited market shares |
· it can take initiatives for the strategic growth · it can increasing high demands for their services · it can grow their IT services in the market · It can launch 5G services |
· Risks with rapid technological changes · Competition in the telecommunication services · Stringent regulations |
Telstra Corporation Limited is having mainly three competitors in the market, which are Virgin mobile, Optus, and Vodafone. To create market value based on the innovations and new concepts for products of the organization. In the case of IT industries, so many innovations are created with the help of information systems such as ERP, SAP and much more (Johnston & Marshall, 2013). In the present era, information technology spreads everywhere and everything is connected with each other. Innovations are necessary for the growth of a business. The first thing the organization needs is the best employees for innovations (Karlsson, Hedström, & Goldkuhl, 2017).
Strategic issues and stakeholders
PEST analysis is also helpful for the organization, which is showing political, economic, social, and technological things in the organization.
· Government of Australia is putting restrictions on the companies in case of equal benefits · It affected diplomatic relation of Australia because of telecommunication industries growth |
· Prices are affected because of GDP of Australia · Employees are require more benefits, which is coming form organization funds. |
· Population of Australia is increasing business of telecommunication industries. · Companies provide different resources to citizens in favor of social work. |
· Information Systems are helping in the growing the telecommunication companies in all over the world. · Information Systems are growing business of organizations |
PEST analysis is showing requirement and efforts of organization to make it better in future. Telstra is following few concepts for growing their business in different countries.
It is concluded from the previous parts of this report that, different types of services and products are making Telstra Corporation Limited different from others. It has different types of stakeholders from different countries. It is a leading telecommunication industry in the Australia. Team spirit and individual commitment are taking Telstra Corporation Limited to achieving their mission and vision. Knowledge sharing is taking Telstra Corporation Limited to new heights in the telecommunication industries of Australia as well as other countries.
Telstra Corporation Limited is adopting learning approaches for handling different strategic issues in the organization. This report was discussed about ethical principles for employees and organization. It was helpful for employees for their rights and favor in the organization for securing their assets. Telstra Corporation Limited is making changes in information system in global perspectives. The SWOT analysis is helping in understanding of standard services provided by the Telstra Corporation Limited to its customer in all over the world. Telstra Corporation Limited is working for regional areas. It provide different facilities to them, such as ADSL broadband.
Finally, it is concluded that Information System is always provide growth of an organization on the selection criteria of IS. It is also concluded that training of information system is must require for all the users in the organization for the better results.
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