Information System For Brisbane Multi-Faith Temple
About Brisbane Multi-Faith Temple
The information system is the part of the ICT technology that is responsible for maintain the information in the system. The system is connected to a database that holds the business related data. Brisbane Multi-Faith Temple is looking to develop the system so that it can manage its food wastage and provide satisfaction to the patrons.
The Brisbane Multi-Faith Temple is a charitable organization and have five temples at present. The organization was first establish at Mount Cotton by Sam and other volunteers. Now the organization has got so much popularity that forty two general staff working at the temple. The organization now provide free food to approximately two thousand and five hundred people each day. The patrons have to donate money to the temple either through e-payment through bank transfer to the temple account or depositing fund at bank manually. In both cases, the patrons have to collect the account details of the organization through the website. After the donation is receive, the accountant send a receipt/invoice to the patron through e-mail or Australia Post.
The accountant order the foods each week and the supplier send the ordered foods to the temple. There is no process in the organization to forecast the amount of patrons present in one temple. This causes issue while the food runs out in one location.
The report is developed with the objective of providing good amount of details regarding the system design. The report provides a general idea regarding the GUI of the Brisbane Multi-Faith Temple website. The planning and analysis of the Brisbane Multi-Faith Temple system has already been done it the previous assignment. The OO design methodology has been used for developing the design. The Crow’s Foot database notation has been used for developing the ERD or entity relationship diagram. The web GUI has been developed using the normal web prototype methodology.
The report has first provided details of the interactions between the end-users and system. This interaction has been shown using the use case diagram. The brief details of the use cases has been provided. Then the context level diagram and Level-0 DFD has been designed to provide details of the data that flows within the system. After that based on the current findings, the ERD has been developed so that, the database related data can be shown. The CRUD diagram shows the related between the data and processes. The Website GUI provides an understanding of how the patrons will be using the system though an interface.
Issue with Food Management
Register: The patrons will register into the system. The details like name, address, and other details will be provided to the system.
Donate: The patrons will be donating money to the organization. The patrons will be donating money to the temple through the payment gateway in their website.
Invoices: The invoices will take some to generate. The Invoices will be generated after the payment is received.
End of Year Statement: After the end of the financial year, the patron will receive an end of the year statement.
Order Food: The accountant will order food to various suppliers. The suppliers will receive order through e-mail.
Forecast Report: The accountant will see the forecast report which will hold the information of how many people will visit the temples in the next month.
Report: The management executives like chairman and vice chairman will access reports on business processes. These reports will be generated by the system automatically based on the stored data and information.
The context diagram has been represented to show the basic level data among the external entities and the system. This diagram only shows the data flow between the system and external entity in the lowest level. It can be assumed to be the blueprint of the data designing of the system.
The context diagram has three main external entities such as patron, supplier and accountant. The external entities will be inputting or requesting data form the system. The arrows in the context diagram shows in which way the data flows. The patron will be providing all the required details to register. The payment amount and account number will be provided to the system through the make payment information. The patron will receive the invoice. The accountant will provide the system the order related data and these data passed to the supplier.
The level-0 DFD is consisted of six processes. These processes are the main processes of the system. The arrows has been shown to make understood of which way data is flowing. The data is either saved in data store or retrieved from. Each of the process will be triggered by the user.
Table: Scholarships |
Attribute |
Data Type |
Size |
Constraints |
Reference Table (column) |
Int |
11 |
Primary |
None |
Name |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Duration |
Int |
10 |
None |
None |
Amount |
decimal |
10,2 |
None |
None |
Criteria |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Number_of_people_eligible |
Int |
10 |
None |
None |
Frequency_of_scholarships |
Int |
10 |
None |
None |
Table: Patron |
Attribute |
Data Type |
Size |
Constraints |
Reference Table (column) |
P_ID |
Int |
11 |
Primary |
None |
Name |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Address |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Postal_Address |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Phone_Number |
Int |
11 |
None |
None |
Email_address |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Table: Donation |
Attribute |
Data Type |
Size |
Constraints |
Reference Table (column) |
D_ID |
Int |
11 |
Primary |
None |
P_ID |
Int |
11 |
Foreign |
Patron (P_ID) |
Amount |
decimal |
10,2 |
None |
None |
Date |
Date |
None |
None |
Account_Number |
Varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Bank |
Varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Branch |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Table: Invoice |
Attribute |
Data Type |
Size |
Constraints |
Reference Table (column) |
Int |
11 |
Primary |
None |
D_ID |
Int |
11 |
Foreign |
Donation (D_ID) |
Date |
Date |
None |
None |
Amount |
decimal |
10,2 |
None |
None |
Account_Number |
Varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Table: Temple |
Attribute |
Data Type |
Size |
Constraints |
Reference Table (column) |
O_ID |
Int |
11 |
Primary |
None |
E_ID |
Int |
11 |
Foreign |
Temple (T_ID) |
Name |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Address |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Contact_number |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Table: Occasion |
Attribute |
Data Type |
Size |
Constraints |
Reference Table (column) |
O_ID |
Int |
11 |
Primary |
None |
T_ID |
Int |
11 |
Foreign |
Temple (T_ID) |
P_ID |
Int |
11 |
Foreign |
Patron (P_ID) |
Date |
Date |
None |
None |
Table: Employee |
Attribute |
Data Type |
Size |
Constraints |
Reference Table (column) |
E_ID |
Int |
11 |
Primary |
None |
T_ID |
Int |
11 |
Foreign |
Temple (T_ID) |
Name |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Address |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Contact_number |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Table: Volunteers |
Attribute |
Data Type |
Size |
Constraints |
Reference Table (column) |
V_ID |
Int |
11 |
Primary |
None |
Name |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Address |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Contact_number |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Table: Delivery |
Attribute |
Data Type |
Size |
Constraints |
Reference Table (column) |
D_ID |
Int |
11 |
Primary |
None |
Date |
Date |
None |
None |
Amount |
decimal |
10,2 |
None |
None |
Table: Supplier |
Attribute |
Data Type |
Size |
Constraints |
Reference Table (column) |
S_ID |
Int |
11 |
Primary |
None |
Name |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Address |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Registration_number |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Contact_number |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Table: Order |
Attribute |
Data Type |
Size |
Constraints |
Reference Table (column) |
Order_ID |
Int |
11 |
Primary |
None |
Food |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Amount |
varchar |
10 |
None |
None |
Date |
Date |
None |
None |
Table: Accountant |
Attribute |
Data Type |
Size |
Constraints |
Reference Table (column) |
Acc_ID |
Int |
11 |
Primary |
None |
E_ID |
Int |
11 |
Foreign |
Employee (E_ID) |
Name |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Address |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Contact |
varchar |
20 |
None |
None |
Table: Payment |
Attribute |
Data Type |
Size |
Constraints |
Reference Table (column) |
P_ID |
Int |
11 |
Primary |
None |
D_ID |
Int |
11 |
Foreign |
Delivery (D_ID) |
Amount |
varchar |
30 |
None |
None |
Date |
Date |
None |
None |
The main objective of the prototype design is understanding the key entities and data to be shown in the website. The website design is consisting of the input fields, labels regarding the fields, the images and the position of the entities. All these things to be tested by the end-user so that before the real design to be done. Prototype will be developed to provide a feeling of the system.
System Design and GUI
The design is required to be user friendly and intact. The system design must be able to attract the end user. The color combinations and visualization of the data is need to be done properly. The presence of the system will be familiar to most popular sites so the patrons or other end-users do not have any issues understanding the site map and using method.
The main elements in the website designing is the data that will be shown to the user, the fields to ask for inputs form the users, the labels to make the users understand which data is exactly required, the buttons to initiate a process, hyperlinks to redirect to other pages and user friendliness.
The login page has two input fields such as id and password. The user will input the unique id and password and then click the submit button. After clicking the button, the login process will initiate. The user can be redirected to the registration page, if he/she is not registered, by clicking on the ‘click here’ hyperlink.
The scholar page allow the users to apply for the scholars that the organization patrons provide. The user can also search for various scholars in the site.
The registration system will allow the patrons to register into the system through website. The GUI consist of the fields to gather the details of the patron. If a patron is already registered, then he/she can go to login page by clicking on the ‘click here’ hyperlink.
From the above study it has been concluded that the system design of Brisbane Multi-Faith Temple system has been done properly. All the designs indicate to the system functions and system processes. The system is consisted of a database that holds all the data required to perform business processes. There are various parts of the system to handle various processes. The interaction with the system has been shown properly in the use case diagram. The brief description of the use cases has been provided a good insight about how the interactions will happen. The context diagram was understandable and the Level-0 DFD has been developed properly. The later has successfully expanded the context diagram. The ERD is the blueprint of the database. The tables has been later developed so that the data which will be stored in the database can be properly understood. The CRUD diagram has shown the relations of the patron, supplier and temple entities with the major processed to be done using the system. The report has been properly done.
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