Information Security For Security And Privacy Issues In Cloud Computing

Summary of the Discussion

Discuss about the Information Security for Security and Privacy Issues in Cloud Computing.

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Cloud Computing is defined as a computational paradigm that helps in providing quick, secure and convenient storage of data with the help of different computing resources which is visualized as services and delivered to the internet (Dinh et al., 2013).  The significance of cloud computing is growing at a faster rate as it helps in enabling convenient, ubiquitous and on-demand network access for sharing a pool of configurable resources of computing. Although there are number of benefits of adopting cloud computing, there are also some important issues related with compliance, legal matters and privacy (Zissis & Lekkas, 2012).

The report unearthen certain challenges that are related with privacy and security issues of cloud computing, relevant technologies associated with cloud computing, their applications. The report also discusses the vague areas of cloud computing in order to resolve the issues.

According to Beloglazov, Abawajy & Buyya (2012), there are numerous privacy as well as security issues that are associated with cloud computing because it encompasses different technologies which are included in the operating systems, virtualization, transaction management and load balancing. As a result, security issues, which are related with different systems and technologies, are applicable to cloud computing. The data security involves encryption of data as well as ensuring policies, which are enforced for sharing data, memory management and resource allocation. On the other hand, Zissis & Lekkas (2012) argued that there are six specific areas that requires security attention. The six specific areas include security of data at rest, processes authentication, security of data in transit, robust separation between different customers, regulatory issues and response of the incident.

 According to Fernando, Loke & Rahayu (2013), encryption is one of the best option that is used for transiting as well as securing data. Additionally mechanism of integrity protection as well as authentication ensured that the data goes where it is required by the customers and thus it is not modified in transit. Strong authentication is very much significant for the deployment of cloud. The primary basis of access control is authentication in the environment of the cloud. In the environment of cloud, access control and authentication are much more important as data can be accessed by anyone over the internet (Rittinghouse & Ransome, 2016). When the access of a user is reassigned or revoked, it is very much important to notify the customer management system.

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Challenges and Problems

On the other hand, Li et al. (2013) stated that presently there are different technologies that are available for providing significant improvement in the security issues for virtual network separation. Trusted platform modules are required helps in providing hardware based verification, which helps in ensuring strong separation of network and security. Regulatory as well as legal issues are very much important in cloud computing as it includes security implications (Zissis & Lekkas, 2012). In order to verify a cloud provider, it is very much important to have regulatory and legal issues. The issues that are considered in this regard include exportation and data security, auditing, compliance, destruction and data retention.

Assessing entire status of Security: Cloud infrastructure is complicated and vast. It is challenging that the organizations entire security status of the cloud framework is a challenging activity. Most of the organizations faces challenges due to carry out process because it does not have proper visibility. In addition to that, the organizations do not have the capability of keeping  up with the changes that is being placed in real-time (Zissis & Lekkas, 2012).

Monitoring workloads: Keeping track of the workloads that occurs in the across the cloud is a challenging task without accurate resources. The activity is most challenging it comes to hybrid cloud. The security team loses the visibility of the remote workloads. It can be a huge issue within an active heterogeneous cloud environment (Zissis & Lekkas, 2012). It is because the things in the heterogeneous are always changing.

Maintaining regulatory compliance:  Through making use of the cloud infrastructure for maintaining regulatory compliance is one of the most challenges for establishing effective cloud security.

Provisioning security control: These fresh workloads are assessed for the fresh workloads in the cloud (Loke & Rahayu, 2013). It occurs if the cyber security team is not ready for keeping up with the DevOps team’s use of things like Chef and Puppet. 

Monitoring traffic patterns: Keeping track of the cloud based traffic patterns are a really hard work for the cloud security providers. This task is carried out for detecting the anomalous behavior of the system. The monitoring activity can be related to keeping track of weaknesses.

Data security: Security against data theft is a very critical against cloud. As the information flow occurs in open internet connection (Zissis & Lekkas, 2012).

Network security: The network is the key of securing the information from the attackers. 

Relevant Technologies

According to Dinh et al. (2013), cloud computing is experiencing exponential growth and the reason behind the growth is adoption of various technologies in cloud computing.

Cloud discovery: The technical tem can browse the application that an organization is currently accessing.

Cloud data loss prevention: The organizations will experience less amount of sudden data loss while using a cloud system.

Searchable strong cloud encryption: Encryption is a sound solution for protecting the data from being theft.

Cloud tokenization: The requirements of data residency are met by the use of this technology (Dinh et al., 2013).

Encryption key management: Encryption is not the only stage of protecting the data. Handling the encryption key is as much essential as other processes.

Cloud malware detection: Scanning the cloud based systems and stops the system from getting affected by the malware attack.

Cloud activity monitoring and anomaly detection: The activities that users carry out at the cloud system is motored and examined (Fernando, Loke & Rahayu, 2013).

Cloud discovery: The technical team classifies the entire cloud application that is being accessed by their individual organization. Through this technology the security team can efficiently analyze the usage of the network resources. It will assist the organization to to discover if any issue occurs as soon as possible.

Cloud data loss prevention: The loss of data on the cloud can be prevented through gathering complete information of the sensitive data of the cloud along with user’s every activity (Mishra et al., 2013). Not only that the DLP policies of the organization can incorporated with cloud so that restriction on the activities can be carried out effectively.

Searchable strong cloud encryption: Encryption refers to the process of conversion of a data to another form so that the data becomes unreadable. Without the right encryption key the encrypted data cannot be decrypted. This way if the information gets into the wrong hand the it cannot be accessed.

Cloud tokenization: Through the creation of random values in terms of the original data the requirements of the data residency is met. This way the data stays in the organization for its entire lifetime (Ryan, 2013).

Encryption key management: The enterprise key management tools can be used for managing the key. If the key is lost then there will be no meaning of encrypting the data. So keeping the key secured is a very significant activity.

Cloud malware detection: Primarily the real time scanning is used for avpiding the viruses, spams and many other threats to enter into the cloud system. Zero-day updates are also very crucial for security (Liu, 2012). Cleaning and quarantining can be considered to be as important as scanning.

Application of the Technologies

Cloud activity monitoring and anomaly detection: Through tracking the interaction of the user across multiple platform the security can be increased. Spot anomaly and assure compliances can be achieved through security reports and dashboard description provided in detail (Ryan, 2013).

Other security solutions: Solution provides, individuals and nonprofit are entering into the discussion that is being held by Cloud Security Alliance of CSA for discussing about the best practices for mitigating the security issues in the cloud (Mishra et al., 2013). Cloud Standards site is gathering and organizing data about cloud-related guidelines a work in progress by the gatherings. The Open OWASP or Web Application Security Project keeps up rundown of top vulnerabilities to cloud-based or SaaS models that is overhauled as the danger scene changes. The infrastructural and security specifications are published by Open Grid Forum. In addition to that, information regarding the grid computing researches and developers are also published by Open Grid Forum. The best security answer for web applications is to build up an advancement structure that has intense security engineering. Ryan (2013)bring up the benefit of sifting a packetsniffer yield to particular administrations as a powerful approach to address security issues appeared by odd parcels coordinated to particular ports or administrations.

The approach depends on enhancing and supporting joint effort among cloud partners to build up a cloud security determination and requirement covering the greater part of their needs. FISMA or Federal Information Security Management Act standard is responsible for defining a structure in terms of managing security of information systems and data that reside within them (Disterer, 2013). Through classifying the service security, individual services that runs on the cloud system can be utilized by distinct tenants. From avoiding the assets from being breached, the selection of the security controls is the best option. This can be done by choosing the baseline security controls and tailoring of the security control baseline (Rittinghouse & Ransome, 2016).

The service risk assessment activities can be done through vulnerability identification, threat identification, risk likelihood and risk level assessment. The security control baseline tailoring process is done through security control’s scope establishment, compensation setting, and parameter configuring. After completion of the previous processes the development of the security control is initiated. Security authorization step speaks to the formal acknowledgment of the partners on the recognized dangers required in the reception of the administration and the concurred on alleviations (Rittinghouse & Ransome, 2016). The security arrangement and security evaluation arrangement are the security SLA among the included gatherings. Following to adjusting the FISMA standard to the cloud model the technical team can receive an arrangement of security guidelines to help enhancing the structure mechanization and its joining with the current security capacities (Disterer, 2013).

Clarification of Vague Areas

For carrying out the research few questions were asked to the ex and current employees of who are working in the cloud system or related technology. The questions are as following.

  1. Is monitoring the system activities a critical job?
  2. How much error remains in the security even after addressing all the issues?
  • How often a attack on the system occurs?
  1. Which threat is the most popular?
  2. What technology is used for avoiding the security issues?


As per the description provided in the study there is several challenges and issues in terms of implementing cloud security in an organization. But there is also many technologies that can be used for securing the cloud from the attackers. Cloud computing is a troublesome innovation with significant ramifications for Internet administrations as well as for the IT area all in all. Still, a few remarkable issues exist, especially identified with to service level agreement. The loose ends of the security is presently preventing many users from making extensive use of cloud computing. Until an appropriate security module is not set up, potential clients would not have the capacity to influence the benefits of this innovation. This security module ought to take into account every one of the issues emerging from all bearings of the cloud. A coordinated security model focusing on various levels of security of information for a regular cloud foundation is under examination. This model is intended to be more dynamic and confined in nature. In spite of the fact that there are numerous pragmatic concerns in regards to element security and information stockpiling in view of meta-information data my examination is quite focused to infer a system that focuses on these ideas and give a pragmatic arrangement.


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Zissis, D., & Lekkas, D. (2012). Addressing cloud computing security issues. Future Generation computer systems, 28(3), 583-592.

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