Information And Communication Technology : Persuasive Games

Describe about the Report for Information and Communication Technology of Persuasive Games.

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The following report involves an in-depth analysis about the article provided as the scenario, which is “Video Games are not Evil”. The article draws the dynamic lines among the good and the bad that technology does to the generation next. Video games have been of great influence for children, teen agers and even certain portion of the adult population (Bissell, 2010).


The core aim that this report is based upon is about eradicating the prejudice that gaming can only destroy the future prospect of our next generation. Technology has been helpful and constructive in an Omni directional manner.  The purpose of the report is also to help students to analyze the situation.


Once completed in the most constructive manner, this analysis would be helpful for individuals to assess and evaluate certain situations that can put significant impact. It is necessary to deliver the message through a clear and constructive analysis that technology does have more pros than cons. This analysis would as well be effective considering the communication perspective as, for delivering or conveying a clear message, it is necessary to develop a clearer perspective of what the situation exactly is (Bogost, 2007).

Analyzing the Article
Analysis of article’s application of the communication model

The communication model that has been discussed during the first week has also been applied for analyzing the article. The communication model especially highlights the problems that audiences face along with the channel and the feedback mechanism.                                                                                     

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The article is entirely concentrated upon eradicating the prejudice that playing video games can only cause adverse situations. The communication model follows the conventional pattern of a typical communication platform that allows the message sender to convey its messages for its audience. The message in this scenario is to raise the awareness among the mothers and individuals having a perception that video games can only hamper the youth and would also cause severe negative impact over the social life of the individual. The principal audience of this report is the MAVAV, an association of individuals that do not like video games and want their children to avoid these at any cost. The MAVAV or the “Mothers against Video Game Addiction and Violence” is a group of radical individuals with radical perspectives against video game playing (Brookey, 2010).  

Analysis of Article’s message

Besides of the fact that the language that has been selected and utilized thoroughly in the article is inappropriate, however multiple exclamatory expressions would as well be constructive as they clearly demonstrate their perspective and how individuals having adverse mind set might relate to the situation. The author has been successful in establishing a clear message through the article that certainly would help in eradicating the prejudice that playing video games can only diminish brain’s natural abilities that can help an individual/student to score well above the average score line. The author also made strong comments over the labeling that video game players and games had to suffer and witness. For example: author stated that MAVAV members claim that video game players do not have a social life or lot of friends and even score less than any other students in the class. Author however, countered this particular claim made by MAVAV members and stated video game players do have a tendency of growing their brain 5 times faster in comparison with any student that doesn’t play video game (Hirumi, 2010).

Analysis of Article’s association

The article has been organized in a well-structured manner. Initially, the author represented the viewpoints of the MAVAV and its associate members and then he put his counters. The below mentioned are the theses about every paragraph of the report:

The gaming industry has rapidly gained significant importance within the entertainment sector. However, despite of this fact there are some portions of the population that still oppose the video game (Marcovitz, 2010).

The organization of mothers against video gaming addiction and violence/MAVAV does claim that, video games can never be constructive and will only draw negative outcomes for the next generation. According to MAVAV playing video games would certainly cause an individual his social life, educational background and many more. Author however, stated different perspective as, video game players do have a tendency to develop strong reasoning and solution developing abilities by playing on virtual situations and conditions.

Author also protested that, there is no such evidence that can be utilized for claiming that video games can even cause epidemic of violence in youth. There are certain games that provide war and conflicting situations that players need to get through, playing these games over and over again causes gamers to develop protective attitude, but that never is sufficient to cause an outbreak of violent attitude among young people. Author also claimed that, such defensive and protective attitude can also be useful for different situations in life (Jozefowicz, 2010).

On contrast to the claim that MAVAV made against video games, it actually brings individuals together.

The claims that MAVAV made were entirely based on the stereotype of a gamer, playing games can actually be helpful for individuals to develop concrete reasoning and problem solving abilities.

MAVAV must learn about what actually video game does to an individual and his/her abilities.

Analysis of article sources

Apart from the “Harvard Health Letter”, every other source does have mere authority as they have been formed in consideration of a general consumer. Author preferred using this particular source for putting his argument up in certain situations, such as aggressive attitude among gamers cannot be due to addictiveness to game playing, but due to their parents being abusive and others.

Besides the fact that author did mention certain solid arguments, their credibility reduced as the sources used for supporting these arguments were not sufficient and convincing (Juul, 2010).


One fact that cannot be denied that it is necessary for individuals to develop certain skills and attributes that would help them in every situation in their life. Video game playing has become a common hobby for every 8 out of 20 people. However, it also is essential to consider the opposing perspectives/views to form a picture. Thus, it is necessary for an individual to play video games but deprive of being addicted to it.  


Considering the analysis made above, below mentioned are some recommendation that would certainly improve the structure of the article and make it more accessible for audience.

The article must have few more authentic and credible sources. It might as well be helpful for citing more sources emphasizing upon how the video game has put significant impact over individuals. One authentic and credible source that has been put in was the “Harvard Health Letter”. Adding some more references would also be helpful for strengthening the arguments made by the author.

Since, the author is claiming that video games will certainly not be as harmful as it has been portrayed by MAVAV. However, it also is necessary for the author to gather evidence that state and support his argument. It is imperative for the author to do so, as there are numerous articles claiming that playing video games can be devastating in account of studies and social life of the individual (Willis, 2010). . For ensuring better communication through the article, the author would have to search and add certain authors and their articles that support the similar notion, which is playing video games, can be constructive (Knight, 2010).

Video game has evolved as one of the fastest growing segment in the entertainment industry. With commercial aims and objectives, it cannot be one of the sole concerns of the game developers to care for children or their studies/career (McCoy, 2010) . Thus, removing this particular statement might ensure a more constructive approach for communicating the message through the article.

Self-Analysis of the report

In this particular segment of the report, the article would be analyzed from the communication perspective model. The communication model that has been drawn in the earlier segment of the report symbolizes the conventional process of a communication.  

The author has successfully established the point of view that he intended to, through the development of the article. He also used different techniques for putting his arguments up against the perspectives of the MAVAV and its members.


Bissell, T. (2010). Extra lives. New York, NY: Pantheon Books.

Bogost, I. (2007). Persuasive games. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Brookey, R. (2010). Hollywood gamers. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Hirumi, A. (2010). Playing games in school. Eugene, Or.: International Society for Technology in Education.

Jozefowicz, C. (2010). Video games. Pleasantville, NY: Gareth Stevens Pub.

Juul, J. (2010). A casual revolution. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Knight, G. (2010). Female action heroes. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Greenwood.

Marcovitz, H. (2010). Video games. Detroit: Lucent Books.

McCoy, L. (2010). Video games. New York: Ferguson Pub.

Willis, L. (2010). Video games. Detroit: Greenhaven Press.

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