Influence Of Smartphone On Employee Productivity: A Survey-based Analysis
Data Collection and Analysis Methods
In the present times the over usage of smartphones in the workplaces has resulted into severe unproductivity. Multiple factors can be identified that are affecting the concentration of the employees. Often it has been noticed that the excessive attachment to the smartphones affect the self-control of the employees to a great extent. The employees are seen as unable to ignore even the unimportant notifications (Baker et al. 2014). This is causing severe problem in maintaining quality of production of the organization. Hence, the usage of smartphones, now a days are regarded as the counterproductive to the performance of the employees. Moreover, it has been monitored that the employees find using smart phones provides them the opportunities of smart work and this is in turn making them more efficient (Jamaluddin, Ahmad, Alias and Simun 2015). The aim of the research is to identify the influences of smartphone on the productivity of the employees. Moreover, the study also aims at analyzing the benefits of smartphones while used in the workplaces.
Data Collection Method Chosen and Justification
The research includes both primary and secondary data collection methods. However, more importance is given on the primary data collection method. The secondary collection will be done taking helps of governmental websites, and scholarly publications only (Choy, 2014). Whereas, primary data will be collected surveys of the employees of various organizations.
In order to reach to the research findings, help of surveys will be taken. Survey will also provide scopes of detailed understanding of the topic. To perform the survey, a sample size of 210 people has to be considered. The participants are selected from the telecommunication, banking and hospitality industries. Amongst the participants, there are 100 male and 110 female employees. In order to analyze the qualitative data collected from the survey, the thematic approach will be adopted (Flick, 2015). The information that will be gathered from the surveys will be analyzed in consideration with various themes, which can be directly linked to the research topic.
The qualitative data analysis technique includes a range of processes where the researchers analyzes and interprets the responses of the participants. The method of data analysis that has been selected for the research is thematic approach. Taking up surveys will be helpful in providing detailed insight of the issues (Panneerselvam, 2014). Moreover, the themes will be directly related to the research topic.
Ethical Issues:
All the ethical guidelines will be adhered to throughout the entire process. During the process of collecting primary data, no participants will be forced to provide answers of each and every question. They are free to opt out of the survey sessions whenever they feel uncomfortable. Each participant of the survey has given their consent willingly before asking questions (Smith, 2015). Moreover, no symbol or logo, of any company or organization has been used in the dissertation. The fact that this research is to be done only for academic purpose is also emphasized. Prior to the survey, all necessary permissions and authorization letters have been taken from the university. In addition to this, in order to do secondary research, proper citations and credits will be given. Hence, there is no chance of the paper being plagiarized. All the rules and regulations of performing the research have been adhered to.
As is observed from the graph, the percentage of males and females are almost the same with the percentage of females slightly higher than the males.
From the above graph it can be asserted that the majority of these people are young or in the middle aged years with either equal or greater number of women in every age group.
As is noticed from the graph of the sample interviewed, majority of the population for both the genders work in the hospitality sector. After this, the next major group of people from the male par of the sample work in the banking sector whereas for women majority of the people are working in the telecommunications sector. There is a very small part of the sample comprised only of females who work in other sectors like aviation and research analysis.
Job Description
This graph again portrays that majority of the sample being questioned use their phones while performing back office operations and not front end operations. This is the case for both genders
Will the use of cell phones will improve your efficiency
On the question as to whether the usage of cell phones will increase the efficiency of the workers, in case of both the genders, the indicators of strongly agree and agree received the highest number of responses followed by neutral responses. But no responses were received in terms of disagreeing.
Number of calls per day
As is seen from the above graph, the frequency of the number of calls varies between the two genders but not much. In case of both the genders, maximum people make 6 to 10 calls, followed by 2-5 calls, followed by less than 2 calls followed by more than 10 calls.
Type of Usage
From the above graph, it is thus derived and asserted that majority of the employees in the different industries use the mobile phones for contacting clients and on-line training purposes. However, the validity of this data needs to be tested before possible estimations can be made out of it.
Employer should strictly ban the usage of smart phones
The above graph depicts that majority of the respondents are asking to not ban the usage of mobile phones during office hours in case of both genders. For both genders again, the degree of disagreement is not strong. Most of the respondents disagree and not strongly disagree.
Benefits of using the Internet
From te above graph, the usage patterns of the sample of people are studied wherein, majority of the users, use the internet for searching information quickly during work hours. However, one cannot assess if the information is being accessed for work purposes or otherwise. Second largest usage reason is being asserted to be the easy accessibility from everywhere which allows people to be in touch with their social lives incessantly.
Limitations of using the Internet
From this graph it is visible that the most common usage limitation of the internet is in terms of slow connectivity for both genders followed by imperfect website appearances on the phone unlike computers. However, a significant proportion of the sample also thinks that usage gets limited due to the costs. Only a very small proportion of the sample people questioned think that it is not beneficial due to limited usage.
Disturbance from smart phone usage
From the graph it can be interpreted that for both genders, employees are disturbed to different extents because of the usage of smart phones during work hours.
Productive use of cell phone is in the benefit to the organization
From the graph it can be inferred that majority of people questioned agree about the fact that proper and productive phone usage will help in increasing the productivity of the organization.
Unproductive use of smart phone like calls or texts to and from friends and family by you will be harmful to your organization’s performance?
From the table it can be interpreted that most respondents in case of both genders, it is disagreed that the use of phones for personal purposes during office hours will not be harmful for the firm in which they work.
Should personal smart phone usage in staff and team meetings be allowed in certain circumstances
This graph shows that majority of people (both males and females) both agree and disagree to different extents about whether phones should be accessible and be used for certain purposes but only rarely.
Organisation allowing the usage of personal phone calls during breaks (like lunch/dinner breaks)
The graph interprets that maximum companies allow the usage of phones during breaks with a few allowing this occasionally.
It can be concluded that the usage of smartphones, now a days are regarded as the counterproductive to the performance of the employees. Moreover, it has been monitored that the employees find using smart phones provides them the opportunities of smart work and this is in turn making them more efficient. The usage of smart phones might better for personal needs but not for the growth of firms as a whole.
Baker, S, Warburton, J, Hodgkin, S and Pascal, J 2014, ‘Reimagining the Relationship between Social Work and Information Communication Technology in the Network Society’, Australian Social Work, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 1-12.
Choy, L.T., 2014. The strengths and weaknesses of research methodology: Comparison and complimentary between qualitative and quantitative approaches. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 19(4), pp.99-104.
Flick, U., 2015. Introducing research methodology: A beginner’s guide to doing a research project.Sage.
Jamaluddin, H, Ahmad, Z, Alias, M and Simun, M 2015, ‘Personal Internet Use: The Use of Personal Mobile Devices at the Workplace’, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 172, no. C, pp. 495-502.
Panneerselvam, R., 2014. Research methodology. PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd..
Smith, J.A. ed., 2015. Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods. Sage.