Industry Analysis Report: Telstra’s Entry Into Mobile Manufacturing Market
Size of the industry
Write a research report on industry analysis.
Telstra Corporation is one of the leading telecomm companies in the field of mobile telecommunication. The company is offering mobile nod network services to all of the customers throughout the Australian market segments. Now the company is going to enter the market segments of mobile manufacturing. The company was founded on 12th June 1975 and has its headquarters in Melbourne, Australia (Telstra, 2016). The company is planning to enter into the business of making mobile phones and will launch different types of the mobile phones as to capture the entire market segments. The company has created its brand name on the telecommunication industry and will transform it into the industry of manufacturing the mobile phones. This research paper will reveals gather desired different facts associated with the analysis of the telecommunication industries. The launching of the new mobile devices will help the firm to enter into the new market segments.
The section of the concerned industry helps in reflecting the desired size revenue as well as it respective competitors within the concerned market segments. The Telstra Corporation of Australia is engaged in offering the best mobile telecommunication services to all its customers within the concerned market segments. The telecommunication industry is one of the booming industries throughout the world and it has increased the employment as well as the growth opportunities to all of the people concerned. The company is offering finest network services to all of the consumers concerned. There are some of the combo offers from the company with the different mobile companies, such as it offers free data packs with some of the latest mobile phones from the different mobile companies. Thus, the company is planning to enter the world of mobile telecommunication in order to establish its pillars in the worlds of mobile manufacturers (Anderson, 2015). The company is providing 16.9 million of the mobile services including 7.2 million of the total fixed services and 3.3 million of the retail and the broadband services to all of the consumers concerned. In order to assist the clients with the finest services, the company is offering the choice of the digital connection having the digital content as well. The company’s revenue was near $25.5 billion until the year 2013 and it is one of the leading telecommunication companies throughout the complete Australian market segments. In the year 2011, Telstra Corporation of Australia was in a planning for expansion of the new 100 retail within a framework of three years. The company has more than 360 of the retail stores until May 2016 throughout the Australian market segments. The launching of the new mobile devices along with the mobile telecommunication services such as the voice services internet services and many others will help in capturing the entire market segments and will increase the complete profitability of the firm. This will create the expansion of the business market segments of the concerned market segments and it is very crucial for the firm to understand the desired needs and the demands of the customers within the concerned market segments (Bachmutsky, 2013). The expansion of the desired market segments for the firm will increase the productivity along with the profitability of the firm.
Value factors in a B2B
Figure: Market share
The value factors are considered to be the most crucial for any of the particular firms as this helps in evaluating the effectiveness of the business procedure of the firm. There are different types of the value factors which generates an enormous impact on the execution of the business procedure of the concerned firm. These factors include risk management, logistics, innovation, low-value and the high-value acquisitions, high-value and the low-value risk acquisitions and e-commerce. There is a crucial need to understand the desired targeted market segments as this will help in working as per the requirements and the needs of the customers (Balmer, Illia and GonzaÌÂlez del Valle Brena, 2013). The company needs to work as per the desired industry standards.
The use of the porter’s five forces along with the PESTEL analysis is considered to be of great importance as it will provide the desired information regarding the needs of the customers within the market segments.
There is pressure from the concerned government of that particular company where the company is going to launch products. Australian government has provide the desired platform for the telecommunication as well as the mobile industry to execute their business process throughout the country.
The inflation rate as well as the rise in the service taxes increases the potential barriers for the mobile communication industries to enhance the growth rate of the concerned business.
The brand imaged of the company will help in launching the new Smartphone’s and entering into the world of mobile manufacturing as to capture the entire market segments.
Use of the innovative tools as well as the innovative techniques will help in providing the desired competitive advantage to the firm.
It is important to understand the legal concerns before into the new market segments. Execution of the business as per the norms of the firm will help in evaluating the growth of the organization.
The company needs to understand the desired impact of the macro as well as the micro environmental factors. These factors are crucial for the profitability of the firm as these generate a large amount of the impact on execution of the business methods of the firm.
There is another important factor which helps in enhancing the performance of the concerned industry as well as the company which is establishing the desired relationship between the customers as well as the firm as it will evaluate the satisfaction of the concerned clients of the firm. The establishment of the customer support department is considered to be of great importance throughout the mobile telecommunication industry as it assists the customers with the required sense of satisfaction of the clients (Blakemore, 2013). The primary motive of the B2B companies is to work as per the desired satisfaction of the customers and to assist them with reliable services. The use of the E-Commerce has changed significantly and it has enhanced the reliability of the customers by offering reliable services to the consumers concerned. There is a crucial impact from the political as well as the economic factors of the targeted market segments in which the product is going to be launched. Therefore, the firm needs to identify these factors and formulate effective strategies as to enhance the overall profitability and the productivity of the entire association.
PESTLE analysis
The competitors are considered to be the key players as it executes the most crucial role in evaluating the significant growth of the concerned firm. There are several competitors throughout the Australian market segments who have captured the large market segments in the field of manufacturing mobile devices. These are Samsung, Apple, Optus, virgin Mobile Australia and many others. It is very crucial to understand the desired requirements of the concerned market segments as it will reflector the preferred needs and the wishes of the concerned customers within the market segments. In order to enter market segments in the field of mobile industry understanding the desired offerings and the market share of the concerned competitors is crucial (Carroll, 2013). The market share of Australia has significantly increased from 29.3 % in august 2014 to 37.8 % till august 2015. The complete market of the smartphones has increased by a total share of thirty-five percent and this has provided the desired opportunity to the other companies in the field of mobile manufacturing to enhance its business process. Apple Company is engaged in providing the finest quality of the mobiles devices in order to enhance the reliability and the smoothness of the customers present within the market segments. Innovation is considered to be one of the most crucial tools that help in providing the desired advantage to the concerned competitors within the market segments. Establishing the trust with the different clients is considered to be the vital factors as these increases the overall selling of the concerned products launched by the company within the market segments. as per a survey report, recognizing the increasing demands of the Smartphone’s the future predictions says that there will be an increase of up to 67.2 percent for the smartphones users by the end of 2018 throughout the Australian market segments (Impact of latest NICE guidelines on CRT and ICD implant rates, 2015). The latest android phones have created a large impact on the minds of the concerned clients and there is a scope for Telstra Corporation to enter this field by launching exceptional and attractive mobile devices. The brand name of the company will help in increasing the selling of the concerned products within the different targeted market segments throughout Australia. Understanding the desired offerings from the key competitors within the targeted market segments will help in getting the advantage for the Telstra Corporation of Australia and it can significantly increase its profitability within the targeted market segments.
Key players
There is a crucial need to focus on the desired relationship between the buyers and the concerned organization as this helps to increase the satisfaction of the customers related to the offering of the concerned products y the firm. Moreover, the Telstra Corporation needs to identify the particularly targeted customers in order to increase the sales revenue for the concerned organization. The concepts of the segmentation, targeting, and the positioning are crucial for the concerned organization , as it helps in targeting the desired customers for the selling of the products. The increase in the demands of the Smartphone evaluated the fact that there is a large number of the youth attracted towards the use of the newly launched mobile devices within the concerned market segments (KIMISHIMA, 2012). Therefore, the youth along the females needs to target as they are much prone to the newly launched gadgets within the concerned market segments. These will help to enhance the growth rate of the firm and will opt for a large amount of the profitability for the concerned firm. There are some of the crucial factors which influence the desired relationship between the buyers as well as the sellers. The most significant for the concerned association is to understand as well as recognize the desired requirements of the concerned clients and then to assist them with required services. Differentiation in the pricing strategies plays the most crucial role in creating a great and immense impact in the minds of the different clients concerned. It has been seen that the different consumers of the concerned products have their own different requirements and the firm’s needs to recognize this as to satisfy the consumers from the services offered by the firm. The establishment of the customer support departments creates an enormous impact regarding the satisfaction f the customers as it helps in resolving the queries as well as the complainants of the customers and enhances the reliability and also provides a desired smooth experience to them. These factors are the availability of the respective alternatives, importance of the supply, complexity of the desired supply and the dynamism of supply market. The performance of the firm is another vital factor which helps in attracting the large number o the consumers towards the firm (Kotler, 2014). Assisting the customers as per the needs will help in retaining the old customers as well as to target the new customers. The youths needed to be targeted as they generate the larger percentage of the sales revenue for nay of the concerned firm.
Segmentation approaches
Identification of the desired market segments is considered to very crucial as these increases the selling of the concerned new products launched by the particular company. Telstra Corporation of Australia identifies its market segments throughout the different parts of the world as well as the market segments of Australia to launch its new products. The segmentation is the dividing of the large market segments into smaller segments of the concerned markets as this helps in recognizing the needs of the customers and to assist them with the satisfactory products as well as the services (Latest Developments: UK and EU, 2011). There are three of the crucial factors related to one another for the launching of new products within the concerned market segments; they are segmentation, positioning, and targeting. The analysis of the macro as well as the micro-segmentation will help in identifying the needs and the importance of the concerned market segments. These reflect the desired strengths as well as the weakness of the firm. Before launching the new mobile devices, it is very crucial for the firm to recognize the features of the similar products offered by the other firm. The market needs to be segmented on the basis of accessibility, measurability, responsiveness and the substantiality. The use of the PESTEL analysis will help in understanding the desired pressure from the political factors where the company is planning to launch its products and execute its business procedures. Targeting the desired customers is considered to be of great importance as they help in evaluating the desired expansion of the market segments and the business procedure of the company (Latest Developments: UK and EU, 2011). The macro segmentation consists of the size of the organization as well as the industries whereas the micro-segmentation includes several factors such as choice criteria, DMU structure, the process of effective decision making, innovativeness of the organization, the buying of the glasses and the purchasing organization. The organization size refers to the buying of the same products having differentiated features as to enhance the selling of the products. The demands of the telecommunication industries are increasing in large numbers, therefore, the launching of the new products for Telstra Corporation will help in bringing the desired positive outcomes for the organization (Ottman, 2011). The use of the marketing mix is crucial as it provides the desired evaluation in the effectiveness and the efficiency of the concerned firm. The promotion of the products needs to be unique in order to generate an enormous impact on the minds of the concerned clients within the targeted market segments.
There are certain effective strategies which can be used by the companies to enter into the new market segments for executing their concerned business processes. The report on the mobile telecommunication industries of Australia reveals the desired facts that there was a slow revenue growth for the Telstra Corporation as well as the second tiers operators. Telstra Corporation retains the dominances throughout the Australian market segments having a crucial share of 61% of the total revenue generated (Plunkett, 2009). The growth opportunities need to be evaluated on the basis of marketing plan consisting of the marketing mix. The understanding of the requirements of the concerned market segments is important before entering into that particular market segments (Plunkett, 2010). Use of the perceptual maps, as well as the concise implementation plan, is required in order to generate future growth strategies for the company.
Figure: Perceptual map
In order to enter the desired market segments, the most crucial is to enhance the branding of the concerned firm. The engagement of the customers within the firm is crucial and it needs to be done with the help of effective methods as to establish the desired relationship with the customers. For Telecom Corporation look to enlarge is expected to see a sustained augment in alliances as well as a partnership which is able to carry a range of necessary capabilities plus rate time-to-market (Telstra, 2016). For illustration, incorporation with the vital company in the industry like the retail, automotive, or the concerned healthcare is the preferred direction for the carrier to make bigger their trade, and do so in particular technique that is appropriate as well as less risky. Carriers require carrying on to focus on providing data services along with the voice services which are high superiority, dependable, and reasonable. Moreover, the companies need to enhance the quality as well as the reliability of the products they offer within the concerned market segments. The use of the effective and effectual strategies will increase the profitability share of the concerned organization. Corporate branding and the reduction in the cost prices are considered to be large importance as this helps to evaluate the desired profitability of the concerned firm (The latest intraoral sensors, 2013). The demands of the telecommunication market segments are increasing in large numbers and therefore The Company needs to produce differentiation strategies as to capture the entire market segments.
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