Individual Reflective Assignment: Understanding Learning Outcomes 1 And 2
Part 1: A Comparison of Personalities Based on the Findings of Howard Gardner’s Model
The Howard Gardiner’ model is an effective way to make a judgment about an individual’s personality traits. The results of this scale can be measured by an individual for a retrospection of his personality, leaders, and motivators can also use this scale for personality diagnostic purposes and decide a course of personality grooming for an individual (Aramstrong, 2010). For instance in the case of the respondent of the test 2 we can examine two facts, first, this person scored a rating of 1 for the question that asks him about his willingness to participate in debates, and the second question is connected to his choice of team sports where he scored four ratings for a question where he said that he loves the games where individual performance matters. When we check the same ratings on the Johari window’s quadrants then we find that this individual falls in the quadrant of the unknown and he is not a team player (Kay, 2018). The respondent one, on the other hand, likes team sports and on the merit of this answer, we can predict that he is a team player and has a placement in the known quadrant or the arena quadrant of the Johari window.
In a broader way, we can say that Gardner’s model gives us information and its processing in the Johari Window can give us some conclusions about the person in question. In the present scenario, we can say that person one is an extrovert and person two is an introvert. When we check the final analysis of the two in the Gardner model then again we find in spite the fact that respondent two is not good at communication even then his intrapersonal skills are better than the respondent one. This type of an analysis can also help a manager in identifying the key result areas of the improvement for an individual. In the current case, we can say that respondent one should try to improve his ranking and jump into the known arena of the Johari Window. He should learn to express himself in front of the others and try to work on the expressions. The same result also gives us an idea that the respondent of the test one should employee more logical faculty while interacting with the individuals. The virtue of being an introvert can misfire sometimes and it can be the case with the respondent one (L.David, 2014).
Howard Gardner scale allows an individual to figure out some dark corner of the personality of an individual. It allows us to retrospect certain areas of the personality that can make difference. For instance, there are two answers that made me thought about myself. The first answer was about my ability to see the faults and the virtues in the others; the second is about my ability to be realistic about my strengths and weaknesses. These two virtues bring me in the arena window of the Johari window. My personal analysis gave me a line of thought that I can cultivate a leader in me and develop a certain leadership style. Since I am able to find out the weaknesses and virtues in other, it is a leadership quality. Since I am open about my own weaknesses, I can inspire myself and improve myself to set an example for the others. Let’s keep aside the findings for a while; an interaction with the Gardner scale also prompted me to see myself from an objective point of view. It is true that I scored well at interpersonal skills and intrapersonal skills (Herndon, 2018). However, my presence in the arena quadrant gave me confidence, however; it also gave me a sense of responsibility related to my projection as well.
Part 2: Analyzing One’s Own Strengths and Weaknesses Based on Gardner’s Model
It is a general perception that if you are in the open window of Johari Window then you are more successful at an interpersonal level. It says that you can express yourself and sail through different situations easily (Richard West, 2010). However, the open quadrant of the Johari Window only gives us an idea that we are visible to the world. If we are visible to the others then it can become a cause of worry for us, the Gardner model allows us to get into the finer details of our personality. The selection of the right words to serve the right occasions can be a concern area for me, my scores on the scale of linguistic faculty and logical faculty are slightly low. It can be an issue of great worry, I can speak my heart out, and however, I have the right content to speak in front of the others or not is a big question. The scores of the Gardner window gives me an idea that I have no inhibitions in expressing me in front of the strangers and friends (Cherry, 2018). This also makes me fit for the job where public speaking skills are required. However, my weaknesses in the area of logical faculty bring me in a dark area about myself. If I put myself in Johari window with an intention to judge myself on the basis of my logical faculty then I am in a dark area. I need to figure out that why I am not able to process certain pieces of information, where others are capable of doing it.
Model of the Gardner connects us to our inner self, the Johari window, on the other hand, gives us a bright idea that how others are thinking about us. If we wish to become a global citizen then we need to see ourselves in the Johari Window first before starting an interaction with any other person (James McGrath, 2017). When McDonald launches its business in China, they were surprised to know that in China, the concept of fast food joints doesn’t exist, visiting a restaurant is a celebration for them. This is why they changed the settings of the McDonald outlets in China and make them a place where people can hang around (Gray, 2016).
Globalization of the world will bring many such situations in front of the business fraternities and individuals where they were forced to act in accordance with the likings of people living in different countries and belonging to different cultures. At the turn of this century on the onset of globalization, many business managers took the support of the Johari window to understand their position in different markets. Many indigenous surveys were designed to figure out the position of a product in the Johari Window of an individual. This technique worked well for these businesses, now a let’s check the same scenario in a different light, let’s now consider that Gardner MI model is another questionnaire that can help an individual in understanding his own position in the Johari window then it makes a great tool (Benfield, 2017). The results of the mixed analysis of Johari window and Gardner scale can be used to develop a framework of the global competence in the field of communication (Zukauskiene, 2017). Johari window gives us an idea about the perception of the others about us. The results of the MI model allow us to retrospect ourselves. It is a complete circle of the thoughts. Both the tools can be used as a diagnostic facility for the assessment of the personality of an individual. The metrics to attain a global competence can be attained with the help of the rational coaching programs. Many international business outsourcing units across the world have successfully prepared many models to create a global workforce. The joint impact of the Johari window and Gardner scale can be utilized to create global citizens very easily for the creation of a global world (Richard West, 2010).
Aramstrong, T. (2010). Armstrong, T. (2010). Multiple Intelligences. Northern Illinois University, Accessed 7-12-2018,
Benfield, P. (2017). Introduction to Human Resource Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Cherry, K. (2018). Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Very well Mind, Accessed 7-12-2018,
Gray, D. (2016). Liminal Thinking: Create the Change You Want by Changing the Way You Think. New York: Rosenfield Media.
Herndon, E. (2018). WHAT ARE MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES AND HOW DO THEY AFFECT LEARNING? Cornerstone University, Accessed 7-12-2018,
James McGrath, B. B. (2017). The Little Book of Big Management Theories: … and how to use them. London: Pearson.
Kay, R. (2018). Introduction to Human Resource Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
L.David. (2014). Multiple Intelligences Theory (Gardner),” in Learning Theories, Learning Theories, Accessed 7-12-2018,
Lewis, J. P. (2018). Professional Behaviors and Dispositions. Abingdon: Routledge.
Richard West, L. H. (2010). Understanding Interpersonal Communication. New York: Cengage Learning.
Zukauskiene, R. (2017). Interpersonal Development. Abingdon: Routledge.