Improving Organisational Culture And Safety In Hospital Settings

Improving Organisational Culture and Safety

There has been a very little evidence to date of what should be done to improve the organisational culture in hospital and what initiatives would be the most effective and efficient way in order to develop the quality of healthcare system in hospital setting (Scott, Mannion, Davies & Marshall, 2018). One of the main challenges every hospital is facing nowadays is to identify an initiative which would efficiently remove the problem of deficient culture of the hospital and inadequate organisational resources that are needed to improve the quality of healthcare. The term organisational culture includes the behaviour of individuals within the organisation and how those individuals pay attention and respond to critical situations. There are many medical institutions in USA which did research on the relationship between the safety issues of the patient, the well being of the physician and organisational culture (Hall, Johnson, Watt, Tsipa, & O’Connor, 2016). Over time the problems of hierarchical bureaucracies appears in an organisational culture. When these types of problem appear, people within the organisation do not respond or accept the changes, rather they rely on the existing set of routines.

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When an authority of the organisation is trying to implement an initiative in order to improve the culture of the organisation, it should focus on improving the impact of the changes in the role of a physician and other workers in the hospital. In hospital, physician Burnout is the main threat to the problem of organisational culture. Burnout is a serious case of emotional fatigueness and exhaustion. When a person is so much involved with the emotionally demanding atmosphere for a long period of time, it can cause depersonalization. It can also cause when the chances of personal accomplishment is reduced. Physician Burnout increases the chances of making mistakes as it it reduces the ability of a physician who is required to provide the best quality of healthcare to the patients (Shanafelt & Noseworthy, 2017). It creates a situation which is directly linked to the working condition of a physician and and the experience of a patient he or she gets while receiving a treatment from the hospital. So, the question is how organisational culture impacts the physician and the other workers who are working within a specific working condition that causes burnout and stress. Every hospital authority should figure out an effective initiative in order to promote quality of healthcare by considering significant organisational and cultural changes in hospital environment and those issues that are embedded with the success or the failure of the organisation and the way it causes burnout to the physicians and other workers (Moss, Good, Gozal, Kleinpell, & Sessler, 2016).

There are many cases in America where more people are dying due to medical mistakes rather than from cancer AIDS or other disease. It is just a matter of time when such major health issues will touch every single American lives at some point. And something like that happened in 2007 when when such medical mistake had almost taken the lives of infant twins,  the children of Dennis and Kimberly Quaid. The twins had a serious staph infection and the parents were asked by doctor to take the newborns to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. On the second day at the hospital the parents were told that the childrens were doing fine. But in the next day when they visited the hospital, they found out that their children was in real danger. The childrens were prescribed to be given heparin which would keep their IV lines clear and remove blood clots. But the nurses accidently overdosed the children as they were supposed to get 10 units of heparin but they got 1000 units of heparin which has turned their blood into water. In such scenario effective educational training program is urgently needed in order to educate the nurses and the other workers in such critical situation. Hospital authority can organise education and training program by bringing a team of people who would be able to profile educational assistance to those workers or assist them in finding solutions. Collective learning place a big role in order to provide quality and safety measures in critical hospital atmosphere. The main objective is how to make make a kind of hospital atmosphere which promotes learning through the process of leadership. In order to provide safety and quality, the working culture of hospital atmosphere should be built on the theory of experimentation, improvisation, exploration, learning from mistakes etc (Graban, 2016). The learning atmosphere should be very supportive and and it should be characterized by providing psychological safety to the workers of the organisation. Difference of opinion new ideas and team autonomy should be appreciated under the working condition of hospital environment. Learning atmosphere under the working condition of a hospital environment should also focus on improving the impact of leadership behaviour. The hospital authority should also take initiatives that support improvements by providing access to information and knowledge, resources strategic actions and by developing the working culture. It is important to implement the process of of collective learning in the organisational culture of the hospital as it allows an individual to interpret and analyse organisational experience interactively. Leadership and other environmental factors have a great influence over the atmosphere that promotes collective learning which in turn brings improvement and desired outcome (Lalleman, Smid, Lagerwey, Shortridge-Baggett, & Schuurmans, 2016). Hospital authority would be able to reduce medical errors by promoting and environment that supports collective learning and through interpersonal communication and collaboration.

Role of Interpersonal Communication in Preventing Medical Errors

The story of medical error Dennis and Kimberly Quaid’s infant twins experienced at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in 2007 has changed the course and the working culture of the hospital. First the pharmacist made the mistake by putting the larger bottle of heparin in the same bin along with the bottles of small dose heparin. There was the high time in order to raise the public awareness and take some initiatives to keep the records of the patience secured with computerized and barcoding Technology. That incident was the wake up call for for the healthcare system of America. The hospital authority has invested more than 100 million US dollar in some new technologies in order to make sure that this type of medical mistake would never happen again. The hospital authority has installed a computerized barcode system in order to keep the record of the patient secure and to reduce the human error. There are many cases in America where more people are dying due to medical mistakes rather than from cancer AIDS or other disease. It is just a matter of time when such major health issues will touch every single American lives at some point. And something like that happened in 2007 when when such medical mistake had almost taken the lives of infant twins,  the children of Dennis and Kimberly Quaid. After that incident many Technologies have been emerged since that time that could have been impacted this case.

Sometimes unconscious and heavily disoriented patients cannot answer to the questions of medical practitioner and this is a very hectic task for the medical practitioners to determine who the patient is and his or her medical condition. Sometimes patient don’t want to disclose their identity and medical condition in order to avoid criminal activity and health insurance frauds. In order to get quality healthcare, a medical practitioner needs to know who the patient is and he is our her medical condition (Ragan, Johnson, Milton & Gill, 2016). Not knowing the identity of a patient can cause medical errors. Now it has become very easy for the medical practitioner to know a patient’s identity even without their cooperation. Because new technologies have been invented such as iris scanner. When iris is scanned, every single detail found in the pattern of iris is scanned by a system that scans through a video camera and infrared Technology. Iris scanner has a special feature of having a mathematical and statistical algorithms which can be codes the pattern and identifies The Identity of a person. In healthcare setting, this system can be used for those patients who are in a really critical condition and can be very useful in order to prevent any kind of potential drug interaction for allergies (Manit, Bremer, Schweikard & Ernst, 2017).

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These two technologies are being used for a long time in healthcare system. These technologies are are combined with other Technologies like eMARS(electronic medication administration records). In this technology, the patients are given a barcoded wristband with an eMARS Technology. Medical practitioner scans the wristband in order to know if the patients are getting the right medication and drug (Harding, Suhr, & Allen, 2015).

Relevant Technologies

Every organisation is largely influenced by the stakeholders and the success or the failure of an organisation also influences the stakeholders. Managing stakeholders is one of the most important parts of managing an organisation. There are two types of stakeholders i.e primary stakeholders and the secondary stakeholders (Bridoux & Stoelhorst, 2014). Primary stakeholders are directly associated with the ongoing projects of an organisation and those who are in a position to influence the progress of the project while secondary stakeholders are not directly associated with the projects of an organisation and and those who have a very informal relationship with the organisation. For the success of an organisation it is important to maintain a good relationship with the stakeholders as they are the ones who can influence the onprojects of the organisation (Sweeney, Clarke & Higgs, 2018). The authority of an organisation should always try to implement it strategic management as a part of managing stakeholders in order to maintain a mutual benefit between them. If the relationship between the organisation authority and its key stakeholders strong that relationship would allow the organisation to cope with uncertain environment and unstable situations. Strong relationship with the stakeholders always contribute to the organisation in shaping vision, executing necessary plans etc. In hospital and healthcare system, there is a different form of stakeholders involvement. Hospital authority always collaborates with insurance companies and with other hospital and hospital authority always invests in the stakeholders. In healthcare system, stakeholders are involved just to increase the efficiency and effectiveness (Busse, Aboneh & Tefera, 2014). The medical staffs of a hospital are considered as internal stakeholders. It is important to make sure that the hospital authority is promoting educational culture inside the working atmosphere of the hospital which would in turn lead to effective and efficient healthcare and services to the patients and allow external stakeholders to become more proactive to support ongoing plans and projects.


This article deals with the solution that every hospital authority should find and effective and efficient initiative that would ultimate resolve the cultural problems within the organisation systematically, and in order to achieve structural reorganizing within the organisation proper strategic planning is required. This article is not implying that the behaviour of the physician is the only perspective that requires consideration. Rather it is implying that the physician holds a significant role in the organisational culture of a hospital and examining the behaviour of the physician is the starting point in order to elaborate the behaviour of all the stakeholders within the organisation culture of a hospital. Every hospital authority should figure out an effective initiative in order to promote quality of healthcare by considering significant organisational and cultural changes in hospital environment and those issues that are embedded with the success or the failure of the organisation and the way it causes burnout to the physicians and other workers.


Bridoux, F., & Stoelhorst, J. W. (2014). Microfoundations for stakeholder theory: Managing stakeholders with heterogeneous motives. Strategic Management Journal, 35(1), 107-125.

Busse, H., Aboneh, E. A., & Tefera, G. (2014). Learning from developing countries in strengthening health systems: an evaluation of personal and professional impact among global health volunteers at Addis Ababa University’s Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (Ethiopia). Globalization and health, 10(1), 64.

Graban, M. (2016). Lean hospitals: improving quality, patient safety, and employee engagement. CRC press.

Hall, L. H., Johnson, J., Watt, I., Tsipa, A., & O’Connor, D. B. (2016). Healthcare staff wellbeing, burnout, and patient safety: a systematic review. PloS one, 11(7), e0159015.

Harding, A. C., Suhr, J. K., & Allen, N. P. (2015). U.S. Patent Application No. 14/611,320.

Lalleman, P. C. B., Smid, G. A. C., Lagerwey, M. D., Shortridge-Baggett, L. M., & Schuurmans, M. J. (2016). Curbing the urge to care: A Bourdieusian analysis of the effect of the caring disposition on nurse middle managers’ clinical leadership in patient safety practices. International journal of nursing studies, 63, 179-188.

Manit, J., Bremer, C., Schweikard, A., & Ernst, F. (2017, March). Patient identification using a near-infrared laser scanner. In Medical Imaging 2017: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling (Vol. 10135, p. 101352L). International Society for Optics and Photonics.

Moss, M., Good, V. S., Gozal, D., Kleinpell, R., & Sessler, C. N. (2016). An official critical care societies collaborative statement: burnout syndrome in critical care health care professionals: a call for action. American Journal of Critical Care, 25(4), 368-376.

Ragan, E. J., Johnson, C., Milton, J. N., & Gill, C. J. (2016). Ear biometrics for patient identification in global health: a cross-sectional study to test the feasibility of a simplified algorithm. BMC research notes, 9(1), 484.

Scott, T., Mannion, R., Davies, H., & Marshall, M. (2018). Healthcare performance and organisational culture. CRC Press.

Shanafelt, T. D., & Noseworthy, J. H. (2017, January). Executive leadership and physician well-being: nine organizational strategies to promote engagement and reduce burnout. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Vol. 92, No. 1, pp. 129-146). Elsevier.

Sweeney, A., Clarke, N., & Higgs, M. (2018). Shared Leadership in Commercial Organizations: A Systematic Review of Definitions, Theoretical Frameworks and Organizational Outcomes. International Journal of Management Reviews.

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