Improving Network Performance With IPv6 And RIPng Protocol
Network design
Routing is the process by which the best route is chosen among many routes in order to transmit data between the source and the destination. The choice of routes depend on the routing protocols that are implemented in any given network. The routing protocols utilizes different metrics in order to select the best routes to transmit data. This paper describes how RIP with IPv6 address can be improved in any given network topology in order to increase the performance of any given network topology (Baran & Sosa 2017).
Improvement of any given network topology that is connected using RIPng protocols mainly targets the following features of the protocol that is implemented in the network. The database request time, the response time that the routing protocols offers, the security in the connection ports of the network.,IPv6 traffic jitter and the end to end delay and response to communication. The following shows how configuration in RIPng can be improved in the given network topology in order to improve the performance of the network.
Network design
Good network design and placing of network components in the required areas make routing very simple (Jayakumar, Rekha, & Bharathi, 2015,) .This property increases the speed in which devices communicate within the given network. In this case the following network design diagram is proposed.
Adding one router to the previous topology will improve the performance of the previous network. This because four routers have the following advantages in RIP routing. When four routers are used to in the network configuration will be very easy since the topology can be easily understood by the network engineers. Use of more routers promote load balancing in network. This means that many routes will be available for data to flow within the network since the existing routers installs routes with lower administrating level in the network.
VPN server
Configuring VPN servers to enable users to connect to the entire network remotely. Implementation of VPN server will have the following advantages in the network. The network will have improved security, it increases online safety when accessing resources through the internet .It prevents a hackers from accessing the information this because the ISP’s that is in the network will not be able to access user log’s that are created in the network.
Use of VPN in any network allows remote access to information thus users will be able to access from any location increasing productivity. VPN is also used to reduce the cost of accessing the internet in any given network. Lastly use of VPN service normally allows users to bypass restrictions in any given network. This means that the network users will be able to access information in any webserver while using the service without any restrictions.
Configuring RIPng Authentication
Use of RIPv2 in the network which supports RIP authentication of links before they are accessed or activated to be alive. Authentication provides an additional layer of network security beyond other security features that are included in the network (Wan, Kranakis, & Oorschot, 2014). This features allows routers to authenticate each other while communicating using the same keys that are configured in the network. This type of feature is not supported by RIPv1 of routing.
VPN server
Configuration of the link state protocols
This is feature of RIPng that allows routers to learn to its directly connected network. In this feature the router is responsible for saying hello to the connected networks. The advantage of this feature of RIP is that each router builds its own topological map of the network in order to determine the shortest part to follow in the network (Xu & Trajkovic, 2011). The protocol also allows use of hierarchical design during implementation when implementing multiple areas. This can be as shown in the following diagram.
Network management tools
This are the software and hardware components that are used in network implementation in order for the network to perform efficiently as per the requirements. These are the tools that are used in order to detect earliest failures in any network and improve them at early stage(Rawat, Kumar & Gupta, 2014). The management tools that should be include in this network include server, security and databases tool. The following is an example of the tools that should be included in order to increase the performance of the network.
These are the systems that are used to prevent unauthorized access to or from private networks. It will be implemented both as a hardware or a software. In this case the firewalls can be implemented in each router in order to prevent unauthorized access the network (Verma & Bhardwaj, 2016).
Other tools that should be included in the network include backup server for data backup in case the main server fails. Implementation of the virtual server will also be very important in the network
Routing and switching feature comparison
There are different types of switches from different vendors that are required in the network implementation. This switches support different kind of features that are required in any network.
Among the switches that should be implemented in any network are the switches from cisco, Juniper network and Arista networks. An example of such network switch is the 16 slot cisco-nexus switch 9500 that houses a lot of gigaEthernet ports up to 576.This switches have a lot of ports and throughputs thus they are the best to be implemented in the network (Yi et al., 2014).
Routers are very essential in implementation of any network. There different types of routers that are from different types of vendors with different specified characters that should be installed in this network. The net gear switch from Cisco and Juniper networks should be implemented in this network dues to its high functionality and high number of ports that are present in it
Since RIPng runs over IPv6, RIPng relies on the IP Authentication Header and the IP Encapsulating Security Payload to ensure integrity and authentication/confidentiality of routing exchanges. Network firewalls are also recommended to be added in the network in order to increase the network security and prevent attackers from accessing the network. The virtual server should also be included in the network in order to reduce the maintenance and increase the functionality of the network. More so virtual server centralized management of the data in the network thus making it easier for the network to be maintained.
This also supports backing up of data in case there is any data loss in the network. The selection of network components to be used in network is very much essential. They determine the speed of the network and its efficiency. The selected network components in any network should be highly related and from trusted vendors in order for the network to be efficient throughout. The VPN server is also implemented in the network in order to allow users to access the network privately from any location.
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