Improving Leadership Skills: Time Management, Interpersonal Communication And Delegation

The Importance of Time Management, Interpersonal Communication, and Delegation Skills

I have been assigned as the leader of the group to ensure that the team members are managed properly along with better flow and exchange of information and establish good communication and coordination between the team members too. I have mainly focused on the time management, interpersonal communication and networking skills to ensure that the team functions properly and the desired positive outcomes are obtained with ease and effectiveness. As a responsible leader, it is my duty and responsibility to ensure that the group members carry out tasks properly and at the same time become cautious about the time allotted for the tasks. I to make sure that the communication is established among the team members to discuss about the tasks, goals and objectives that can be achieved properly within the assigned time have gained the interpersonal skills (Goetsch and Davis 2014).   

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It is my role to contribute largely to the group as well as interact with the group properly and make them understand about their roles and responsibilities too. My leadership skills had helped in guiding them in the right direction as well as made them understand the vision and mission of the organization within which the project was being undertaken. It has not only allowed for understanding the shared responsibilities all together, but had also facilitated the discussion among the team members, furthermore overcome the various issues that might have been faced while managing the project (Tran 2013). As a group leader, I made sure to make them understand about the time management strategies so that the tasks could be completed within the assigned time and greater productivity could be achieved as well. By managing all these kinds of skills and knowledge properly, there was improvement in the professional reputation and image of the organization. This further made me as well as the team members feel less stressed, furthermore increased the scopes and opportunities for professional development. Through the guidance that I provided to them along with the relevant skills, they became skilled and competent enough to achieve their career goals and prevented missing of deadlines. It could also prevent the ineffective flow of work and at the same time overcome the poor quality of work issues within quick time (Kyllonen 2013). I think that time management is not only essential while working in a group but also for the betterment of the organization in terms of better productivity, positive image and reputation too.  

Managing a Team with Effective Communication and Delegation

The stress level of the employees was reduced too and they became more positive towards handling the tasks with much more commitment and dedication. Another most important responsibility of mine was to manage delegation while working on own with an entire team behind me. The delegation has been managed by me by matching the people and tasks properly so that the tasks are allotted to the individuals who are capable of doing it. Proper delegation should also include explaining the roles, responsibilities, goals and objectives that should be achieved along with the development of a team charter where the purpose of the team and how it could be worked on should be presented (De Rijdt et al. 2013). This has allowed my team or group to get off to a flying start as well as favored the team by making it back on track in case of any issues faced during the project undertaking.

This also improved my skills and allowed me to be in a position from where I could assess the skills, knowledge and experiences of the team members and start matching them with the respective tasks allotted to them. Delegation of tasks is important not only for assigning the right task to the right employees but has also been beneficial for keeping the employees motivated and encouraged to perform to their potential too. As I have been assigned the work of managing an entire team, so it was essential for me to manage the interpersonal skills too for facilitating the communication process, which improved the abilities of the individuals to think, listen, question as well as understand the body language properly (Ally and Prieto-Blázquez 2014). The skills and attributes of the interpersonal communication are important aspects that are related to the emotional intelligence, which has helped me to manage my own behaviors and attitudes of others too. 

I focused on the interpersonal skills mainly to manage proper functioning of the team members with consistent communication along with better flow and exchange of
information. This has allowed each and every employees to present their own views and opinions, which furthermore improved the abilities of the individuals to work as an unit and move towards the goals and objectives with much ease and efficiency. Due to the varied opinions and ideas presented by the individuals working within the team, I was able to make decisions quite easily for deriving the best possible outcomes in business. I also managed to keep the staffs motivated and encouraged through flexible time and working schedule and even provided them opportunities to present their views and opinions, furthermore ensure successful project undertaking (Helyer and Lee 2014).

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Promoting Teamwork and Communication to Improve Project Outcomes

Through training that I arranged for the individuals, they were able to obtain the relevant skills, knowledge and expertise regarding the way they communicate with each other within the groups. By obtaining relevant interpersonal skills, they have become more competent and progressed in their personal and professional lives as well (Kerzner and Kerzner 2017). Interpersonal skills include varied range of skills that are mostly centered on the communication such as listening, understanding and even asking questions to know about various things related to the project. I have kept them motivated, encouraged by providing them with various benefits, and even allowed them to express their views and opinions, which are vital for moving forward in all areas of life, both in terms of education and socially as well (Devlin 2013). This has spread awareness among the team members about how to interact as well as provide practical advices too.

The teamwork has been evolved by me by playing as a role model to the team not only for enhancing the productivity but also to make them achieve the interpersonal skills that are required to promote communication within the workplace. By promoting teamwork within the business, I have managed to establish trust among the group members, which has benefited while driving outcomes for the project as well as made the team members respect me and listen to me for moving towards the goals and objectives (Hoidn and Kärkkäinen 2014). I made sure that any kinds of conflicts or misunderstandings are prevented and encouraged my team members to promote honesty, fairness and openness while working on the project. 

By facilitating the interpersonal communication through the use of Skype to manage an online meeting platform, everyone was allowed to share their views and opinions and even they had never been assumed to possess the similar kind of information all throughout. As I was skilled and knowledgeable about the information technology systems, it was easy for me to overcome the technical issues so that the online meeting platforms were not hindered (Kalfa and Taksa 2015).  I even shared the work between myself and the group members properly so that none of them feel pressurized. By making them participate in the training and developmental sessions, they were able to maintain a welcoming and positive attitude, which helped them to show respect to me and even admired my skills and knowledge. Through the training and developmental programs, they learned to practice verbal communication, which made them speak confidently as well as listen to each other carefully, rather than pointing put the mistakes before coming to a proper conclusive evidence (Cheruvelil et al. 2014). I clearly stated the purpose of the project undertaken to them and what goals and objectives they needed to achieve. I encouraged them liberally and praised them for their actual hard work and performances, which provided meaningful reinforcement for the coworkers and developed trust and loyalty among the group members too (Mueller and Vogelsmeier 2013).

Meetings were arranged by me offline as well as through online meeting platforms for promoting the productivity and enhance the level of trust and communication within the workplace. The project could not be successful unless the group members discuss about the various business aspects properly and the same happened for this project as well. My main motive behind the arrangement of meetings was to facilitate the communication process, at the same time, established good amount of trust, and facilitate the production level within the workplace (Grissom, Loeb and Mitani 2015). The team meetings allowed every of the group members to speak up and even get a chance to ask certain questions for keeping in sync. Everyone was covered on the agenda and related to the project as well and the questions that were needed to asked had been prepared prior to the meeting as well. This not only allowed me to understand their needs effectively, but also helped me to delegate tasks accordingly (Rapp, Bachrach and Rapp 2013). 


In this report, I discussed about the various skills areas where my focus had been to contribute to the group. I focused on the time management skills, delegation skills and interpersonal communication skills to made sure that I manage proper interaction between the team members and proper sharing of knowledge and information was possible. It not only improved the efficiency of undertaking the project, but also enhanced the productivity level of the organization. I guided the team members properly and made them understood about the importance of time, which if not maintained might have made them missed deadlines for the tasks. I delegated the tasks according to the areas of strengths of the group members, which made them accomplish their tasks quite easily. I facilitated promoting teamwork through proper communication that was managed through meetings and online conferences where every team members were allowed to share their individuals views and opinions.  


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