Improving Health Services In South Australian Hospitals

Challenges Faced by the South Australian Health System

The South Australian office has always paid much attention to the condition of patients in hospitals (Cherny & Christakis, 2011). There was a need to experience a full transformation of the health plan of the people of South Australia to ensure that they get to be comfortable through their operation. In the previous days. The individuals were known to experience poor medication standards, for example, being housed in dormitory wards rather than the single rooms with ensuites. Tendering of procurements were done, and all were under one primary slogan of best care (Reisman, 2010). Purchases of new requirement had to be done at a high rate. The health budget had to rise every other day, and it served as a significant threat to the State Budget. In some occasions, some equipment was purchased in excess. The number of beds that were bought by the government went higher than the national average number of beds needed for a particular population. Such kind of action led to the complications associated with the process to rise.

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Complexities will always make individuals shy away; hence, the management team had to work hard to eliminate any of them (Clemen & Reilly, 2013). Complex working came in when critics started flowing in regarding the general plan. There was a complaint that the implemented plan lacked enough details for others to understand. Apart from that, there was no room set aside for public comment. Such an accusation would only be resolved by changing the plan and involving the public through the whole process. The result would be that the development process would have experienced significant delays. Apart from that, the probability of the project being a success would be highly reduced. After completing the procurement process and the services in the various hospitals being better than the previous days, the society expected a rise in the performance of the staff. Apart from that, the outcome of medications was expected to increase and there should be a decrease of patients succumbing to death. However, the case was entirely different. Despite the bed and staff being in abundance, the outcome of the South Australian system became poorer. It was noted that there were more extended inpatients stays compared to the other jurisdictions. The survival of patients was also observed to vary significantly from one hospital to other in addition to the time that the patient did arrive in the hospital (Berdowski et al, 2010).

Transforming the Health Plan for the People of South Australia

Excellence has been the desire for many in carrying out their daily activities. Individuals will always find out to tell the areas they are missing as a way of ensuring that they get to improve in the area. Professionals have been chosen to help in identifying the areas of weakness in a specific project so that to better the services in the coming future (Maister, 2012). The plan to improve the health services in South Australia also called for a similar format to be used in making the whole process a success. The state government facilitated the selection of three clinical groups who were to be responsible for drawing standards for the procurements that were made. Approximately 284 standards were drawn. The working format had also to be observed to ensure success is achieved at the end of the day. The working was organized in such a way that there will be a streamline metropolitan hospital system (Walsh et al, 2010).  The major hospitals in the North Spine included Lyell McEwin Hospital, Royal Adelaide Hospital, and Finally Flinders medical Center. Such a kind of divisions and improvement of working environment led to the working time being increased to 24 hours daily in a week. Apart from that, dealing with major diseases has been very easy for example, it has been comfortable dealing with major trauma in addition to the different life-threatening illnesses. Distribution for emergency resources was too excellently done through the nation. As a result, dealing with emergency cases was, and most lives were rescued from death.

While carrying the procurement process, there is a need to be very keen with the various bidders and the prices that they offer to the company. The bidding price has always to be considered to ensure that the stability of the government is maintained (Ward, 2016). Apart from that, the quality of service to be offered after facilitating the payments should be keenly checked to ensure that at no point will the government lay complaints on a particular individual for not acting responsibly in their areas of responsibility. Properly checking of the precedent conditions was to be done excellently. Apart from that, while passing a clause regarding the procurement process, the benefits and the disadvantages have to be efficiently studied (Marques & Berg, 2011). However, through the tendering of the contracts, risky behavior was displayed by the departmental members. The situation occurred when the precedent clauses were not properly checked (Eriksson & Westerberg, 2011). Most of the individuals were focused much on the end products rather than the process that will lead to attaining the service. Individuals rushed through the various health reforms. Some reforms were expensive citing the work associated with it. On the other hand, some were easily managed and only needed little attention. However, care was not observed through the whole process. Almost all the reforms were stated in the budget. Apart from that, the procurement was done and the tender issued to particular companies that demanded more than the government could manage. The result was the state budget ended up being highly overwhelmed. Teams were set to review the working of the department in the hospital to tell on their efficiency.

Eliminating Complexities in the Working Process

The government had to take significant steps regarding such action in ensuring that the budget is cut. According to the state budget, the government chose to eliminate the share set for the South Australian Health for the sake of ensuring that the major hospital upgrades plans are frozen and some order placed. Several parties had to come in as a way of providing that a balance was struck for better working. There was a need to set built-in checks and balances ensuring that they are proven at all times (Okunlola, Aina & Yakeen, 2011). Working has a significant basis on time. The critical dates on certain upgrades were to be scheduled, and the enhancements recommended gradually rather than instantly. The complexity of the department citing it dealing with health nationwide needed the setting of multi-party management. The team played a significant role in ensuring efficiency in handling the procurement process cutting down on possible errors (Alloway & Alloway, 2010).

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Success is ever associated with punctuality. There is a need for every activity scheduled for a particular day to be achieved on that very day. In business, timeliness is even more vital. The customers will always be discouraged or encouraged depending on how punctual one will be in delivering their promises and services to the society. In the health sector, time is directly proportional to the survival of patients and not succumbing to death. Services have to be provided fast and on time to ensure one’s health does not grow to be worse any other time (Luedi et al, 2017). The procurement sector called for being punctual to ensure that all legal procedures are carried at the particular time. Apart from that, being punctual provided that the needed products were delivered to the relevant offices at the right time. The health department and the New Royal Adelaide Hospital had to procure beds and ambulances to facilitate the proper handling of the emergency department. However, before, the issue of the contract to a particular company, there was a need to involve the public in bidding in addition to allowing them to comment on the needed products. However, the significant risk experienced was that the deadline was missed. There was no working system set to ensure that the dates are reminded. The result was that some activities were done so fast ignoring some significant processes needed to make the process a success. The planning details were also ignored in the process of working. Individuals performed responsibilities based on their understanding of the same. Some products acquired were more than the expected number in the society. Such a working interfered with the set order in the nation.

Facilitating the Procurement Process for Health Services

Dealing with the situation was a significant challenge. Some losses had to be accepted, and the resources that were attained in excess were to be put to good use. Apart from that, the critics that came from the various institutions had to be accepted and an appropriate response given afterward. Proper dealing with the situation in the future days called for setting a centralized date management system (Gu & Day, 2013). The system acted as one of the perfect reminders to the fast approaching dates. The system worked to see that there were e-mail alerts to all significant decision-makers in the company. Such warnings ensured that at no point no deadline regarding any activity was missed (Chase et al, 2013). Apart from that, it relived many from confusion in working as there was a set order in working. The deliverables to be offered within a particular time should never be missed. The decision times were also to be observed ensuring that recklessness was never experienced.

Our everyday actions will always affect the working of a department in one way or another (Norman, 2013). There is a need to be responsible for each step that one has to undertake. Responsibility will always lead to success being realized every other day. Failure to adhere to proper working some risks may occur which may lead to losses being incurred. However, attaining a lesson from every experience will lead to better performance the following. There is a need for consistently exercising the lessons learned to ensure that a set of better practices is emulated by many within the particular institui0on or organization. Some of the best practices that should be embraced in the procurement department are extensively discussed below.

The performance will always indicate the progress in working for a particular organization (Reason, 2016). The key performance indicator reports are some of the documents that, many leading the procurement team will pay attention to tell the working progress. However, ensuring that performance is being realized is not about perusing such reports and then carrying out the application of rewards and penalties. When a contract is issued, the success of the agreement will be informed by the outputs and inputs of the provider in addition to the involved process that contributes in leading to the desired outcome.

The billing behavior has been highly observed as a way of ensuring that the procurement process gets to be a success. Dealing with clients primarily starts at the billing stage. The comparisons that have to be done for example the actual work and the billed work have to be accurately done (Trkman, 2010). Apart from that, other documents to be compared include the third-party invoices and the expenses that are being claimed. Right practices in the department will call for cutting down on high costs for unnecessary activities. There is a need to understand that inaccurate billing combined with the embrace of bad practices will lead to high cost being experienced through the running of the procurement program.

Taking Significant Steps to Cut the Budget

Upholding such best practices in the procurement department will also depend on the leaders in the particular department. The manager is one of the vital positions in ensuring that the working in the department remains to be excellent. A successful delivery will always be achieved when they are always on the onsite of the day to day activities. The manager will check that all procurement team members offer their services in line with the client’s advice ensuring high levels of accuracy (Fayol, 2016). There are cases where some decisions become very complicated. The procurement manager will ensure that the delivery of the same is excellent by coming in and offer input in making a strategic decision. An excellent decision will, however, be reached when the manager properly coordinate with the procurement director.

Every project will come with diverse requirements. The project manager will play a significant role in telling the needs of the project and informing the requirements for proper actions to be taken. Having a standardized procurement process will help the activity be done easily with less confusion. The procurement manager is responsible for coming up with a standardized process that guides the working of the rest of the team.

Through the working I learnt that comfort living will always be attained when the various living factors are dealt with efficiently. The health plan being the most significant factor contributing to the better life of persons in the society. Improving such plans will call for overhauling. However, I will need to be keen on the budget to ensure that there is no interference with the previous stability. Failure to adhere to the working styles efficiently will lead to a complicated situation arising one after another. The case might get worse if I will not handle the complexities with care. Discouragements might also come along the working process as a result of the unexpected results being the primary outcome. Such kind of conditions will call that I be patient and display endurance. I did also establish a conclusion that students in schools should learn to exercise such values through their studies. Embracing the virtue will lead to them handling the future circumstances with much ease. There are cases where despite embracing specific values, there is still no significant changes in the results. Such cases will call for employing professional personnel to help in analyzing the situation. The working format can also be changed in such circumstances to ensure a stable success.

Importance of Punctuality and Proper Planning

During procurement, I did discover that there is a need to appropriately consider the bidding price and the quality of service as it will dictate the excellence of the procurement department. I will also be careful especially when dealing with the precedent conditions. Some clauses being set have to be keenly checked to ensure the department is working within the expected budget. Such working will cut down on burdens placed on the government. There are cases when the tasks set for a department are more than what was expected. In such cases I will have to increase the management committee to make the working smooth in addition to maintaining the excellence in service. However, regardless of the number of workers, I will always have to check on the time. Timely working leads to comfort operation. One will find it easy complying with the process involved. Failure or success may be achieved in one event or another citing the past mistakes. However, there is a need to ensure that a lesson is learned. Embracing the teaching through the daily practices will lead to perfection in daily operation. When dealing with contracts, I did understand that it is not only about checking the key performance indicators instead I have to embrace the inputs and outputs of the provider in addition to been keen on the process.


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