Improving Fire Protection At Country Fire Authority (CFA) With Technology
Utilization of Project Management Technologies in Fire Protection
Investigate the challenge presented from your client organisation and present a range of options they can adopt to address the issue or opportunity. Target three options with specific recommendations on how you suggest these be implemented as a project with alternative approaches either in series or parallel. A general guide on approximate cost and ROI should accompany your presentation to assist decision-making.
The inclusion of the project management technologies would be helpful for easing the simplification of the activities defining the implication of the improved communication formation (Alkhatib 2014). The completion of the effective influence of the activities would be aligned for developing the influence of the innovative technology and development. The Country Fire Authority (CFA) is responsible for keeping out fire and provides support by improving their technologies. The development of the factors aligning the utilization of the innovation has been done for evolving the inclusion of the successive development.
The following assignment has been developed for easing the implication of the factors defining the utilization of the activities. The support and development of the technology is developed for aligning the support and development via improved functional development. The assignment would provide a highlight of the three possible sections of fire technologies, immediate warning, and immediate suppression of fires that needs improvement for the development.
Available Fire Technologies
The development of technologies has made it evident that the implication for deployment of the activities for easing the utilization of the factors aligning the integration of the factors for developing the alignment of factors aligning the simplification of the factors (Choudhary and Pandey 2018). The various fire technologies for dealing with the issues of fire protection at CFA after the incident has occurred include Sound Wave Fire Extinguisher and Water Mist System. The implication would be aligned for modifying the implication of the factors deploying the analysis of the successful development process. The development of fire technologies would help in developing the easy implication of the factors aligning the development of the activities forming the implication of the system development supporting the inclusion of the activities defining the completion of the activities aligning the simplification of the factors (Yuan, Zhang and Liu 2015). The explanation of the fire technologies has been given below,
Sound Wave Fire Extinguisher: The sound wave extinguisher is developed supporting the use of sound waves for taking out the implication of the factors defining the implication of innovative technology at CFA. The sound wave technology would be helpful for defining the alignment of the successive implication of the effective utilization of the innovation and technology (Bhuyan, Bhattacharyya, and Kalita, 2017). The sound wave uses the technology of sound wave for taking out the small fires in the locality. The sound wave extinguisher is helpful for executing the implication of the operations and defining the utilization of the pollution free suppression of the fires. The sound waves are helpful for defining the utilization of the fire control method and implying the successive formation of the innovation technologies. The extinguishing of the flames has been improved with the help of the development of the improved functional and effective implication of the technology. The simplification of the factors would be developed defining the successful implication of the factors defining the implication of the activities. The extinguishing of the fires would be developed confining the implication of the activities utilizing the sound waves of frequency 30-60 MHz for taking out the fires (Eugenio et al. 2016). However, the technology is not very effective for dealing with the probability of large fires or natural calamities. The factors defining the implementation of the factors aligning the utilization of the improved innovation technologies were limited to small fires of very minimal impact. The sound wave fire extinguisher does not require any coolant for taking out the fire. It is helpful for causing no damage to the property while taking out the fire at CFA.
Technological Solutions for Immediate Warning
Water Mist System: The water mist system is developed considering the implication of the improved functional and development model (Cheng et al. 2017). The water has been largely used for tackling the fire and the water mist system uses the concept of converting the water into steam for dealing with fire problems at CFA. The water is converted into mist (steam) for ensuring that the fire is cooled comparatively in faster time period. The water mist system would be developed considering the utilization of the steam for dealing with the implication of the factors defining the implication of the fire safety system. The water mist system would be defined for easing the implication of the factors aligning the utilization of the activities defining the alignment for easing the implication of the factors aligning the utilization of the improved factor development. The water is pressurized to convert into steam at normal temperature allowing the working capability increment. The simplification of the factors has helped in aligning the utilization of the improved factors for dealing with fire safety implication (Mahdipour and Dadkhah 2014). The water mist system would be developed confining the implication of the factors aligning the utilization of the factors defining the fire safety at CFA. The implication of the fire safety would be dependent on the implication of the factors aligning the utilization of the effective development of fire safety.
Operational and Cost requirements of new technologies
Operations and Cost Requirements of Sound Wave Fire Extinguisher: The operations of the sound wave fire extinguisher are executed by the use of the principle of sound wave as a material for the mechanism for taking out the implication of the factors listing the development of the utilization of the improved communication process at CFA. The sound wave technology would be developed for aligning the implication of the factors defining the listing of the technology innovation. The cost requirements for the implementation of the sound wave extinguisher is shown below,
Particulars |
Sound Wave Fire Extinguisher |
Cost of Hardware |
$15,000.00 |
Software Cost |
NA |
Infrastructure Cost |
NA |
Labour Cost |
$250.00 |
Maintenance Cost |
$750.00 |
Total Cost |
$16,000.00 |
Operations and Cost Requirements of Water Mist System: The operations of the water mist system are developed for aligning the development of the improved coolant application. The water is converted into mist (steam) for ensuring that the fire is cooled comparatively in faster time period at CFA. The water is pressurized to convert into steam at normal temperature allowing the working capability increment (Artés et al. 2017). The water mist system would be developed confining the implication of the factors aligning the utilization of the factors defining the fire safety. The implication of the fire safety would be dependent on the implication of the factors aligning the utilization of the effective development of fire safety at CFA. The steam works 7 times faster than water for clearing the fire of the large spaces. The cost budget estimation for the implementation of the water mist system are given below,
Particulars |
Sound Wave Fire Extinguisher |
Water Mist System |
Cost of Hardware |
$15,000.00 |
$8,500.00 |
Software Cost |
NA |
$5,500.00 |
Infrastructure Cost |
NA |
$12,000.00 |
Labour Cost |
$250.00 |
$2,500.00 |
Maintenance Cost |
$750.00 |
$1,500.00 |
Total Cost |
$16,000.00 |
$30,000.00 |
Technological Solutions for Immediate Suppression
Additional Factors for Consideration
The additional factors for consideration for the technology implementation by CFA are,
- Maintenance Plan for the technology implementation
- Hiring of professional for taking care of the device
- Backup plan for ensuring the fire prevention in case of failure
Available Fire Technologies
The various technologies for immediate alarming the people of the fire include Personalized Vocal Smoke Alarms and Birdi-Fire and Carbon Monoxide Detector. The implication would be aligned for modifying the implication of the factors deploying the analysis of the successful development process at CFA. The development of fire technologies would help in developing the easy implication of the factors aligning the development of the activities forming the implication of the system development supporting the inclusion of the activities defining the completion of the activities aligning the simplification of the factors at CFA (Mobin et al. 2016). The development of technologies has made it evident that the implication for deployment of the activities for easing the utilization of the factors aligning the integration of the factors for developing the alignment of factors aligning the simplification of the factors. The explanation of the fire technologies has been given below,
Personalized Vocal Smoke Alarms: The personalized vocal alarms are conventional smoke alarms that provide the option for aligning with the fire safety alignment (Landucci et al. 2015). The use of the clinical research design would be helpful for aligning with the alignment of the factors defining the implication of the improved factors at CFA. The vocal alarms would be aligned for integrating the alignment of the factors defining the simplification of the parent voice smoke alarm for children. It has been seen that in most of the cased children tend to ignore the alarm going off and causing serious damage to property and harm to the kids. The parent voice alarm would help them in recognizing the alarm significantly causing less loss to the people at CFA. The personalized alarms are effective for dealing with the fire safety effectively.
Birdi-Fire and Carbon Monoxide Detector: The device works with connection to the Wi-Fi and links home condition to the phone over the cloud network at CFA. The alarm is multi-linguistic and can be set according to user’s choice of language. The alarm can be turned off using the phone and the battery can be easily changed (Saoudi et al. 2016). It has simplified the way of working simultaneously as fire detector and carbon monoxide detector. The increased level of carbon monoxide level can be detected with the help of this device at CFA. The implication of the environmental sensor would be helpful for aligning the analysis of the temperature from the surrounding level.
Effortless Fire Detection through Technology
Operational and Cost requirements of new technologies
Operations of Personalized Vocal Smoke Alarms: The personalized vocal smoke alarms include the inclusion of personalized voice message when fire breaks out. It can be developed using customized voice with the help of message storage device and speaker for running off the fire at CFA. In case of fire emergencies the personalized vocal alarm is triggered and the stored voice message is played allowing the user to ensure that the personals are protected of the issues. The following is the budget estimation of the technology,
Particulars |
Personalized Vocal Smoke Alarms |
Cost of Hardware |
$8,500.00 |
Software Cost |
$6,500.00 |
Infrastructure Cost |
$9,000.00 |
Labour Cost |
$5,000.00 |
Maintenance Cost |
$1,500.00 |
Total Cost |
$30,500.00 |
Operations of Birdi-Fire and Carbon Monoxide Detector: The device works with connection to the Wi-Fi and links home condition to the phone over the cloud network. The alarm is multi-linguistic and can be set according to user’s choice of language. The alarm can be turned off using the phone and the battery can be easily changed (Alam et al. 2015). The increased level of carbon monoxide level can be detected with the help of this device at CFA. The implication of the environmental sensor would be helpful for aligning the analysis of the temperature from the surrounding level. The following is the cost budget analysis of the device,
Particulars |
Birdi-Fire and Carbon Monoxide Detector |
Cost of Hardware |
$9,000.00 |
Software Cost |
$6,000.00 |
Infrastructure Cost |
$10,000.00 |
Labour Cost |
$7,250.00 |
Maintenance Cost |
$1,750.00 |
Total Cost |
$34,000.00 |
Additional Factors for Consideration
The additional factors for consideration for the technology implementation by CFA are,
- Implementing the alignment for easing the development
- Alignment of the factors using the implementation of the factors
- Backup plan for ensuring the fire prevention in case of failure
Available Fire Technologies
The various technologies for immediate suppression of the fire in a confined space include the two step process. The first step is supported by the technology of Integrated Voice Evacuation and Messaging System that would alarm the people and help them in evacuating the site immediately (Saeed et al. 2018). The second step is bounded by the technology of Early Suppression Fast Response Fire Sprinkler Systems (ESFR). The implication would be aligned for modifying the implication of the factors deploying the analysis of the successful development process at CFA. The development of fire technologies would help in developing the easy implication of the factors aligning the development of the activities forming the implication of the system development supporting the inclusion of the activities defining the completion of the activities aligning the simplification of the factors (Merino et al. 2015). The explanation of the fire technologies has been given below,
Integrated Voice Evacuation and Messaging System: The integrated voice evacuation and messaging system is developed for forming the effective messaging and for the development of the final voice messaging system for the individuals. It has been largely used for supporting the evacuation process in multi storied buildings (Baesens et al. 2015). The fire detectors initiate the voice alarms in all the sections allowing the integration of the improved functional and effective processes at CFA. The voice messaging system would help them in listing the allowance of the integrated voice system for the whole building. It would allow the message transfer throughout the building for developing the effective alignment of the information.
Early Suppression Fast Response Fire Sprinkler Systems (ESFR): The fire sprinkler is the most effective machine for dealing with the fires as it works cumulatively with the main storage. The sprinkler system is integrated in all of the building for dealing with the fire. The sprinkler would suppress the fire with the help of support and development of the factors (Muhammad, Ahmad and Baik 2018). The suppression of the fire would be eased with the help of the sprinkler system at CFA. The fire sprinkler exhausts the machines for the development of the successive factors aligning the implementation. The suppression of the fire would be aligned with the deployment of the improved analysis. The force of water would allow the safety procurement for fire by minimizing the impact of the fire. The water force would be effectively aligned for easing the implication of the fire safety.
Operational and Cost requirements of new technologies
Operations of Integrated Voice Evacuation and Messaging System: The integrated voice evacuation and messaging system initiates the voice alarms in all the sections allowing the integration of the improved functional and effective processes at CFA. The voice messaging system would help them in listing the allowance of the integrated voice system for the whole building (Parente, Pereira and Tonini 2016). It would allow the message transfer throughout the building for developing the effective alignment of the information. The following is the cost benefit analysis of the technology,
Particulars |
Integrated Voice Evacuation and Messaging System |
Cost of Hardware |
$10,000.00 |
Software Cost |
$8,000.00 |
Infrastructure Cost |
$10,500.00 |
Labour Cost |
$6,500.00 |
Maintenance Cost |
$2,000.00 |
Total Cost |
$37,000.00 |
Operations of Early Suppression Fast Response Fire Sprinkler Systems (ESFR): The fire sprinkler exhausts the machines for the development of the successive factors aligning the implementation. The suppression of the fire would be aligned with the deployment of the improved analysis. The force of water would allow the safety procurement for fire by minimizing the impact of the fire (Giitsidis et al. 2015). The water force would be effectively aligned for easing the implication of the fire safety. The following is the cost benefit analysis of the technology,
Particulars |
Early Suppression Fast Response Fire Sprinkler Systems (ESFR) |
Cost of Hardware |
$12,500.00 |
Software Cost |
$10,500.00 |
Infrastructure Cost |
$16,000.00 |
Labour Cost |
$7,500.00 |
Maintenance Cost |
$3,500.00 |
Total Cost |
$50,000.00 |
Additional Factors for Consideration
The additional factors for consideration for the technology implementation by CFA are,
- Implementing the alignment for easing the development
- Hiring of professional for taking care of the device
- Backup plan for ensuring the fire prevention in case of failure
The following assignment had been developed for easing the implication of the factors defining the utilization of the activities. The completion of the effective influence of the activities had been aligned for developing the influence of the innovative technology and development. The Country Fire Authority is responsible for keeping out fire and provides support by improving their technologies. The development of the factors aligning the utilization of the innovation had been done for evolving the inclusion of the successive development. The assignment had provided a highlight of the three possible sections of fire technologies, immediate warning, and immediate suppression of fires that needs improvement for the development.
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