Improving Customer Service In Restaurants: A Case Study Of Ochre Restaurant

Reasons for Dissatisfaction Among Customers

Discuss about the Service And Marketing Of Ochre Restaurant.

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It is very important for the organizations in the recent world to provide a proper customers service so that it can be beneficial for the organization and the customers as well. The customers would be happy in getting the right services, which will help them in increasing their level of satisfaction regarding the products that are offered by the organization. The hotel industry is a perfect example in providing excellent services to the customers. This is due to the fact that the main factor that affects the hotel industries is the inflow of customers towards the organization that will help in selling the products and earn a better level of profit. The restaurants that do not provide a better level of service to the customers may result in incurring losses, as the customers would not be attracted towards the company (Saleem & Raja, 2014). This report will shed light on the restaurant named Ochre Restaurant that is located in Cairns City in Queensland, Australia. The company did not provide a better service to the customers, which resulted in incurring heavy losses. The report will highlight the faults that the restaurant had in providing service to the customers in an efficient manner along with the ways in which it can be removed so that the quality of the restaurant can be maintained in the market.

The major reason for the dissatisfaction among the customers regarding the services that were provided by the restaurant was that the employees were not trained in a proper manner regarding managing the customers. The orders that were being placed to the employees by the customers were not noted down in a proper manner, which led to the rise in the level of dissatisfaction among the customers. Most of the customers had to wait for the food than the time taken on a usual basis. This was due to the fact that there were proper mismanagement that was being done by the employees. Most of the employees did not have any caring attitude towards the customers, which resulted in the loss of appetite and the foods being served at a later time. Since the restaurant is opened till late at night, most of the customers who come are from the office or after they are done with their parties (Hill & Alexander, 2017).

The lack of efficient training procedures has resulted in improper services by the employees towards the customers. The employees do not have a proper attitude in their work place and are looking to destroy the reputation the company. Most of the employees do not understand the role that they have within the company due to the lack of training, which results in increasing the complexity of the services within the organization. These problems were being repeated on a daily basis, which led to the rise in the level of dissatisfaction among the customers (Xu & Li, 2016).

Importance of Efficient Training and Management

Another major reason for the underperformance of the employees was that the incentives were not being provided in a proper manner to the employees. This was reflected in their services, as they were not keen on providing the best services to the customers, which would have helped in increasing the goodwill of the company in the Australian market. The benefits that are not provided to the employees reflects in their attitude of working within the organization, as they are not capable of providing the best services to the customers (Lai, 2015).

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Customer service is very important for all the organizations, as it helps them in increasing the sale of the products in the competitive market. The organizations that provide a better level of service to the customers result in attracting the customers towards the organization as well. It also allows the organizations in gaining competitive advantage in the market, as the customers will be prefer in visiting the stores that will offer premium services to them so that the level of satisfaction can be increased among them (Prentice, 2013). The customer service that is provided by the organization is important as it will allow the employees in being committed towards the organization so that the goals and objectives of the company can be met in a proper way. It will also allow the company in getting a clear and accessible information form the customers regarding the level of satisfaction that they experience when they purchase the product from the organizations (Xu & Li, 2016).

The service provided to the customers also need to be improved by providing proper training facilities to the employees so that they can understand the needs and preferences of the customers. It will allow the company in getting a better feedback regarding the products and the services that are being provided to the customers (Chen, Liu & CHnag, 2013).

It is important for the organizations to develop policies that help in providing services to the customers in a proper manner. The policies have to be framed by taking up the role of the customers so that it can help the organization in understanding the needs of the customers. It will also allow the organization in developing the policies in a customer-centric approach so that the viewpoint of the customers can be taken in to account as well. The organizations also need to have an effective Human Resources team so that it can help in hiring the suitable candidates that will result in increasing the overall productivity of the company. The employees should also be provided with training so that they can understand the possible ways through which better services can be provided to the customers. This will result in increasing the level of productivity of the organisation as well (Klaus, 2013).

Providing Incentives and Developing Policies for Better Services

It is also important for the companies to provide the employees training with respect to the customers services. The adoption of role playing techniques needs to be taken up within the organization so that the employees can confront the customers in a proper manner. This will help the skills of the employees to be improved with respect to the necessary services that needs to be provided to the customers. The customers also need to be surveyed so that the level of service expected by them can be measured as well. The complements and the reviews of the customers have to be taken in to account by the companies so that it can help them in improving their level of service towards the customers (Hill & Brierley, 2017).

It is important for the company to increase its service to the customers so that the business can be profitable in its ventures. This will allow the company in increasing its share in the market as well. The ways in which the restaurant can increase its service quality to the customers is by taking the employees in to consideration. The employees need to be engaged within the organization so that it can result in working in a team and the changes can be implemented within the organisation by consulting with them (Orel & Kara, 2014).  It will help the managers of the company to gain a better solution regarding the failure that is existing within the organization so that the customers can be attracted towards the company. The employees should also be made accustomed with the goals and objectives that has been taken up in the restaurant. This will help the company in associating the goals with the employees. The gaols have to be short and achievable so that the long-term goals of the company can also be met in an efficient way. The employees need to be given incentives by making them familiar with the policies that are present within the organization. The policies of rewarding the employees have to be discussed with them so that they have a better knowledge regarding the system. This will help them in being motivated within the organization (Setia, Venkatesh & Joglekar, 2013).

The company also needs to make use of the latest technologies such as the use of big data. This will help the company in storing the information in a proper manner, as the restaurant has gained popularity and is growing as well. These data need to be analysed in a proper manner so that the answers can be anticipated, which will help them in facilitating the changes that needs to be taken up by the organization. The use of this data will enable the company in understanding the problems that the employees are facing with respect to facilitating proper services to the customers (Jaakkkola & Alexander, 2014).

Developing Human Resource and Engaging Employees

The use of the Six Sigma approach can also be taken up by the organization so that it can enable them in making the improvements within the business processes. This approach will allow the company in the reduction of the variations that are being done within the organization. It will allow the company in getting more consistent with the results that they were expecting after the changes are implemented within the work place. This can be done by defining the processes that are being taken up so that it can be measured in a proper manner and a plan can be devised, which will help in controlling the results and improving it as well. This will ensure that the company can have a higher level of productivity and maintain its quality of service in among the customers as well (Dabholkar, 2015). 

The quality of the products also needs to be improved o that it can help in providing the service to the customers in a proper manner. It will also result in repeated visit of the customers towards the company due to the effective services that are being provided to the customers. This can be done by using the cause analysis tools. The restaurant will be advantageous by using this tool, as it will allow them in identifying the causes that has led to the fall in the quality of the product that are being supplied to the customers. The identification of the problem will allow the company in mitigating the problems on an early basis. The company also needs to use the process analysis so that it can result in understanding the problems within the organizational processes (Carlborg, Kindstrom & Kowalkowski, 2013). This needs to be addressed in a proper way so that the company will be able to increase its quality of the product. The adjustments in the processes will result in making the decisions in a better way so that the changes that has been facilitated within the organization can be taken up in a positive manner. The dissatisfaction among the customers need to be analysed so that it can be removed from the process, which will help the organization in providing the services in a proper manner. This will help the company in attracting more number of customers towards the company and the level of attraction can be increased as well. It will allow the company in taking up alternatives processes so that it can allow the customers in enjoying the products, which will help in increasing the level of profit as well (Ross, 2017).

Using Latest Technologies such as Big Data

The management of the restaurant needs to conduct brainstorming sessions with the employees so that it can help them in getting the different insights that will be helpful for the success of the organization. These sessions will also provide valuable insights to the company regarding the problems that are present within the organization, which needs to be tackled in a proper manner. These problems need to be solved on an urgent basis so that it can result in increasing the image of the brand in the market as well. The restaurant also needs to take up the feedbacks of the customers in a proper manner so that it can help in increasing the efficiency of the services in a proper manner (Warren, Moffitt & Byrnes, 2015). The process of feedback that will be given by the customers will also result in understanding the loopholes that are present within the organization so that proper solution can be provided, which will help in identifying the root cause of the problems. It will also allow the company in understanding the problems that are present within the organization and proper actions can be taken up by the company as well in mitigating those problems so that the customers can be served in an efficient manner. The survey can be done with the help of online campaigns along with the questions that the customers can answer when they come in the restaurant. This will allow the company in understanding the major problems that has resulted in the downfall of the company, which needs to be mitigated by the company (Prakash & Mohanty, 2013).

The restaurant also needs to give the customers goods that are of better quality so that it can help them in increasing their goodwill in the market. The food that is being provided by the restaurant needs to be checked by an external expert so that they can taste it and understand the quality that is being provided to the customers. If there is any fault in the quality, it needs to be mentioned by the expert to the owners so that necessary steps can be taken up which will result in increasing the quality of the goods. Advertising the products by the restaurant will also result in spreading awareness among the customers regarding the products that are being used within the organization. This will help the customers in being attracted towards the company based on which the sales of the company will increase (Hill & Brierley, 2017).

Using Six Sigma Approach for Improving Business Processes

The company needs to use the plan for continuous improvement so that it can allow them in taking in to consideration the feedback of the customers. This will help the company in gaining better knowledge regarding the products that are liked by the customers. The increase in the level of efficiency with respect to the communication skills among the employees will also help the restaurant in dispatching the food dishes in a proper manner. The use of promotional strategies needs to be taken up by the restaurant so that the customers can have a proper knowledge of the food that is being given by the company. This will also allow in raising the competitive advantage of the firm in the market (Orel & Kara, 2014).

The service that is provided to the customers by the service industries has helped me in gaining a better knowledge regarding the processes that are taken up by the companies so that they can be able to satisfy the needs and preferences of the customers. It has helped me in gaining important insights regarding the training facilities that needs to be provided to the employees so that they can function in a proper manner within the organisation. Being an employee within the service industry, it is very important to enhance the communication skills so that it can help in increasing the level of efficiency of the organization.

Customer service is very important, as it will allow the companies in increasing its level of efficiency in the market. I have been able to understand the importance of customer service, which will help in increasing the competency of the organization. The development of the policies in a proper way by the organization will also allow in providing efficient services to the customers. It has helped me in understanding the techniques that needs to be taken up within the organization so that the training of the employees will result in providing better service. If I was an employee within the organization, I would have taken up role playing activities with my peers so that it can help me in perfecting my training process so that the productivity of the organization can be increased. It has also allowed me in developing my skills regarding the team-building activities so that the work can be done effectively by distributing the responsibility of the task in an even manner within the organization. Teams help in achieving the goals and objectives of the organization properly, as it allows in increasing the level of efficiency within the organization.

Improving Quality of Products through Cause Analysis and Process Analysis

The availability of the latest technologies in the market has to be taken up so that it will help the organization in functioning in a proper manner. It has helped me in understanding that the use of latest technologies by the companies will allow them in gathering the data based on which the customer service can be improved in a better manner. The accumulation of the data will help the companies in gaining a better insight regarding the type of services that will help in increasing the level of satisfaction among the customers. It has also helped me in gathering knowledge regarding the decrease in the variations of the organization so that the restaurant can provide a specific set of foods. This will allow the company in increasing its level of efficiency towards the customers. I have also seen that the product quality has to be improved by the company, which will allow the companies in attracting more number of customers towards the organization. The managers according to me needs to conduct sessions with the employees so that it can help them in getting better insights regarding the factors that will allow in providing efficient services to the customers. These feedbacks will also help in identifying the loopholes that are present in the service so that it can be reduced and the services towards the customers can be improved. The products that are of better quality needs to be provided by the companies according to me. This is due to the fact that providing better quality goods will help the companies in gaining competitive advantage in the market as well, which will be directly proportional to the rate of return that is earned by them.

Reference List

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