Improving Customer Loyalty Through Digital Marketing: Evaluating And Proposing Effective Approaches

Comparing and Contrasting the Structure of Facebook and Twitter

You are required to evaluate the current approach and propose approaches to improving customer loyalty by the use of techniques discussed in the lectures?

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Sorokin (2012) commented on the essential fact that digital marketing is a method of marketing that uses electronic gadgets for marketing the products and services of the organization. In this technologically driven world, now days people are more inclined towards digitalization so, organizations find it easy to use digital marketing as a powerful device. The devices such as Smartphone, personal computers, tablets, cell phones etc. are the devices that are used by the consumers through which the organizations market their products. According to Paolocci (2014) the technologies that the devices adopt are the websites, apps, e-mail and social networks are the powerful methods of digital marketing. The non-internet channels takes into account TV, SMS, radio, banner ads and E-mail ads etc. also are the digital marketing methods.

Facebook plays an important role in digital marketing since; Facebook is a well known and renounced website that became both effective and sophisticated way of marketing. This is because, as per commented by Djordjevic and Djordjevic (2012) this helps in reaching the target customers along with it also increases the effectiveness of the customer cherishing programs. Moreover, social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter easily targets the fans and friends of the customers thereby are a wide aspect of marketing. In addition to this, Howard et al. (2014) also had mentioned that this increases the ROI from the events that the company is sponsoring at any local event. Therefore it can be said that the digital marketing strategies that the various organizations adopt through various websites not only helps in marketing the products but also helps in reaching out its potential customers.  

This assignment will be dealing with Tesco’s digital marketing along with evaluation of the current approaches as well as proposed approaches in order to improve loyalty of the customers. The usage of these social media helps in reaching out a wider aspect of customers which increases both the sales of the organization as well as increases the brand name of the organization. Moreover, this assignment also deals with compare as well as contrast of the structure of the websites Facebook and Twitter. Apart from this, learning from the websites is also discussed along with proposal for successful website and strategies in order to enhance the outcomes are also discussed vividly.

Klaus (2014) commented on the essential fact that both Facebook and Twitter are the strong and effective social media that plays a major role in marketing of the products and services of Tesco. In today’s tech savvy world, social media plays a major role in digital marketing. The structure of both the websites are different from each and hence uses different strategies for marketing the products and services most effectively and efficiently. In this context, the researcher will be dealing vividly with the website structure of both Facebook and Twitter and hence how these websites does functions well in digital marketing. As per opined by Roberts and Micken (2014) in the website of Facebook initially the details of the company that includes the overview of the organization, about us as well as contact us detailing of the company are all present. In addition to this, the analytics of the website developer had also facilitated the website in such a way that it can be accessed in several languages across the world. As per the analysis of Hwang and Koo (2011) Facebook website is available in 70 languages which is comparatively much higher than Twitter that is available in 29 languages. The expansion of the website can be done easily, at any time and based on the other requirements. According to the viewpoint of Salonen (2011) the Facebook webpage contains huge information to the customers that encourages the sales and promotion of the product and services of Tesco. On the other hand, in Twitter pages, information regarding the company’s products and services are present but not to that maximum extent. In order to have concrete news and information regarding the company and its products and services, still Facebook is used and hence it has beaten Twitter.

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Learning from the Websites

Moreover, in the website of Facebook, the email trackers easily track down the customer’s ids and hence in their webpage, the ads are easily prompted. Moreover, as mentioned by Smith et al. (2012) this makes the webpage easy to use as well as helps in building relationship between the customers and company. Apart from this, as Facebook is used by maximum of the people now days, it sends the professional marketing templates to the customers. According to the outlook of Webber (2011) one of the strong points of using Facebook as important social media for digital marketing is that it is cost effective and can reach to a wide range of customers at a time across the world. Another major structure of Facebook website is that it also assists the customers by adding keyword search in their website. In the words of Bianchi (2011) this help the customers in searching their favorite website by only typing the key words. This makes the search of their favorite websites easy as well as lucid and hence the products and services become easily reached to the customers.

In addition to this, Smith (2011) also commented that the Facebook page is more focused towards selling advertisements from the perspective of objective-based approach. In contrast to this, in Twitter, the marketers are totally focused on driving the outcomes of the business. In Facebook, the customers or the employees of Tesco easily can easily express their approvals either by Like, Comment or Share. But in contrast, in Twitter, the methods of approval are through Retweet and Favorite. According to the opinion and outlook of Taken Smith (2012) in both Facebook and Twitter, the re-blogging of the posts can be easily done that helps in promotion of the products and services of Tesco. In addition to this, the users of Facebook can express opinions regarding any products and services of Tesco through Comment and Reply. This is in contrast to twitter, where the users in order to express opinions about any product or service through Reply. Moreover, by looking at the reply, customers may opt for the product or service. But, Facebook is quite effective in this procedure since here the complete analysis and updates of the product and services of Tesco are well discussed and described.

On the other hand, as per commented by Dunham (2014) in Facebook, the users can either share the videos, upload it or can send the link to their friends and relatives thereby helping Tesco in promotion through electronic word of mouth. But in Twitter, the users allow posting messages that are of 140 characters and hence users can follow the message on basis of twitter feed. As per the outlook of Djordjevic and Djordjevic (2012) users can easily upload the photos, share the links and communicates with the people of similar interests. In case of Facebook, the users can maintain and change the privacy settings either by making their webpage public, private, mutual friends as well as custom. In contrast to this, in case of Twitter, there are two types of privacy settings- private and public. The private messages are only read by the people that can be followed by the users. So, according to Smith et al. (2012) Facebook can be treated as the most powerful digital marketing strategy than Twitter in marketing the products and services. 

According to the outlook of Wright et al. (2014) these websites such as Facebook and Twitter are the strong digital marketing strategies that help in increasing the sales as well as increase the promotion of the products and services. These social media websites helps in reaching out the potential customers easily and thereby also focuses on the sales statistics of the organization. In addition to this, as per mentioned by Webber (2011) the prices and promotions of the organization are also easily promoted through the website that results in success of the organization. Moreover, the researcher also learnt that in this world of   internet and social media, in order to reach the customers rapidly and in the most cost-effective way, then the social media are the only options. This also put emphasizes on the Electronic word of mouth through which it helps the easy promotion of the products and services. According to the opinion of Li et al. (2011) once the customers will like the pages and discounts of Tesco’s products and services, it will easily be promoted to the Facebook pages of the customer’s friends. As a result, this will help in easy promotion of the company’s products and services.

Apart from this, E. Massis (2014) also learnt that the customers will also be helping in building the brands through their comment, likes and pride. Through this, little efforts are thereby given by the organization in order to promote the products across the world. In addition to this, the organization initially has the email trackers that helps in tracking down the email of the customers and thereby target those customers. Moreover as per commented by Yang and Wang (2015) digital marketing is concerned about its sales that helps in promotion of the products. It is therefore an ever learning process that never stops and therefore brings fast results. In addition to this, the researcher also has learnt that the customers also strongly depend on the word of mouth of other customers and other promotional activities. For this reason, the organizations are much more focused towards the customer feedback and opinions in order to attract new customers as well as retain the old customers.

In order to have a successful website, the website needs to be quite informative and specific regarding its goals. Moreover, as mentioned by Dunhamsoci (2014) the advertisers only have to pay the social media based on the number of times their ads are posted in the website. This makes a fair business and also helps in attracting the potential customers to the maximum number. Moreover as per discussed by Salonen (2011) in order to have a successful website, the organization need to have specific goals that need to be realistic and well attainable at the same time. Other than this, clear information, true feedbacks, real information and events and news need to be given in the website to attract more and more customers.

According to the opinion of Klaus (2014) there are several strategies that help in enhancing digital marketing with favorable outcomes. Initially, for a successful outcome, the organization needs to set up a goal that that increases the chances of success within the organization. The goals need to be reviewed, filtered, recognized and realistic so that the customers and the employees both find it easy to reach out. As per commented by Li et al. (2011) the digital marketing helps in reaching out its potential customers easily and effectively in a shorter period of time. Other than this, another powerful strategy that company uses is creating a strong marketing funnel. This can be created through creating awareness, expression of interest, making a feel of desire which is followed by action. Howard et al. (2014) strategically mentioned that the SMART action helps in showing the customers the specific, measurable, assignable, and realistic as well as timeliness of the organization’s products and services. This helps in understanding the objectives of the organization that needs to be completed at times.

On the other hand, as mentioned by Roberts and Micken (2014) the effective development of call to action also enhances the marketing of the companies. This is done through direct landing of the pages, distribute the web presence and thereby optimize the webpage in easy search so that the customers get a ready access to it.  Doing this, catches the attention of the customers and thereby also helps the customers in grabbing the attention. Moreover, Sorokin (2012) commented on the essential fact that this also helps in creation of effective lead magnet. This helps in trading of the information to the customers which makes the customers feel reliable on the company and hence drives then to have the product and services of Tesco. Both Facebook and Twitter are the strong digital marketing strategy that help in attracting the customers to the maximum extent and hence also increases the sales of the company. Moreover, as commented by Paolocci (2014) using these social media as digital promotion of products and services helps in reaching out the customers in short period of time as well as in a faster method.


This assignment has well explained the requirements of the digital marketing and the strategies involved in it. The various structures of both Facebook and Twitter are well discussed. This helped the researcher to understand the different ways that both Facebook and Twitter has adopted that helped Tesco in successful marketing of its products and services. The researcher also has seen through the extensive research that Facebook provides more information to the customers than Twitter. The web pages of Tesco are well discussed and well informative that helps in analyzing the products and services of the organization. In addition to this, Twitter is not so much informative and hence Facebook is better in digital marketing procedure. Apart from this, the Facebook webpage and Twitter easily reaches the customers in short period of time as well as reaches the maximum of the customers. Moreover, the different strategies that help the organization in attracting the customers are the daily posts as well as the daily feedbacks, advertisements of various discounts and offers.


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