Improving Communication Skills: An Analysis And Action Plan
Diagnostic Tools for Analyzing Communication Skills
Communication is a crucial thing in the workplace. It helps the professionals to improve them personally and professionally. However, to improve the communication skill it is important for the individuals to use the different communication tools (Karanges et al., 2015). This will help them to detect their skill issue and to improve their communication skill. This study deals with the analysis of the communication style to identify the strength of my communication skill. The first section of this study, five diagnostic tools are described, which help me to analyze my own skill. These will help me to identify the issues regarding my communication skill. In section two a literature review will be discussed based on the communication problems. I have to identify my two communication issues in this study. In the final section, an action plan will be generated based on my identified communication issues.
Discussion of the five diagnosis tools those are associated with the communication
Effective communication is required in the workplace as it helps an organization to maximize their productivity and to run their business smoothly. In an organization, employees have to communicate with the customers as well as the management. For this purpose, they need to understand the exact way of communication. In order to understand the strength of the communication skill, five tools are used in this section. As for example, Self-Perceived Communication Competence Scale (SPCC), Personal Report of Intercultural Communication Apprehension (PRICA), Nonverbal Immediacy Scale-Self Report (NIS-S), Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety (PRPSA) and Talkaholic Scale.
Self-Perceived Communication Competence Scale (SPCC)
This is a good communication tool that highlights on the way through which; an open communication can improve the relationship in a workplace. Open communication involves in sharing information and collection of the feedback from others. Application of Johari window is helpful in the context of business to develop the leadership skill and an effective team. This tool is beneficial for the employee to improve their relationship skill and it is useful for the individuals to grow themselves personally and professionally (Berland & Berland, 2017). An individual can use the tool to enhance their self-esteem and self-awareness besides reducing the anxiety. Application of this tool in the workplace helps the individuals to interact with their co-workers. This tool is divided into four panes. In the first pan, there is account about Arena and this is associated with the features that are perceived by the peers. In the second pan, this Façade and people have no idea about this adjective. The third pane is known as blind and this highlights on things that are thought by other people. The last pan is termed as unknown and it shows the activities of the subjects (Saxena, 2015).
Literature Review on Communication Problems
Personal Report of Intercultural Communication Apprehension (PRICA)
This is an effective tool to identify the communication skill of an individual. This tool is helpful to detect the communication that a child obtained from his or her childhood (Ntoumanis et al., 2017). Questionnaires that are used in this tool are associated with the past experience of the individuals. This tool is helpful to recognize the ability of the people and to encourage them to enhance their communication skill. However, this tool is beneficial to enhance the learning ability and to detect the communication strength of the individuals in their professional sectors. By using this tool the individuals get the opportunity to understand the strength of their existing communication skill through giving a test. Relator, socializer, analyzer, and director are the major communication styles that are evaluated by this tool. The questionnaire of this tool is used to diagnostic the ability of the individuals’ communication. Such questions reveal the degree of the assertiveness in the context of an individual.
Nonverbal Immediacy Scale-Self Report (NIS-S)
This test focuses on the ability of the individuals to communicate and formulate the thought and opinion of others in a direct, clear and non-aggressive process (Sims, 2017). This tool is beneficial to improve the assertiveness skill. As due to lack of assertiveness skill an individual may fail to reach their goals and potential. Assertiveness is mandatory to run in a right manner and to take control over the human activities. Assertive communication includes three types of communication such as assertive style, passive style, and aggressive style communication. In the assertive style, people believe that they have the right to communicate with others and others have also the same rights. On the other hand, in a passive style of communication people feel hesitation to express their feelings in front of others. Finally, in an aggressive style people are not able to understand the others feeling. However, application of the assertive questionnaire tool individuals can share their feelings and understand the viewpoints of others.
Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety (PRPSA)
Interpersonal communication skill is used in daily life to interact with the people. A wide variety of interpersonal communication skills are required to improve the interaction process (Arnold & Boggs, 2015). As for example, listening, understanding the sign language and questioning are the major interpersonal skills. By using this tool the individuals are able to understand the emotional intelligence and manage the emotions of others. This tool includes reflective types of questions. Application of this tool enhances the workplace interaction. An individual can make a clear communication based on the answer of the people. This communication skill is helpful to reveal the choice of others and their emotions.
Action Plan for Improving Communication Skills
Talkaholic Scale
This tool is helpful to exchange the idea between the two participants and each participant has an impact on the other participant. Non-verbal communication is a vital area of the interactive communication. By using Talkaholic Scale the individuals are able to learn the communication process through different ways. The exact and role of sender and receiver can be understood with the help of this tool (Walther & Valkenburg, 2017). This makes an individual as an effective communicator. Various communication channels such as written, verbal, sign language and face-to-face interaction are used in this communication process, which enhances the communication ability of the individuals.
Findings from the Self-Perceived Communication Competence Scale (SPCC)
As per this test I have to get an idea about my Façade side that is known to me while other people have no idea about it. My Façade quadrant is composed of able, calm, confident, energetic and extroverted. In the unknown quadrant, I found that I am adaptable, bold brave, caring, intelligent, logical, reflective and intelligent. However, I do not have an idea of myself based on such unknown parameters. My co-workers are not aware of by Façade side while the adjectives of my behavior that are present in the unknown quadrant may not be identified by others.
Findings from Personal Report of Intercultural Communication Apprehension (PRICA)
I have been found that I have auditory communication styles, which ensures good listening power. I prefer to talk through spoken language rather than written language. I always try to discuss my problem with other that helps me to get a quick solution. Auditory communication skill helps me to listen to other people properly, which is beneficial to get a clear idea of what people are saying.
Findings from Nonverbal Immediacy Scale-Self Report (NIS-S)
This questionnaire test states that I rarely hesitate the problem that concerns me the most. I can share my issues with other people. As per the given scenario, I am not introvert and never hide my concern and feelings. I always exhibit my issue and am comfortable with face-to-face interaction. If I disagree with others opinion then I am completely free to express it.
Findings from Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety (PRPSA)
Based on the results of the above mentioned tool I have found that I face difficulties to interpret the word of other people. As a result, misunderstanding occurs. I am not able to take the things based on the other’s perspectives. With the little insight, I am able to behave accordingly if someone feels uncomfortable with a topic. I need to improve my insight.
Findings from Talkaholic Scale
As per the Talkaholic Scale, my score is 70 out of 100. If the score is between 61 to 70 then the communication skill is sound. I need to identify the areas of improvement to enhance my communication skill. According to this score, I need to develop my communication in order to develop me professionally.
Based on the communication tests I have two communication problems one is to understand the sign or body language and the second are to understand the viewpoints of others as I have little insight. In order to make an effective communication, it is crucial to understand the sign language of people (Caughlin & Basinger, 2015). On the other hand, to make an effective communication individuals need to think based on the other’s perspectives.
I have faced an issue at my workplace last month. A client is unable to speak clearly and she was showing sign language. However, I was unable to understand her body language and facial expression, which resisted me to interpret the messages of the client. Evaluation of the sign language is crucial to interpreting the message properly (Walther & Valkenburg, 2017). In another scenario, I was dealing with a customer regarding the service issue of my workplace. However, I was telling him about the issues of our delivery process but I was not able to interpret the issue from the customer’s perspective due to my little insight. This hindered me to satisfy the customer on that day as I failed to understand his perspective
Evaluation of the two communication issues
Difficulties in understanding the body language
Non-verbal communication is necessary besides the verbal communication. In order to interpret the message properly, it is important for an individual to understand the verbal communication and the body language of a person. However, by making a eye contact and analyzing the facial expression an individual is able to understand what the opposite person is saying. Body language analysis enables an individual make an effective communication with others (McKean et al., 2017). Facial expression is a crucial part of the non-verbal communication. This helps the individuals to pretend the emotion of one while communicating with others. On the other hand, by following the body language one is able to ensure that whether another one is able or not to understand the message.
Without using the non-verbal communication individuals are not able to understand the emotion of a people. By reading the voice of people an individual is able to improve their body language. However, by analyzing the tone or sound of the voice an individual an individual is able to improve their communication level (Jackson, 2014). For the professional development, it is important for an individual to adopt non-verbal communication skill besides the verbal communication. This will enable them to make a clear conversation and with the people and interpret the messages properly.
Problem in interpreting the other’s viewpoints
Little insight of the individuals often resists them to interpret the word of others as well as to understand the viewpoints of others (Ameen, 2017). However, often the employees are not able to understand the things based on the other perspectives. Everyone has a tendency to show their own viewpoints during the communication. This is a big drawback of the communication skill. It is important to understand and give value to the other perspectives while interacting with others. It is crucial to listen actively what others want to say. To be an active communicator showing value and concern to the other’s word is necessary. It is important to analyze the things based on the other viewpoints as it helps an individual to reduce the misunderstanding during the communication. A misunderstanding occurs is one is fail to understand the viewpoints of others (Johnson, Veitch & Dewiyanti, 2015). For effective communicators, a strong insight is required while communicating with people as it helps them to interpret the emotion and feeling of others. In order to interpret a delivered message in a proper way, exact interpretation is necessary. However, if individuals do not understand the viewpoints of other then it will be difficult for them to interpret the messages from the communication.
Analysis of the theoretical perspective of communication
Communication accommodation theory
This theory focuses on the behavior of the individuals during their communication. This theory describes that people adjust their communication style to other people to make an effective communication (Giles, 2016). Such change can be done in both verbal and non-verbal communication process as trough divergence and convergence process. Divergence is associated with strong ethnic pride. On the other hand, convergence is associated with the powerless individuals. This highlights on the social approval and development of a matching communication style of the individuals with whom the person wants to speak. However, application of this communication style is helpful for those persons who are not able to understand the viewpoints to other. This communication style helps those persons to give value to other’s perspectives by adjusting the communication style.
Communication theory framework
Different viewpoints are associated with the communication theories. These are as follows:
Psychological viewpoints
According to this theoretical perspective, communication is not only just the flow of the information from the sender to the receiver (Mortensen, 2017). It is a mixture of the emotion, feelings, and thoughts of the sender, which is delivered to the receiver. After decoding the information the receiver gives reaction against the message of the sender.
Social viewpoints
This viewpoint reveals that communication is a simple interaction between the sender and receiver. The communication process is based on the content of the speech. It reflects how an individual interacts.
Mechanistic viewpoints
This viewpoint highlights that communication is considered as the transmission of the information between the two individuals. One is considered as the sender and another is considered as the receiver in the communication process.
Critical viewpoints
According to this viewpoint, communication is a way that allows an individual to express his or her authority and power. This enables the individuals to share their feelings with other by delivering some meaningful words (Mortensen et al., 2017).
Systematic viewpoints
According to this viewpoint, communication is a process through which a message is interpreted by the individuals and they reinterpret it with generating a conclusion over their viewpoints.
Aristotle model of communication
This is an important model of communication, which helps to improve the communication skill of the individuals. As per this model, the speaker plays an important role in the communication process. However, the sender or speaker takes a vital charge to communicate with the receiver (Dupree & Fiske, 2017). During the communication, the speaker should be careful about the words that they deliver to the receiver. However, a speaker needs to understand the viewpoints of other while talking to someone.
The speaker needs to select the words wisely while communicating as it is helpful to reduce the misunderstanding between the sender and receiver. On the other hand, the speaker needs to give scope to the opposite person to express their viewpoints. Individuals have to keep the capacity to give value to others. Application of this model will be helpful for the individuals to understand the perspectives of others and analyze the things according to the viewpoints of others. At the time of conversation, voice modulations play an important role to leave the desired effect on the communication process. However, confused look, similar pitch, and blank expression make the communication monotonous. In order to make an effective communication facial expression is necessary (Trenholm, 2017). This theory enables the individuals to understand the importance of body language during the communication process.
Figure 1: Aristotle model of communication
(Source: Dupree & Fiske, 2017)
Communication model by Albert Mehrabian
Individuals communicate with others in terms of language, signs, pictograms, and gestures. It is important for the individuals to pay attention both verbal and non-verbal communication skill. According to this theory, to get a better understanding of the conversation process application of non-verbal communication is crucial (Mehrabian et al., 2017). Non-verbal communication helps to reveal the meaning of conflicting messages that are delivered during the communication. This theory leaves a special emphasis on the non-verbal communication. This theory tells that 55% communication includes non-verbal communication. However, people often fail to recognize the body language while communicating with others. Hence, it is crucial to observe the body language of the individuals while talking with them.
In order to develop a clear concept about the delivered messages and the perspectives of the sender observation of the body language as well as an application of non-verbal communication is necessary (Stanciu & Blidariu, 2017). By following this model individuals are able to assume the feelings and emotion of the sender during the communication process. By analyzing the facial expression one can understand the meaning of the conflicting messages. Observation of the sign language helps the people to grasp the meaning what one wants actually wants to say.
Figure 2: Mehrabian’s model of communication
(Source: Stanciu & Blidariu, 2017)
Triandis theory of interpersonal behavior
According to this model human behavior is composed four factors. Attitudes, contextual factors, personal capabilities, and habits are the major components of human behavior (Betts et al., 2018). This theory focuses on the significance of past behavior on the present attitudes of the individuals. Based on this conception Traindis has formed his theory of interpersonal behavior. As per Traindis viewpoints, interpersonal behavior can be influenced by situational constraints, habitual response, and intention of the human being. This theory highlights both social and emotional factors as these are associated with the behavior of the individuals and these two factors develop the urge for communication. The intention of the speaker and habitual response influence the communication process. Social factors control the situation while moral beliefs have an important role in controlling the emotion of the individuals. Emotion drives and cognitive limitations leave a special emphasis on the communication process of an individual. To develop the interpersonal communication it is crucial for the individuals to control their behavior as proper communication is associated with the behavior. Application of this theory is useful for the people to develop their behavior and communication power in a professional sector.
In order to come over my communication issues, I have decided to create an action plan based on 16weeks time period. This will be helpful for me to enhance my communication skill and develop me professionally.
Taking help from the short courses to enhance skill
Various types of short communication courses are available in Australia, which can be achieved within 2 to 3 months. I would like to take the course on emotional intelligence training for 1 month, assertiveness training for 2 months and sign language training for 1 month. Such courses will be helpful for me to overcome the non-verbal communication issue and to enhance the insightfulness.
Taking admission in postgraduate communication course
I want to take admission in a postgraduate course on Master in communication for professionals from Sydney University. This course includes a 20 weeks professional portfolio campaign for the students. However, this postgraduate course over the communication helps the individuals to learn the professional communication technology based on theoretical and practical perspectives. Students can achieve the professional communication skill and apply this skill in the environment of the real world. Students are able to carry out self-reflective learning through this course.
Reading books
By reading books I can identify the techniques and methods to improve my communication skill. Various books over the communication will help me to enhance my communication skill by learning several communication techniques. I have selected the book Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High by Kerry Patterson. I want to read Difficult Conversation: How to have the conversations that matter the most by Douglas Stone. Therefore, the book Skill with People with Less Giblin will be helpful for me increase the knowledge of verbal and non-verbal communication.
Keeping a personal tracker
Maintaining a personal tracker is helpful for me to measure my improvement. However, I put results in my tracker on daily basis and observe the improvement of my communication skill. This is a useful method to enhance the performance as well as the way of communication. I put the outcomes which I have seen based on my daily activities. Such tracker is beneficial to track my improvement in the communication skill.
Hire a mentor
I want to take assistance from John Thomas who is the ex-teacher of my school to improve my communication skill. He has got his doctorate and completed his PhD. from the University of Melbourne. He has completed his PhD. in English literature and having a huge knowledge of this subject. Ha has 12 years experience in teaching and 5 years experience as a lecturer. I want to acquire assistance from him to enhance my communication level and improve my communication skill. He will help me to understand the body language of others.
Gnatt chart
Activities |
Week 1 |
Week 3 |
Week 6 |
Week 8 |
Week 12 |
Week 16 |
Taking short course help |
Taking postgraduate course |
Hiring a mentor |
Maintaining personal tracker |
Reading books |
Table 1: Gnatt Chart for action plan
(Source: Author)
The above piece of work reveals the communication tools in order to diagnosis the communication problem. The tools allow an individual to identify their strength and weakness in communication and further help the individuals to identify their problem and to take possible action plan. As per the self-analysis understanding, the body language and other’s viewpoints are the major two communications issue for me. To improve these I need to take short courses and assistance from the mentors to improve my communication skills.
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Mehrabian, A. (2017). Inference of Attitudes from the Posture, Orientation and. Social Encounters: Contributions to Social Interaction, 103.
Mortensen, A., Zerfass, A., Viertmann, C., & Viertmann, C. (2017). Creating business value through corporate communication: a theory-based framework and its practical application. Journal of Communication Management, 21(1), 68-81.
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Saxena, P. (2015). JOHARI WINDOW: An Effective Model for Improving Interpersonal Communication and Managerial Effectiveness. SIT Journal of Management, 5(2), 134-146.
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Trenholm, S. (2017). Thinking through communication: An introduction to the study of human communication. Routledge.
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