Improving Communication In Data Solution Company

Comparing communication problems in Data Solution Company with other companies in the globe

It has typically been proved/ noted that there is a very poor communication relationship existing between the employees of data solution and the executive committee of the company. This is based on the currently identified interpersonal communication among the company executive committee and the employees (Lee, 2010, p. 38). Furthermore, it has also come to my notice that the communication that prevail between the supervisors and the employees is substantially poor. This has been critically streamlined towards the inability of the supervisors to have adequate times of interaction due to the fact the employees and the supervisors work in different offices away from each other (Jolles, Clark, & Braam, 2012, p.1500). Additionally, it has also been identified that the mails which are being sent are not professionally written which may in turn cause other shortcomings for the company. With these problems identified, it is imperatively important for the company to take immediate action otherwise, it may lead to an adverse effect for the company (Toth, 2013, p. 450).

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  1. b) Specific purpose

The memo is therefore intended to clearly intervene into the prevailing problems in the company with the aim of providing possible optimistic and easily adoptable solutions to help in the smooth running of the company. Among the many problems identified, it included the following;

Poor communication between the executive committee of the company and its employees, Communication between the company supervisors and the company employees and finally, sending of unprofessionally written emails to the clients (Graham, Hampton, & Willett, 2010, p. 70)

  1. c) General purpose

The memo is designed to establish a smooth running of Data Solution through examining, analysing, evaluating and providing the best remedies to the problems identified. The problem identified typically reflected poor communication among the stakeholders of the company and thus, the memo is substantively intended to improve communication within the company (Deane, Fowles, Baldwin, & Persky, 2011, p. 59). In other it has been based on the fact that the lucrative performance of a company is based on the internal coordination of the structures and stakeholders. Therefore, the memo is further intended for improving the internal coordination of Data Solution (Mishra, Boynton, & Mishra, 2014, p. 202).

  1. a)The decision discussed and passed at the executive level (meeting) are not effectively communicated to the employees and not in a timely manner.

It is typically probable that the ineffective communication of the information from the executive committee to the employees are not effective due to poor working relationship between the employees and the employee representative at the executive committee (Abugre, 2011, p.37).

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Focusing on all aspects of operations for effective communication

Quantitatively, it is important to deliver the information discussed at the executive committee to help in determining the quantitative output of the employees.  It is also distinctive that most of the information affecting an organization, right from sales, turn-over, revenue, to recommendations are discussed at the executive level and after the discussions, recommendations are passed. However, the passed recommendations are not implemented by the company executives but rather the employees (Krzeminski, et al., 2015).  

On the qualitative side, the kind of reputation that a company holds to the public is the core determinant of its revenue and sales. It therefore implies that the qualitative effort of the company output will also depend on the employee effort (Osbeck, 2011, p.417).

  1. b)The workers and the supervisors are working in different offices which has resulted into ineffective communication among the two parties.

As already clued, the fact that the employees and the supervisors are working in different offices, it evidently true that communication cannot be effective. Firstly, the work of a supervisor is to oversee and monitor the effort of the employees (Graham, Hampton, & Willett, 2010, p. 70). He plays the role of ensuring that all tasks are done in order and this requires that the points of contact between the supervisors and the employees should be close.  It therefore implies that ineffective communication between the supervisors and the employees will definitely result into poor work output, both qualitatively and quantitatively. In other words, the problem is significant as it exclusively determines the work output of the employees based on supervision and directives (Graham, Hampton, & Willett, 2010, p. 70).

  1. c) Emails are being sent out that are unprofessional.

The unprofessionalism in the emails being addressed to different stakeholders must be solely due to the inability of the personnel responsible for the emailing. This distinctively implies a bad reputation for the company

  1. a) Problem one; In order to solve this problem, a critical examination and evaluation will be done to find out the root cause of the poor working and communication relationship between the employees and the employee representative. This will be done through conducting a research, in which a case, a questionnaire will be used. This is will be intended to avoid biased information. On the other hand, the employee representative will be physically interviewed to find out problem why there is poor communication (Graham, Hampton, & Willett, 2010, p. 70).
  1. b) In reference to the problem identified, it is inevitably true that, for the working relationship between the employees and the supervisors to be effective, they must have the offices within the same premises. This will permit close monitoring of the employees by the supervisors.
  2. c) The basic solution to avoid the unprofessional emails will be solved by either finding a new and well-versed personnel in emailing or by training the available personnel further on the criterions and precautions when writing and sending texts (Jolles, Clark, & Braam, 2012, p.1500).
  1. a) Briefly outline a synopsis of the memo

In summary, it is vital that all Data Solution stakeholders, right from the executives, supervisors to employees be informed that there has been a distressing communication infectivity in the company and must all work collectively and cooperatively in their respective capacities towards restoring the communication affectivity.

  1. b) The benefit of compliance to the employee and/or organisation.

It is substantially true that the performance of any company, both quantitative and qualitative is solely dependent on the working relationship of the employees and the executive committee (Graham, Hampton, & Willett, 2010, p. 70). Furthermore, research has also indicated that the level of job retention of employees also determines the level of quality output in a company. Consequently, job retention is positively correlates to the level of employee satisfaction (Jolles, Clark, & Braam, 2012, p.1500). Solving the prevailing problem at Data Solution will therefore help the company in maintaining and improving in its sales and reputation due to high quality data software packages as a result of having highly experienced employees (low employee turnover).

On the other hand, effecting communication among the supervisors, company executives and the employees will help in catering for the employee welfare. The ability of the employees to work in a smooth and friendly environment will help them minimize depression, and thus work at ease and with confidence (Kaufer & Carley, 2012).

  1. c) Offer assistance and provide contact details

As a way of promoting the implementation of the meme objective, there will be all time support for any stakeholder needs support or help in relation to the goal of the memo. For contact information, the employees are legible to visiting the office f the chief executive office during the working hours of the company.


Abugre, J. B. (2011). Perceived satisfaction in sustained outcomes of employee communication in Ghanaian organizations. Journal of Management Policy and practice, 12(7), 37.

Deane, P., Fowles, M., Baldwin, D., & Persky, H. (2011). The CBAL summative writing assessment: A draft eighth-grade design. Research Memorandum No. RM-11-01). Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service, 40-90

Graham, A., Hampton, M., & Willett, C. (2010). What not to write: An intervention in written communication skills for accounting students. International Journal of Management Education, 8(2), 67-74.

Jolles, E. P., Clark, A. M., & Braam, B. (2012). Getting the message across: opportunities and obstacles in effective communication in hypertension care. Journal of hypertension, 30(8), 1500-1510.

Kaufer, D. S., & Carley, K. M. (2012). Communication at a distance: The influence of print on sociocultural organization and change. Routledge.

Krzeminski, M., Singh, R., Gagne, M. A. B., & Marcovecchio, V. K. (2015). U.S. Patent No. 9,077,769. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Lee, C. E. (2010). Face-to-face versus computer-mediated communication: Exploring employees’ preference of effective employee communication channel. International journal for the advancement of science & arts, 1(2), 38-48.

Mishra, K., Boynton, L., & Mishra, A. (2014). Driving employee engagement: The expanded role of internal communications. International Journal of Business Communication, 51(2), 183-202.

Osbeck, M. K. (2011). What is Good Legal Writing and Why Does It Matter. Drexel L. Rev., 4, 417.

Toth, C. (2013). Revisiting a genre: Teaching infographics in business and professional communication courses. Business Communication Quarterly, 76(4), 446-457.

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