Improving Communication Gap Between Ghanaian And Australian Employees At Doll House
Learning objectives
The training and induction program helps an organization in enhancing the operations of the workforce in accordance to the needs of the business. Ion this relation, the training is aimed at mitigating the communication gaps between the Ghanaian and Australian employees in the concerned organization, Doll House. The development of the training program will be helping the concerned organization in empowering the activities that are undertaken by the diverse workforce. The discussion will portray the different learning objectives and the manner in which the tasks will be divided in order to bridge the communication gap between the Ghanaian and Australian employees for enhancing the performance of the same.
Learning objective 1
Learning objective 2
Learning objective 3
Learning Objective 4
To identify the effective mode of communication that will eradicate the communication gap between the both sets of employees.
The purpose of agenda will be to identify and eradicate the different communicational issues relating to the communication gaps between the Ghanaian and the Australian employees. The criteria of the agenda are to mitigate the issues in communication in order to enhance the flexibility of operations. The agenda is required to include a variety of issues that are faced by the employees relating to communication and the manner in which they might be mitigated. The agenda will be prepared through suitable communication with the board members and the workforce in order to identify the issues that are faced by the workforce. The development of the preliminary agenda items will be dependent on the identification of the issuesthatare faced by the employees while operating ion the diverse workplace culture. The information for the agenda will be gathered through communication with the Ghanaian employees in the organization. It will be helping the concerned organization in identifying the areas of communication where the group is facing issues and thereby mitigate the same. The time that might be taken while developing the agenda will be approximately 3 weeks. The Ghanaian employees will receive the agenda, as they require assistance to enhance their communication skills.
To understand the emotions, culture, societal beliefs of the employees that will contribute to the effective communication amongst the employees.
The purpose of undertaking the agenda is to identify the different emotional and cultural contexts of the Ghanaian employees while the operate in an Australian workplace. The criteria for the usefulness of the agenda are based on the delineation of the cultural contexts of the people and thereby identify their communicational needs. The agenda is required to identify the cultural and emotional elements of the Ghanaian employees which will be helping the concerned organization in devising an efficient learning program. The agenda will be created through suitable communication with the Ghanaian employees and thereby identifying the issues that are faced by the same while communicating relating to the differences in the culture and social beliefs. The agenda will be taking an approximate time of 2 weeks during which the issues relating to the cultural differences will be identified for mitigation through training and induction.
Agenda development
To implement the knowledge that is gained from the training and the developmental activities that will contribute to the effective team work.
The purpose for undertaking the agenda is to identify and analyze the results of the training and development activities that are undertaken by the concerned organization. The agenda is required to identify the concerned organization in identifying the change in the performance through the inductions and trainings that are provided by the same to the Ghanaian employees. The monitoring and feedback of the Ghanaian employees will be helping the concerned organization in identifying the different prospects of teamwork in the workplace. The agenda will be taking a month’s time for identifying the modifications in the approach of the Ghanaian employees and the manner in which the training has helped in encouraging the diversity in the workplace.
To analyze the faults and positives that developed from the on job implementation of the activities and perform the further studies that will help the individuals to improve their skills and the competencies in communicating and interacting with the other employee and the customers.
The purpose of the agenda is to identify the success factors of the training that is being provided to the Ghanaian employees. The agenda is required to identify the different issues that are faced by the Ghanaian employees after the training is being provided. It will be helping the concerned organization in identifying the relevance of the training in accordance to the needs of the employees. The agenda will be requiring a time of 3 weeks while monitoring the effects of the training on the employees, which will be helping the concerned organization in understanding the positive changes through the training.
The application of the Bloom’s Cognitive Domains on objective 1 is based on the development of the cognitive skills among the employees (Cannon& Feinstein, 2014). The application of the training on the Ghanaian employees of the concerned organization will be based on remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. The delineation of the issues that are faced by the Ghanaian employees related to the language barriers will be facilitated through the implementation of Cognitive domain of Bloom. The development of the cognitive skills among the Ghanaian employees through the training will be helping the concerned organization in maintaining the efficiency of the operations in a multicultural work force (Abduljabbar& Omar, 2015).
On the other hand, the application of Affective domainon objective 2 will be helping the concerned organization in identifying the emotional, sociological beliefs and the psychological factors that guided the actions of Ghanaian employees (Nayef, Yaacob& Ismail, 2013). The identification of the different emotional elements among the Ghanaian employees will be helping the concerned organization in maintaining the efficiency of the workforce in a diverse context.
Training and Development activities
The activity that might be undertaken by the concerned organization will be undertaken through Aural discussions with both group of employees (Moazeni&Pourmohammadi, 2013). The Aural discussions forms a part of the VARK model, which will be helping the concerned organization in identifying the language barriers between the Australian and Ghanaian. Later the organization will undertake steps to utilize Kinesthetic paradigm ofVARK model in order to delineate the differences and thereby involve the groups of employees to communicate within themselves for enhancing the communicational bondage between the same (Laxman, Sandip&Sarun, 2014). On the other hand, the application of Kolb’s learning preferences has helped the concerned organization in enhancing the training programs through the induction of reflective observation of Australian communication styles and active experimentation with the Ghanaian tonality in order to maintain the efficiency of communication.
The concerned organization will be taking steps to utilize the Visualand Reading activities of the VARK model in order to identify the cultural and emotional elements of the Ghanaian employees (DeCoux, 2016). It will be helping the concerned organization in identifying the differences between the cultural and emotional constructs between the Ghanaian and Australian employees, which will support the training. In this context, the concerned organization will facilitate seminars through audio- visual presentations in order to make the two groups of employees aware of the cultural elements in order to enhance the rate of collaboration between the same.
The concerned organization will be utilizing the Kinestheticparadigm of the VARK model in order to identify the efficiency of the training through collection data and feedbacks from the employees who attended the seminars (Riding& Rayner, 2013). On the other hand, the utilization of the Concrete experience and abstract conceptualization from the Kolb’s learning preferenceswill be helping the concerned organization in upholdingtheefficiency of the seminars through reflection and audit of the outcome after undertaking the training sessions. In this phase, the concerned organization will take steps to communicate with the employees and thereby assess their change needs (Manolis et al., 2013). It will be helping the concerned organization in identifying the suitability of the training that is planned by the same.
The concerned organization will be taking steps to reflectin accordance to the Kolb’s learning preferences on the different outcome of the training. It will behelping the concerned organization in evaluating the result of the training program.In this phase, the concerned organization will create evaluation forms and distribute the same among the employees for gathering the feedbacks of the same in order to identify the change needs of the employees (Yardley& Dornan, 2012). On the other hand, the feedbacks that will be gathered by the concerned organization from the employees will behelping the same in developing the processes in order to maintain the efficiency of the operations in accordance to the needs of the same.
Effectiveness of training program
The Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation aims at identifying and measuring the effectiveness of the learning programs. In this relation, the application of the first and the secondlevel of the model will behelping to delineate the effectiveness of the training program that is being planned by the concerned organization (Kennedy et al., 2014). The first level of the model aimed at understanding the Reaction of the employees towards the training that is being provided to the same (Grohmann&Kauffeld, 2013). In this relation, the communication related issues between the Ghanaian and Australian employees has affected the workflow. On the other hand, the second level of the model emphasize on the Learning attributes that the organization is planning to develop through the training program (AlYahya&Norsiah, 2013).
Evaluation criteria |
Yes |
No |
Did the training help in mitigating the communication issues between Ghanaian and Australian employees? |
Was the tools used during the seminars and training effective to meet the needs of the employees? |
Did the training help in reducing the cultural gaps between the Australian and Ghanaian employees? |
Do you believe that the training will help in mitigating the conflicts in the workplace and facilitate smooth functioning of the employees irrespective of being a Ghanaian or Australian? |
Abduljabbar, D. A., & Omar, N. (2015). Exam questions classification based on Bloom’s Taxonomy cognitive level using classifiers combination. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 78(3), 447.
AlYahya, M. S., &Norsiah, B. M. (2013). Evaluation of effectiveness of training and development: The Kirkpatrick model. Asian journal of business and management sciences, 2(11), 14-24.
Cannon, H. M., & Feinstein, A. H. (2014, February). Bloom beyond Bloom: Using the revised taxonomy to develop experiential learning strategies. In Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning: Proceedings of the Annual ABSEL conference (Vol. 32).
DeCoux, V. M. (2016). Kolb’s learning style inventory: A review of its applications in nursing research. Journal of Nursing Education, 29(5), 202-207.
Grohmann, A., &Kauffeld, S. (2013). Evaluating training programs: development and correlates of the Q uestionnaire for P rofessional T raining E valuation. International Journal of Training and Development, 17(2), 135-155.
Kennedy, P. E., Chyung, S. Y., Winiecki, D. J., & Brinkerhoff, R. O. (2014). Training professionals’ usage and understanding of K irkpatrick’s Level 3 and Level 4 evaluations. International Journal of Training and Development, 18(1), 1-21.
Laxman, K., Sandip, S., &Sarun, K. (2014). Exploration of preferred learning styles in medical education using VARK modal. Russian Open Medical Journal, 3(3).
Manolis, C., Burns, D. J., Assudani, R., &Chinta, R. (2013). Assessing experiential learning styles: A methodological reconstruction and validation of the Kolb Learning Style Inventory. Learning and individual differences, 23, 44-52.
Moazeni, S., &Pourmohammadi, H. (2013, March). Smart teaching quantitative topics through the VARK learning styles model. In 2013 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
Nayef, E. G., Yaacob, N. R. N., & Ismail, H. N. (2013). Taxonomies of educational objective domain. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 3(9), 165.
Riding, R., & Rayner, S. (2013). Cognitive styles and learning strategies: Understanding style differences in learning and behavior. David Fulton Publishers.
Yardley, S., & Dornan, T. (2012). Kirkpatrick’s levels and education ‘evidence’. Medical education, 46(1), 97-106.