Importance Of Sustainable Development Plan In Renewable Energy Business

Challenges and Importance of Sustainable Development Plan

we are studying management for sustainability (Life Cycle Management) and design for sustainability.

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The plan for sustainable development is quite crucial, especially when the business house is involved in the business of renewal energy like power. With the help of the sustainable developmental plan, the company aims to achieve the set target or objectives without compromising with the quality of the services. In this process, it is essential to adopt a rational method through which the resources can be handled in the best possible manner. The plan has been developed and implemented with an intention of achieving long term plan of sustainable growth. In this process, the management of the company has to take care of the environmental factors that can directly impact the planned performance of the company. It is quite necessary to develop a strategy through which the natural resources can be effectively handled by the management of the company (Bayart et al., 2009).

Reason for developing sustainable plan

The success of the company depends upon the type of strategy plan that has been prepared by the management. In this process, it is quite essential to analyse the challenges and other factors that can impact the suitable plan that has been developed by the management. Through this process, it is possible to develop an effective step that will reduce the production waste. This is one of the most important factors and needs to be worked upon in an effective manner. The demand for renewable energy like power has been tremendously increasing. This has been due to increase in the population and different industrial units. Apart from this, there has been an improvement in the technology that has been followed for the purpose of implementing the right type of strategies through which the required changes can be implemented. The plan that has been drafted by the companies has to be analysed, as this will help in the selection of the best option. Through an effective planning method, it is possible for the company to reduce on the social or the ecological damages that has been caused to the nature/environment. In case of the sustainable developmental plan it is necessary to combine three different factors that include fairness, environment protection, economic efficiency, and others. The process that is adopted by the company needs to concentrate towards the sustainable growth and implementation of better methods for increasing the efficiency. This is one of the reasons the benefits that are associated with the community and other factors have to be taken into consideration. Through an effective sustainable plan it is possible for the company to adopt and implement an effective strategy that will encourage the members to share fair information with the clients. In this process, the nature of information that needs to be shared with the members has to be decided and the corrective steps for correcting the same has to be implemented (Dahlsrud, 2007).                           

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Technology for batteries for energy storage

The market for storage commodities depends upon the demand for the products. In this case, the energy market has to be analysed so as to make the changes in the batteries market. Batteries are required for storing the energy. It is considered to be one of the cost effective methods to store the energy. This is considered to one of the best and most effective methods, through which the energy can be stored and consumed for the purpose of commercial and residenal purposes. Such a process is considered to be quite effective as it helps in storing the energy in the best possible manner, without increasing the cost associated with the same. With the help of such a method, it is possible to save energy and protect the consumption of the electcticity power in the best possible manner. It is necessary to analyse the necessity of the energy as this will help in protecting the economic factor and the costs involved with the process of consuming energy.

Technology for Batteries for Energy Storage

Power generation method

The technology that has been adopted for increasing the power generation process has certain disadvantages. This process has a direct impact on the environmental factors, which is considered to be quite risky. Thus, an effective step needs to be taken for implementing the required changes that will be helpful in controlling the challenges that are faced by the companies. In this method, the issues that are associated with the sustainable plan needs to be analysed, and the concern that can impact the environment, stakeholders, and others needs to be highlighted. The problem might exist at every level and this is one of the reasons, the challenges have to be tackled in the best possible manner. National policy also possesses one of the challenging factors, and the same needs to be handled in an effective manner. In order to handle the challenges it is necessary to adopt an effective method, through which the issues can be sorted by the management. An impact on the power generation process can directly affect the economic condition of the country. This is one of the reasons; the issue needs to be handled in the right manner. Apart from this, it is necessary to develop a positive and long term relationship between the plan and the strategies that has been developed by the company. Besides this, the problem related to environmental factors has to be dealt on a universal basis. This will help in handling the challenges and drafting the best policy through which the issue can be effectively handled. In other words, the task of the management doesn’t merely end by drafting effective policies, but the challenge is with the process that has been adopted for finding the differences that exists at the time of the implementation process (EC JRC 2007).

Australia is one of the developed countries that have many industries. Apart from this, the federal authorities are working towards catering the power consumption and other needs of the people. Coal is one of the prime requirements of producing renewal energy. This is one of the reasons; the demand for the forces has been tremendously increasing. Due to the improvement in the technology there has been an increase in the production activities. However the challenge is with the risk that is caused to the environment. However, in this process the challenges that are associated with the process of extraction and using of coal have to be analysed. This can directly affect the environmental factors. Extraction of coal in an unplanned manner, can impact the environmental factors. This also includes the public health and the safety measures that need to be followed for securing the lives of the people. There has been an increase in the air pollution that has been caused to an increase in the extraction of coal. Apart from this, the impact on the environment due to coal combustion has to be also analysed. Besides this, it is also necessary to analyse the economic expenses that are related to the process of extraction of the renewal energy. The impact on the health of the community and the environment has been drastically increasing. This has been one of the reasons, it has become essential to adopt and implement an effective strategy through which the pollution and the negative impact to the environment can be controlled. Coal has been declared to be economically viable that would contribute towards the successful development of the nation. Similar strategy has been followed by the authorities from different nations like Asia, the USA, and the UK. However, without effective planning and implementation process, it is not possible for the authorities of the country to implement the right strategy that is associated with the environmental and economic health factors (European Commission, 2002).

Impact of Power Generation on Environment

In this case, it is necessary to develop and implement an effective strategy for the sustainable development. Excessive usage of the fossil fuels that includes coal usually increases the risk that is associated with the climate change. Such factor will directly impact the poor nation, and their development wouldn’t be possible. This is one of the reasons, there has to be effective steps that needs to be taken for implementing the required changes for protecting the environment. In this case, the impact of such activities on the community and the stakeholders has to be analysed. This will help in adopting and following the right type of strategies that will be useful in the developmental task. Continues process, can lead to impact on the de-carbonise of the economy, which is in fact the biggest cause of the energy emitter (Fava, and Hall, 2004).

Current situation and the future prospects

If the process continues, then the nation can face serious issues in future. In this case, the present situation has to be analysed, as this will help the authorities to develop and implement an effective strategy through which the necessary changes can be implemented. For this, it is necessary to analyse the serious impact the coal extraction process has on the environment and the people. This will help in developing and implementation of the right policy. For this, it is necessary to adopt the right sustainable developmental plan that will help the authorities to control the negative impact of the pollution. AT present it is necessary to analyse the benefits that are associated with the long and short term process. This will help in overpowering the challenges that is associated with unacceptable trading activities that can affect the economic benefit on the run long. For this, the federal authorities have to implement an effective strategy through which the required changes can be implemented by the management or the authorities. The coal extracted in Australia has a great demand in the economically developing countries like India and China (Grießahamme et at., 2006).

Application of the life cycle management system

The process that is followed for applying the life cycle management system in the energy industry plays a key role. This process is quite often related to the system that has been adopted for handling the lifecycle of the system that has been followed for the purpose of manufacturing particular product. In order to apply the system, it is quite important to adopt and analyse the strategies that has been intended to be followed by the authorities. In case of coal extraction, it is necessary to develop the best policy that will improve the quality of extraction. Apart from this, it should have little risk that would affect the environment. In this process, the strategies that needs to be followed for implementing secured method for extraction of the energy source, and handling the requirements of the environment has to be planned in an accurate manner. For this, it is necessary to gather the required information through which the required changes can be implemented by the authorities. The authorities need to gather the accurate information and process the same in the right manner (Hubbard, 2007).

Coal Production in Australia and its Environmental Impacts

Challenges involved

At the time of implementing the policies it is quite important for drafting the right type of policies and strategies through which the sources can be used in the best possible manner. For this the required information needs to be analysed. The challenge is with the process that needs to be adopted for the purpose of implementing the changes that are required for extracting power without damaging or impacting the environment. In this process it is necessary to analyse the options through which the quality of the production can be improved without causing the harm to the environment. For this, it is necessary to develop and implement the right type of developmental plan that is considered to be essential for maximising the earnings without impacting the nature. Issues that are faced by the authorities are with the process that needs to be adopted for developing the sustainable plan. In this process, the change that needs to be adopted has to be analysed from the future point of view. In this case, the stakeholders and others have to be interacted about the proposed changes that are intended to be implemented by the company or the authorities. Such changes have to be closely evaluated and the necessary changes have to be implemented in an effective manner (Hunkeler, and Rebitzer, 2005).

Life cycle process

The process for the life cycle needs to be developed and implemented in effective steps, and this will include –

  • Setting the goals – The prime objective is to extract energy without impacting the nature.
  • Sustainable development plan – This will include analysing the challenges that are related to the suitable plan. In this process, the challenges have to be analysed and the corrective steps needs to be taken for implementing the changes.
  • Adoption of the right method – It is necessary to adopt and implement the right strategies through which the changes that has been proposed to be implemented can be done. The sustainable plan has to be analysed and the corrective steps has to be done in the right manner.
  • Resources – the available resources has to be analysed and the best possible steps needs to be taken for improving the performance. This will help in approaching the best method, and making the required changes that will be useful for the company.
  • Measuring the changes – The changes that has been proposed to be introduced through suitable method has to be planned and effectively evaluated. This will help in analysing the challenges and making the corrective steps that will help in controlling the damages, in case there are any (Jensen, and Remmen, 2004).
  • Cost – The costs that are associated with the process of implementing the steps has to be analysed by the authorities. In this method, the costs associated with the present and the future changes that has been expected to be implemented needs to be communicated with the members.

Renewable energy generation

In case of the energy generation through the use of coal and other factors are considered to be the best methods. However the challenges exist with the process that is adopted for the process of implementing the changes through which the extraction process can be carried out. Excessive extraction and wrongful method will impact the environment and cause serious issues. This is one of the reasons; the changes are implemented in terms of the production activities. Also, the suitable plan is developed and implemented in the right manner. Through the planning activities the risk that are involved in the process are analysed and the corrective steps are taken to minimise the losses or negative impact that is caused to the nature (Jones et al., 2002).


Energy is one of the most important factors that are required for planning the developmental program of the nation. However, the process that is followed in the extraction method can directly impact the nature and can cause climatic change. This is one of the reasons; the authorities have to take the right steps through which the changes can be implemented without making any changes.


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