Importance Of Oral Communication Competency In The Workplace

The Significance of Communication in Collaborative Decision Making

Business Communication is the effective marketing tool for the company to interact with the customer in a more efficient manner. It is the interactive dialogue between the company and the customers that are required in all the stages such as pre-selling, selling, consuming and post consuming (Guffey & Loewy, 2015). Business communication is the process of creating, communicating, and intrusting values to customers and handling customer relationship in the way that benefits the organization and its stakeholders (Hartley & Chatterton, 2015).

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In the organization, when communication takes place between employees and the management team crucially impacted on the growth of the business and reflect a common goal towards the organization of every individual working in the company ( Maes, Weldy & Icenogle, 2013).

In recent, most of the organizations are facing the issue of poor communication, whether written or oral which obstruct the efficiency of the organization. The business communication gap create hurdles to achieve targeted goals (Birks, David & Chapman, 2015)

In the context, there will be a detailed discussion on the communication gap which has been analyzed in the video. In the video, the main issue that has been analyzed is the issue of poor communication between the groups of members. The main purpose of the discussion is to highlight the issues faced by most of the companies which have to be improved for achieving the goal. The business communication has a huge scope with certain limitation. The cost and time can be increased in the organization by adopting the concept of business communication.

Communication plays a vital role in every organization. Communication is the process of transmitting and understanding the information between two people. It is the effective tool which can be used by individuals in the personal and professional life (Politi & Street, 2014). There are certain points that explain the benefits if communication.

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  • Problem-solving and Strong decision making – Strong communication skill help professional to make a decision on time and effectively and the individuals initiative and solve problems in a more efficient manner.
  • Enhance professional Image – Good communication skill enhances the image of individuals in front of their client, co-workers, customers, and family.
  • Ensured Successful response – Person with good communication skill receive a successful response from clients and customers.
  • Build a successful family unit – A good communicator can build a successful family unit by understanding other family members which create a healthy and happy bond.
  • Boost Morale – Effective communication skill boost morale of individual and also motivate to work better.


The lack of communication skill in the professional creates a great negative impact which may affect the individual lives and careers (Lundgren & McMakin). The impacts are explained in below points.

  • Create stress- If a professional cannot communicate properly, it creates a high-stress level in the workplace.
  • Dissatisfied client– The poor communication generate dissatisfaction among client which tend to be frustrated and stressed by the superiors.
  • Family Stress– an individual may begin to feel guilty and may even experience conflict at home because of the tension and stress level which create stress among the family members.
  • A negative response from Customers– Professional with poor communication skill has to face a negative response from the customer.
  • Low Morale– When people are dealing with intense emotions then the productivity goes down and generate low morale in the life of the professional.

There are various models for effective communication such as Linear model, Transactional model, interactive model, Westley and Maclean’s Conceptual model and so on. For discharging meeting, the interactive model is the effective source for communication (McQuail & Windahl).

The interactive model is the process of exchange of information and ideas taking place both ways from sender to receiver.

  1. Encoder – Source – Decoder: Encoder is the person who sends a message and decoder is the person who receives the message in the meeting.
  2. Message – it is the information sent during the interaction in the meeting.
  3. Feedback – It is the mean of revert given by the decoder after receiving the message.
  4. Field of Experience – It is the experience and knowledge that the source possesses which affect the interpretation and formation of the message.

Analyses and Appraises the Performance of Professionals in a Team

General Barriers of Communication

There are certain barriers faced by the professional during communication. The barrier is explained below:

  • Use of jargons such as technical terms or unfamiliar language.
  • The barrier of emotion which is difficult to express by some people and the issue of taboos.
  • Lack of interest, attention, distractions or irrelevance to the receiver.
  • Nonverbal communication leads to physical barriers.
  • The gap in viewpoints and perceptions.
  • Lack of mutual trust creates barriers in the communication.
  • Lack of understanding.
  • The barrier of interpersonal which involve pastimes, rituals, games, closeness, and withdrawal of interpersonal contact (Phicare, 2018).

Barriers to Individuals members

Every individual was not interested in the conversation was happening. Individuals were involved in the activities which were irrelevant such as biting nails, using the phone, not attentive. The speaker was also not bothered by the thing that was happening. The speaker was just speaking and seeking opinion without any efforts. Nine of the individuals were not ready to take the responsibilities and accountability of the work which has been assigned to them (Palumbo, 2013).

  • Lack of attention and interest

Lack of attention and interest by the receiver create communication barriers. In the video, most of the participants were least interested in listening and the participants were not attentive and lost focus during the discussion. One individual was sleeping during the discussion, another one was writing irrelevant on paper and most of the individuals were not listening during the discussion was held.

  • Body gestures

The body gestures of the participants were negative during the discussion. One participant was leaning back in the chair; another participant was knocking the table with pen, one individual pulled chewing gum from the mouth.  

  • Lack of participation

In the whole discussion, no individuals were participating in the discussion, they were forced to participate. One individual was not in senses about the turn to speak. It seems like she was forced to speak.

  • Lack of Contribution

In the discussion, there was a lack of contribution among participants. When the speaker asked for a recommendation, one of the individuals was not contributing at least 25 to 30 seconds.

  • Distract the discussion

One of the speakers among the members distracted the discussion while using a mobile phone during speaking.

The barrier of communication impacted on the individual professional and the organization as a whole because the success of the organization depends on the performance of the individual professionals. The barriers to communication can be improved by adopting the following things which are explained below:

  • Be active and attentive in the discussion by the participants.
  • Make a short contribution of 25-30 seconds 3-4 times.
  • Do not use mobile phones, chewing gums in the meeting.
  • Proper participation should be done by individuals in the meeting.
  • Listen to the subject carefully.
  • The individuals should use proper body language and gestures in the meeting.
  • Do not discuss irrelevant things which distract from the discussion.
  • While speaking, keep eyes contact with a maximum number of people.

In the video, it has been analyzed that the health team was not working together effectively. All the individuals were facing several barriers that lead to ineffectiveness of teamwork (Palumbo, 2013). The following points are explained below:

  • Poor Leadership – in the meeting, the main speaker was having a lack of leadership power, the speaker was continuously speaking without bothering about other participants were doing.
  • Lack of decision making – In the whole discussion, there was a lack of decision making among the participants. None of the participants were taken any decision on the issues that they were discussing in the meeting.
  • Inadequate participation – The participation of every individual was at zero level. The individuals were doing irrelevant things such as knocking on the table, using a mobile phone, playing with their hairs and Stethoscopes.
  • Unclear goals – The goals of every individuals and goal as a team was not determined.
  • Poor issues resolutions – in the meeting, the team did not come to any conclusion from the discussion. It shows the team has a poor issue resolution.

In the video, the team was not collaborating with one another. The participants were only passing the work from one another. In the initial speaker told one member of the team to check the treatment, the member revert with the excuse to need permission from other authority. Then the task was passed to another member of the team the, she also reverts with more excuse that she needs to find the files and the task was passing by. It has been analyzed that the team was having poor collaborative communication (Palumbo, 2013).

Critique of Interprofessional Teamwork Portrayed in the Video Based on Professional Literature

The effective inter-professional teamwork and collaboration include:

  • The communication between team members is open and clean.
  • The role and task of the team member are clear and known to themselves.
  • Equal participation of members in the meeting and task.
  • The members of the team are responsible and accountable for the task.
  • The decision making procedure of effective professional teamwork is clear and prominent.
  • Shared responsibility for team success.
  • Strong leadership for effective interprofessional teamwork.
  • Coordination among the team members for effective teamwork (Thompson, 2018).

Risk of Client

The client is at great risk because proper measures were not placed when the time is required. The illness of the client could be increased due to not receiving the proper treatment and medicines on time. It could also harm the client more as compared to the situation which was brought into. It could lead to severe damage to the organs which in turn might not be able to recover.

Thing covered in the Video

In the whole video, the members have discussed the issues that the clients were facing but in the end, no member took a decision or measures to overcome such issues faced by the clients.  The members were not participating in the meeting and most of the members were doing irrelevant things which distract the whole discussion. The topics were discussed at the meeting was not effective because none of the members were participating in the opinions that were asked by the speaker. Even, the team members have not taken any appropriate steps for the procedure of client safety.  These are the things covered in the video.


The things happened in the video will not going to produce positive outcomes for the clients, professionals and professional organization because the performance of the team creates a great negative impact on the organization, client, and professionals. The impacts are explained in below points which are as follows:

  • Impact on efficiency and productivity – The performance of the team created a direct impact on the efficiency and productivity of the organization. The efficiency and productivity will decline.
  • Impact on the image – the clients of the organization were not satisfied with the performance of members which can ruin the reputation of the organization.
  • Dissatisfaction among clients – with the performance of the teamwork created a direct impact on the clients. It creates dissatisfaction among clients.
  • Withdrawer – there would be a possibility that the clients would withdrawal from the organization because of the performance of the team.
  • Hinder growth in an organization – The performance of the team would create a hindrance to the growth of an organization and the organization would face the loss in the future.


 From the above, it is concluded that the communication skills play an important role in the life of professionals. It helps in making a healthy decision, build the reputation, enhance the leadership power and build a healthy family relationship. The poor communication skills have a negative impact on the life of professionals which create barriers to the growth. In the video, it has been analyzed that there were communication barriers in the whole discussion. The participants were least interested in the meeting. There were lack of leadership, attention, interest, contribution to the whole discussion which creates a greater negative impact on the clients, professional, and organization as a whole.

It is recommended for healthcare team that the team needs improvement in the communication by applying a proactive approach and detailed analysis of the patients which helps to understand that medicine is important o take and if the client is not taking medicines in the first instance then the professional should adopt other ways to provide correct treatment  to the clients.

For effective communication, the team should avoid using mobile phones in the meeting, proper attention should be given to the speaker and respond proactively. The members should take the accountability and responsibility of the task which assigns to the members, to derived better and quick results. The team should take initiative towards the procedure of client safety and should suggest the treatment options for clients.

The team can work more efficiently if the team can work on their flaws such as should be an active listener, be clear with the work and thoughts, clarifying and summarising the work they are assigned, develop trust and bond with the clients and co-workers.


 Birks, M., David, J. & Chapman, Y.B.(2015). Professional and Therapeutic Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Guffey, M. E., & Loewy, D. (2015) Essentials of business communication. Massachusetts: Nelson Education.

Hartley, P., & Chatterton, P. (2015) Business Communication: Rethinking your professional practice for the post-digital age ( 2nd ed.). New York: Routledge.

Lundgren, R. E., & McMakin, A. H. (2018) Risk communication: A handbook for communicating environmental, safety, and health risks (6th ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Maes, J. D., Weldy, T. G., & Icenogle, M. L. (2013) A managerial perspective: Oral communication competency is most important for business students in the workplace. Journal of Business Communication, 34, 67-80.

McQuail, D., & Windahl, S. (2015) Communication models for the study of mass communications. Germany: Routledge.

Phicare. (2018) Communication barriers. Retrieved from:

Politi, M. C., & Street, R. L. (2014) The importance of communication in collaborative decision making: facilitating shared mind and the management of uncertainty. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 17(4), 579-584.

 Palumbo, M.V. (2013) Missed Opportunities for Interprofessional Practice. Retrieved from:

StudyBlue. (2018) Models of Communication. Retrieved from:

Thompson, N. (2018) Effective communication: a guide for the people professions (3rd ed.). London: Macmillan International Higher Education

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