Importance Of Mathematics Education In Pre-Higher Education And Its Relevance In GCSE Level In The UK

The Base of All Subjects

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Mathematics is the base of all subjects .Students need to learn mathematics before entering to the graduate level. In undergraduate programmes there are various subjects that are included within their course, these are – Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biological sciences, Computer science, Materials sciences and other aspects of mathematics. Mathematics is included in a considerable number of pre higher educations. But in case of Higher education mathematical method, process contents are not so mandatory for study. Sound mathematical knowledge is the backbone of Engineering, Information and Computer Sciences, Bioscience, Economics, Materials and physical sciences etc. So, students should focus on mathematical studies in pre higher education. Discussing on the said topic, the assignment holds relevance in deciphering the facts of certain developmental patterns with respect to mathematical curriculum in the GCSE level and to what extent the fresher in the UK schools are knowledgeable about the said subject and its allied associates (Hayes, 2017).

A new GCSE mathematics was first introduced in September 2015. The three primary pathways that guide an individual towards higher education and academics are diplomas, apprenticeships and general qualifications. Candidates aged 16 years of age fall under the umbrella of GCSE educational curricula while those who have completed this course and are 18 years of age, may initiate their GCE A level of academics. The first year of the GCE A level is termed as AS level and the following year as the A2 level. AS and A2 together complete full A level qualification. In some apprenticeships paid work courses mathematical qualification is do not required (Jones et al 2015).

In diploma course, students learn both classroom work and practical lab experiences as well. This Diploma course requires basic knowledge of functional mathematics.

In General qualifications mathematics provides the evidence of attainment in mathematics which is necessary for the education. The most probable learning impact, style of assessment and the subject content are important for general qualification in mathematics. General qualification is subdivided into GCSE and FSMQ (Entwistle, 2015). The government’s has taken responsibility to encourage almost half of the total student population aged 18-30 years for attending higher level academics, because they need GCSE and A level mathematical qualification. GCSE examinations have substituted the need of acquiring the prior expertise of solving O level mathematical problems. This has enabled the students to get a hold on to a wide range of mathematical problems and showcase their expertise in the said field. GCSE subject in the UK schools had been known to provide a wide range of opportunistic expertise to the registered candidates with respect to knowledge gain, understanding, reasoning, application and skills based decision making and aptitudes. Mathematics in the GCSE curricula are emphasized on a deep-seated basis and the students are provided with course aspects and attributes with respect to key stages 3 and 4 respectively. This course enables the students to understand the myriad of mathematics and reveal its dimension in an all new level and relates the significance of this subject to their own life and allied social perspectives. This curriculum also provides a profound platform for those who are willing to pursue a happening career in near future with mathematics (Toplis, 2015).

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Mathematics in Undergraduate Programs

Acquire mathematical knowledge and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems. Develop skills, aptitude, reasoning ability and understanding of techniques and methods associated with mathematics. Attain effective expertise in order to relay several mathematical based information in multi-various forms. It also helps to make a logical conclusion on any topic.

The assessment goals and objectives are being efficiently fulfilled by GCSE specifications in mathematics and the curriculum strictly follows the mission being established. The curriculum is framed up in such a way that the GCSE candidates receive the optimum education and knowledge with respect to mathematical contextualization. Students get confidence when they are flexible to solve any problem.

Every individual student shall be assessed on the basis of curriculum understanding and the level of knowledge being attained so far and those who had been receiving high accolades and rewards in the class evaluations, they are deemed established in the lesson outcome. Out of these students, a specific student may be selected and evaluated with respect to high bold type course content in order to further analyze his/her manoeuvres. With respect to this, the highest award winning students may gain enough confidence in the bold contents.   

CGSE mathematics chapters includes a range of topics under which several sub-topics and contents get enlisted that help in envisioning the candidates’ information and knowledge portal in mathematical forum (Appendix 1).

The subject criteria that are withheld by the GCSE curriculum hold relevance in deciphering the understanding capability of the students with respect to all GCSE enlisted subjects and their allied contents. This organization provides a full-fledged framework to all the registered academic institutions so that they may create their subject oriented detail and specifications in order to provide a deep seated study level to the students. Mathematics is of utmost necessity in day-to-day life and hence, gaining enough confidence, evidence based knowledge and practical application based skills is integral for every individual student.

Any national educational system that is conventional incorporates academics and curricula starting from basic education system to upgraded higher standard education and academics including university curriculum as well. This entire education system is integral and influential for any student for shaping up their knowledge base. Every educational system has got system and functionalities that evaluate the knowledge base of its students and the extent of impact that the curriculum is going to infer on their daily livelihood and career. Nationalism and the formal education system of any country reflect the nationalized factorials of that specific nation and these are closely associated with each other. These factors are important in studying the comparative educational ergonomics between countries and they include economic, historical, and religious, language based, demographical, social, technological and cultural aspects (Keating, 2014).

Role in Higher Education

The financial condition of a nation reflects its educational scenario and also determines the curriculum of the nationalized education system. Formal education is important where production is higher than consumption. Local people education is mainly depend on their economical condition and needs of the community. Economical condition is directly proportional to the education system. In many cases, the educational system of the nation is directly proportional with the financial stature of the country, that is, weak economy lowers education system whereas stable economy helps raising it. The educational system in USA and Japan has been markedly influential from the aspects that students are encouraged to graduate from esteemed universities so that they may pursue their career with bright future. But in India, there is no proper guideline for a student so that they become confuse after passing college or university (Blais et,al 2015). They post pone their carrier for a few years. That’s why unemployment problem is increasing day by day in India. Due to the different economical background children from rich class get chance to study in international school, where as poor people can’t afford that much of money for their children carrier. In developing countries the lack of funds adversely affect the salary scale of academicians, the availability of educational resources such as text books and other allied value added products which are difficult to ascertain giving rise to lack of education. So the national system of education may vary on the strength of country’s economy (Holland, 2016).

Education and sustainability is highly important in deciphering the developmental pattern of the nationalized education system that acts as the driving force. A stable cultural background always has a good number of literate populations with considerable amount of educational background that delivers a harmonious balance in the society. In every society people want to get acquainted with educational system. Through education they try to preserve and protect their traditions and aspirations and ethics. The social patterns of the citizens and their way of communication always reflect their extent of literacy level. Their social patterns in any particular community reflect in their system of education.

The academicians are now more interested in emphasizing on their pay scale instead of focusing on the education system and the way of teaching. In most of the teacher oriented meetings, the academicians are more interested in driving internal politics and salary negotiation instead of focusing on students’ welfare. On the contrary, guardians and students cease to respect the academic staffs. Currently, the inter relations between all the individuals in the family are changing constantly. As a result, the elements of cultural sustainability are changing and so is the education system of the country.   

GCSE Mathematics Curriculum

The other perspectives of mitigating socio-cultural aspects of the country is the way of changing the educational system of the country which shall demarcate the rationalism in the inhabitants and enable them to think in a positive way. It is quite important to develop enough respect against someone which shall reflect the extent of cultural and educational background richness pertinent on the individual under context. This indirectly reflects the country’s education system. Nations are generally multi ethnic and diverse in nature but the educational background and the extent of knowledge pertinence should be balanced. So it is very much needed to inculcate love for nation and national education system (Mohammadi, 2015).

Every individual nation has its own geographical importance, nationalized integrity, historical perspectives and importance and other culturally dominant attributes which emphasize the aims and objectives of the educational system of that very country. Many countries had been colonised in the initial stage of their freedom and this had resulted in either heightened or decelerating responsiveness on their educational system since time immemorial. Many countries of Asia, Africa, North and South America are still under colonialism. Hence, it plays a great role in shaping the education system of the nations.

In Modern day education has been changed .variety of technology, computers, projectors, internet, and many latest devices have made education system very student friendly. They are acquiring diverse knowledge from different aspects. Science and new technology has been made their life easier. New inventions and discoveries have revealed the unknown world to them more easily .once a new aspect is discovered students are getting those topics by surfing internet. Students are finding their area of interest through modern education that is helpful to reach their goals more easily. Skill-development and vocational education are the new scope for the students .So modern system of education gives a new way to the students. They are getting new option, new subjects and finding interest on education .So the modern system of education increases their interest on study (Evans, 2017).

Part-3: A comparative analysis of educational policy and opportunity in the UK and the relationship compared with that of other countries. 
Education is significant for maintaining social policy, and this does not get restricted only to the welfare system of the society but also extenuates till structural integrity of the scoeity as a whole (Ball, 2017). The aims of education include-

Liberal education: intellectual and social development of each individual makes a person complete.

National Education Systems

Socialisation: By means of education, any individual gets the capability of socialising with others with good behaviours and practices, sometimes looked upon as a form of socialisable control measures.

Education as a handmaiden: Proper education also facilitates the enhancement of the industrial and development sector of the nation thereby making is advanced from various aspects.

Social change: education system has bought social changes in the country.

Students receive a large number of policies and prolific outcome from gaining effective education. Hence, it has been deemed capable in the justification of welfare measures with respect to educational norms and standards.

England in the year 1870 started its very first free of cost elementary education. In addition, the Education Act of 1944 introduced free paid secondary education that remained free of cost till 1944. All these free education system were literally implemented in order to bestow an equally available education system for all classes of people in the society. The education system at that time was mainly based on a tripartite framework that incorporated technological, grammatical and secondary modernized standards but unfortunately fewer schools implemented this system which meant that most institutions were bipartite in nature. Grammatical implementation was sele3ctive whilst secondary modern was very rare. Sequentially, comprehensive style education was being implemented in the society but this system gained implication only after the policy making in 1960. Controversies arose on the fact that this style of education concomitantly reduced the likelihood of discrimination in the educational grounds. It had been stated that students or individuals who visited grammar schools were more imperative and assertive with respect to knowledge gaining compared to those visiting comprehensive schools.

Primary education in Britain was for the students whose age lies between 4 to 12 .Although in some areas parents transferred their children to middle schools at an earlier age (such as 8/9).In primary level they learned basic skills which are – the “3 Rs” of Reading, writing and arithmetic as well as some social developmental skills. It had been portrayed by several critique reviewers in the late 1970s that most of the educational system selections were not influential from the aspects of gaining knowledge (Ballantine, et al. 2017). An Institution should incorporate new technique and tool for study..To avoid these problems they established new principles and reformed the schooling system

  • Centralisation: The UK government that was seen to be conservative and stringent spanning from 1980-90s pioneered nationalized evaluation system and for the very first time, the education board came under a nationalized and unified agency and the authority was shifted from school to the government.
  • Assessment by outcomes: Evaluation patterns incorporated a number of steps such as targets, outcomes, and performance criteria and the procedure of education. This showcased the general profile of the government’s initiative on education. 
  • The use of “initiatives”: Pioneering or initiative from government’s end has high influence on the education system of the nation as it enables the agencies to provide enough funding for the betterment of the sector although several controversies had crept in with respect to “initiative overload”.  
  • Changing who controls schools: A considerable extent of effort had been shelved out for the sake of the government bodies trying to amend policies with respect to control shifting from schools to government so that the entire authority gets bestowed on to the government solely. 

When the education system of UK is compared to US, many differentiations have been found. First comes the time span, graduation level (BA) takes 3 years UK while in US it takes a year more. Same for masters level (MA), US takes one year more than UK; It takes one year in UK, whereas 2 years in US. For PhD a student in UK will take 3 years, but in US, students can take 5 to 7 years and sometimes more than that (Hewitt-Dundas and Roper, 2018). From this no conclusion can be drawn as if the syllabus is a compact one and properly structured, then it might take lesser time to complete a course. In case of Asian countries, Indian course of BA is of 3 years, whereas Chinese BA course can be of 3 or 4 years depending upon the specialized subject.

Importance of Education and Sustainability

Cost is a crucial variable of the education system of a particular country. With more number of students opting for foreign universities, cost is the major factor around which the system revolves. When compared to cost effective education system, study cost in US is higher than study cost in UK. UK is having a moderate cost on education, enabling more foreign students opting for it. The study cost in Asian countries is relatively lower than that of the European and American countries. To be very precise, lesser cost does not imply a lower quality education.

In US, grades are based on overall performance throughout the year, whereas in UK, it is based on the performance of the final exam only. China follows a rank oriented grading system, whereas in India the grading is based on the overall performance of a student throughout the year. Grading system is critical and can vary from region to region (Holland, 2016). Both in US and UK, semester system is being implemented in most of the schools, whereas some are exception enough to use trimester or quarterly semester system. In US, universities are divided into schools often by subject; while in UK, university is typically an umbrella organisation for different independent colleges.

US is superior than UK in the sector of education style. In US, education style is more varied, comprising of liberal arts and the facility of studying outside one’s major. But in UK it is only limited in classroom education. For athletes US might be better than UK to study as athletic scholarships are there in US, but not in UK (King and Sondhi, 2018). For Asian countries, the scenario is mixed as well; in India the scholarship facility for athletes is available in a few schools, while in Chinese schools, athletic scholarship is of much importance.

In US, students get dormitories with roommate whereas UK students generally get dormitories without roommate. Off-campus housing is basically available for students in UK, whereas in US it is occasionally available. Thus, it is found that education system in UK is different than other countries in so many aspects. Not just on the basis of country, but also on the basis of continent, education system differs.


The education system in UK has evolved greatly over the years. From making it cost efficient to effective for the students coming from all over the globe, the country has witnessed remarkable improvement in the education sector. The number of foreign students enrolling in schools and universities in UK are increasing each year. From the course framework to structure of university, everything is satisfying for the students. Mathematics, being a terror for most of the students, is also gaining greater scope to expand itself and become more relatable to students with the help of effective study method. Thus, it can be assessed that students are opting for courses which not only benefits their academics, but also develops their understanding regarding the subject in a well-structured way.


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