Importance Of Managerialism In Healthcare Organization: Review Of Medicare Australia

Overview of the organization

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This paper will show the importance of managerialism in the healthcare organization. Medicare Australia is the organization that provides health care services to the people of Australia. There are various applications of organizational theory that helps in reducing the stress or tensions between professional team members and managers within the organization. The role of leadership is huge in the organization as it gives the proper guidance to the followers for completing the task within time frame. The critical analysis of leadership within the Medicare will be elaborated under this paper with evidence of ethical tensions inherent in that professional role in the organisation.

Medicare is operated by the department of human services and it is the publicly funded universal health care system in Australia. It is considered as the primary funder of health care in Australia. It was founded in 2005 and the national office of Medicare Australia is situated in Canberra. The annual budget of Medicare according to the year of 2010 was A$ 856.6 million.

The organizational culture of Medicare is effective as it take care of various departments by listening their queries. However, the organizational culture of human services department is hierarchal organization structure in which top authorities keep control over all departments. Medicare Australia is also follow the hierarchical structure in which the top management of the Medicare focus on each department and provide the best services regarding health care to the public of Australia (Boulware et. al., 2016). 

The managerialism is an importance concept that helps business to attract number of customer towards the services of the company (Klikauer, 2015). In the context of Medicare Australia, the role of managerialism is vital as it provides the reliance on utilization of professional managers in administrating an activity for the health care. Medicare Australia offers the services at the 75% rebate for the Medicare Schedule fee which is connected with the services as well as procedures for the private hospitals (Dalal, 2017). It has three components like hospital, medical and pharmaceutical. The review of the managerialism within the organization is defined below:

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The key component of Medicare includes the free treatment for the patients in public hospitals. The management of the company is efficient to manage the services in an appropriate manner in which the Medicare offers rebate on the payments of medicines and health care. There is a list of medicines and services which should be rebated by the organization and these are listed under Medicare Benefits Schedule (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), 2016). Managerialism in the Medicare is efficient as it provides the proper guidance about the activities in which the manager of the organization provides the subsidisation of the costs of an enormous variety of medicines which cover under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

Organizational culture of Medicare

Proper planning of the services is enabled organization to expand the level of services so that huge range of people of Australia gets the advantages of the public services regarding health care. (Joosten, Bongers and Janssen, 2009). There is need to recognize the global demographics amendments will lead the company in to a huge number of older customers representing complicates health and social care as they live longer with chronic illnesses.

Managerialism is referred as the new public management that has considered as the successful organizational technique for controlling the public servants. The management of the company is creating the market where the services of the company can be provided in easiest way to increase the welfare around the Australia. The management of Medicare Australia plan monitor and evaluate the human services in a sophisticated manner to increase the potential of the workers of the company so that they can continue to provide health care services to the clients (Aryee, Walumbwa, Seidu and Otaye, 2016).

There are various organizations a theory that facilitates Medicare to handle the tensions between the professional team members and the mangers within the organization. This section is elaborated the conflicts between the practice of sales marketing manager and the other managers within the organization. The integral theory has potential to manage the issues of the organization in an appropriate manner (Duckett and Willcox, 2015). There are some weaknesses of company such as lack of health care services in rural areas and not proper coverage of medicines under Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme. Violence in the workplace due to misunderstanding about the task and less of control on anger are the major tensions of human services organization that has become the issues of low working.

Integral theory is effective as it endeavours to place a huge diversity of theories into one single framework. It has been posited by this theory that the evolution is limited to the external forms of reality but it has the potential to reach in the interior spaces of namely and reality in the development of consciousness and culture. The model of integral theory is mandatory for all professionals. The role of integral theory in Medicare Australia is huge as it provides the manager with the conceptual framework to identify the bonding between the components of the organization and look the organization as a entire that has a place within the broader environment (Jiang, Chuang and Chiao, 2015). With the use of this theory, the employee of the company can easily engaged with the work and provides the superior services to the organization by being the leader. Practice and knowledge of the integral theory will assist the growth of the leader and increasing the human skills required for management of organizations in the global society. The role of integral theory in resolving the tensions between the professional team members and the mangers within Medicare Australia re defined below which will give better understand to understand the importance of it within the organization.

Review of managerialism within the organization

The integral theory is facilitated in maintain the gap between the professional team members and the managers within the Medicare. The role of sales marketing team is different from others as they are prepared to bring the target market and collect the plan applications. There can be conflict arise between them as it is not possible that the perception of all members within the organization should be same (Drummond, Sculpher, Claxton, Stoddart, & Torrance, 2015). This can be the major issues of conflicts and the integral theory provides the proper information about this and helps to remove the conflicts between them which arise due to lack of communication.

It is vital for the managers to understand the other professional WIIFM (What’s In It for me) situation which is integral for the management of Medicare. It is necessary for to understand the motivation of others to weighing in. It would be helpful for the sales marketing manager to avoid the issues which will be helpful to achieve the objectives within the organization. at the same time, the theory suggests that support management practices involve the diversity within the management in which it says that if someone approach issue from the opinion of taking the action that will facilitates others best attainment of their aims.  It will helpful for the organization with regard to resolving conflict (Mossialos, Wenzl, Osborn, and Sarnak, 2016).

It is fact that there is every conflict has the potential for a great learning opportunity. It has been analyzed that disagreement has inherent potential for development as well as growth. Integral theory addresses the conflicts in more efficient manner and in the context of tensions between professional team members and managers within the organization. it shows that the divergent positions defined properly and it can inspire innovation as well as learning in ways such as minds cannot imagine (Chen, Normand, Wang, and Krumholz, 2011).

The role of the leadership in the human service organization is huge as it provides the proper guidance to the employees of the organization to provide upper quality services for welfare. In the context of Medicare Australia, it has been found that that leadership within the organization is effective as there are number of functions on which the entire team of Medicare is working. To accomplishment the task in an appropriate manner, the head of Medicare Australia is Seema Verma handled and maintained the entire structure in more appropriate manner to provide the services of it all over Australia in effective way. Leadership is critical to good public governance involving planning, efficiency and transparency (Medicare Payment Advisory Commission and Book, 2012). Medicare provides the card by which the residents of Australia get advantages in case of any issues regarding personal health. The critical analysis on leadership within the Medicare is defined below.

Application of organizational theory to tensions between professional team members and managers within the organization

Leadership is considered as the co-ordinating function in which informal leaders have an effective position and status in the organization. The leaders of Medicare are coordinated with their followers and provide them proper guidance regarding training and development so that the employees can understand their value and know that the public health care is the prime motive of the company (Peikes, Chen, Schore and Brown, 2009).

The role of the leadership in the human service organization is huge as it emphasises the policies and the regulations of Medicare Australia. The leaders of the Medicare are active in observing and analysing the latest program regarding healthcare in Australia.  There are some government programs that are focused at enhancing health services and outcomes for external groups such as indigenous Australia, rural people and those with continuous illness and older Australians (Osborn, Squires, Doty, Sarnak and Schneider, 2016). It has been found that $805 has been invested by Australian Government for Indigenous Chronic Disease Package for the purpose of improving the health care system of Australia. The main focus of the Medicare’s leader is to increase the attention towards the latest amendments and proposal in health care in Australia so that company can get benefitted in an appropriate way.

The work of sales and marketing in human service organization is huge as work tasks are often varied and complex in this role. The involvement of leadership role in the area of sales and marketing in the human service organization is wide. However the positions of the manager in human service organization are complex. The daily activities of the manager are entirely different from one day as they have to adjust number of terms at once which will not be repeated. It has been found that the bonding between responsibility and power, along with the relationship between managerial work and clinical work are quite unclear (Çiçek and Ozer, 2011). However, there are number of leadership features which should be entailed in the organization such as commitment, positive attitude, ability to delegate works and communication. In the context of profession of sales and marketing, the manager needs to work within a culture of acceptance and exception of work stress. There are three kinds of behaviours that have accepted by the leaders of the Medicare such as task oriented behaviour, relations oriented behaviour and change oriented behaviour. It has been evidenced as per the contingency theory in the context of leadership that there is no single way to lead the different behaviours without any conflicts. In this context, it is required for the leaders of Medicare to focus on decision making approach, Path goal theory and leader member exchange theory (Komives, 2016). The leaders of Medicare have the feature of transformation a leadership in which they inspire their followers and other employee of the organization to do work with vision of the company. Intellectual stimulation is involved under the leadership of Medicare by which the leader of the Medicare encourage innovation as well as creativity. It is required for the organization to keep focus on the latest technologies and activities so that amendments in the organizational structure can be done in more significant manner (Bolman and Deal, 2017). 

Integral theory

The basic values of the human service profession involve welfare of all people and respecting the dignity, honouring cultural diversity, honesty, genuineness and self determination. In my profession of sales and marketing, there are some ethical tensions inherent such as moral dilemmas. Ethical dilemmas are defined below in the retaliation of professional role of sales and marketing in Medicare Australia.


Self-determination is the ethical issues that are faced by the profession of sales and marketing in Medicare where the obligation of the social worker to respect a right of client to self determination conflicts with the realization. It shows that the clients are engaging to commit actions that will hamper others (Kingstone, 2018).

Dual relationship

There are major issues regarding ethical in the profession role is dual relationship as it is important for the leader of the organization to have the multi role for performing in an efficient manner. On the other hand dual relationship is where the social worker has a compulsion to handle an exclusive professional relationship with a client. 

Moral Beliefs  

The social workers are more bounded to provide leadership in the areas where struggles take place. In the context of organization, there is an expectation of the social worker to resolve the tensions between the operational and technical factors of management and the transformational style of leadership. The workers have to keep patience to following the professional role as it is very hard to control the patience them who do not understand about the values of lives. Along with that tensions can take place between organizational goal and organizational survival.


In the limelight of above discussion, it can be concluded that the managerialism is effective approach that need to be considered in any human service organization. Medicare Australia as a human service organization has been taken to describe the entire concept of the management in this report. An application of organisational theory to tensions between professional team members and managers within the organisation has been described to define the role of manager in effective way. Integral theory has been taken to evaluate the role of it in reducing the tensions within the organization. The employee of the company can easily engage with the work and provides the superior services to the organization by being the leader. Along with that the leaders of Medicare have the feature of transformation a leadership in which they inspire their followers and other employee of the organization to do work with vision of the company.


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