Importance Of Leadership Style In Managing People And Dealing With Problems
Importance of leadership
The importance and the essentiality of leadership has been a subject of various debate and contentious discussion through out the business platform of the world. Leadership is the procedure that helps in exerting the influence over other people for enriching the factors such as the inspiration, the motivation and the direction of their activities for helping them towards the achievement of the organizational or their personal goals (DuBrin, 2015). The roles of the leadership are some of the pertinent issues for the organizations and the business platform in the current days. Leaders are generally the individuals who tend to establish direction for the working group of the individual for the establishment of the directions and motivation of the members for the achievement of the direction outcomes. The essay illustrates the importance of the leadership towards the management of the people together with the consideration of various contemporary concepts of leadership. The essay furthermore evaluates the application and the implementation of the concepts of the leadership in the development and the achievement of the organizations goals and recommends regarding the role of the leadership in the development of the organization.
Importance of leadership
Leadership is one of the essential factors towards the improvement of the performance of the business organization. Leaders serve as the main decision makers who determine the development, the acquisition and the deployment of the resources of the organization together with the delivery of the value to the stakeholders of the organization (Burns, 2016). The importance of the trait of the leadership deals with the achievement of the sustainability in the changes in the organization. Leadership is an essential function of the management that helps in the maximization of the efficiency and the targets of the organizational goals (Northouse, 2018). The importance of leadership includes some of the important factors that includes initiation of actions for the subordination of the plans in the organization, motivation to the employees with economic and non economic rewards, providing enough of guidance for the subordinates, creation of the confidence with regards to the problems and the complaints and effective co-ordination with the team members highlighting the primary motive behind the leadership.
The importance of the skills and the traits of leadership serve as essential factors towards the success of an organization. Towards the absence of the effective traits of leadership in an individual, it is not possible for an organization to work efficiently (Ghasabeh, Soosay & Reaiche, 2015). The creation and the development of an organization are based with the purpose of the achievement of the targets and the objectives through the employees or the labor force f the organization. According to research data by the current census, the employees of the top multinational business organization tends to spend more than 60% of their abilities or capabilities without any of the additional efforts with the proper support and the motivation by the leaders of an organization (Daft, 2014). The research study has furthermore depicts how the leadership serves as the key towards the success of a business enterprise.
- To summarize, the importance of leadership can be highlighted by the following facts
- Helping in the influencing of the behavior of the people in the organization
- Helping the followers towards the fulfillment of the requirements
- Initiating the introduction of any of the required changes
- Helping in solving workplace conflicts.
Contemporary leadership concepts
In this particular section of the essay, two different types of leadership theories will be discussed in the domain of motivating and empowering people and in managing the teams that furthermore includes the high performing teams.
Motivating and empowering people
In this particular concept, the most effective leadership theory that will be suitable is the trait theory of leadership. This is because it includes the personality, the ability, the power and the needs. Trait can be identified as one of the inherent characteristics of a person towards the competency that furthermore encircles on the ability of capability of a person.
The achievement motivation theory explains the prediction for the behavior and performance for the power, achievement and the affiliation (Ford & Harding, 2018). Introduced by David McClellan, the theory explains that the needs are the requirement based on the personality and are developed with the environment. The David McClellan described the needs in his theory as the needs for the achievement, the need for the power and the need for affiliation. The theory identified powers as neither good nor bad since power can be utilized towards the gain and the expense of the others and furthermore can be used for the socialized power (Ghasabeh, Soosay & Reaiche, 2015). According to the theory, effective leadership skills must include the requirement for all the need stated above since it is an effective way towards the motivation and the influencing of the people in the organization.
Another theory that can be explained in this context is the Theory X and Theory Y, which is also classified as belief or attitude system by Douglas McGregor (Arena & Uhl-Bien, 2016). This theory illustrates and predicts the behavior of the leadership and the performance of the leaders according to the attitude of the leaders towards the motivation and the empowering of the employees in the organization towards the achievement of the goals and the targets of the organization together with the development of their personal motivational skills.
Managing teams including high performing teams
In this particular concept, the most effective leadership theory is the behavioral leadership theory. This because the behavior approaches to leadership attempts to uncover the behaviors towards the engagement of the leaders and the possession of the traits of the leaders. The behavioral leadership theory identifies the two categories of the behavior of the leadership with the consideration and the initiation of the structures (Dinh et al., 2014). These include consideration that illustrates the extent upon which leaders can be sensitive towards the subordinated and respect the ideas and the feelings towards the maintenance of the mutual trust. Furthermore initiating of the structure in the behavioral theory describes the extent upon which a leader directs the activities of the subordinate work towards the achievement of the goals. The theory furthermore illustrates the directing of the performance of the subordinated towards effective working for the activities of the work and the maintenance of rigorous control (Burns, 2016). The behavioral theory of leadership thus depicted the nature and the behavior of the leaders or the skills of the leaders that plays important role in management of the team in the organization together with the initiation of the high performance of the teams towards reaching their targets and goals.
Motivating and empowering people
Application of leadership
The style of the leaders tends to differ and the concept of ideal leadership tries to adjust to the various approaches to the context of leadership. The theories of leadership define the leaders on the basis of their characteristics and their style (Leitch & Volery, 2017). The purpose and the application of the leadership theory surmise the certain characteristics of the leaders that are beneficial for the motivation and the influence of the employees together with the enrichment of the factors like conflict resolutions, emotional intelligence, networking, ethics and leadership values and setting of the correct strategic decisions.
Assessment and Evaluation
The research result on the trait and the behavioral theories indicated that leaders are someone who tends to acquire the status through the attainment of active participation and the demonstration of the ability towards the further facilitation of the employees in the organization towards achieving its goals and targets. Traits that are relevant to the role of a leaders encircles around certain factors such as alertness, intelligence, task understanding and occupation of the position of control and dominance (Bargau, 2015). With implication of the leadership trait theories in the organization it was evident that leaders tend to differ from the non leaders with respect to certain traits. It can thus be stated by the implication of trait theory that an individual does not possess the characteristics or the pattern of the leadership traits by the virtue of the possession of some of the trait combination. Trait tends to differ consistently from the other leaders. Some of the list of traits that was assessed for evaluation is as follows.
Figure: The leadership traits, Source: (Bolden, 2016)
According to the research study, the figure above illustrates the main factors of traits that was assessed with the implementation of the leadership theory of traits in the organization. The evaluation of the implication of the trait theory of the leadership can be furthermore explained as follows:
The essential or need personal characteristics of leaders |
Physical characteristics Energy Activities |
Social characteristics Co-operation Effective communication Sociability Interpersonal skills Social participation |
Work related characteristics Responsibility drive Pursuit of the goals Orientation of the task Desire to excel |
Personality Creativity Leadership Originality Ethical conduct Self confidence |
Social background Mobility |
Intelligence and ability Speech fluency Knowledge Decisiveness Judgment |
According to the research study on the implication of the leadership theories in the organization, the behavioral theory has been considered as the best and effective one in motivating and inspiring the employees of the business organization. With the implication of the behavioral theory of leadership in the organization some of the assessment of the results was increase in the profit range for about four times due to the style and the attitudes of the leaders of the organization (Amanchukwu, Stanley & Ololube, 2015). The implications furthermore assessed that the target or the task and the behavior of the relationship tend towards positive correlation of the leadership with the performance of the subordinates. The contribution thus derived from the behavioral leadership theory is thus the recognition that the organization requires for both the production and the leadership of the people. The implication of the behavioral leadership furthermore recognized that the organization requires performing the production and the functions elated to the leadership of the people for being effectively successful. It is thus important for the leaders of the organization to take a note on their behavioral factors and attitudes for effective management of the team so that the people in the team can achieve high performance and high end productivity thus accelerating the growth and the profit of the organization (Thorpe, 2016). The assessment from the implication of the behavioral theory identified some of the behaviors that affect the nature and the management of the organization. The evaluation is as follows.
Evaluated Behavior required at workplace |
Explanation |
Task-orientated Behavior |
Concentration on task oriented functions like planning, scheduling of work, arrangement of the provisions, and co-ordination of the subordinate activities, technical assistance and equipments. |
Relations-oriented Behavior |
Supportive behaviors correlated with effective leadership factors including confidence, trust, friendly behavior, helping the subordinates, showing of appreciation and accomplishments (Meuser et al., 2016). |
Participative Leadership |
Preferred supervision with the facilitation of the group meetings, improvement of the communication, decision making, promotion of co-operation and facilitation of the resolution of conflict. |
Shared Leadership |
Performance of leadership functions, group effectiveness, skills related to quality leadership |
The resultant theory and the research in relation the evolve of the organization and the adaptation of the changing environment results in the mix of the required skills for the effective leadership techniques. It can thus be concluded that the skills required for leading the organization includes the approaches of the trait and the behavior theories of leadership for the facilitation of the management of team and the acceleration of the productivity of the team. This furthermore includes the importance of the leadership theories towards the motivation and influence of the employees of the organization towards their high end productivity. The essay initiated the explanation regarding the importance of the leadership towards the management of the people together with the consideration of various contemporary concepts of leadership.
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