Importance Of Leadership In Human Resource Management
Literature review
In the last few years, leadership has engaged the new effective approach for improving performance in workplace and it is one of the best approaches to control any kind of situation. The traditional concept of personal administration has gradually replaced with the HR management. Leadership provide a platform to improve the performance and efficiency in the work place and many largest companies use this approach to achieve their goals in an effective manner (Breevaart, et al., 2016). The aim of this report is to discuss the importance of leadership on work performance and highlights the key factors which affect the overall performance of an organization. A literature review will be conducted to understand the views of other authors and experts and relevant information will obtain from a previous investigation, journal papers, online websites and books. It is observed that leadership affects the performance of a company and the use of this approach has increased by 45% in the last five years. there are various kinds of leadership theories developed, for example, functional theory, transactional theory, environmental theory and leadership member exchange theory all these will be discussed in this report. The opinions of other experts and investigator will be highlighted in this report and the research gap in recent research or articles will explain in this report.
An effective leadership skill can meet the demands of the condition in which they operate. Different kinds of leadership styles are used by consumers that fit employees on the behalf of directions, decision making power and empowerment. In the last two years many researchers provided their views and conducted research on this topic and they identified that if any organization has an effective leadership approach than they can increase the productivity of their business. Masa’deh, Obeidat, and Tarhini, (2016) described the history of leadership style, various types of leadership theories and how it impact on the performance of the employees work. There are main three kinds of leadership styles observed by the author, for example, autocratic, participative, and democratic. A survey is conducted for analysis to identify which one leadership style is more effective that can be used to improve the performance of an organization. According to Chang, (2016) leadership is defined as the potential to employ managerial competencies to organized performance processes through inspiring, motivation and igniting to achieve the goal of an organization. The Fred fiedler provided the theory of leadership model in which he evaluated that effective consumer performance completely depended on the proper match between the leader’s ability to control and manage their work which involves the ability of leaders, behaviour and so on. This theory observed that employees should develop that leadership style which best to the condition and immediately improve performance in work place.
Chiniara and Bentein, (2016) identified the impacts of positive leadership on the performance of employees and a survey was conducted by the author to enhance the effectiveness of the investigation. Leadership play a significant role in the business industry and Dunne, et al., (2016) proclaimed that effective leadership approach can promote excellence in the development of the members of the company. The researcher also provided their views on this topic and developed a situational leadership theory that focuses on the motivation and leadership approach. There are few companies they are developed numerous leadership styles and they evaluated that it affects the overall performance in both positive and negative manner which depends upon various key factors like knowledge, accountability, flexibility and many more. According to Jiang, and Men, (2017) leadership is defined as interpersonal influence exercised in a condition and directed by the communication procedure toward the company’s goal. It is a kind of approach where one employee exerted influence intentionally to a team of individuals in a business industry with the help of structure, relationship and guide. Fischer, Dietz, and Antonakis, (2017) argued that laissez-faire leadership style in not much effective rather than other which is associated with ineffectiveness, unproductivity and dissatisfaction. It also avoids the making decision and positive or negative feedback to subordinates and the author also highlights that more effective leadership process depends on the nature of leaders. The author conducted a questionnaire to collect data or information about research topic from difference resources such as heads of accountants, branch managers and employees on face to face communication.
A recent study analysed that transformational and democratic leadership theories are more advanced and efficient techniques to control and handle the performance of the business industries. Hoyt and Murphy, (2016) conducted an investigation on the leadership and discussed the impacts of leadership style in an organization and relevant information gathered from the previous investigation, research papers and peer-reviewed articles. Researcher avoids the drawbacks of the previous investigation and identified numbers of key elements that impact on the productivity of an organization.
There are main four types of leadership theories used by many companies, for example, functional theory, transactional theory, LMX theory and transformational theory. The functional theory identifies the effective leaders in the work place and ensures that they meet the requirements of consumers and company. The numbers of the investigation show that leaders must perform main 5 functions for example train subordinates, monitor the environment, participate in the team’s work, conduct different subordinate activities and motivate their employees and consumers (Ling, Lin, and Wu, 2016). Transactional theory observes that leadership increased from the consumer’s ability to reward subordinates based on performance or their works. Leaders must design and develop goals and implement them by providing training or education to subordinates and must be provided with the authority to give rewards when they achieve their goals or objectives. The transformational theory is one of the advanced leadership theory which focuses on communication to motivate consumers and employees to work more effectively towards their vision and mission. Many authors argued on leadership styles and analysed that transformational theory is used by many companies to achieve their aims and solve any kind of complex situation in the workplace. The LMX theory argues that leaders favour several employees or workers more than other and treats them according to their ability or overall work performance (Mo, and Shi, 2017).
There are following research questions used in the section of literature review:
- Does a leadership skill affect performance in the work place?
- What are leadership theories and styles and how they are used to motivate leaders and improve work performance?
In the literature review the views of other researcher are discussed and they used different kinds of leadership theories to understand the basic concept of leadership skill and their importance in an organization. Functional, transformational, transactional and leadership member exchange all these are explained in above literature review with their importance. There are numerous research methods used in the literature review, for example, secondary research strategy, qualitative e analysis approach, data collect methods, survey and questionnaire to collect the quantitative data regarding research topic (Durkin, and Gunn, 2016). In a qualitative approach the related information obtained from many resources like journal papers, recent investigation on leadership, online websites and books. There are much research produced by individuals and author in the field of leadership styles or theories but no one research identify the main impact of leadership on the performance of work. This literature review collects the views of many investigators and highlights the key factor which affects the overall performance of employees and evaluates the types of leadership theories used by business industries (Montano, et al., 2017).
Many researchers use the qualitative and secondary research methodologies because they have the ability to find a better answer to the research question and help to achieve the objectives of the research. Leadership skill is one the best technique which is used by many largest business industries and companies to work in a group and solve any kind of situation. There are many other research strategies and methods that can be used to improve the effectiveness of research such as, quantitative or primary research technique, interviews, focus group for collecting data, random data sampling process and content analysis technique to identify the impacts of leadership on work performance (Masa’deh, Obeidat, and Tarhini, 2016).
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Alternate research methods |
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The quantitative or primary process |
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Interviews and focus group to collect data |
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Random data sampling |
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Content analysis technique |
In this paper, the data analysis technique is used by the investigator to evaluate secondary data methods to track the pattern of the research topic. This approach also helps with interpreting the data or information gathered through both primary and secondary methodologies. There are many other techniques or methods that can be used to improve the effectiveness of investigation, for example, content analysis, disclosure analysis and many other. In many papers, authors mainly use the content analysis approach that has the potential to identify the importance of leadership skill in an organization and work performance.
In the section of the literature review, there are main two methodologies used by the researcher, for example, primary and secondary methods. Both are very common techniques used by authors to collect data or information about leadership style and they have the potential to improve the effectiveness of this research. With the help of these methodologies individuals can achieve the goals and objectives of their investigation and primary data is collected through various processes like survey, questionnaire, face to face interview, focus group and so on (Newman, et al., 2017). The primary research method is one of the best techniques to understand the significance of the leadership skill in an organization and the relevant statistics or data collected from the recent survey. All these data put into a graph which helps readers to analysis and understands how the rate of leadership is increased in the last five years. Distribute questionnaire is a very best approach which is used by researchers to obtain the opinions of participants and experts. Ng, (2017) used a five point Likert questionnaire to design and implement the survey which is transferred to the individuals through email services and collect their views. With the help of this survey, it is observed that most companies are using leadership approach and it has strongly disagreed, neither agree nor disagree, agree, disagree, and strongly agree. Total of 150 questionnaires was transferred to employees with the help of sampling technique from various departments like marketing department, sales department, production department, and management department.
The convenience sampling approach was used by the researcher because it is affordable, efficient and very easy to understand. In which only 130 forms were filled by the employees that indicate that leadership play a crucial role in the business industries. The questionnaire is one of the common methods to apply the primary research method in any investigation and it contributes a crucial role in any investigation which helps to understand the interpretations of individuals. A quantitative method was utilized in this research and it included statistical tools to discuss the gathered data and facts about the research topic. Investigator also used SPSS software to analysis the collected data or information and gains the meaningful conclusion of overall research (Obeidat, Tarhini, and Aqqad, 2016). To identify the impacts of leadership theories on the performance of employee’s data analysis, normality test, descriptive analysis was used. Recent investigation evaluated that lack of knowledge or experience, less flexibility, and behaviour all these are key factors that impact on the performance of employees. Between 2014 and 2017 the rate of leadership has increased by 55% and many companies adopted this approach due to their advantages such as more effective, increase productivity and performance, motivate employees and help to achieve the gaols of an organization. it is analysed that the leadership encourages creativity, team work, and innovation which help to increase the performance, job satisfaction and productivity of the business. Democratic leadership play a very crucial role to design the final decision making process and employees can communicate with their consumers (Salas-Vallina, et al., 2017).
Above literature review analysed that democratic leadership theory has a positive impact on the performance and efficiency of the business industry and it also helps to a quick decision without taking views of their team members. A secondary approach is another research methodology which is used by researchers during their investigation. Such kind of technique provides theoretical information about the research topic and also helps to achieve the goals and objectives of the research. Qualitative method is a part of the secondary research method that provides information about leadership style and improves the effectiveness of this research. The relevant information is collected from different resources like peer-reviewed papers, online and offline books, journal papers and many more. There are many advantages of this approach, for example, low cost, more effective, and very easy to collect data and increase the efficiency of the investigation (Schmitt, Den Hartog, and Belschak, 2016).
The main reason for selecting this method is that it has the ability to provide adequate discussion for the readers which will help them understand the concept of leadership with their advantages and disadvantages. One other hand, such kind of approach involve newspaper, journal content, investigation report, and various books in the field of human resource management. Above literature review discussed the concept of leadership and observed that most investigator uses a secondary method to gather the relevant information about research topic (Sousa, and van Dierendonck, 2017). The leadership approach can affect everyone in the organization and it also creates the corporate culture which increases the numbers of employees and performance to meets the gaols of a project. With the help of content analysis, the secondary research method can be applied and the researcher used the data analysis method to understand the views of other writers.
This technique plays a significant contribution in the research because it provides the non-numerical information about leadership topic but the main problem of this methodology is that it does not provide the authentic information. This is very costly because there are many journals that take money to download the complete article and any person can provide fake information about a research topic that affects the efficiency of the research. The main research gap in the recent paper is that they used only the qualitative data analysis method which provides only information about leadership. In future investigators can adopt the quantitative research method to analysis and obtain data or statics about leadership and their impacts. Today, it is very difficult to select a more effective leadership style due to which some companies lost their performance and productivity. Autocratic style is also called authoritarian leadership that provides the relationship between leaders and employees and it makes the decision to develop the best team. Such kinds of leaders or employees are more advance, more confident and comfortable with their jobs and responsibility (Tang, et al., 2016).
Above research indicates that autocratic leaders display less creativity as compared to other leadership styles and secondary process also help to gain efficient results. Under this, the investigator is counted and compared the content or data by the clarification of fundamental context. For gathering the quantitative information the investigator used statistical analysis technique to present the facts with the help of a graph, chart, and tables and for qualitative information, the researcher used data analysis to collect information with the help of papers, articles and books. Secondary data method is most time unreliable and used to complement the primary data gathered for better outcomes. I literature review is conducted based on secondary sources which involve, books, papers, and other online and offline resources. This research method provided a platform to obtain first hand and related information regarding the topic of investigation. To prepare the questionnaire researcher used Microsoft word and transferred to the readers and participants and it provides the primary information about leadership.
Therefore, with the help of these techniques any researcher than achieve the gaols, aims and objective of the investigation. It is vital to host the authorization of the including get-together before doing an examination, subsequently, the scientist went to a consensual concurrence with the administration and the HR office to guarantee no difficulties emerged. Likewise, the specialist circulated surveys just amid break time as interfering with the subjects amid work hours is improper and may influence reactions. Besides, the specialist ensured no infringement of privacy (of individual data and reactions) emerged. The analyst guarantees no disclosure of character or other individual data was enquired while getting ready polls. There was additionally issue of trust from the respondents; notwithstanding, the classification was ensured to keep away from superfluous issues. Both essential and optional kinds of information will be gathered in this examination. The optional information gathered from different sources including books, diaries, sites, and others. The essential information will be gathered through the survey which sent to the members who will take part in this exploration. By utilizing the two information accumulation strategies, the analyst will have the capacity to gather both essential and auxiliary information on the point which will bring about expanding the viability of the examination. In this examination, the specialist will utilize a likelihood testing strategy since the point of the investigation is emotional in nature.
The arbitrary information examining technique is utilized by the scientist to gather the information on irregular premise which will diminish the danger of inclinations in the exploration. The strategy for non-likelihood inspecting technique is dodged by the scientist amid the examination to guarantee that inclinations did not bring about affecting the result of the exploration. The poll for this exploration is sent to 50 people that incorporate a few specialists who have involvement in the theme. The poll will help with gathering the data on the point by assessing diverse feelings of people and specialists on the theme (Yahaya, and Ebrahim, 2016). After the information accumulation, information was dissected with the help of SPSS software. The crude information was altered to guarantee that it was free of mistakes. Altering was likewise important to take into account simple catching into the SPSS bundle. Every poll was assessed also, checked to guarantee that every single required field was appropriately replied by the respondents.
The leadership is one of the most important key factors which influence the workers and employees attitudes and behaviour involving organizational commitment. In recent years the use of this technique has increased by 35% and the largest companies are using this step to improve the performance of their work. This report described the essential idea of leadership style and analysed the importance of this technique in order to enhance productivity and performance. In which the researcher conducted a literature review that explained more than five journal papers and views of other writers in the area of leadership skill. A mixed method is used by the researcher to improve the usefulness of the research and they achieved the objective of the research. There are few other research methodologies which will be used in further research for better understanding of research topics such as primary method, face to face interview, data analytic approach, context analysis and many more. With the help of these investigations, it is described that the leadership skill affects the overall performance of an organization and a better leadership style can enhance the overall productivity of the business. The literature review section also analysed which leadership theory achieves best in terms of consumer performance. With the help of this report readers can gain their knowledge and they can easily identify both positive and negative impacts of leadership style in an organization. However, it is very complex to design and implement the better leadership teams because it requires the flexibility, authority and experience towards their works by which they can easily handle any kind of problem in the work place. Integrity is one of the best key factors of effective leadership because they set clear objectives and motivate individuals towards them. This report first discussed the overview of leadership style after that a literature review is conducted that contain the information and data about leadership. The main problem faced by the companies is that they are not able to select the more efficient leadership style for their business which can be resolved by conducting a survey. Therefore, leaders should ensure that they work according to the set goal and motivate their team mates to receive effective results and they can provide rewards after every task. In future, this research will involve the key factors which affect the work performance and advanced research methodologies to gain and achieve the aim of the investigation and researcher will reduce the gap associated with the recent investigation.
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