Importance Of Leadership And Qualities Of A Good Leader
SBM3202 Leadership and Governance
SBM3202 Leadership and Governance
Personal Leadership Theory and Development Action Plan
The theme of leadership is considered to be of great concern in today’s society. Its importance is radically increasing up to the point that it is nowadays included school curriculums. Leadership is a broad word, and it fits in all areas, both those concerned with the economic activities as well as those who are not worried about the economic activities (Crone, 2010 pg. 190). Leadership education is of great importance worldwide, especially in economic activities. In return, it also gets to be impacted by trends such as financial and demographic trends. The patterns involve activities such as the increase in the significance as well as well as the development of the centrality of skills in these days’ economy. The economic direction entails ways in which leadership is associated with the acts of globalization which refer to education internationalization as well as the emergence of the markets involved in the global labor (Collins, 2014 pg. 103). Demographic trends, on the other hand, deals with the workforces and the aging population involved in leadership acts. The theme of the leadership of therefore of great importance in society and should be placed into significant consideration. This paper, therefore, analyses the issue of leadership in details. Just like it has been mentioned in the introduction above, the direction is a vast area of discussion. Therefore, this paper is going to major mostly on the reasons as to why the course is an essential aspect in our day to day lives as well as the activities. We will also get to outline and discuss the qualities of a good leader. Finally, we will look at the reasons that may lead to the failure of an individual leader (GujraL, 2012 pg. 69). With the review of the outlined topics, we will get to clearly understand the theme of leadership as well as getting to understand all that is entailed in the idea of direction. The theme of leadership is the most important aspect of all the management functions. Therefore, it enables the maximization of efficiency. It also enables good production of output although this depends on the titled leader. Therefore, a leader should possess good leadership qualities.
Different people define the direction in various forms. At some point, a leader was described as someone is said to know the way and is ready to follow that way and also prepared to show the very same way to the others (Sutcliffe, 2013 pg. 149). This is just one of the numerous definitions of a leader. A good leader is therefore defined with the right qualities which he possesses. Below are the qualities that distinguish a good leader from an evil leader. A good leader should be honest and also full of integrity. A leader who is full of integrity is at many times considered to be the source of success no matter the position in which he or she is placed at within an organization. The aspect of honesty and integrity goes hand in hand at many times and mostly leads to a successful outcome (Adair, 2000 pg. 58). Other than being honest and full of integrity, the leader should be confident. It’s the art of confidence that will make him an effective larder making people follow his commands effectively.
The Theme of Leadership and Its Importance
Another quality of a good leader is the ability to inspire others. A good leader should be in a position to able to persuade others. This is however said to be the most difficult that can ever be carried out by any leader. Especially when matters get tough, it becomes quite difficult for the leader to convince the team telling them that thing are going to be alright with time. Therefore, t takes only the qualified leader to inspire the others (Punj, 2013 pg. 310). Other than being in a position at which he can encourage others, a good leader should also be full of commitments and even the passion. The leader should get to know that the entire team is paying attention to his or her deeds. If in any case, he messes up, he or she then messes up the whole team. With this into consideration, the leader will strive to perform better, and he or she should be guided by an inner drive, and they should not be forced upon carrying out any task (Finkelstein, 2004 pg. 130). He or she should be right in communication and not a type that biases information. And should try all times not to utter words that will end up causing conflicts in the team.
A good leader should also be capable of making the right decisions. Along with this feature, he Should also be having a vision that is futuristic. On the other hand, they should have a clear Plan for their team and be able to lead them to the right decisions. He should be able to critically think about the path which he requires the team (Stark, 2012 pg. 290). Also, once he has made an individual decision, he should be able to stick to it. It is advice competent for the leaders to seek the opinion of the stakeholders involved before making the decision. Accountability is the other trait that a leader should possess. With this trait, the leader is supposed to do less of blaming the team members and do more appreciation to the team embers. He should make sure that all members are accountable both in the times of struggle as well as the times of success.
A good leader should also be able to delegate and empower those under his span of control. He should not be handling all the tasks by himself. Instead, he should allow them time and resources and see how much they can do on their own but he should be there to offer support to them at that point. This will help him assess the capabilities of the different team members (Sinek, 2011 pg. 190). He should also be creative and innovative too. The leader should be in apposition to think critically and also to innovate for his team to stand out from the crowd and outsmart the other teams and to achieve the good goals. Finally, the leader should be able to develop empathy for the team as this will make them draw a good connection between their groups and them. It also makes work much more comfortable and enables them to be considered to be effective leaders.
Qualities of a Good Leader
The importance of the theme of leadership
In today’s society, leadership is viewed as an essential aspect when it comes to the act of management. This is because leadership plays a role in the maximization of efficiency and also in the achievement of the goals of an organization. The direction is, therefore, aiding in the initiation of actions which in most times is carried out by the leader (Van Wart,2008 pg., 138). Secondly, it is through the leaders that the other team members always feel motivated and guided on the way forward when it comes to decision making. Leadership also helps in the creation of confidence of the team members and also builds and enhances morale that ends up making the work environment due to good management by the assigned team leader. Finally, leadership enhances the ability of coordination within the team hence, increases the efforts at which the work can be done.
A good leader should possess leadership skills. It is of great importance for a leader to maintain the leadership skills because it enables him to get to motivate the staff easily and as a result, end up with an increase in productivity and also delivers products that are of standard quality. Leadership skills will also enable one to be in a position to have a good vision for the future (Horth, Lynn, Mount, &Portia, 2016 pg.290). The vision of a leader is one of the best aspects in leadership as it enables the leader to get to know the areas to work on. As a result, the organization involved is also likely to prosper in case the leader available has excellent visions. The third reason as to why it is of importance for a leader to possess the leadership skills is because it enables them to get to know how to handle the crisis within the company in case it occurs within the organization and in return settles them in a reasonable manner (Vardy, 2012 pg.190). Finally, those with the leadership qualities are seen to have the spirit of collaboration. This keeps them in a position to offer guidance to the staff on how to handle their given tasks. At the end of it all, they usually go home successfully.
Finally, there are the reasons as to why the selected leader should humble — first, the presence of humble leader foresters the surrounding of improvement and learning. The leader will allow those looking up to him or her chances to try new activities without judging them, and he or she will always be ready to correct them. Secondly, it is easy to work with and follow a leader who is humble. Also, humbled leaders are said to be transparent, and one can share out with them without any fears. Another reason as to why it is better to work with leaders who are humble is because they are likely to empower the members of their team. Finally, humble leaders create a good working environment for the employees of a given organization (Bradford & Lim, 2011 pg. 79).
Reasons for Failure of an Individual Leader
Many are the times in our society when we tend to demote certain leaders and in return go for other leaders. The main reason as to why those leaders end up being replaced is because they appear not to attain the skills of a good leader (Starling, 2014 pg. 88). Also, the leader might be failing in his or her leadership duties. However much it is for one to fail in his duties at one time or another, there are the petty issues that most leaders tend to ignore yet they are of significant impact to the team. Failure to abide by such, the leader may end up losing his position.
The first quality that can distinguish a good and an evil leader is the act of leading a team and not showing love to them. There is no way a leader can lead a team in the absence of love. Anything less than this is considered to be manipulation in leadership. Therefore, a leader is required to possess a loving heart. The other feature that will lead to failure in the administration is a failure to serve. A good leader should guide the team correctly and ensure that the output provided is the best (Mukerji & Tripathi, 2017 pg., 303). The act of bad attitude can also lead to failure in leadership given that a moody leader cannot produce the best output because the team won’t be free with him. He should, therefore, mind how he responds and handles his team. Another reason for the failure in leadership is the leader is too busy to attend to the team members. The leader is required to be efficient and organized. Also, he should avail himself whenever needed.
In cases where the leader stands aside and expect results from work yet, he is not contributing to the task. Also, the act of one requiring results from what he knows rather than what he does. Such a leader should change because they are characteristics that lead to failure in leadership (Brill, 2008 pg,130). The leader should also not rely so much on the title he is holding until he forgets to perform his duties. On the other hand, he should not be dormant in performing his duties. Finally, the leader should not be insecure about his seat. He should focus on the work.
For one to become an effective leader, they must have all the qualities, but in case they lack some of the above attributes, then they may tend to struggle while trying to make the mark in the world of management. They will have to set the right examples for others to track. That is where the virtues such as commitment, empathy, passion, honesty, and integrity are highly applied. Excellent communication skills and the capabilities to make a decision also show a vibrant part in the achievement and downfall of leaders. Finally, modernization and creative intellectual, as well as the innovative vision, are a couple of critical traits which make a front-runner stand out.
The personal leadership philosophy refers to a set of what one believes, and the guidelines one uses to evaluate information and give feedback to people and situation. It helps someone to get knowledge of your values, what you consider, decision making, and what you can have from yourself and others after hearing (Shriberg & Shriberg, 2011, pg. 279).
Different theories are representing the theme of leadership. One of the arguments is the “Great Man” Theories. This type of theory implies mostly on the people who are mostly described as born to lead. Conferring to this opinion of view, prodigious leaders are instinctive with the necessary interior characteristics such as confidence charisma, intelligence, and social skills which make them be considered as natural-born leaders (Larson, & Jones, 2012 pg. 104). Great man theories normally assume that the volume for guidance is inherent. They believe in the say that goes, great leaders are born and not made. These theories frequently portray great rulers to be heroic, mythic and meant to come to leadership whenever needed. The word “Great Man” was applied when leadership was assumed of primarily as a male class, especially regarding soldierly leadership. Such theories submit that people cannot learn how to become sturdy leaders. It’s either unevenly you are born with or born without. It is very much a natural approach to explaining management.
The Leadership Development Action Plan is a way in which to build critical leadership potentials and skills in current leaders and possible upcoming leaders. The Leadership Development Action Plan has its focus on structure and succeeding upon worker skills precisely related to management. The Leadership Development Action Plan is used to plot specific actions and period frames toward the member of staff skills and presentation growth, with the aim of going into management or new guidance role (Kloppenborg, 2015 pg. 119). The formation of the plan is both a cooperative effort and two-way promise between worker and supervisor. Both should recall an up-to-date duplicate of the text, which must be reentered four times a year or semi-annually.
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