Importance Of Key Skills And Subjects In Making The Best-fit Career Plan

Part A: Subjects Identification in Completing Chosen Career

Career selection and development can be explained as an individual’s growth and development in their vocational and professional areas of life. Identifying the right skills in selecting a career option is necessary for the reason that it can facilitate in selecting suitable career planning techniques (Andreassen and Makarova 2015). Selecting suitable subjects for career can facilitate in developing the ability to deal with ambiguity within a changing business environment which can further facilitate in dealing with the hurdles faced all through the career life. Comprehensive career planning through skills analysis and subject selection is focused on relying the unique attributes regarding particular career fields and the professional development priorities in life (Eagle et al. 2015). The objective of the essay is to consider the course of study in the chosen subjects explained within bachelor of business in an organized manager for attaining a planned approach within the subsequent selected career. The purpose of this essay s to analyze the necessary skills those are required to excel in the selected career. Moreover, in this essay identification along with discussion of necessary key skills that is necessary for career selection encompassing interpersonal and oral skills, team-working skills, resume writing along with job-interview skills.

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A detailed description of the subjects that I have been enrolled in “Bachelor of Business” course suitable for choosing the career as “Business Development Manager” are explained. Attaining necessary skills needed for my chosen career will be of increased help in identifying sales leads, offering new products in the market, communicating with consumers regarding new product development and attaining increased business knowledge (Hummel, Pfaff and Rost 2018). Business law subject will facilitate in offering knowledge on business ethics and the skills needed to run authentic and successful business. Certain important concepts needed for ensuring success of the business such as employment and property rights is covered in the subject of business law. In addition, such skills will facilitate me in attaining the required capabilities for my career such basic understanding on the laws to be followed in businesses that can facilitate me in identifying legal issues and making better business decisions. For attaining the “best-fit” for my career option I need to understand the ways in which any regulation or legal rights that affects employees and consumers and such knowledge is covered within the subject of business law (Buenviaje, del Mundo, Añonuevo and Martinez 2015).

Economics subject serves as a study of the ways in which societies, businesses, governments, households and individuals allocate their scarce resources. The study on economics can also offer valuable knowledge on making decisions for daily business decisions based on market conditions. In addition, the knowledge attained from the economics subject regarding statistics on the state of economy, policy options and evaluating the likely outcomes from the business operating in international markets (Arts and Economics 2017). Such knowledge will facilitate me in dealing with shortage of raw materials through analyzing price fluctuations of such surplus on reaping maximum benefits from the business. Moreover, this subject will also offer knowledge on carrying out economic forecasts and examining the economic forces that can enhance affect businesses. Attaining such concepts will facilitate me in accomplishing job roles of a business development manager.

Part B: Identification and Discussion of Key Skills for Chosen Career

Marketing subject will facilitate me in attaining necessary skills needed for choosing the career of a business development manager. Marketing serves as an effective subject that facilitates in developing effective social media advertising and communication skills that can also facilitate increasing knowledge on team working (Wills 2017). It can also make me highly capable to develop creative social media advertisements along with the digital strategies to promote a brand. Attaining these marketing knowledge will support me in excelling within the role of “Business Development Manager” as it will cover topics in advertising, public relations, marketing and promotion so that I can develop cost-effective marketing techniques in boosting product sales of my company.

Human resource management subject will cover topics related to compensation, performance management, organizational development along with employee wellness and safety programs along with employee motivation and training strategies. Attaining such knowledge will facilitate me in justifying my “Business Development Manager” role through playing a strategic role in managing people along with workplace environment and culture in the company I will be associated with. Moreover, the subject of human resource management will also include topics related with developing effective training programs in which the employees can perform jobs safely along with covering necessary topics on change management, leadership development, pay and benefits programs and the succession planning techniques (Teece 2016). Attaining knowledge on such subjects will also facilitate me in adopting new processes and systems in the organization in managing people so that they can be motivated towards attaining business goals.

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A difference has been found in the subjects offered within the course of “Bachelor of Business” and the subjects those are necessary to be covered within my chosen career of “Business Development Manager”. I have researched and gathered in attaining necessary skills in my career of business development manager I need to acquire knowledge on the subjects including business law, economics, marketing and the human resource management. However, in the “Bachelor of Business” course I have been enrolled in the subjects such as business law, economics, and marketing and the human resource management, finance, ethics and entrepreneurship.

In consideration  to such difference between the subjects needed by me to attain necessary skill and the subjects in which I have been enrolled in within the course I considered that I might have to complete diploma courses from other institution as well in the subjects including ethics, entrepreneurship and finance (Rosemann and vom Brocke 2015). This is for the reason that in fitting to the job role of being a “Business Development Manager” I need exceptional financial knowledge including analysis of cash flows and profits for analyzing the situation and success of the business operations. Moreover, knowledge on developing entrepreneurship abilities are needed by me for this career option in order to for me to efficiently equate sales promotion activity along with team management and in developing competitive strategies in all its business units. Moreover, knowledge on ethics is also needed by me in order to learn ways in which good relations can be maintained with government and regulatory authorities through complying with necessary ethical standards needed for business operations (De los Rios and Charnley 2017).


In order to perform the job responsibilities of “Business Development Manager”, I have realized that certain major skills those must be attained by me in my chosen career. These skills include interpersonal skills, oral skills, business writing skills, team working skills, resume writing, job-interview skills along with presentation and analysis of basis research information (Cui, Hu and Griffith 2014).  To fit into the job position I need to develop certain oral or communication skills as I will need it to communicate with wide variety of people. Developing such skills will require maintaining confident eye contact while communication, explaining a valid vocabulary, developing effective listening skill along with presenting any innovative business development ideas efficiently and in a group (Lenka, Parida and Wincent 2017). In addition, I need to develop my interpersonal skills for being s successful business development manager for the reason that it can facilitate me in determining the aspects those motivate employees in my organization along with maintaining better relationship building with important colleagues, partners, employees and customers. In developing such skill I have to learn being open to feedback from employees to enhance their productivity and performance. Moreover, I also need to acquire certain other important interpersonal skills related with my chosen career that includes developing right level of self-confidence and strong work ethics along with learning to work collaborate with teams through showing appreciation to good work from employees.

For ensuring exceptional written communication for business dealings in my chosen career I have to develop effective business writing skills. This will consider developing my core professional writing capability needed in business dealings such as good communication with organized through, using high standards of grammar and language, increased clarity along with maintaining conciseness. Developing such skills are necessary to fit into my selected career of being a “business development manager” as it can facilitate me in making a written content reader friendly and connecting with the target audiences (Suder et al. 2017). In making my chosen career as success I need to develop skills of team working as this can facilitate me in working smoothly and in an effective manner within a group. Being a business development managing acquiring such skills can attain me the capability of encouraging along with inspiring my team members to perform better. Moreover, attaining learning regarding effective teamwork will also support me in maintaining cooperation with employees, attaining constructive feedback for improving business processes and resolving personal conflict among employees in my organization (Schmidt 2017).

To fit into the role of “Business Development Manager” I must develop exceptional resume writing skills that will consider developing a resume focusing on my major certain abilities including exceptional ability to work under pressure, good ways of communication, better decision making, self-motivation and time management abilities, leadership and conflict resolution abilities along with my adaptability (Niesten and Jolink 2015). Developing an effective skill of resume writing can facilitate me in demonstrating my skills for getting appointed in the job role of my selected career option along with describing the qualifications and capabilities those I have to serve as the “best-fit” candidate for the post of “Business Development Manager”. Moreover, another necessary skill that I require for my selected career position is developing job interview skills and for developing the same I need to conduct research on industries and companies, prepare for common interview questions and clarifying my selling points along with the reasons for which I desire to work in a job position. Attaining such skills will facilitate me in increasing my chances of getting hired for my selected career post of “Business Development Manager” and will also make me feel more in control and confident before my prospective employer (Helfat and Peteraf 2015).

For fitting into the career option selected by me I also require to develop skills of presentation along with analysis skills of the adhered research information. In developing such skill I will require to develop the capability of data interpretation of the information gathered through employing the analytical along with local reasoning and through determining the patterns, trends and relationships. This skill is deemed to be important for my chosen career option as it can support me in developing my analytical skills necessary for attaining competitive edge for my business. This can be ensured through attaining learning regarding turning necessary information into knowledge for my employees, better decision making and for communicating necessary business environment situation updates to my team members (Casey and Wuestman 2015). Moreover, developing such skill will facilitate me to fulfill the job responsibilities of a “Business Development Manager” as I will be efficient n analyzing future business growth trends and position of the industry through conducting regular research and analyzing market statistics.


The objective of the essay was to consider the course of study in the chosen subjects explained within bachelor of business in an organized manager for attaining a planned approach within the subsequent selected career. It was gathered from the paper that the knowledge will facilitate me in dealing with shortage of raw materials through analyzing price fluctuations of such surplus on reaping maximum benefits from the business. Moreover, this subject will also offer knowledge on carrying out economic forecasts and examining the economic forces that can enhance affect businesses. Attaining such concepts will facilitate me in accomplishing job roles of a business development manager. Developing the necessary skills are necessary to fit into my selected career of being a “business development manager” as it can facilitate me in making a written content reader friendly and connecting with the target audiences


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