Importance Of Information Technology: An Analysis Based On Actor Network Theory

Evaluation of Two Live Stories Based on Actor Network Theory

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Over the time frame information technology has been considered as the key to attain success in the long run. As the technology improved each and every day, business organizations have to consider it carefully to gain competitive advantages. As mentioned by Bank (2015), business organization is mainly dependent on information technology in every case. At the same time Bonfante (2011) stated that each and every business activity is done with the help of information technology. On the other hand, it also helps in increasing the profitability as well as productivity of business. The analyses of both the live stories are done with the help of actor network theory. The actant and network used among actant and their work is identified. So, assessing the importance of information technology seems the most crucial aspect in today’s business context. In line with this Cohen and Painter (2012) commented, information technology play very important role in current business sector.

Selection of these two live stories will help business organization to explore informational technology requirements in contemporary context to reduce the chance of mistake as well as it will help in increasing the profitability. The selections of live stories are done with the help of technology and artificial intelligence system changes and innovation. On the other hand, the analysis of both live story as well as their actant is done with the help of actor network theory. It was found in a research that, artificial intelligence level is 20 times more than human being. So implementation of robot will increase the level of intelligence of any business. Sometimes, the managers call the other unit manager to know the status and other. Likewise as stated by Kekana (2012), for exchange of information, data technology is needed. For retrieving the information in business process information technology is needed. Apart from this, storage of data also requires information technology.

Different actant involved in this live story and analysis of impact actant on each other

The main actant in this live story is the new automatic snake shaped car charge. With the help of actor network theory, the identification of actant is done. As stated by (Secondat et al. (2012), with the help of actant the charging process is completed.

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Identification of actant power involved in the live story

With the size and other features of car the power of actant changes. So in this live story the power of actant is asymmetric.

Analysis of Two Live Stories

Analysis of actant on the basis of geographical factor

In this live story the actant is automatic car charger robot or robotic device, so the actant power and other features do not change with the geographical factor (Powner, 2012).

Digital actant involvement in live story and their impact on real world

As mentioned by Secondat et al. (2012), one of the digital based actant involved in this live story is robotic based car charging. With the increase use of it, chances of sudden accident will increases.

Analysis of aspects involved in both the live stories

One of the main feature of actant involved in this live story is, they help in reducing the usage of natural resources (Stair and Reynolds, 2012). With the help of this, the cost of other resource will reduce which will help economy of country.

Analysis of actant on the basis of actor network theory

In case of this story, the actant involved is automatic snake shaped car charging device. The actant of this story is based on robotic and artificial intelligence system. As mentioned by Hofkirchner (2012), information technology assemblage helps in success of each and every business activity. Every business unit is having implementation of information technology tools and techniques. For example, for communicating from other unit, manager sends email and messages (Cohen and Painter, 2012).

Different actant involved in this live story and analysis of impact actant on each other

According to actor network theory, the actant involved in this live story is big data. As stated by (Cohen and Painter, 2012), with the change and advancement in technology the use of big data is increasing.

Identification of actant power involved in the live story

The main power of actant involved in this live story is, they help in storing huge amount of data (Secondat et al., 2012. In addition to this, the storage and retrieval of huge amount information can be done with it.

Analysis of actant on the basis of geographical factor

With the change in organization size the capacity and implementation of actant changes (Kekana, 2012). That is, if organization wants to storage small amount of data they can store with the help of big data.

Digital actant involvement in live story and their impact on real world

In this live story the digital actant involved is big data. The big data helps in storing, retrieving the information and data (Hofkirchner, 2012). On the other hand, with the change in size and capacity of organization the implementation of big data also changes. 

Involvement of Big Data in Today’s Research

Analysis of aspects involved in both the live stories

With the help of big data, the organization increases their efficiency as well as productivity. The storage and other features of organization also changes (Yin, 2012). On the other hand, in real world one of the major problems faced by organization is storage, retrieval of information.   

Analysis of operation of actant on the basis of actor network theory

In current technological world, information technology and big data plays and crucial role in research as well as business (Cohen and Painter, 2012). The network is developed among the research work and the big data usage in it. The use of big data helps in completion of research in effective manner. That is, communication, process development, improvement, improving cost efficiency and others. It also helps in reducing the waste of time as well as cost. In addition to this Secondat et al. (2012) stated information technology also helps in improving the competitive advantage and profitability of business.

Retrieving data in modern day is important enough as it helps to reduce the time of transferring proper information to other receiver. The limit of updated version of database management system is very high. Stair and Reynolds (2012) commented, transmission, storage and retrieval of information is based on the type of information technology tool used by business. In current scenario, business units are implementing updated version of database system. As mentioned by Unger et al. (2012), database storage system help business to storage their information in systematic manner. With the help of big data information and data are stored, retrieved and transferred easily. On the other hand, the big data also helps in data storage and retrieval regarding the robots. As stated by Unger et al. (2012), the robot is built with the help of big data and other similar technologies. In addition to this Powner (2012) stated, database system helps in storing information in discrete form.

In context to this Kallinikos (2010) stated, one of the biggest problem regarding the live story is, with the change in technology the system will get older. The training session regarding the system if not provide to users the acceptance will also be an issue. In context to this Bonfante (2011) stated, in case of second live story, that is, big data, the research can be done easily and the storage of information will also be easy.  Apart from this as stated by Kallinikos (2010), with the help of big data, the chance of information lost or misplace will be reduced. It will also help in increasing the performance of research. In today’s world, research is the main factor on which technology and other innovations are dependent.  In addition to this, it also helps in maintaining customer’s relation process of business. In context to this Hofkirchner (2012) stated, with the change in technology market, business should also try to change their technology use.


Thus to conclude, it can be said that information retrieval and assemblage is necessary for business organization to operate effectively. With the help of automatic car charging system the usage of natural resource will be reduced. The reduction is natural resource will increase the effectiveness of economy as well as profitability of country. In case of second live story, the big data in current world is helpful. It helps in reducing the risk related to information and data in research field. Storage of information also plays equal important role while running business. The retrieval of information, transfer of information, communication and other activities shows that business organization now operates more efficiently with the help of technological advancement. These methods help business experts to store data in less time. The study also found that every method is having different style of storing information and retrieving data. As per the compatibility and style of work business units adopt the information storage and retrieval method. The two live stories are based on technology and new innovation.


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Bonfante, L. (2011). Lessons in IT transformation. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons.

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Hofkirchner, W. (2012). Emergent Information. Singapore: World Scientific.

Kallinikos, J. (2010). Governing through technology. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

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Unger, H., Meesad, P. and Sirapat Boonkrong, (2012). Recent advances in information and communication technology 2015.

Yin, D. (2012). The good, the bad and the content. Atlanta, Ga.: Georgia Institute of Technology.

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