Importance Of ICT Professional: Goals, Behaviors, Learning, Professional Roles, And Responsibilities
Compulsory questions: Goal in deciding to embark on type of degree
Discuss about the Important for ICT Professional.
Before starting my university degree, I had considered some of the aspects to choose my study such as my own interest and my future job in the study area. My top most fascination is always IT. I am looking for some business site study and also Information Technology which is best suited with my aspiration. My future goal is becoming as an ICT professional, therefore when I enrolled into PIIT, I came to know that ICT degree is balanced with the technical towards the enterprise skills. Though “Professional Issues in Information Technology” is not a type of technical subject, but still it is suited with my degree (Ahlawat and Vincelette 2015). I think that my degree is technical and it required building of more technical skills. After enrolling into this degree and going through the unit, I came to know importance of the interpersonal skills into the job market where the technical skills are not making me successful into my future career as at the end of my job, I have to work with people and not with the technical machines. Therefore, I am fully satisfied to choose ICT professional as my career where I will deal with both interpersonal and technical skills and it also helps me to get my job into the future. Goals are provided directions towards career life in addition to nurture motivation. It provides us direction towards starting of a new career and reaching the desired destinations (Helmreich and Merritt 2017). Goals such as become lifelong learner, clarify of educational plan, efficient and successful student helps me to get my required destination in the future.
Into the employment sector, workplace behaviour is considered as a crucial part. Based on workplace diversity as well as business requirements, it is being changing over the time. In most of the current workplaces, teams are being made up of people from various background, age, religion, skills as well as ethnicity. Workplace diversity makes people dynamic and it also makes work some stressful. Therefore, in my point of view, the ICT professionals are required to act professional into the workplaces. It is recommended to have a better as well as gentle professional behaviour in case of the ICT professional (Hjelm et al. 2016). Following are some of the recommended professional behaviour into the workplace such as:
- Recognition and respected values along with differences into others.
- Becoming constructive criticism is considered as professional behaviour into the workplace employees. It is hard to do when the employees are working into the group as it is very difficult to express own opinion without offending other’s opinion and to become judgemental (Janowitz 2017).
- Not taking of decisions based on assumention, always ask somebody as it is considered as a good practice for the professionalism.
- Listening and sharing of information. The team members can able to share their own ideas with other team members.
- Balancing role to lead and follow others.
Sound team performance, mutual respect along with diversity, gender, cultural background and age are beneficial towards the team performance as well as workplace behaviours. Knowing about other culture helps to motivate people. I have also gone through the culture of my own team members to understand them properly. It helps me to become interacted with them accurately (Enck et al. 2014). Apart from the academic, casual interaction helps me to know the career plan. In order to do better performance in the group, I have kept my personal issues away from my work and career, express my own opinions clearly with others to understand better, become democratic in terms of group decisions and encourage the team members by means of enthusiasm.
Kinds of behaviours important for ICT professional
Learning is not such a passive process. Assessment allows me to monitor progress towards achievement of the learning objectives. Formative assessment helps me to shape learning, bolstering the abilities of us to taking of ownership into the learning unit when we are able to understand that our goal is to improve learning and not to be applied for final marks (Jobling and Jamasb 2017). It is occurred through class, course and helps to improve my achievement of learning objectives throughout the approaches which support our requirements (Bennett and Raab 2017). I have gone through social media feed to interact with others which help me to gain of more communicational skills. Social media can help to make study more. This platform is used as study tool, especially for tech savvy students. I created community as it is common that the students are challenged by course assignment, therefore social media helps me to centralize collective knowledge of entire class to study and communicate efficiently with everyone (Collazos et al. 2016). I started a collaborative study network for tapping into the group to save time as well as effort and utilized it in my learning unit. It helps me to keep course informational, organized along with accessible.
In order to ownership my learning unit, I have also become of professional body such as joined of professional organization where I have provided with number of responsibilities to juggle on regular basis. I am involved into charitable organization which provides me further importance to become more professional with other team members. There are also networking events in my university where self-presentation into the event is also professional (Deane et al. 2015). In this event, the university provides us to know one another, gain of career assistance and interact with others to know them better. Through the field, I researched my career fields of interest to share of possible targets. Even if I cannot name of specific fields, then I can able to articulate coherent goals, it is required to share of skills which are utilized led to success in the class in addition to workplace (Li 2017). Therefore, in order to become more interactive as well as professional, it is required to become more involved into different university as well as out of university events.
I have taken learning as the personal thing. It is completely subjective as well as unique experiences for the students. It becomes a memorable moments when learning sticks as well as it becomes a tool for internalization. The personal learning moments are hard to be predicted, and it is making special as well. Fostering paths is a personal learning moments into the life study into the educations. It is one of the ways to develop of teaching along with learning into unforgettable experiences for each as well as everyone (Marek, Schaufeli and Maslach 2017). It is a creativity which is coming into play and it becomes personal learning moments which are happened with the student. I have taken this course unit as my first priority where I can able to demonstrate understanding by building of interactive relationships with my team members. Professional issues into Information Technology connect each and others in a simple way where one can share their own ideas and suggestions with others (Mattox et al. 2017). We can connect with an issue by development of documentary and collaborate through social media with other team members. It is a useful tool for us to become collaborative. Traditional teaching helps is at same pace (Mimura 2018). Adaption to the learner requirements is created of rich environment for the personal learning moments which are to be taken place.
Ownership for learning unit
The role of the professional is to ensure of network security, reduce the risks which are related to the information system which is considered as major objective of the ICT professional. As the ICT professional, they are known that learning about the educational practices help the students to gain of more knowledge related to their course unit (Murphy 2017). They are involved into process of professional development for the educators as per the professional competency standards along with the frameworks. The responsibilities of the ICT professional are as follows:
- Development of security devices to make sure that the data and information of the clients are secured
- Management of security measures for the information security into the organizational system
- Operating of regular inspections of the information technology system for the security related updates and conducting of audit processes to initiate of security as well as safety measures along with the organizational strategies
- Customization access to the information as per the rules as well as business requirements
- Managing of the standard policies related to information security along with services (Rachels 2017).
- Coordinating as well as prioritizing the jobs as per various professional settings
- ICT professional is prioritized the professional functions which are aimed at the classroom activities (Parent 2017).
- Solving of the technical problems which is function towards coordinate dedicated more time and understanding requirements of the information which are required by the client and secured them from any third party person
- Understanding as well as managing of the risks which are associated with the data and information and therefore keeping them into secured place away from the hacker
- Using of the technical skills to do any work and employees throughout the workplaces are used of technical machines
Week 3: Privacy
From this week unit, I understand about the characteristics of the privacy, its importance to the individuals (includes of ICT professionals) and organizations. It is explored of context of privacy along with technology into the historical cases. It becomes familiar with role of privacy commissioner. I identified the privacy legislation at both national as well as state level. The learning material of this week lecture is based on developing as well as presenting the project outcomes that synthesises the knowledge of both ethical along with socio-technical challenges which are faced by the ICT professional (Parker 2017). I learnt about the roles of the standards, code of conduct as well as legislative and regulatory obligations on level of the professionalism of ICT industry. There are two different types of privacy such as physical privacy and information privacy. Privacy is ability of the individual and group to seclude the information about them. The domain of the privacy is overlapped security that is included of concepts of proper use along with protection of the information. Privacy is exchanged the perceived benefits as well as specific dangers along with losses. There is strategic view of the human relationships. The examples of physical security are bag searching as well as use of DNA (Remley and Herlihy 2014). The information security is such a way where the governmental agencies and organizations can able to handle the personal information like age, address, and physical as well as mental health records. I observed that privacy is free from the interference and intrusion, free from the surveillance, right to left alone as well as own space. I analyzed that popularity of the networking sites have many privacy concerns. Privacy is mattered as there are new technologies which are raised connected as well as complex interactions (Such and Rovatsos 2016). It is related to protection of the personal data. Informational privacy is the privacy of the personal information and it is related to the personal stored data on the computer systems.
Chosen questions: Memorable moments of PIIT
From this week unit, I understand the concept of the group dynamics, understand difference among the groups as well as teams, identification of the stages into group formation, and understand and identify the types of roles in groups. I can able to understand characterises of the collaboration, identify the characteristics of the group performance, gaining of practical experience into the collaboration, practical teamwork advices for the graduates. There are increased of variety of the project activities into the weekly seminar. I am aware of the ethical dilemma that is occurred at time of year in Australia. Group dynamics is study and use of the processes which are involved when people are into group interaction (Westin and Ruebhausen 2015). While performing of any project work, group development is the main activity which is required to get a proper project plan and it’s succeeded. The group dynamics is being concerned with how groups are being developed. There are also required to interact and develop of attitudes. I observed that group dynamics is being related to developmental concerns only why the groups are formed. We have studied group dynamics as it is imperative for the members of group to understand as well as utilize the methods for the communication. Open as well as transparent communication throughout the group’s chosen methods for building of communication and maintaining of the trust into the group and it keeps the working group together towards the organizational goals. In order to understand how the group works, there is study of the group dynamics along with its possible implications are studied. The theory is suggested that the humans are evolved into the species which is equipped for the survival when it is functioning into the groups. The groups are being possessed with the survival benefits without the proper cost like inter as well as intra completion of the groups. This study of the group dynamics are shed on how increasing diversity among the community and combat of the negative aspects which are raised from the group dynamics (Mimura 2018). For my project groups, it is required to break down the group dynamics to understand the negative implications which are raised out of the groups which have stronger ties with each other group members.
From this week unit, I have recapped with the importance of the communicational as well as sender, receiver. It is explored of the concepts of agility along with the challenges which are agile to ICT professionals. In this week, I learnt about the conceptual theory of agility into practices. I understood the concepts of the disruption along with the challenges and opportunities which are posed to the ICT professionals. There is disruption which brings out the threat as well as opportunity. I analyzed that agility is critical to the digital transformation. There is rapid change into the business landscape which is dictated by the innovation into the digital disruption. Change into the business is done quickly and there is forced to the businesses to be evolved (Marek, Schaufeli and Maslach 2017). I observed that businesses are embraced with the potential towards agile transformation into continuous assessment along with investment into the technology. Disruptive technologies are a new way to do the things which are initial with the requirements and needs of the existing customers. There are criteria on the organization which are used to make of business related decisions for the present business and it is created of issues for the future business. I have followed some of the project objectives such as there is recap of the importance of the communication along with sender and receiver. Organizational agility into age of disruption manages of disruptive changes, type of changes which are required towards ability of the students towards strategy along with composition. There are higher probability into the organization which is disrupted the companies to disrupt (Bennett and Raab 2017). The week study is concluded that agile workplace is adaptive, developmental, collaborative, fast, flexible, informative as well as competent in nature. Therefore, there should be improvement of workplace agility which results into project success.
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