Importance Of Framing Decisions For Effective Corporate Governance

Overview of Corporate Governance

Discuss about the Accounting Theory for Governmental and Nonprofit.

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This study has selected a journal written by Jeremy Pearce Dr on corporate governance illustrating importance of framing decisions in a business and its impact on shrinkage of corporate as well as inefficiency of operations. This study thereby assists in comprehending corporate governance in establishing strategic guidelines in superlative interests of enterprises.  In itself, the existing research paper highlights that speedy reply necessarily needs to be carried out for the purpose of remedial actions for different managerial state of affairs that are not in conformation with identified interests of corporation. In addition to this, this segment also talks about various ways out that can essentially aid the business entity to move forward.

As per the given study under deliberation, corporate governance is necessarily the set of regulations, various practices as well as procedures by which a corporation bets guided and controlled properly. In essence, corporate governance includes balancing and evaluating interests of varied stakeholders, namely, shareholders, investors, customers as well as suppliers, governing units along with the community (Quinn Jr 2014). As rightly put forward by Scott (2015), corporate governance also delivers appropriate structure for attainment of objectives of the business enterprise and covers different spheres of management, action plans as well as controls to different performance dimensions.

As stated in the given article under deliberation, business concerns can be regarded to be particularly nexus of corporate decisions. Essentially, the quantum of decision making each and every day either helps the company to make advancements in the forward decision at times in the best interests. However, it might also get the company to the rear direction that is away from the best interest or leaves the business concern in a neutral situation due to altering variables. Consequently, constant vigilance is said to be imperative. Successful business enterprises can be identified to be aspects that can effectively sketch out enhanced economic decrees in place of other competitors (Quinn Jr 2014). In essence, there is no company that is against decision framing. In different aggressively competitive places of marketing products/services, best possible performance is comparative and is not supreme provided certain given different complexities/intricacies involved in exercising suitable decision framing.

Furthermore, opinions stated in pieces of writing and articles talk about most favourable decision making. This can be considered to be complicated and a many-sided approach towards authority of decision making is essential. In addition to this, this in essence takes in a combination of different rules, various internal values, processes of moral decision making, leaders with moral value, and rigorous processes of recruiting workforces (Linsley et al. 2016). In addition to this, corporate governance also refers to zero tolerance of firms towards poor decision making, flat network dominated by various democratic processes and valid improvements for decision making. Thus, there are specific combinations of diverse components for appearing at proper decision making. 

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Importance of Decision Framing for Business Entities

In addition to this, the present article under deliberation refers to agency theory that again turns to specific fiduciary duties that are imperative for averting overall inclination of the agent to participate in self dealing (Mitchell and Nørreklit 2017). Again, it can be observed that in the current corporate world, specific fiduciary duties are essentially shielded using various rules and regulations, and are further strengthened by various additional provisions. This can help in ensuring that different directors can frame their decisions in the best interests of the business enterprise. In addition to this, this is juxtaposed against the background of maximization of profits along with returns for firm’s shareholders (Smith 2017). Essentially, this can be evaluated within the context of short term.

Again, the current study under deliberation also elucidates about situational nature of decision-making. Essentially, it is rather easy to comprehend the reason that is necessarily behind failure of conservative approaches to different regulation. This can help in becoming responsive at the time when different directors are faced with different stimulating and inspiring combination of immediate pressures of different business and on the other hand self-interest. Essentially, it is mainly because of reliance on processes of assertions undertaken can be referred to be not enough. In essence, the present piece under deliberation emphasizes on the initiation of continuous revelation. Also, enhanced stress on particularly materiality can facilitate in design as well as development of high quality environment for carrying out decision making (Beattie 2014). In this regard, it can be said that various approaches as well as advances towards constant disclosures can smooth the progress and make good sense regarding business decisions and corporations have the requirement to abide by specific advances. Fundamentally, addition of stakeholders’ materiality of corporation together with the continuous disclosures of the firm presented in the framework for the purpose of corporate governance cannot in any way replace process of framing good decisions.

Analytical evaluation of the current article under consideration can help in emphasizing on the trust factor in this context. According to the present study, trust can also be regarded as the definitive currency for achievement of success in different markets (Parker and Fleischman 2017). This is primarily driven by various market driven economies and basically trust can be augmented by means of reliable information derived from various incredible sources. Fundamentally, business concerns that necessarily carry out proactive processes to generate trust by way of augmented transparency in the processes of decision making can succeed in attaining competitive advantage. Again, this does not inevitably need external framework of proper reporting and procedures of accounting. This can act as a substitute and function as a time taking proposition at the same time pricey. Nevertheless, this does not necessarily refer to the need to present reports and reporting procedure cannot necessarily attest to be a replacement for apt process of arriving at decision (Mohammadi 2015). Bearing in mind the above stated facets, it can be hereby said that steady together with reliable business decisions can aid firms to function in a swift manner. This can also help in generation of ground-breaking ways of articulating the way and ascertaining reasons behind corporations can be believed without any sort of external impact.

Challenges in Decision-Making

The article under consideration mentions that corporation can be referred to as spoiled. In consequences, any sort of flawed decision that is particularly not in the best interests of the business enterprises can be indicated as corrupt decisions (Banerjee 2014). Evaluation of  current article replicates that particular economic decision regarding stakeholders’ can be considered as a assertion/pronouncement in the way towards collapse of business concerns . Essentially, crumpling of all business concerns begin with moral lapses in a specific decision that is commonly ensued by efforts to cover up poor business decision at the outset. Also, each and every corrupt decision that does not indicate towards collapse of the corporate can be regarded to be inefficient. This can be considered in relation to optimum presentation of performance of the business concern. As correctly indicated by Dyckman and Zeff (2015), decisions framed and designed by various imperfect individuals can be said to effectively inclined to various irrational, self-centered and emotional decision making. Furthermore, this might probably not be as per the best interest of the corporation. As suggested by Otley (2016), individuals can be said to be intrinsically flawed, consequently, corrupt processes of decision making can be regarded to be a norm and essentially not omission.

As presented in the given article, corporate collapse essentially starts at the time when board of the corporation. This is said to be associated directly to various players engaged in the procedure (Richard et al. 2016). The author of the current article is of the opinion that different business enterprises suffer from different inefficacies due to policies framed by management. Furthermore, the current article under consideration also adds that there are numerous cases that firms essentially tend to be de-facto fiefdioms. In actual fact, decision making orient around particular specifications that in essence satisfies the ego along with system of belief of the management. This is how it limits bounded steadiness. In addition to this, studies undertaken by different scholars validate the notion that bad strategic decisions can lead the way towards poor results. Basically, Baxter (2014) refers to failure that emanates due to unforeseeable events. 

Detailed analysis replicates that employee essentially operate to earn living and depend on wages/salaries. Therefore, they frame decisions according to the own interests. In addition to this, managers participate in the process of appeasement of the chief executive officers and make sure removal of any kind of potential threats to the position. Basically, this represents that diverse players engaged often make efforts to promote procedure of identification of diverse players of a corporation (Whittington 2016). This is within a specific corporation who do not devise decision by taking into account best interests of corporations. In particular, this particular information needs to be presented to different stakeholders of the business concern. Nevertheless, it can be considered to be easier said than undertaken since specific players are exceedingly adept in manipulation of truth as well as persuasion others that they are correct. In essence, this opinion can be supported by different other scholars. There are also other prior scholars who support the opinion that executives having ability to set on specific procedures of arriving at decisions given the fact that interests of the company are very significant. Ward and James (2015) mention that individuals framing best decisions need not cover up anything and proper business governance is inevitably the mode of conversion of a high-quality business concern into a huge concern. Nonetheless, in the current situation, the recognized business enterprise does not always get involved by simple detection of both executives and non-executive administrators.

Agency Theory and Fiduciary Duties

Furthermore, it can be hereby stated in this context that situations also get altered. Business pressures also get escalated and appeal of self-interest is also inescapable. Considering the importance of the business enterprise, this can be hereby stated that there is obligation for a vigorous together with inclusive method and arrangement of continuous watchfulness. Particularly, continuous watchfulness has the need to shed light on different ways of arriving at specific decisions particularly in the best interests and necessity of corporation. Caparrós et al. (2017) says that corruption can be regarded as an adverse influence that affects economic development of a specific nation. In this context, preventive vigilance can aid in the process of decreasing corruption level and this can help in contributing positively towards proper corporate governance. As correctly mentioned by Leong (2015), business corruption can deter overall advance of a nation and produce disproportions in the method/scheme of circulation of income along with wealth. This adds to the concept that decisions of expansion plans of a business, speedy plans of expansions together with different unintentional decentralization and might possibly direct the way towards corruption in case if suitable management system are not instituted.

Furthermore, speedy reply also needs to be carried out to mitigate risks encountered in diverse circumstances that are not in line with interests of the project (Freeman et al. 2017). Essentially, there are several academic scholars who have the same opinion that it is vital to establish a particular system that can help in the procedure of quick and at the same time fast managerial decision making process. In essence, this might probably take in developing decisions based on discussions presented to directors (Scott 2015). Thus, it can be hereby said that directors of firms have the necessity to set up a specific arrangement that can assist in promoting fast procedures of administrative decision making. This study also presents the fact that board or management of business also has requirement to be self-determining to ensure maintenance of superior accountability with plan of additional augmentation of business governance. Thus, the discussions presented above help in substantiating the views presented by the Rankin along with other scholars.


In the end it can be said that the study aids in acquiring thoughtful insight as regards the roles of corporate governance and substantiates the statement presented herein. This study also validates the fact that good corporate governance can help in shaping strategic decisions that are outlined as per the requirements and interests of the business concern. Furthermore, the present study also sketches features of consistent along with reliable decision making processes. In addition to this, this section also explicates illustratively corporate corruption and ensuing corporate collapse together with specific approaches for mitigation of recognized issues. Certain mitigation strategies are also mentioned herein for good corporate governance.


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