Importance Of External Environment For The Success Of A Company: Analysis Of News Articles On Nike

The 21st century business environment

The 21st century is the era of technological advancements and developments. All the organizations in each and every part of the World are trying to utilize all the possible means in order to win over the competition and make sure that they are able to satisfy the customers to the maximum level. However, in this modern day scenario, it is important for the companies to keep an eye over the internal and the external environment. If companies give importance only to the internal aspects of the organization then they will lose many important things that are happening in the external world. Nike is one of the important and well-known shoe company in the united States. Over the years they have achieved good heights of success, becoming one of the leading shoe companies in. Though the company owners pay a huge amount of importance on the internal aspects of the company, there might be many other issues like technological advancement, dissatisfaction among the customers and many other such factors affecting the reputation of the company badly.  It is really very essential for a company to keep a sharp eye upon all the external factors like social, political, technological. In this tough competitive world, one cannot afford to fall back. It is essential for a company to make sure that they are trying to strike a proper balance between the internal and also the external environment of the company.

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As a CEO, I feel that I must start paying sufficient importance to the external environment of my business. This will help me to get a good amount of information regarding the external affairs going in the United States. This is indeed very essential for the overall success of the company. I have thought of undertaking a deep and in-depth analysis of the different news articles. I feel that these will surely be very helpful for giving me a sufficient amount of information regarding the external world of the organization.

By Kate O’Flaherty  

Nov 22, 2018, 04:51am

This news article talks about the major target that must be fulfilled by the cyber crime department during the sale hours of Black Friday. This is because companies like ebay, Nike, Dell and others will be facing a hug and overwhelming amount of buyers. As there will be a huge amount of sale during that time, the cybercrime branch has a huge responsibility. They have to make sure that the fraudulent are not able to cheat the customers by cloning of the cards or any other method of making transactions online. There have been several instances where the online buyers have been brutally cheated. They are fallen prey to the cheaters who know the art of carding tutorials. This is one of the cheating methods through which the cheaters can easily make the buyers pay for their transactions. This transaction is totally invalid as the money is lost within the whole process of the online transaction. Phishing is another challenge that has to be faced by the companies like Nike. They have to make their customers aware about getting any fraudulent emails from their trusted vendors featuring some handsome deals. Even if they get any such deals they must not click on to them for opening the. They must visit the website of the company and make the transactions

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Importance of external environment for company success

As a CEO, I feel that this is one of the most important issues that must be taken into account. Being one of the most leading producers of sports equipment in the world, we cannot afford to bring such scandals over ourselves.  I also realized that if this issue is being highlighted in one of the leading Magazine like Forbes, then it is time that we gear up to work over this. A CEO must make sure that there are proper ethics and policies being framed for the company. I will also conduct many seminars where I will address this issue strictly. I will make sure that none of our customers are being cheated by any of the fraudulent sellers online. I feel that this is a huge threat to the reputation of the company and it has to be looked after with proper concern.

By Erik Matuszewski

Nov 21, 2018, 05:48pm

This article is mainly talking about the new

As the CEO, I feel that this is really a very smart move on the part of the company and this will bring positive and good news for the company in the coming years. Nike is the go to brand for all the people who are the sports lover. The famous and the long awaited match or the gold faceoff between Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson be played in city like Las Vegas. They both will be wearing the dresses from Nike which is indeed positive news for people. This is because of the fact that people all over the world are trying to buy their favorite t-shirts or the team jerseys in order to make sure that they are able to support their favorite icons on the day of the iconic match. There will mainly be two teams the Phill team and the tiger team. This will be marked by the red and black colored jerseys that will be taken from the Nike. No matter people are supporting one of the member or the other they are all getting ready for the historic and most awaited match. This is indeed one of the good and positive factors that Nike must take into account. They must realize that there is a very good popularity of their brand all over the world. So, they have to make sure that they are maintaining their quality of the products. This will make sure that they are enjoying a very good position all over the industry.

Analysis of news articles on Nike

As the CEO, I will make sure that the organization is getting motivated and trying their level best to deliver the right quality and quantity of the products that are being deliver y them. I have realized the endorsing other golf attires will also be very beneficial for our company. It is for this reason that I will provide special; training and development sessions for all the manufacturers of my company. I will also make sure that we start designing many new shoes and attires for all other upcoming gold shows.

Dec 5, 2018, 08:00am

This article mainly talks about the social and the cultural reasons that might affect the ongoing reputation of Nike. In order to be successful in the long run they have to make sure that they are not hurting the sentiments and the emotions of any of the customers. Nike must make sure that they are being able to set up a clear and neutral business that does not discriminate between customers based on their ethnicity or racial backgrounds. The CEO and the President of Levi’s company have also made sure that the customers are not being discouraged or disheartened in any way. He asked after the gun violence that he gun owners must not bring the guns inside the store. Nike must also take a lesson from this and make sure that there is no gender biasness. UK retailer John Lewis has also removed the girls and boys tag from the clothing items in order to promote equality.

Therefore, as a CEO, I will make sure that the company stays fair in whatever new venture it undertakes. Profit maximization will surely be the main priority of the organization but at the same time, they must not use any illegal or unfair means. If it is found that the products are meant only for some handful of people who are gaining some unnecessary advantages, there might be serious legal steps taken against them. So, this can be a threat to the organization. They have to abide by all the ethical and fair rules in order to maintain a good reputation.


Cheng, A. (2018). Brands May Repel Shoppers With Social Commentary But Take A Bigger Risk Staying Silent, Study Says. Forbes, 1-7.Available at:

Matuszewski, E. (2018). 5 Reasons For Golf Fans To Watch ‘The Match: Tiger Vs. Phil’. Forbes. Available at:

O’Flaherty, K. (2018). Hack Friday — How To Avoid Five Major Cybersecurity Risks. Forbes. Available at:

Pham, P. (2018). Vietnam’s Trade War Balancing Act. Forbes, 1-6. Available at:

Watts, L. (2018). When Brand Strategy And Corporate Culture Collide. orbes Communications Council CommunityVoice, 2-8. Available at:

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