Importance Of Ethical Communication In Business

Argument 1: For (Is it necessary for the company to focus on the ethical policies?)

In this paper the discussion will be made on the thesis statement related to “Ethical communication is an ethical part of the business”. It can be investigated; ethical communication has an essential role in the workplace.  To achieve growth it is necessary for the higher authorities to emphasize on managing the ethical communication in organization. Ethics emphasizes on the on the data which is correct and relevant.  Ethical communication is concerned to the communication which can take into consideration the practices which are ethical.  It simply states that the activities of the organization should be managed in an effective manner by considering the overall policies and rules. It is necessary to manage the activities by considering those actions which are considered as an ethical act under the eye of law.

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It has been investigated that there are issues that are related with the ethical communication in the workplace. By emphasizing on the recent scenario, the argument which can be considered relates with the importance of the ethical policies in the organization.  In the workplace it is important that flow of communication should be there as it can help in achieving growth in the competitive market.   It can be stated that to maintain communication in the workplace the organization should emphasize on taking into consideration the policies which are concerned with ethics so that communication can take place in a proper manner (Hargie, 2016).

It can be analyzed that company should have some rules and policies that should be considered so that positive outcome can be attained. It is necessary for the organization to create the policies which show proper message of the level of expectation of the business.  The policies which are selected by the company should give clear message about the expectation level of the company from the employees. The expectation level can be concerned with honesty when communication takes place with the consumers. Ethical communication can only take place when ethical policies are implemented in the workplace (Thayer, 2015).

The benefits can also be attained by considering the overall policies of the company which are ethical. Through these policies the company can easily attain success in the market. It will also help to reduce the flow of unethical communication which is concerned with stealing the private data and company can easily maintain their image in the market (Shockley-Zalabak, 2014).

By considering ethical communication, it can be investigated that it can be easy to maintain trust in the workplace between the employees. It is necessary to focus on the value and behavior so that issues in the workplace can be minimized.  The data of the organization should be maintained with confidentiality and it should not be communicated with the people in the workplace.  It is necessary for top management to emphasize on maintaining the ethical code of conduct so that operations in the workplace can be managed with the ethical framework. It is the duty of the workers to focus on managing the operations so that positive outcome can be attained (Trevino and Nelson, 2016).

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Argument 2: For (by considering ethical communication values and behavior are essential)

 The individuals should behave in a proper way so that it could not affect negatively on the people in the workplace. The ethical issues can be related, if workers in the workplace are not focusing on ethical communication.  It can be seen that ethics can take place in a different manner in every different organization. The companies have its own framework and policies and by considering framework it is important to communicate in an ethical manner. From the workers it is expected that focus should be given on completing the activities in an ethical way. It is important to emphasize on managing the culture in the organization so that ethical practices can be considered. In the workplace it is necessary to focus on ethical behavior so that the overall standard of the organization can be boosted (Richards and Schmidt, 2014).

Safe and positive environment is essential for the employees in the organization. The issue that occurs in the organization relates with the unsafe working environment. It is necessary for the workers to behave in a proper manner so that it can be easy to maintain safe working culture. If the employees in the workplace are not safe then it can impact the overall level of productivity. Communication which takes place in the ethical manner can also help in boosting the overall motivation of the employees in the workplace (Kabir, Watson and Somaratna, 2018).

Ethical communication is known as one of the essential factor that can assist in maintaining the overall organizational environment.  If the employees in the workplace are not communicating by emphasizing on proper code of conduct then it can enhance the issue related to conflict in organization. There are organizations who offer proper training to workers as it can be easy to maintain the flow of communication. It can be seen that positive environment in the workplace is important to be considered as it can boost the ethical behavior of the employees (Huang and Luthans, 2015).

If employees and top management considers ethical communication then it can be easy to reduce the overall conflicts in the workplace. Therefore, it can be stated that the argument concerned with unethical communication can help in maintaining safe environment. The statement which is given is not ethically right. The correct statement can relate with creating safe environment by considering the ethical communication in the workplace (Vercic and Zerfass, 2016).

 One of the important issues is concerned with discrimination in organization. It is necessary for companies to focus on the problem concerned with discrimination. In the company discrimination can result to negative outcome in the activities of the organization. This affect can also been seen on the overall confidence level of the employees. By focusing on ethical communication it can be seen that motivation level of the employees can be enhanced and it will also boost the equality between the employees in the workplace (Kim and Krishna, 2017).

Argument 3: Against (Communication which is unethical can maintain safe working environment)

Proper flow of communication can assist the organization to emphasize on maintaining the goals which can lead to overall success in the high level of competition.  It is the duty of the top management to emphasize on maintaining positive environment. It can be investigated that positive environment can only be maintained if there is no discrimination in the organization. To maintain discrimination free environment it is necessary to emphasize on creating proper relation with higher authorities as it can help in attaining the overall goals and objectives.  The rules and regulations which are specified help to maintain discrimination free environment which maintain proper functioning of the activities. Proper functioning can also help in maintaining the level of satisfaction of the employees. Therefore, it can be analyzed that if ethical communication exists in the company then it can help in maintaining the discrimination free environment. This factor is considered as one of the important factor on which focus should be given by the top management so that profitability can be attained (Neher and Sandin, 2017).

According to my opinion, it can be investigated that if ethical communication is not there in the workplace then it can be difficult to emphasize on the targets which are important to be achieved. Adverse impact can also be seen on the overall lack of communication in the workplace. It is necessary for the higher authorities to emphasize on maintaining the ethical environment so that relation of the employees and employer can be maintained.  It will also help in maintaining the values which are necessary to be considered by the employees so that policies which are implemented can be implemented successfully.

Ethical communication in the workplace can also results in maintaining the operations of the company. When the person emphasizes on policies then it can be analyzed that they behave in a proper way.  Communication is one of the important aspects that should be taken into consideration by the management. The higher authorities are involved in maintaining the ethical stance so that it can be easy to attain success. By having proper flow of communication, the activities of the company can be managed effectively.  Also to finish the task in a proper manner the support is given by the management which can help in behaving in an ethical manner.  It is necessary to follow proper communication channel so that growth can be attained. So, flow of communication should be proper in the workplace as it can also motivate the employees to give their best.


By focusing on the paper, it can be stated that ethical communication in the workplace assist in accomplishing the goals. If there is no communication in the workplace then it would be difficult to guide the employees towards the activities. Also, it can lead to the loss of the organization and can enhance the hindrances at the time of managing the activities. therefore, it is necessary for the employees to focus on considering the right step so that it can be easy to manage the activities. Ethical communication in the organization can also help in attaining growth and image can be maintained in a proper manner.  


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Vercic, D. and Zerfass, A., 2016. A comparative excellence framework for communication management. Journal of Communication Management, 20(4), pp.270-288.

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