Importance Of Employee Training In Modern Business Organizations
The Changing Landscape of Employee Training
Discuss about the Human Resource Management for Organizational Effectiveness.
The “process of globalization or internationalization and the recent developments in the fields of technology as well as innovations have drastically modified the way the different business organizations or the companies transact their business in the present times”(Briscoe, Tarique and Schuler 2012). Thus, in the present times the diverse business organizations try to take the help of various kinds of innovative as well as effective strategies for the improvement of their prospects in the business world (Briscoe, Tarique and Schuler 2012). Therefore, the effective management of the employees related to a particular organization, more commonly called by the name of “management of human resources or Human Resource Management” has gained prominence within the framework of the present day business world (Brewster, Chung and Sparrow 2016). The role of the various “human resource management” teams in the contemporary business world has undergone a drastic transformation not only in terms of the recruitment as well as the selection process but also for the other important attributes of the management of the human resources (Brewster, Chung and Sparrow 2016). This essay will discuss about the importance or the need of the training which is being provided in the majority of the business organizations and the financial implications which these training processes have for the organization concerned.
Many scholars are of the opinion that apart from the process of “recruitment and selection” one of the major roles of the “human resource management” teams within the framework of a particular organization is to provide effective training to the employees (Marchington et al. 2016). These training sessions are fruitful for the organization concerned as they not only help the employees to learn about the effective ways by means of which they can complete the job roles which would be assigned to them in the near future but also helps them to gain the necessary information and skills which are likely to help perform in a much better manner (Marchington et al. 2016). Therefore, the insistence of the majority of the business organizations of the present times like Woolworths Limited is on the concept of providing effective training facilities to the employees with the objective to “enhance not only the individual performance of the employees but the overall performance of the organization itself” (Jiang et al. 2012). However, the present times it is seen that the process of training as well as learning within the framework of the various organization has undergone drastic transformation (Jiang et al. 2012).
Need for Effective Training in Business Organizations
Many scholars are of the opinion that one of the primary reasons for the change in the learning style as well as the training style within the framework of the various organizations is the changing environment of the business world (Brewster, Chung and Sparrow 2016). The CEO of the organization Intrepid Learning is of the opinion that “Global CEOs face an environment that is more competitive than ever—one in which they live or die by their ability to lead innovation… requires that they strategically develop the talent they need to envision and execute the business strategies that will make them successful in the future” (Dearbor 2018). It is a reflection of this particular fact that the various organizations of the present times try to foster a continuous learning environment where the employees are taught to indulge in continuous learning activities rather than depending on the training programs (Brewster, Chung and Sparrow 2016). The employees are therefore taught to give up the cliché methods of learning processes and take the help of learning methods which are in synchronization with the needs of the present times (Brewster, Chung and Sparrow 2016). Furthermore, most of these new age organizations emphasis the need to constantly take the help of the concepts of innovation as well as creativity for the completion of the tasks and the job roles which have been assigned to them (Berman et al. 2012). It is significant to note that the changing focus of the organizations on the concepts of innovation as well as use of creativity and also continuous learning processes has drastically changed the training programs of the various organizations and also the roles of the “human resource management” teams related to them (Dearbor 2018). Therefore, the organizations of the contemporary business world not longer believe in the traditional classroom style of providing training to the employees rather the employees are taught to think “out of the box” and come up with new and innovative ideas for the completion of their job roles (Berman et al. 2012).
The employees are the most important entities of a particular business organization and thus the “human resource management” teams of these organizations are imbued with the role of the effective management of these diverse entities of the organization (Briscoe, Tarique and Schuler 2012). Many scholars are of the opinion that various training programs are essential to enhance the performance of the employees and thereby indirectly the overall performance of the organization (Briscoe, Tarique and Schuler 2012). It is significant to note that since the traditional times it is seen that the various organizations provide effective training sessions to the employees with objective to enhance the performance of the organization (Briscoe, Tarique and Schuler 2012). Many scholars are of the opinion that the more better the employees are at their job roles the higher are the chances that the organization is likely to earn a higher amount of profit (Alfes et al. 2013). It is a reflection of this particular fact that the various organizations not only insist on the training but at the same time try to encourage the employees to take the help of the continuous learning process and also creativity and innovation (Alfes et al. 2013).
Financial Implications of Employee Training Programs
The budgetary consideration for the training programs has gained significant prominence in the recent times. There are various budgetary factors which the organizations need to take into consideration for the process of effective training to the employees. The most important ones among them are the cost of administration, consultation, the training of the trainer so that he or she can provide training to the employees, adequate infrastructure and others. In addition to these, it is generally seen that most of the present day organizations are increasingly taking the help of the recent technologies for the process of training. Therefore, it is seen that the use of these technologies also puts a considerable amount of economic burden on the part of the organization. However, the major focus of the various organizations of the present times is on the ways by means of which the revenue or the annual profit earned by them can be enhanced (Briscoe, Tarique and Schuler 2012). Therefore, the experts related to the organizations like Woolworths Limited and others are of the opinion that the various training programs and others provided to the employees are a considerable liability on the organization involved in the process (Briscoe, Tarique and Schuler 2012). Furthermore, it is generally seen that the various employees after getting adequate training and also after gaining a considerable amount of experience leaves the job and this particular features acts a considerable amount of loss to the organization concerned (Briscoe, Tarique and Schuler 2012). Therefore, the various organizations are skeptical about providing the requisite kind of training to the employees. However, there are others who are of the opinion that these training programs are an essential part of the job roles of the “human resource management” teams and they help in the improvement of not “only the individual performances of the employees related to the organization but also in the improvement of the overall performance of the business organization involved in the process” (Jiang et al. 2012). Many scholars are of the opinion that the various kinds of training programs should be seen by the organizations as a kind of future investment wherein they are investing in the employees who are more likely to “bring about the overall growth as well as the development of their business organization by dint of the services which they render to the organization” (Jiang et al. 2012). Therefore, it is seen that in the present day context the various organizations are increasingly investing in various kinds of innovative as well as creative kinds of training programs wherein the employees are able to acquire the relevant skills in a much effective manner (Brewster, Chung and Sparrow 2016). Moreover, with the emergence of the concepts of continuous learning and use of innovations as well as creativity it is seen that the amount of capital which the organizations needed to invest in the earlier times has been considerably reducing while ensuring that the performance level of the employees related to the organization is enhanced (Brewster, Chung and Sparrow 2016). Many scholars are of the opinion that the various organizations end up gaining more amount of capital than they had invested in the various training programs which are provided to the employees by dint of the kind of performance which they are likely to give back to the organization (Brewster, Chung and Sparrow 2016). Therefore, it seen that the various organizations spend a considerable amount of capital on the training programs of the employees with the objective to enhance their performance which will indirectly in the longer run benefit the organization concerned.
The Importance of Continuous Learning and Innovation
I have been associated with the organization Woolworths Limited for quiet sometime now and I would like to comment in this particular context that the organization is one of the very few ones which believe in taking the help of the traditional kinds of training methods. The organization takes into special consideration the need of providing effective training to the employees and this is one of the key reasons why the organization under discussion invests a considerable amount of capital on the training process of the employees who form an important part of the organization. However, I personally believe that major drawback of the training policy which the organization uses is the lack of emphasis on the concept of continuous learning policy. Furthermore, another significant drawback of the training policy of the organization is its lack of emphasis on the concepts of creativity as well as innovation. Therefore, in a way it can be said that the training program of the organization is not as per the “recent changes in the world of business”. I personally believe that in the recent times it has become very imperative the various business organizations to take into effective consideration the requirements of the present say business world. Therefore, it becomes apparent that the organization under discussion here needs to modify the training program which it is using at the current moment to provide training to the employees. The organization for its training should focus more on the concept of continuous learning process. Furthermore, the focus on the concepts of creativity as well as innovation is also likely to help the organization in a significant manner. These methods or strategies are not only likely to help the organization to reduce the amount of capital which it ends up spending on yearly basis on the training process but is also likely to make its training program more effectively. Moreover, by fostering a continuous learning environment the organization is also likely to gain in a significant manner.
To conclude, with the changes in the contemporary the role of the various “human management teams” of the various organizations have also undergone a drastic change. Therefore, in the present times it is seen that the traditional methods of training and other practices of the “human resource management” no longer fit within the framework of the modern day business world. Thus, the various organizations of the present times take the help of various kinds of innovative as well as new training methods with the objective to provide better kind of training to the employees with the objective to enhance their performance. It is generally seen that these training programs not only “help to enhance the individual performance of the employees related to a particular business organization but also contributes in a significant manner towards the enhancement of the overall performance of the organization”. It is with this objective that the various organizations invest a significant amount of capital in the training programs. Furthermore, it is seen that the organizations of the present times take the help of various kinds of innovative methods of training like taking the help of the concepts of creativity, innovations and continuous learning process and others. Furthermore, by focusing on the various kinds of innovative as well as creative kind of training programs the organization concerned will also be providing training to the employees which will be on par with the requirements of the industry. It is a reflection of the benefits provided by these methods that the majority of the organizations are increasingly taking the help of these methods for the process of training.
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