Importance Of Employability And Enterprise Skills For Organisational Development: A Study On Tesco And Its Employee Relations

Employee Skills and Abilities

Employability and enterprise skills are the most transferable and indicative skills. These are necessary for any individual. It helps the individual to become employable. These skills need proper knowledge and technical understanding. Every employer is looking for these skills to assure their business growth (Sewell and Dacre Pool, 2010). Through the help of these skills employees can make themselves different form the others. In this highly competitive market, it is necessary for the employees to be innovative, knowledgeable and technical friendly (Rae, 2007). It is effective for the employees in helping to carry out their job roles along with shift its relation to economical globalisation (Bridgstock, 2009). Advancement of the technology and globalisation has forced the employees to be participative through its innovative technical skills. Organisation always looks for the best talent who can be effective for the organisational workforce development and thus it is highly necessary for the employees to have subject knowledge and technical skills.

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Enterprise skills denote the corporate skills which help to develop the organisational work environment (Fenton and Turner, 2017). Apart from the subjective skills, employees should have the communication skills, etiquette and manner. Modern days labour market is highly competitive and thus employers are looking for the talent who has the efficiency, flexibility and who can take initiatives for the development of the organisation. Hence, successful carrier building is necessary for the employees.

In present research, the researcher has chosen Tesco and its employee relation, employee engagement, performance and reward management and resource and talent planning along with the organisational development. These are all related to the personal CIPD map. The main aim of the research is to identify the importance of employability and enterprise skills for the development of the organisation. The objectives are given below:

To evaluate the employee skills and abilities which are necessary for the development of the organisation

To investigate the relationship between employability skills and enterprise development

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To reflect on the personal development plan

Curriculum vita is necessary for the employees as it helps the employers to be aware about the employee’s strengths, knowledge and expertise. The curriculum vita is the employees detail academic biography which is really necessary to get hired. There are several third party job portals which help both the employers and employees to meet each other expectation. In recent days it is highly necessary to have the knowledge of technology. Company or enterprise uses the resume or curriculum vita to separate the undeserved and unqualified individuals and list the suitable and knowledgeable and qualified individuals who are suitable for the offered position (Scott-Kemmis, Griffin and Fowler, 2017). For example, Tesco also hires their talent on the basis of the attractive resume and efficiency.

Curriculum Vita

Linked In is a shared or corporeal networking facility that is basically operated through digital platforms and even through a mobile application (Bell, 2016). It basically use for the specialized networking site. Individuals use this for proficient work purpose. These shared networking services also give an opportunity to the individuals to connect with each other through social networking platform. Mostly the human resource managers of different company post regarding the job vacancy in the Linked In. The candidates who have an account of Linked In can go through this and can apply through this social networking website; even individuals can upload their curriculum vitae in to this social networking website. Here people can evolve with the proper professional working environment (Rodríguez de Céspedes, 2017)

Staffing points:

The staffing agencies are very important and they help in bringing workforce in the organization. The workforce or staffs are the real asset for any company so the agencies who are important for fetching the workforce in to the organization. Numerous job seekers now days get benefited by this kind of agencies. There are a number of enrolment bureau present in UK, these are Antal International, Michael page, Interquest group, Morgan hunt etc they facilitate the job seekers to get a proper job that match with their skills (Scott et al. 2017). From an organizational aspect also these agencies are very important because they supply the main asset of the company to progress further. These agencies actually play a vital role by helping them to get more revenue or higher profit. They are a great help for an organization for making the probability higher in achieving its aim. The demanding organizations often contract with these agencies for recruiting staffs, now it’s became their responsibility to understand the need of the organization and take interviews of candidates in such a way that they can understand all shortcomings of the candidates and also the positive skills and efficiency of the candidates which is very important for choosing the right candidate. Choosing the right candidate is a very tedious task for the agency, having an education qualification or past experience does not matter that the candidates are suitable for the particular organization. However, they need to take ample amount of skill based tests and aptitude test to understand and evaluate the candidate performance and skills. Not only choosing matters but also the agencies need to provide some grooming and training to these candidates so that they can make a good consciousness in front of the organization.

Shared Networking Overhaul

With the evolution of technology, trade portico is availed through digital platform and is a huge success for the organization. It is beneficial for both the company as well as for the job seekers. The mangers can post the job vacancy in the trade portico or job portals and numerous numbers of job seekers can view it online (Hjelde, 2015). It’s not only reduces the operational cost but also provide a broader access of the candidates. Numerous numbers of employees can apply for the job and on urgent basis the company can avail the resume of the candidates and can call the selected one for the interview. The trade portico has huge measure of achievement over the traditional hiring method. Within a short gap company can hire employees suitable for the job after taking the interviews (Tran, 2016). E-staffing is very convenient and important as compared to the traditional method. In case traditional method, the operational cost is higher and the boundary is also very limited to some geographical extent and in some cases it restrict in to some particular industry or some particular skilled jobs where in job portals can have numerous number of opportunity of employment and that greatly varies in number of skills, background.

Individual liability:

Corporal trade or social trade can be done after building a relationship among the buyers; this is actually a division of sales (Perkins et al. 2014). Through face book, twitter, instagram this corporeal trade often takes place. The most significant corporeal selling technique is to share the exact details of the content, interface with the buyers, and personal branding plays a major key in this corporeal trade. Linked In act as a corporeal trade and numerous numbers of people attach to it in order to get the work information and to connect with more number of people (Tavlaridis and Gibson, 2017). The brand value of a particular product is also very important in order to reach to more number of consumers or buyers.

It is very important for the sales aide to follow the leads for making the current as well as the future business prospective in e commerce sector. Following up the leads will actually help him to understand in which position is he currently situates. It also helps to bridge the gap between the customer and the ecommerce sector. The bonding and relationships between the organization and the consumers also enhance (Iyer et al. 2018). Following up the leads actually make the customer understood that the business organization is want to make long term relationship with them. Sometime they refer the brand products to their friends and families. Linked In offer greetings to the customers, who visit their business page or websites to make them understand that the customers are important to them.  The E-staffing process also became very convenient over the traditional method. It reduces the operational cost and timing and also reduces the complexity of the staffing process (Jackson, 2015).

Staffing Points

Effective listening helps the sales assistant of an organization to understand the requirement of the customers in better manner. It is very significant and beneficial for the organization or association to understand the requirement and activities of the customer. In order to succeed in the digital platform listening to the customer review and attaining both of the positive as well as negative feedback actually help them to understand the potential customers and the unique requirement of them. The management must look after the concerned areas and check the factors which are responsible for the negative feedback from the customers. In this way they can attain the believe of the customers and the relationship among them enhances.

Associating relationships actually enhances the relationships among the partner organization and the consumers or buyers. It can also increase the probability of brand value and quality of the product. The more number of customers are getting connected with the partner organization. In order to increase the brand value the communication performs a major role in this case, communications through phone call, emails, messaging through a secured networking site also add as a convenience for associating relationships among the partner organization (Galloway, Marks and Chillas, 2014). The partner organization communicates with various channels and shares their innovative technologies to enhance the brand value.

Project making skills, social marketing and team management is most crucial for personal development as well as for playing the role of sales assistant and sales manager. The interpersonal skills of the sales assistant are actually required for gaining more number of satisfied buyers or consumers in the organization. In this ultra competitive digital marketing era, there a lot of business organization providing services to the customers. It is very important to understand that only the organization, have the potential sales assistant who has skills in team management and to strong communication can survive through this (Strycharczyk and Bosworth, 2016). The effective listening of the sales assistant is very important to understand the customer point of view. After identifying the assistants should take some strong decision to resolve the issue efficiently and to build a strong relationship among them.

A healthy management of team is very important for making a good culture inside an organization. Managing the squad proactively can actually create a good ambience inside an organization and even the peers and co ordinates work together energetically to get the work done. It is dependent in to the management to handle the team efficiently because the employees or staffs are the actual asset of the company. Whenever the organization faces any difficulty or in case customer issue arises vigorously then the team members’ work together to help the organization to attain success. Managing the digital platform and increasing the sales in ecommerce sites actually needed efficient workers who accustomed with the latest technologies and it is very important that the workers share their knowledge among the team and work together (Räty et al. 2018).

The sales assistant working in the ecommerce sites need to have the digital advertising skills. It actually helps them to implement new business strategy to perform well. In order to build the career in this ecommerce background one should concentrate to all aspect of business and make strategy to overcome all issues (Fenton and Turner, 2017). Digital advertising covered several important objects of search engine optimization, social media advertising, web analytics and making plan of several different digital crusades.

This talent plays a major role in this ecommerce and also in traditional sales process. The sales assistant is need to have the compatibility and efficiency to promote the sales process. The strong communication, using the latest technologies, effective listening skills will actually enhance the sales ability of an individual. Often issues like customer grievances, negative feedbacks, rivalry create a worse situation where the sales assistants and managers should use the strong approach to mitigate those issues. Employees can attain ample amount knowledge by solving such issues and their efficiency in job also enhances. The sales skill gives an opportunity to the sales assistant to convince the customer using the optimistic strategies. However, those are some very crucial as well as important skills that an individual should acquire in order to build his career in ecommerce site as well as in an organization.


A very crucial important for job search is to place a good quality resume or curriculum vitae, by which the human resource department can identify the pros and cons and the skills, academic qualifications, past experience and a lot more before hiring an employee. In traditional as well as in modern job search techniques this instrument act as the saviour for the job seekers. The next important thing is digital platform and various shared network service, here as an example Linked In has taken, the employers or mangers can place the recruitment and job vacancies through this and job seekers can search for the jobs and can apply for the particular job which matches their profile. The social or corporeal selling also plays a major role in increasing the profit ratio of an organization. The job portals also a great help for the job seekers as well as for the employers. The sales assistants are needed to incorporate several different aspects in order to build his career in this field. They need to have strong communication as well as can be able to handle issues efficiently.


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