Importance Of Effective Team Work And Digital Literacy
What to Expect from the Lecture
A team is a group of people working together to achieve same goal in coordination and in the well organised way. An effective team is that which together completes work efficiently, has clear goals and task and all the team members are committed to resolve the problems. With this each member should value and respect each other, respect the diversity in the group, most importantly the members should be trained new skills that every member should have professional growth in his/her career. All members should contribute to develop new vision and have learning and have enjoy in working together. An effective Leadership should be developed to have effective team work.
One important element in team is the meetings, the meetings should be for sharing effective information, and make decisions, review team practises and every meeting should have well defined agenda and minutes of discussion. Most importantly a meeting should have fruitful results and decisions ( Yong Shi, 2017).
What( Evidence)
From the given Lecture I expected to learn about the team work, the models for Team Development, the Role of the Team, about Team meetings, planning of team , how to make decision in Team, how to evaluate the Team progress and outcome and finally the Leadership quality for a Team management.
By the end of this Lecture I expect that I will understand the Team work in better way and will learn how to be a good Professional Team member and will also learn to work in a team as well how to become a good Team Leader, Team Maker and Decision team maker in the Team.
However at this moment my main objective will be to focus on the Team work, role of team members , how the team is formatted and how the decision are made , how a professional meetings are conducted rather than being concentrating on being a team leader as I believe firstly one has to be team member than a team leader.
I think I will enjoy learning in the class, even though it is a simple practical life related topic so at least I will try to concentrate single minded
My main objective of learning will be getting good marks in this course so that my overall percentage be good and I could able to get selected in good company for internship , that will be beneficial for me in getting good job in future.
The learning of how to form a team, assigning the job responsibility, how to resolve the conflict in the team, how a team member should work.
Reflection ( So what)
- Through this learning I evaluate myself in terms of what kind of team member I am.
- Is I am a good listener and how easily I learn from other people’s ideas.
- How can I give my views on related topic among the team members?
- Do I give proper chance to others to give their views?
- Do I use effective problem solving strategy.
- In which way I express my disagreement on unsatisfied issues.
- Is I am a contributor in team
Outcome (Now What )
- To be a better listener.
- Appreciate and motivate others.
- Be organised and to work in team strategically.
- I have to focus on issue in concentrative manner.
- Be a good team member.
In general term the communication means conversing or sharing views and information among peoples, organization and much more. But here the main emphasises is on the Digital communication system. It is also termed as Information and communication technology, the Internet and its resources are at present the primary means of communication. There are several advance facilities and technologies available at present for fast and better communication. These advance technologies not only provide smart methods to transfer the information but they are comparatively cheap, instant and most importantly had wider reach.
Effective Learning Outcomes
What ( Evidence)
- From this lecture I expect to know in detail about the communication technology and its methods.
- By the end of this Lecture I expect that I will be better in implementing the communication technology practices.
- I will be able to use practically these advance technologies too.
- Though this is a highly technical topic but has practical use in advance way, I hope I will concentrate on this topic thoroughly.
- I expect to use information system in more advance way through these technology.
- My main objective of learning will be getting good marks in this course so that my overall percentage be good and I could able to get selected in good company for internship , that will be beneficial for me in getting good job in future.
Most Effective Leaning Outcome
- The description of communication technology.
- The advance techniques in communication.
Reflection ( So what)
- I evaluate myself in terms of how better I am in communication technology.
- I evaluate myself in terms of knowledge of advance communication methods.
Outcome (Now What )
- I will study the advance methods in communication technology in detail.
- Will implement the learning outcomes practically.
ICT has put its impact and requirement in all fields, at present every organization wants to be digital and desires to work in that way. To work with ICT in better way the policies for implementation of the ICT is much required. The policies provide a better understanding and working for practicing ICT
What( Evidence)
- From this Lecture I expect to learn in detail about ICT practices in Digital learning.
- From the presentation about ICT policies for a high school I will learn the practical usability of the ICT.
- Though I usually don’t see policies but I hope I will attend lecture single minded.
- At the end of this Lecture I expect to have better understanding of ICT practices and the way to implement it.
Most Effective learning outcome-
- The ICT policies preparation and need.
- The advance methods for Digital Literacy.
Reflection ( So what)
- How much I know about latest ICT trends.
- Did I am practising ICT in fine manner.
Outcome (Now What )
- I will learn more about latest ICT trends.
- Will explore more about ICT policies.
Learning outcome- GLO- Critical Thinking-Finding Information and its trustworthiness
The collection of data that has well defined meaning and applicability to the related concern and most importantly available on time is termed to be an information. It is required to have an analytical and critical thinking for the judgement of trustworthiness of the problem. One important test conducted to test the information trustworthiness is through CRAP Test that helps in analysing the obtained information.
Along with above CRAP test another aspect that is considered in analysing the trustworthiness is the analysis of the Authority of the information, the author who has given this information and his/her credibility in terms of trust. Another important parameter of trust is the accuracy of information. And along with this the parameter is the acknowledgement given of the information (Vine V Das, R. Vijay Kumar, 2011),.
What( Evidence)
- From the given lecture I expected to know more about the Information features and its trustworthiness.
- By the end of this Lecture I expect that I will understand the information in better way, will understand that the quality of information varies, and will understand how to test the trustworthiness of Information in better way.
- I will be able to analyse the information in the critical way and be able to find good quality information.
- Although I am not so information freak but I know that a good information obtained on time gives wonderful information. This is again a practical matter so I will concentrate in logical way.
- I think I will enjoy learning in the class, even though it is a simple practical life related topic so at least I will try to concentrate single minded
- My main objective of learning will be getting good marks in this course so that my overall percentage be good and I could able to get selected in good company for internship , that will be beneficial for me in getting good job in future.
Most Effective Leaning Outcome
- The characteristic of reliable and trustworthy information.
- The practical tips given for finding the quality information from the pool of data.
Reflection ( So what)
- This lecture made me think about my way of selecting content or information from the pool of data.
- I also found weakness in my way of selecting the books for making the notes from library.
- I really found that I am not using smart digital approach for selecting information.
Outcome (Now What )
- I will implement the smarter way of searching the digital information.
- I will implement the CRAP Test for determining the quality of the information.
- I will apply the smarter techniques for assessing the information.
- Learning outcome –Problem solving analytical skill
At present the Employers have become very particular while selecting the employees, they test the candidates on the basis of their capability to resolve day to day problems, how much practical approach they apply in resolving issues, can they able to give proposal to solve problem, their ability to think critically, sequentially and synthesis the information.
What( Evidence)
- Through this Lecture I expect to learn in detail about problem solving and analytical skill.
- I will learn what competencies the companies look in candidates for their job application.
- I will learn what typical behavioural questions about management and organization are.
- I expect I will be better at the end of this seminar in respect of problem solving and analytical skill.
Most Effective learning outcome-
- The competencies companies looking in candidates.
- The Elevator speech.
Reflection ( So what)
- How good I am at problem solving and analytical thinking.
Outcome (Now What )
- I plan to apply the learning outcomes in the practical life.
- I plan to learn the advance techniques of problem solving and analytical thinking.
Learning outcome –Self Management
Self management and managing stress is one of the important requirement for any professional, student or person in any profession even in regular life too. At present everybody is busy with work , due to not designing a proper time management for their work they are always in stress of how to complete their work, how can they have spare time for other activities and so on.
Time management requires a proper planning, procrastination and perfectionism. According to new research the human body has become 20% water and 80% stress. Stress is not only due to incompletion of work but also due to feeling of anxiety , tension and worry for the consequences of the condition of not completing work, their reputation, the effect on their career, the financial issues and much more bring a person in stress ( Jeff Butterfield ,2015).
What( Evidence)
- Fromthe given lecture I expected to learn details about time management and how to overcome with stress.
- By the end of lecture I expect that I will be able to schedule my work in better way and will be able to tackle the stress level in better way.
- I will manage my work in better way.
- Although I am not so much planning oriented person , but again these issues relate to many practical life matters not only academics , I feel I will concentrate in more keen way in this class session.
- My main objective of learning will be getting good marks in this course so that my overall percentage be good and I could able to get selected in good company for internship , that will be beneficial for me in getting good job in future.
Most Effective Leaning Outcome
- The detail explanation of Time management and its factors.
- The detail explanation of dealing with stress
Reflection ( So what)
- I evaluate myself in ways I prioritize the activities to do.
- Is I am making proper use of time.
- Did I am better in work and time management in past or at present.
- Did I am able to complete work on given deadline.
- Did I am able to make balance between my reading and course assignment.
Outcome (Now What )
- Now I will prioritize my work and will make schedule.
- Now I will make a proper plan and will strictly follow it.
- I will try my best to implement practically all learning outcome.
- I will try my best to implement the stress management practices.
7Learning outcome GLO – Team work
We all live in community may be it is our personal life or at the professional life either in our education life. We all have to work in team at our all levels of life. Being good team member is a self-learning activity, how to cooperate, how to share views, how can be productive to the, be an asset to the company and a person of high morals make a person an effective team member (Helen Gregory, 2013).
What( Evidence)
- I expected to learn from this lecture is that I can better understand the team work.
- I can learn the Team work management in better way.
- Although I am not so keen observer but I hope I will learn single minded.
- At the end of this lecture I expect that will learn to use the team work techniques in practical practice.
Most Effective Leaning Outcome
- The team work detail
- How to be a fine team member.
Reflection ( So what)
- I evaluate myself on the basis of my team work examples.
- I ask my associates too about my team approach.
Outcome (Now What )
- Learn and implement the team work practices.
- Will implement many key points discussed in lecture practically.
8.Learning outcome GLO – Global Citizenship
At present the whole world has become one window, the companies are multinational having offices in several countries. With this companies have become global , the best employees are selected from whole world and recruited in their offices. With that the companies expect their employees to have Global Citizenship thinking. The Global Citizenship thinking requires to be adaptable in diverse cultures, languages and beliefs. The employees must learn how to work in coordination with diverse cultures and languages The main concept of Global citizenship is acceptance , respect , learn and appreciate diverse culture , giving value to work rather culture and Nation.
What( Evidence)
- From this lecture I expect to learn about the Global Citizenship in detail.
- I expect to learn the way of professional meeting and how to be Global centric in effective way.
- Although I am not a shy person but this lecture will give me opportunity to interact professionally.
- At the end of this lecture I will become confident for working in Global culture optimally.
Most Effective Leaning Outcome
- The discussion on Global Citizenship.
- The techniques for Global and to learn how to take responsibility of Global Work professionally.
Reflection ( So what)
- How I am at Global Thinking.
- How I interact with peoples.
- Is I am a fast learner.
Outcome (Now What )
- The learning outcome of the Lecture.
- Will be keen listener and observer.
- Will work to be more Globally confident in near future.
Learning outcome – Seminar-Planning and Organization
At present organizations have become very demanding while selecting the candidate for their job profile, the organizations look the candidates who know how to manage their tasks effectively, who can complete and coordinate tasks, can use resources optimally, have capability to plan and anticipate the tasks, respect deadlines and is a good decision maker. So for a good professional career planning and organizations are pillars of it.
What( Evidence)
- From this lecture expect to learn about planning and organization in better way.
- I expect to learn how to organise tasks, networking, social life and other activities.
- I expect to learn how to research in planned way.
- I expect at the end of this session I will be better at planning and organizing.
Most Effective learning outcome-
- The competencies requirement by companies for their candidates in terms of planning and organizing.
- The Elevator speech.
Reflection ( So what)
- Did I am well in planning and organizing.
- Is my approach towards planning is correct.
- Did I complete my work in well manner?
Outcome (Now What )
- I will apply my learning outcomes in practical life.
- Will be more organized.
- Will learn new techniques for planning and management on continuous basis.
Learning outcome –Seminar –Introduction to Seminars
Seminars are the important platform for students to learn the different course aspects in professional way and to present their views on certain topic among several peoples. These seminars help the students to develop their self-confidence to present their views in public. Here in the above discussed seminar the details of the organising and attending seminar is given.
What( Evidence)
- From this seminar I expect to learn about how to interact in the seminar.
- I expect to learn the way of professional meeting is conducted.
- Although I am not a shy person but this seminar will give me opportunity to interact professionally.
- At the end of this seminar I will become confident for attending other seminars.
Most Effective Leaning Outcome
- How the seminars are organized.
- The Elevator speech.
Reflection ( So what)
- How I am at public place.
- How I interact with peoples.
- Is I am a fast learner.
Outcome (Now What )
- Behave in same manner as my seniors do in seminar.
- Will be keen listener and observer.
- Will work to be more confident in near future.
Learning outcome –Seminar – Success Management
Seminars are the important platform for students to learn the different course aspects in professional way and to present their views on certain topic among several peoples. These seminars help the students to develop their self-confidence to present their views in public. Here in the above discussed seminar the details of the organising and attending seminar is given.
What( Evidence)
- I expected to learn from this seminar is that I can better understand the vision: success meaning in better way.
- I can learn the communication model in better way.
- Although I am not so keen observer but I hope I will learn single minded.
- At the end of this seminar I expect that will learn to use communication model in practical practice.
Most Effective Leaning Outcome
- How to use communication model in practical.
- The Elevator speech
Reflection ( So what)
- I evaluate myself on the basis of my knowledge of communication model.
- What is actual success for me?
Outcome (Now What )
- Learn and implement the Communication model as discussed in the seminar.
- Will implement many key points discussed in seminar in practice
ICT has put its impact and requirement in all fields, at present every organization wants to be digital and desires to work in that way. To work with ICT in better way the policies for implementation of the ICT is much required. The policies provide a better understanding and working for practicing ICT.
What( Evidence)
- From this seminar I expect to learn in detail about ICT practices.
- From the presentation about ICT policies for a high school I will learn the practical usability of the ICT.
- Though I usually don’t see policies but I hope I will attend seminar single minded…
- At the end of this seminar I expect to have better understanding of ICT practices and the way to implement it.
Most Effective learning outcome-
- The ICT policies preparation and need.
- The Elevator speech.
Reflection ( So what)
- How much I know about latest ICT trends.
- Did I am practising ICT in fine manner.
Outcome (Now What )
- I will learn more about latest ICT trends.
- Will explore more about ICT policies.
- Yong Shi, (2017), Information technology and decision Making, ISBN , Vole .16, no. 3, pp. 593-596
- Kathy Schwab, (2015), Information Technology Project Management, Cen age publication
- Vine V Das, R. Vijay Kumar, (2011), Information and Communication Technologies, Springer publication.
- Helen Gregory, (2013), Teamwork, Capstone publication
- Jeff Butterfield , (2015), Illustrated Course Guides: Teamwork & Team Building , Cennage Learning
- The reference materials are Lecture slides and Seminar Slides of the course study.
- Reference Template provided in the assignment paper